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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 300x263, Yeezus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11072405 No.11072405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any Kanye otaku here?

>> No.11072415

I asked a question about music on /mu/, and they all made stupid, unrelated jokes about Yeezus (which I had to look up).

It really annoyed me. I lurked plenty and the question was fine, but they just shoehorned their meme in there anyway. It's like me going into every idol or denpa thread and saying "LOL WCH 2HU FK???"

I hate you so much, /mu/.

>> No.11072420

Yeah, /mu/ is really shitty.

>> No.11072424
File: 177 KB, 1600x1600, save_icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11072433

But they weren't shitty for a reason.

I could understand if they were trying to keep people like me out. /jp/ is elitist, sometimes in very annoying ways, and it makes sense. But my question was on-topic and a few people even said they found it interesting. People were posting unrelated happened-to-be-popular-at-the-time shitposts just for the sake of posting them.

I suppose it's partly my fault for assuming other boards operated under the same mechanics as /jp/.

>> No.11072431

its just a clear case

>> No.11072439

[why does every living soul on /jp/ use sage]

>> No.11072440

They're retarded hipster normalfags, don't bother trying to understand them.

>> No.11072445
File: 40 KB, 744x686, f2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up with my damn croissants xD

>> No.11072449

Cute bitrate, dude

>> No.11072451

because that's what you do

>> No.11072454

I liked Late Registration okay, but not enough to come back to it again or listen to the other albums.

I need to watch Runaway one day though, I saw a part some time ago and it seemed pretty interesting. It's also quite /jp/.

>> No.11072460
File: 56 KB, 300x300, TheFameMonsterStandard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as corporate pop goes, is she still the best?

>> No.11072457

No, and I find it laughable that people (including Kanye) consider his pop drivel "art" or a "masterpiece." He is literally pretentious.

>> No.11072463


>> No.11072474

Does pop rock count as corporate pop?

>> No.11072484

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was better.

>> No.11072481


There seems to be a divide with "pop rock". It's either poppy rock music that combines the enjoyable elements of both pop and rock, or it's some epithet you apply to rock music you don't like ("It's not real rock music! It's pop rock, made by a corporation!")

>> No.11072489

/mu/tant here
/mu/ is really cool place to hang out, get recomendations for music, get music related news and find new stuff.
On another hand, it's a board full of movement, so there are always newfags and trolls that shitpost. Plus, regular /mu/ users also shitpost as a way of disagree with others' opinions.
I can understand why people would find /mu/ shitty, but it's really not that bad.
Lately people have been using yeezus as a "meme" for several reasons: because it was a highly anticipated album that was somewhat a flop, had very different critic reviews and was leaked on /mu/. This happens time to time with anticipated albums.
LR is a great album, you should try listening to College Dropout if you liked it. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (the one where runaway is from) is also a very good album, the one people most claim as his best.
Not really, she's been under for a while, probably working on her new album or something. People have been praising Taylor Swift lately though.
I can't really tell much since I'm not the biggest pop fan.

>> No.11072507

> I'm not the biggest pop fan.

Too mainstream for you?

Don't worry--I'm sure you have more grown-up, sophisticated tastes, /mu/ scum.

>> No.11072511

>/mu/tant here

Where the fuck do these people come from?

Is there a Twitter app that notifies /mu/tants, fa/tg/uys, etc. every time their board is mentioned on /jp/?

>> No.11072521
File: 510 KB, 1417x1417, arc067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/, has there been a Volume 2 or any more albums like this?

I really, really don't want to go to your board.

>> No.11072523

Not really, I just prefer other genders. I don't find pop very appealing, except some disco stuff like bee gees.
But there are people that love pop on /mu/ too, it's not like everyone there only likes underground artists. Actual hipsters that only listen to stuff no one knows are a rarity on /mu/, you can see lots of threads about mainstream music when you reach there, Kanye for example.
I also browse /jp/ ocasionally and happened to find this thread.

