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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11067820 No.11067820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone translate this?

>> No.11067822
File: 469 KB, 1336x3440, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11067826

no lol

>> No.11067829

What the duck? What is this?

>> No.11067835

It looks like some sort of anti-weeb propaganda.

>> No.11067836

Get the FUCK in here Suigin

>> No.11067839

I can but i'm too lazy to do it

>> No.11067841

Is it spanish?

>> No.11067844


>> No.11067849

Hey cool, that tumor post was mine.

*is internet-famous*

>> No.11067851

Can somebody fluent in subhuman language translate?

>> No.11067859

ou piacer de venir dentro

>> No.11067860

But that's not Japanese.

>> No.11067864


Stuttering is funny even in languages I don't understand!

>> No.11067867

Yes, but I'm never going to translate all this garbage.

>> No.11067868

"Eksopl is the moderator of our portugese board. But is he who he seems? No! He is someone who has had large involvement in this board called "/jp/" including running an archive dedicated to it. /jp/ is a place known for harboring pedophiles and NEETs who are not productive in portugese society!

As you can see from this evidence, our Eksopl and the eksopl from /jp/ board are one in the same... What you do with this information is up to you.

>> No.11067873

>pedophiles and NEETs who are not productive in portugese society!

Well that's hardly our fault, is it?

>> No.11067874

Oh god, my literal sides.

>> No.11067875
File: 35 KB, 650x450, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you do with this information is up to you.

>> No.11067901

People who speak some dialect of Latin/Mafia as their primary/at-home language give a damn about Touhou?

They must just be in it for some of the fanart which is cartoon kiddy-porn.

>> No.11067907

Why white people think that they're the only ones interested in Otaku culture?

>> No.11067911

>They must just be in it for some of the fanart which is cartoon kiddy-porn.
Isn't that true for /jp/?

>> No.11067912

Who do we raid, guys

>> No.11067913

Your mom

>> No.11067916

2 late fag she used goods

>> No.11067925

my real mom died when I was 5

>> No.11067928

ya should would after being fucked like that.... lol!

>> No.11067939

So this guy is getting doxed by the people he left us for? Good.

>> No.11067947

Just so you guys know, eksopl is in this thread.

The image is all about how the new ptchan admin is eksopl and how worse he is compared to the old admin. It goes on to talk about the pygma shit.

>> No.11067955

>could someone translate this
Probably not, I recognize like 4 words in that entire image.

>> No.11067957

>The image is all about how the new ptchan admin is eksopl and how worse he is compared to the old admin

Why do you need a foot-long image to come to this brilliant conclusion?

>> No.11067968

Because we didn't know who the fuck eksopl is.

>> No.11067974

We didn't?

>> No.11067976
File: 177 KB, 716x896, 72f5ade8788b4556b11a2bd7e2be132e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's, like, five dollar footlong

eat fresh

>> No.11067977

What did Eksopl do that made him so hated on that Portuguese chan?

>> No.11067981

just take the actual address and pork it into google translate, see what that gets ya

never fucking post board screenshots dammit

>> No.11067983

Extremely bad mods who stalk the users and do nothing to make the chan a nice place to browse, indulging in circlejerks. He's not acting much as an admin but he wants to implement foolfuuka to the chan itself instead of running it on kusaba.

>> No.11067986

I could do a close translation since portuguese is similar to spanish, but you'd probably get better results entering that into google translate.

If the people from pt chan even want /jp/ to do anything, they could have at least translated it themselves though.

>> No.11067993

Go away.

>> No.11067992

Now I am!

They thought I was their admin because I translated pieces of woxxy's software to Portuguese. Then they came in here to ask stuff about me and someone told them the oft repeated story of how I dated Pygma (which, like pretty much any story about a girl on /jp/, is made up), then a shitstorm happened over at their chan.

I think that was it. Fun stuff.

>> No.11067997

So milk doesn't have legs?

>> No.11067999

>who stalk the users
heh, like on /soc/ here, eh?


>> No.11068005

Please go back to your chan.

>> No.11068011

Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.11068012


>> No.11068014

Why are you working with Woxxy?

