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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11065554 No.11065554 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11065556
File: 153 KB, 552x360, C8c3b5373b1f438bff900e5b5cf5cef11226724112_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet quads bro.

>> No.11065558

what means D G

>> No.11065562

The Dandelion Girl, a game made on a free Invision forum then retroactively named a "/jp/ project" because the original request spam happened to be on /jp/.

Stolen story, shitty art, mediocre writing. BUT IT WAS MADE "BY /jp/" YOU GUYS!!!

>> No.11065563

Dungeons of Touhous?
Im going to check it out

>> No.11065566

/tg/ may have more content, but it has a /v/ userbase.

Or maybe I should write it like this so you'll understand it.

>be /tg/
>be filled with underage retards

>> No.11065567
File: 78 KB, 761x720, yui_schwitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw /tg/ doesn't mean "transgender"

>> No.11065572
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>implying /v/ doesn't browse /jp/

>> No.11065571


better art than plenty of successful VNs

ex. tsukihime, all key titles other than planetarian

i'm forgetting one also

>> No.11065575

It's tolerated on /tg/, though.

>> No.11065577

>having had written in greentext
>thinking it's okay if you're ironic
>not realizing you have to be self-aware as well

>> No.11065582

It was just so the OP could understand me. You know how being around people who use that commonly atrophies your brain.

>> No.11065619
File: 397 KB, 1000x1000, cover - souji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have plenty of things.

nowadays most people think /jp/ is a place to shitpost and so 60% of our posters do just that.

I wish Meido was more of a Nazi and less of this bizzaro mix of deleting threads that do should not be deleted.

I also wish we had a board sticky.

>> No.11065624

Why does /v/ have to hate good things? I stopped going there because they don't like Bayonettas new hairstyle and it made me mad. They say it's butch dyke but it's girlier than both of Jeannes hairstyles to me.

>> No.11065626

lets be real I doubt they can stand being here for any longer than a few minutes

>> No.11065628

That Touhou supplement was made by crossboarding /jp/ denizens. And it wouldn't surprise me if /jp/ denizens was involved somehow in the other projects as well.

That said, /jp/ could probablt put a bunch of translation projects on its list of accomplishments.

>> No.11065634


The janitors are nearly dead.

>> No.11065638
File: 169 KB, 1280x800, 6692_katawa_shoujo_hd_wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we pretending this never happened?

>> No.11065642

You're a fucking tool. A board sticky, huh? Want some arbitrary fucktard (i.e. mod) to hold your hand and tell you what is okay to post here and what isn't? And if he decides that your favorite topic is now banned, will you just suck it up like some sort of ultra beta and cry in secret while posting on /jp/ how happy you are about stricter moderation? You're the reason /q/ exists. Die.

>> No.11065644 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 550x550, 1353098656524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler that shit.
I get made everytime.

>> No.11065646

>wish we had a board sticky
please not another one of those

>> No.11065647

Certainly. No one wants an accomplishment like that.

>> No.11065648


that was made by /a/


>> No.11065652
File: 75 KB, 497x700, 1369572468679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas why so made

>> No.11065649

That was more /a/.

>> No.11065650

What's wrong? and it doesn't have to be permanent, clearly a fuck ton of people don't understand what /jp/ is.

The board is a mess and is a pile of shit, I would like some sort of direction to get us back on track.

>> No.11065651

yes. remember the initial thread was started before the split so it doesn't count as /jp/!

>> No.11065653


Best VN ever made. Japan are you even trying? -everyone on /v/ ever

>> No.11065654


>> No.11065656

All things otaku welcome!

>> No.11065658

They still have generals for that shit on /vg/. Around 1500 threads on /vg/ alone have been made. Think about that for a minute.

>> No.11065664

/jp/ is supposed to be directionless and filled with pedophiles.

>> No.11065666

and they call us pathetic!

>> No.11065671

what do they even talk about anymore. is it just like a social circlejerk of the same dudes now?

>> No.11065668

We are pathetic.

>> No.11065667

I don't want to, stop telling me to consider terrifying things. I just want to listen to dissociative children and hate myself.

>> No.11065669


Fucking pathetic.

>> No.11065674

/jp/ should be 2hu, vn, and NEET
not this five fucking idol threads on the front page shit

>> No.11065679

I can stand the Idol threads.
But you're right, /jp/ should not be a weeaboo /b/

>> No.11065680

They've been saying the same shit over and over since the 4th thread. There's something very wrong with the people in that thread.