>> No.11072539


me sides

>> No.11072545

>>he doesn't read /prog/ posts between refreshes during GMT daytime

>> No.11072544

it blows my fucking mind that some people can browse more than one 4chan board

/jp/ is probably like the slowest board there is, and just F5ing this one takes up most of my day.

>> No.11072560

No, that was the only one.
That album is like a compillation of electronic music by various artists, I guess there are several like it, you might get lucky if you ask /mu/ for info.
Remember to ignore the idiots who answer yeezus or whatever.
lol, direct translations from my language to english provide some interesting mistakes.

>> No.11072564

He didn't quote anyone, where are you getting that nested quote from?

>> No.11072566

I pick one new board a year and spend a year on that and if it starts sucking I give it up

I have currently spent time on /b/, /h/, /m/, /mu/, /a/, /v/, /jp/, and /g/ (I started in 2005)

the only board I like anymore is /jp/

>> No.11072570

I use two carrots to match the post number link, Anon. I could just as well ask why you're "quoting" the number 11072545.

>> No.11072577

I browse /ck/, /vp/, /g/, /mu/, /jp/ for interests.
/b/ for porn.

>> No.11072580

green text is quoting, red text is linking
are you color blind?

>> No.11072583

Why are you blacktexting?

>> No.11072581

>/b/ for porn.
What's the point of the 3DPD porn boards if everyone uses /b/ for porn?

>> No.11072589

How can you solely browse a board like /h/ for a year? After you've finished masturbating, do you just start to judge erotic works based on their artistic merit or what?

>> No.11072588

I like to fap to some sex stories or momless stuff that appear on /b/. Never bothered trying other boards.

>> No.11072591

lollin me anus off

>> No.11072592

What are some good music radio stations?

(in before /jp/ radio shills advertise their banned stream)

>> No.11072601

Your local KISS-FM radio station.

>> No.11072600

I live near an ivy league university and their Public Radio channel has some pretty decent DJ blocks that I like to tune into when I'm driving. You might find something local like that, too.

>> No.11072610

I only started recently, because now I can use thread hiding/catalog to browse faster boards easily enough.

I even go on /a/ sometimes, it's not that bad of a board when you hide 95% of the the threads.

I still wouldn't go anywhere near /v/ though.

>> No.11072616

that was my first year on 4chan

I wasn't on /h/ only ww

>> No.11072619

>it's a board full of movement,
It's like that because /mu/ talks about the same things over and over again. Everyone gets their music from the sharethreads and no one cares enough about to find bands from other sources so everyone's taste ends up more or less the same.

There's also more threads about showing off your taste than actual music discussion.

>> No.11072623

/d/ has good stories and real life sex discussions sometimes, and I know /gif/ has parentless threads occasionally, I don't browse it much though.

>> No.11072621

What a contentless post. That's of no use to anyone. You just wanted to blog.

>> No.11072646

Blog about what? That I live within radio broadcast range of a prestigious university?

I'm simply stating that good music might be right under one's nose.

>> No.11072647

any 4chan otaku here?

>> No.11072662

Nice, I might give them a visit even tonight then, thanks!

>> No.11072658

Well yes, there is a major part of the board that consists on circlejerking about musical taste. But it's not true that people don't bother getting music from other sources, there is last.fm, there's pitchfork, record labels, lots of critics, etc, etc. Most threads on /mu/ are from people sharing something they found with others.
There are also threads of last.fm collages, in which someone posts their collage and asks for rating and recommendation while rates and recommends stuff to others. Those are mainly showoff threads but you can sometimes find new stuff to hear.
Those collages are mostly alike because people tend to listen to new albums that come out a lot, so they end up there, also there are artists that are liked by almost everyone there, like Kanye, Radiohead, My Bloody Valentine, etc.

>> No.11072666

Niche stuff? I just use /b/ for porn because of the "random". All the other porn boards are so strict about what is and what isn't allowed.

>> No.11072910

I use /gif/ often for a similar reason, they have a lot more varied content as far as porn goes, most of the time. I do hate it when I can't find the source for something, though.

>> No.11072910,1 [INTERNAL] 

right here