AoRF would have specifically engineered Asagi to make Woxxy get off his ass and learn a real programming language instead of doing Web 2.0 front-end development in PHP (not that Java is a whole lot better).

You taking over was one of the worst things that happened to the /jp/ community.

>> No.11068015

oh who gives a shit, go drown in the lake

>> No.11068016
File: 90 KB, 500x500, question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goods. Not copy my get-sentence for favour or I get zangated. Lengths

>> No.11068024

eksopl pls go

>> No.11068023


>> No.11068025

its not the same trip if anyone was astute enough to notice

>> No.11068037



>> No.11068033


That's Eksopl's real tripcode. Search FoOlz or something.

>> No.11068036


I never even spoke to milk.

B-but I hardly know them, anon!

I am happily employed.

But I took over the /a/rchive before /jp/ existed.

>> No.11068047

>But I took over the /a/rchive before /jp/ existed.

I almost wrote "/a/-/jp/" but I knew some faggot would complain.

By the way, those DDoS attacks on your doesntexist server? Those were me :-)

>> No.11068045

Translate this on back to this other board (assuming it isn't just a ton of stupid underages on there): "giant gaping writhing mumblecunt"

>> No.11068053

I never noticed any. Unless you meant people that fetched a bunch of pages, or searched for stuff every 5 minutes.

>> No.11068059

That guy is Jose socrates, former prime minister. His english was pretty bad so people make fun of it. In that sentence, he is also making use of a common way for portuguese people in forums (Hello [body] Regards), but he's translating literally a lot of stuff. He's telling agatha christie to not steal her catch-phrase (porreiro, pá "cool, bro").

Portuguese imageboard culture is highly entertaining and creative.

>> No.11068060

Archives were the worst thing to happen to 4chan.

Fuck you Andrey.

>> No.11068073

This (seriously) sounds like a lot of fun. Kind of like those Finnish chans if they were actually witty and not just E/B/IN SPURDO SPADRE x--DDD

>> No.11068070

>Archives were the worst thing to happen to 4chan.
I agree, and I profusely apologize for not letting this shit die once AoRF bowed out.

>> No.11068071

I'm from /q/ and I approve this message.

>> No.11068077

Is this ironic?

If not, I now have some respect for you. Some.

>> No.11068087

sup/tg/ was the best model for archives. Screw all this "archive every post" nonsense. And now that Woxxy is in power, it will never die. We can't undo what has been done, ever.

>> No.11068083

Not ironic. They're useful when you're actively using a board and want to search/view 404d threads/keep track of stuff, but they do more harm than good by messing with the ephemerality that 4chan is supposed to have.

>> No.11068092

some of 'em are useful tools, and it's not like the 4chan devs' / mods' / shadowy funding / other bigshots' online drama has been any better over the years

and one set of boobs can help keep the other set honest

>> No.11068095

We use it against people who come in our board and drop some english in the middle of their posts. It's what they sound like to us. Don't hold much hope. The board is rampant with underage circlejerkers and the mods are in on it. The rare golden moments live on in history, though. Like this eksopl reveal. The chan's about 3 years old and has been in the hands of two different people (old admin and now apparently eksopl) and we've had like 9 or 10 good moments tops. The chan's been slowly decaying since the new admin got into it.

Am I saging it right?

>> No.11068101

What's the point of complaining about archives now? It's not like 4chan even produces worthwhile content anymore. Yeah, that makes the archives even less worthwhile but even if we got rid of every existing chan archive, this site will never create content. Things have gone too far downhill for it to be anywhere near salvageable. Rather than blaming the archives, all we can do is create funny original content that hits the funny bone of the community and hope it starts off a trend.

>> No.11068105

Oh man I can't wait to make OC just to see it being reposted on a thousand social networks the day after

>> No.11068110

Sometimes it's just nice to bitch. I don't think 4chan is that bad. I still enjoy coming here and I think we have a decent enough output of original content for the kind of board this is. But archives have done more harm than good, overall. And I'm talking about Fuuka archives, not just saving specific threads (e.g. the OC/drawthread thread archives).

