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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11073192 No.11073192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I be pretty like a girl?

I read there is some medicine you can take?

>> No.11073199

Would you let your daughter dress like that?

>> No.11073202

I'm a boy.

>> No.11073204

The government would arrest me if I did.

>> No.11073213

Too bad they don't care if they're naked.

>> No.11073215

why is there just one doujin of her.

fucking japan get it together you have some god damn gold on your hand make use of it

>> No.11073219

I don't care about you.

>> No.11073237

Huh... that's basically exactly my body type, and I was considering making that outfit at some point.

>> No.11073253

/jp/ - My Friends Are Here

>> No.11073284

Are you pretty? How can I be pretty like you?

>> No.11073293
File: 41 KB, 360x599, 360px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S73495,_Oskar_Dirlewanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can get this pretty if they just try hard enough. Ganbare, anon-kun!

>> No.11073379

Why would you want that? Girls are fags

>> No.11073374

I will try my best but what do I have to do to be pretty like a girl?

>> No.11073399

Because I like pretty things and want to be pretty so I can dress in cute clothes.

>> No.11073513

Do you think you have the neccesary physique for it?

>> No.11073533

I was only 110 lbs the last time I checked and I am very slim.

>> No.11073551

sup scarecrow

>> No.11073544 [DELETED] 

How tall are you?

I'm 6'4", 128.

>> No.11073578

If you like pretty things, why don't you behave in a way that encourages pretty girls to be pretty, at least during some days?

>> No.11073583

What does that even mean?

>> No.11073599

Come live with me. I'll get you all the clothes and mones you need.

>> No.11073606

Girls are inherently ugly.

>> No.11073612

ctrl-f 'MtF General'

>> No.11073631

I don't want to be a girl I just want to be pretty like one.

>> No.11073677

...a-are you okay? I hope your bones don't break.

>> No.11073689

yes, you can inject estrogen and take testosterone blockers. it will de-masculinize you and give you a feminine face and feminine curves

>> No.11073693

Still head on over to /lgbt/ then, plenty of non-trans crossdressers.

>> No.11073735

People are interactive beings. I think women in general show much greater aptitude for prettiness.

>> No.11073855

Kill yourself, subhuman.

>> No.11073853
File: 516 KB, 980x1160, d0dcc4f56ccc07739cb270ed2594729d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4mg estrodoil and 100(or 200 I think is better) spironolactone taken daily (I do half in the morning half at night)

You should start to look more feminine at around 6 months

>> No.11073875

That was mean. I am sure that she is very pretty.

>> No.11073880

What's wrong? Time will kill everyone.

>> No.11073882

I'm sure hes just an ugly fucking degenerate like all the other subhumans pretending to be women.

>> No.11073919

I don't understand why people lash out like that when things like organized crime exist. It's like a selective baby version of feeling world pain.

>> No.11073929

You and everyone like you are absolutely disgusting, I have time to be disgusted by those other degenerates as well. I'm just so well off I don't have to deal with those failures, I do however, have to deal with you freaks on /jp/.

>> No.11073937
File: 295 KB, 715x904, ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you can eat some shit

go on, now. Eat it.

>> No.11073933

That sounds like a long time. Where do I get that medicine? How does it make you pretty?

>> No.11073942

You eat shit, cis scum.

>> No.11073974

>when things like organized crime
How about actual organized crime? I mean, they're all macho fuckers following their mafia machoness rules, that's half of why they make the choices they do.

>> No.11073982

I'm not even a tranny, d00d, nor do I particularly appreciate their passions. I just think that jabbing at such harmless self-expression is disgustng, sadistic masturbation on a small scale.

"Waah I don't like it when other people are weak, maybe they'll get more serious if I abuse them"

When I want to be angry, I whip out war history.

>> No.11073989

>How about actual organized crime?
What do you think I was talking about?
>I mean, they're all macho fuckers following their mafia machoness rules, that's half of why they make the choices they do.
They're criminals.

>> No.11073984

It gives you the hormones of a girl so your face will become fatter, thus making it look more softer and girly.

You can either go to therapy for being transgender or order them on the net from inhousepharmacy, though be warned the hormones make you moody and emotional like a girl and your sex drive changes

>> No.11073991

no bullying

>> No.11073991,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good job, we ruined these subhumans.
