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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11069647 No.11069647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just got the shit beaten outta me.

There was some buff ass douche who was bullying some special ed kid and trying to make him lick the floor. Nobody would do anything to help so I had to stand up against him, I was scared as fuck but I tried to tell him to leave him alone, he told me to fuck off or he'll beat my ass. I'm scrawny as fuck so I knew I wouldn't stand a chance.

He then forced the retarded kid on the floor and the kid was crying and nobody would help him so I ranned up and punched him to the temple. He was pretty dazed and also fell but he got up and squared up onn me. I tried my best but he knocked me out after 5 hits and kicked me in the face and left the scene laughing.

I got suspended but since it's exam day I couldnt take it and failed math, I got summer school now.

I need some fighting tips incase something like this happens again. Also /jp/, do you think I did the right thing? My body hurts and I feel like a huge beta right now. Im properly the biggest beta ever.

>> No.11069654
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Should have studied at Sensei Tim's karate school like me.

I got a black belt from there and I could've kicked his ass.

>> No.11069659
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You're a hero anon!

Next time you should kick him in the nuts though. You don't have to follow any rules while fighting.

>> No.11069665

I think you did the right thing, and I think that was wrong of them to suspend you for trying to protect him. You explained what happened, didn't you?

>> No.11069666

If you knocked him down, you shouldn't have let him get up. That was your biggest mistake. Jump on him and keep swinging.

Even if you got your ass kicked, at least you did something good, assuming this is true.

>> No.11069669

/jp/ - Replying Culture

>> No.11069670

Call the retard boy's mom and ask if he is ok.

You need to guilt trip the fuck out of her. Since her son was the victim, she could probably get the other kid expelled.

>> No.11069679

Say you acted in self defense, and he attacked you. Get him sent to jail lol

>> No.11069693
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Strangle the fucker with an extension cord. Fuck, I have zero tolerance for people who pick on disabled/handicapped people.

>> No.11069700

Every NEET on /jp/ should have training in at least one martial art as the otaku they are.

You've done good though.

>> No.11069711

Follow the 3 steps to winning any fight

1. punch him in the throat, it will surely daze and confuse him even if it is a weak punch
2. use this moment of confusion to kick his dick as hard as possible, he will likely double over in pain
3. knee him in the nose really hard, at this point he'll probably fall and be at your mercy, continue beating him as you see fit

Good luck and stay safe.

>> No.11069721

Don't fight. If you go to such a horrible school drop out. You're going to never find anything good when you go outside your room anon.

>> No.11069729

Mitty is the best.

>> No.11069734

Use a object next time. You're not beta, you'r standing up for someone else

>> No.11069749

Though what you did is really laudable, if you really did it.

>> No.11069769
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Keep fighting for what is right
justice will prevail no matter what

>> No.11069776

ITT people believing everything from the internets

>but he knocked me out after 5 hits and kicked me in the face and left the scene laughing.
>I got suspended but since it's exam day I couldnt take it and failed math, I got summer school now.
o rly

>> No.11069775


Good advice. Just have to be careful with the punch to the throat. Hard enough and it can kill, which you don't want.

>> No.11069779

One hit, one kill.

>> No.11069783

What's unbelievable about that?

>> No.11069792

If he was trying to make someone lick the floor, he would have been hunched over with his face facing towards the ground

You should have kicked him straight in the face and then in the balls when he jerked up in pain to hold his face

Also, are you underage?

American educated system is really that broken. It's not that unbelievable.

>> No.11069807

OP you should fight this man
at least to get that failing grade off of your record and to take the test.

it's one thing if the guy was just verbally abusing someone because then it's you attacking first and him defending himself.
But he was already physically assaulting another student, you were well within your rights to help... right?

>> No.11069837

maybe if youre a pussy lol


>> No.11069888

You did the right thing.
Aim for the crotch, eyes, neck.

>> No.11069890

Do teachers not do anything? You should have told them. If a teacher does nothing to stop it then he or she is basically retarded and shouldn't even be a teacher. Same applies for principal etc.

>> No.11069916
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a copypaste from /b/ and you l00z3rz eat it all up because it appeals to your sense of autism

>> No.11069931
File: 48 KB, 550x368, chicago-deep-dish-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, should I order a pizza tomorrow? I've had a taste for a really cheesy, really filling pizza for a few days now. This is similar to what I want but I'd the only one who will be eating it.