>> No.11068109

The thing about content creators is that they usually have an ego. Besides, if they don't post it in the normienet themselves, someone else will just to make people mad. And once that happens, the original content is flushed down the drain. It's futile to try to make anything for 4chan.

>> No.11068111

does not exist on the internet. If people can access it, people can save it to disk,

Kinda like how the internet is intrinsically semi-anonymous, this recordability is also intrinsic to internet communication.

At least with the archives, you know when somebody's recording you. Do you seriously think the 4chan staff throw out every single one of your posts after they disappear, and don't keep 'em along with your IP and whatever username might be associated with it on some chat?

>> No.11068113

/jp/'s plenty safer from that than say, /a/ or /b/. Well, maybe not summer /jp/.

>> No.11068125

I haven't posted an image, original or otherwise, in months. I'm absolutely terrified of it being saved by Foolz or Warosu. What if I leave some EXIF data in there? What if there is metadata in PNGs I don't know about (try ImageMagick's "identify" command some time)? Maybe someone will track me through my images, and it's a pain to rename them.

I don't mind *individuals* saving things I repost or make, but having my images archived scares the hell out of me. I don't think the evil Anonymous legion are going to come after me, but I don't want a permanent record of everything I post. Text I'm slightly more comfortable with, because it's easier to plausibly deny.

And it's not that I'm doing anything bad or taking 4chan too seriously, quite the opposite. I don't want to. I should be able to take it easy knowing nobody gives a shit about what I post. But I don't know the future, and Perl scripts don't give a damn what I think.

>> No.11068122

There's always the "ironic" guys who would still do it and pretend that they're better than /a/ or /v/ for doing it "ironically"

>> No.11068131
File: 1.87 MB, 1600x2623, 1371237485944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plus it ruined the chance to make shit this.


This is kind of true, sort of. I used to drawfag, and I ued to buy into the whole "content is created by anonymous and not one person", but people start calling you an attention for posts that you would normally make anyway, so if you make something regularly you're forced put on this "professional" persona that just ruins the experience for you.

>> No.11068137

We know that we're not anonymous to staff, and that there's some sort of internal archive. But there's a difference between a public archive for thousands of people, and a private archive for maybe 30 people.

It's like how people are happy to fill out forms for the government or some private firm, but whenever that information leaks out (even if it's trivial) everyone goes apeshit. You need that peace of mind.

>> No.11068139

>does not exist on the internet. If people can access it, people can save it to disk
Of course not, but there's a difference between everything being saved with a 100% chance and the possibility that something might be saved.

>Do you seriously think the 4chan staff throw out every single one of your posts after they disappear, and don't keep 'em along with your IP and whatever username might be associated with it on some chat?
Yes. 4chan is ran on a super-ghetto budget, they don't have the resources to keep stuff around.

Plus, I've seen portions of the 4chan source code that was leaked back in 2008. When stuff is gone, it really is gone. I have no reasons to believe they would waste resources on something that would just make them more liable to bad legal things happening to them.

The only personally identifiable metadata in images is usually the GPS coordinates some phones store in the EXIF metadata of JPEG files. Plus a unique ID some cameras store.

>> No.11068147

>there's some sort of internal archive
There's a log of mod actions. As far as I know, that's all.

Of course, I'm just making guesses based on portions of 2008 4chan source code and statements by moot and rest of team4chan.

/s4s/ is absolutely brilliant. It's legalized ironic shitposting on a scale /jp/ could never even dream of. It gets to a point where it's so downright awful on purpose, that it becomes hilarious.

>> No.11068152

Don't you have an entire chan to fish for attention now? Leave.

>> No.11068153

>The only personally identifiable metadata in images is usually the GPS coordinates some phones store in the EXIF metadata of JPEG files. Plus a unique ID some cameras store.

I'm no expert, but there is other stuff, too. e.g. in >>11068131
>xap:CreateDate: 2013-06-14T15:01:51-04:00
>xap:CreatorTool: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows
>xap:MetadataDate: 2013-06-14T15:01:51-04:00
>xap:ModifyDate: 2013-06-14T15:01:51-04:00
>xapMM:DocumentID: uuid:DFDF40FE23D5E21194AEE98CBB592CF5
>xapMM:InstanceID: uuid:E0DF40FE23D5E21194AEE98CBB592CF5

I don't know what the last two are or how personal they are (there's a "signature" in every file, too), but knowing someone's timezone and what software they use really narrows down who they are between posts.