>> No.11065681

it is only a mess and a pile of shit because of idiots like you
/jp/ was whatever /jp/ wanted it to be
that's the way things were for a very long time
before Anonymous of Nigger Dicks and the NSJ opened the floodgates
and then getting bullshit mod involved
and /q/ decided to make up bullshit and arbitrary rules that contradict one another
diaf yo piece of shit i fuck your shit

>> No.11065684

moot made it pretty clear when he decided to call us misunderstood genuises and funjposting or whatever that gay shit was. /jp/ is shitposting/irony general, for the most elite shitposters.

>> No.11065687

I would imagine it would be similar to our Nasuverse threads.

>> No.11065688

/jp/ has never been for your random shit.

Anything moot says means fuck all.

>> No.11065695

Hey, /tg/ used to have an awesome userbase a few years ago.

It feels bad visiting there after being absent for ages and seeing all the /a/b/v/ that's slowly infected it, not that /jp/ is much better.

>> No.11065708

angry tween poster
gb2 /a/ fuckface
not welcome here

>> No.11065705

Hey, I'm sure /jp/ has been unofficially involved in tons of translation projects!

And anyway, that picture is insanely out of date. These days all /tg/ produces is shitty quest thread after shitty quest thread and kickstarter jew schemes

I guess they have like two homebrew RPG projects going, though, so that's something..

>> No.11065712

Way to describe your very own post kiddo.

>> No.11065716

you're both trying too hard
chill out

>> No.11065722


>> No.11065743

/jp/compi2 when?

>> No.11065746

Why doesn't /jp/ make this together? We have the skill needed and it would annoy the HECK out of /tg/.


>> No.11065758

>Around 1500 threads
You are aware of how they have resetted the thread counter like, 5 times already, right?

>> No.11065760
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, touka frowning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you stop this?

You could've done it.

>> No.11065762

>my face whereupon

>> No.11065784

holy shit

>> No.11065785

>tfw when no qt spirit gf

>> No.11065790

fuck off back to >>>/vg/

>> No.11065816

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11065817

why does no one play mahjong on /jp/ any more

>> No.11065819

because its fucking gay

>> No.11065820

You're whore of a mother you piece of shit.

>> No.11065824

take that back

>> No.11065829

Number of 2hus fucked by /tg/: 0
Number of 2hus fucked by /jp/: >1

>> No.11065833


Hey you know what, fuck you. Making fun of my mahjong. I will rape you.

>> No.11065838

im a male an you want to rape me??? i knew you guys were faggots!

>> No.11065844

Stop bullying me. ;_;

>> No.11065891
File: 200 KB, 780x573, 1261172828213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what you think. You thought they were just coming over to play pretend in our basement this whole time, didn't you?!

Well they were! We would never do anything uncouth to a fine young lady. Why are you so lewd, /jp/?

>> No.11065911


/b/ also has very active KS threads.

>> No.11065914
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>> No.11065920
File: 23 KB, 325x375, 1241147015973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you know this?

>> No.11065925

people like this need to kill themselves out of /jp/

>> No.11065947

Yeah I thought it was cute too, my dick was pulsing.
Its not possible to make bayonetta ugly.

>> No.11065977

I wouldn't be that surprised if the VN had things to discuss (umineko for example).
There's nothing to discuss about it though besides "feelz xD". How can that go on for 1500 threads? That's like 10% of /jp/.

>> No.11066001
File: 96 KB, 256x256, 1345447046270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same as every other thread on /vg/, its 90% nothing or really short 1 word posts and unrelated images every thread.



very vew posts are even about the topic at hand.

>> No.11066037

This is horrifying.

>> No.11066050

Forgot the "g"

>> No.11066145

Nice surprise box dude!

>> No.11066304

Post like this just make me want to shitpost more.

>> No.11066616
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, 1368309218104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a thread on /tg/ asking them where a person with no friends could play some "pen&paper" over the internet
All the replies were "How can exist someone withouth friends" and the likes.

I thought they were friendless like us.

I was wrong.

>> No.11066651

/tg/ has good stuff, but you have to dig through a bunch of smug bullshit to get at it.

They're kind of like SA except with more elves.

>> No.11066906

Stop bullying him.

>> No.11068159

This is all one anon trying to fuel bad blood between /jp/ and /tg/.

>> No.11068861


I-it's okay Anon, /tg/ just.. they have a lot of normalfags, okay? Don't judge them all like that, I'm sure there's plenty of antisocial people there!