>> No.11069937

Do this. Works everytime.

>> No.11069939

Do it.

>> No.11069940
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Anyone ever tell her that she looks like a cockroach?

>> No.11069978
File: 23 KB, 800x473, 1357275466429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$23 bucks for a 14" pizza w/ 2 toppings in my country

what a big fuggin rip

>> No.11069980

Plus the $10 tip

>> No.11069983

$13.99 for a 10 inch like in >>11069931 but they don't deliver so no tip.

>> No.11069986

You should still tip when picking up takeout.

>> No.11069989

I want to tip every customer in the store too but money's tight this month.

>> No.11069993

No way, especially not that place because they always make me feel really uncomfortably by calling me by my first name instead of referring to me by something generic like 'sir' or 'mister' or even just speaking in my general direction.

>> No.11069994

I hope you at least set enough aside for the daily postman tips.

>> No.11070001

I love that guy he delivers my onaholes and panties and skirts. I give him cookies during the winter.

>> No.11070018

wow dude thats actually very unprofessional of them and disrespectful to you

you should tell them to address you by sir and not by your name and if they refuse tell them you'll sue

>> No.11070050

the only thing you can do is to suck his cock next time

>> No.11070059

You did the wrong thing OP, People dont care about each other. You should have ignored that kid.

>> No.11070060


unless the retard kid is sucking your dick right now you did the wrost thing possible

>> No.11070063
File: 117 KB, 426x599, 1253480270151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A /jp/sie's weapon is his mouth. You should have confused him and made him upset by trolling the shit out of him.

Everyone would be laughing at the owned nerd right now and you would be the most popular guy in school.

>> No.11070081

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?

I answer, I'm not strong, you are.

Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, I'm not going to try it, way to dangerous for any sane person.

I recommend practicing Aikido for every /jp/edo, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.


A 50 year old man with cerebral palsy doing Aikido, very touching.

>> No.11070101

>very touching

more like very lame

get it? heh

>> No.11070139

Why do people never use rape for self-defense? If someone ever broke into my house and tried to bully me my cock would be inside of them within seconds.

>> No.11070145
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i dont have cok

>> No.11070149

if it comes to fighting dirty, you could always slap him on the ear and break his eardrum. He wont be able to walk for a few days. He could potentially go deaf in that ear for life, but whatever.

>> No.11070152

Me and a friend talk about 'counter-rape' where if you're about to be raped you just have to rape the rapist and you'll be alright.

It makes perfect sense to us and we can't think of a reason why it doesn't happen more often.

>> No.11070157

are you seriously replying to that seriously?

>> No.11070159

make one, anon! its easy and fun!

>> No.11070154

nah. THe chefs get paid, the waiters didnt do shit. No tip for takeout. Delivery? Dine-in? yes.

>> No.11070156

Did something go wrong during the circumcision?

>> No.11070162

I got suspended for stopping a bully once or twice. it's not unexpected. I dropped out anyways, so it didnt matter!

>> No.11070166


>> No.11070167

Well, it wouldn't be rape. They want sex from you so you're giving them what they want. Unless it's something like gay rape. Where they're going to penetrate you. You can counter rape them by inserting into them instead. Is that what you mean? It's an impossible scenario for a female though.

>> No.11070173

Yeah that's what I mean. Like, if you're bending over some place and some man tries to put his in your butt, but you put your weener in his butt instead.

it is not impossible for girls they just need to wear strapons

>> No.11070181

Holy shit, is that thing levitating?!

>> No.11070179

It's not likely a girl will have a strapon ready when she's about to get raped. Right then and there. She could use her fist though, I guess.

>> No.11070180

The knee is not designed to be bend backward and the leg muscle is one of the strongest in the body, kick direct in a 30-45 degree angle towards his knee and shatter it.

Go for the throat, an uppercut to the throat will disable most men.

Balls, jabbing under the ribs, armpit, the taint.

Fight cheap.

>> No.11070186

woah i just noticed that.

>> No.11070185

thanks captain obvious

>> No.11070189

why doesnt she have one

>> No.11070188

What the fuck! I didn't notice it until now!