I think flags are stupid for the same reason. Imagine you're the only person on /int/ from Trinidad. There goes your anonymity. And don't give me that "anonymous just means not having a name" crap, because then you might as well be pseudonymous.

>> No.11068156

Hmmm... so Eksopl, AKA Jones, Sion, VDZ, etc, is the admin of Bunbunmaru, Foolz, Warosu, AND this PTchan website? How does he do it?!

>> No.11068154

Nope. They take the jokes over to /v/ if they're popular enough. The ony way to combat the normie menace is to make jokes offensive, politically incorrrct, misogynist, hurtful, etc. The mainstream doesn't like stuff like that.

>> No.11068158
File: 750 KB, 1336x5000, 1371769429064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11068163

>/s4s/ is absolutely brilliant
Please go there and don't come back

>> No.11068165
File: 109 KB, 498x408, newservers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus, I've seen portions of the 4chan source code that was leaked back in 2008. When stuff is gone, it really is gone.

If you mean the imgboard.php, that's not proof at all. They even specifically log deletions:
>define('SQLLOGDEL', 'del_log'); //Table (NOT DATABASE) used for holding deletion log

We don't know what they do with the databases. They could back them to magnetic tape every few days. Hell, the hosting company might do that as part of their service.

Does anyone have that "how does i forced meme?" thread, still? I can't remember if that showed the guy's posts or just ban reasons.

>> No.11068174

This is epic

>> No.11068175

Looking at this now, it's very silly.

The admin is basically saying they'll use FoolFuuka, and Eksopl worked on FoolFuuka, therefore the admin is Eksopl? lol wut

>> No.11068180

>/s4s/ is absolutely brilliant. It's legalized ironic shitposting on a scale /jp/ could never even dream of. It gets to a point where it's so downright awful on purpose, that it becomes hilarious.

FYAD called. They said you're a faggot.

>> No.11068177

All the effort that went into this impresses me. I wonder how PTnormies look at Eksopl and /jp/. I'm praying they don't associate both.

>> No.11068185

There's more evidence that was provided in the thread and the admin didn't go a great work of proving OP wrong. It doesn't help that Eksopl himself crawls out of the woodwork to say he's not the admin.

All in all this was one of the funnest days in months in our chan. Sorry you had to be involved.

>> No.11068189

Why do all ``chanosphere'' coders/spin-off project creators turn into arrogant assholes?

I think !WAHa.06x36 is the only one I like.

>> No.11068193

That seems to be only used when $admindel is set.

They got throughly confused after they came here to ask stuff and had to deal with /jp/ conspiracy theories.

I never get mentioned anywhere anymore, if I'm invited to a party, I will show up, jeez!

WAHa is a great guy.

>> No.11068195

I think it has to do with the fact deep down they want to be moot but know they never will. Woxxy tries so hard to be mod-worthy it's almost pitiful.

>> No.11068202 [DELETED] 

I'd tell you you're one filthy liar but everyone already knows that. Instead I'll ask you to keep ptchan drama in ptchan. It's hard enough to look like a decent country when we have people like you dragging us through the e-mud.

>> No.11068199

nice "board culture" guys

>> No.11068206
File: 34 KB, 501x585, 1353979391286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with this man. FYAD is the best, now cough up those 10 bucks, goyim.

>> No.11068208

I love it when there is drama between the normies

>> No.11068211
File: 35 KB, 570x322, image return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a province

>> No.11068212

Why is this thread still here? Why do we have to deal with eksopl again? Why are there so many replies?

>> No.11068216

Sheesh, what did I ever do to you, anonymous? ;_;

>> No.11068216,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cool drama faggots

>> No.11068216,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks QUEER (I didn't post in this thread, lol)

>> No.11068216,3 [INTERNAL] 

literally the only thing funny on /s4s/ is the fake drama

>> No.11068216,4 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of subhuman language is that?
