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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 913x937, 1353155262672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11064222 No.11064222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get your shitty Touhou off my board /jp/


The fact that you guys actually like the Xbone is evidence of your shit taste in games.

>> No.11064229

I would delete that thread if I had the power, but I don't.

Can you get this shit thread off my board, /v/?

>> No.11064231
File: 31 KB, 480x270, 1348067446318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love K-ON

>> No.11064235

I do too :3

>> No.11064236

/v/ always loved touhou

>> No.11064237

lol you are fucking delusional if you think any true /jp/sie would even visit that fucking garbage board. Kill yourself you shithead child.

>> No.11064238
File: 28 KB, 374x438, 1336709619200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not garbage filled with losers and virgin NEETS.

>> No.11064239
File: 20 KB, 428x394, 1332590446013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are an OK person

>> No.11064240

why are you quoting your mum?

>> No.11064241

countter saeg ;)

>> No.11064243

you browse a board where 99% of posts are memes and catchphrases and epic greentexting. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11064244

Fuck off kid, the Xbox One will be the best system.

>> No.11064247
File: 142 KB, 640x480, 1336542521444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give it an 8/10

>> No.11064248

i mean rebbit is probably 10 times as original as /v/ and at least has the avg. users age is above 15.

>> No.11064254
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, [CoalGuys] K-ON! Movie (1080p) [6839C336].mkv_snapshot_00.16.47_[2012.07.24_03.25.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it be an 8/10 when there is nothing better than K-ON?

>> No.11064255

How does a /v/irgin in this day and age know about Touhou?

>> No.11064255,1 [INTERNAL] 

get out crossie scum.

>> No.11064255,2 [INTERNAL] 

Get banned.

>> No.11064255,3 [INTERNAL] 

Xbone is now officially cool because it's region free. Imagine all the shit I will import.

>> No.11064255,4 [INTERNAL] 

It still spys on you.

>> No.11064255,5 [INTERNAL] 

Put a towel over the Kinect.

>> No.11064255,6 [INTERNAL] 

Insinuating any Japanese games will even be developed for it

>> No.11064255,7 [INTERNAL] 


Final Fantasy XV

>> No.11064255,8 [INTERNAL] 

I actually just bought another NTSC-J 360 because my first one went to shit (dead drive and I don't know how to fix it).

>> No.11064255,9 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't the PS4 Region free as well?

>> No.11064255,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yes and so is the Vita.

>> No.11064255,11 [INTERNAL] 

Then what advantage does the xbox one have over the ps4? Despite the microsofts change of mind of DRM the ps4 is still about $100 cheaper. Unless Microsoft does something about stupid kinect requirement that price won't change.

>> No.11064255,12 [INTERNAL] 

At the moment? None. Both are on par other than PS4 being cheaper and being slightly more powerful. 360 had a lot of fantastic shumps and other stuff that was only available in the Japanese market so I am hoping the trend continues.

>> No.11064255,13 [INTERNAL] 

it's developed on the PS4, actually...

>> No.11064255,14 [INTERNAL] 

I was being semi-ironic. I also thought that it was revealed that it would be on both consoles. Square is bleeding money these days so it makes sense.

>> No.11064255,15 [INTERNAL] 

Me too.

>> No.11064255,16 [INTERNAL] 

Not anymore, it is now the best.

>> No.11064255,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11064255,18 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, it's backwards now. The PS4 is easy to code for and the Xbone is difficult. So the PS4 will likely get the shoot 'em ups and stuff this time around.

>> No.11064255,19 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11064255,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11064255,21 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw /jp/ will never EVER get good tripfags again

>> No.11064255,22 [INTERNAL] 

we have proREMIRIAt

>> No.11064255,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11064255,24 [INTERNAL] 

proREMIRIAt is a tryhard nerd. I never thought I'd actually unironically say this but I wish zun!bar was here.

>> No.11064255,25 [INTERNAL] 

Finally, someone who agrees with me.

>> No.11064255,26 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is /v/ incarnated.

>> No.11064255,27 [INTERNAL] 

what do you mean?

>> No.11064255,28 [INTERNAL] 

What's with /jp/'s tripfag worshipping?

>> No.11064255,29 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit!
That is EPIC!

>> No.11064255,30 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't have a gimmick.
All he does is pretend to post like everyone else, but with a trip.

>> No.11064255,31 [INTERNAL] 

That makes him a bad tripfag?

>> No.11064255,32 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, he's complete white noise. There's no reason to use a trip in that case.

>> No.11064255,33 [INTERNAL] 

You're forgetting that the people here aren't interested in topical discussion.

If its not shitting directly at the userbase or janny you don't belong. Welcome to post-2012 /jp/

>> No.11064255,34 [INTERNAL] 

hmmm yes, those 2hu circlejerk imagedumps were such great, insightful topics. it's such a shame these shitters don't appreciate them......

>> No.11064255,35 [INTERNAL] 

He's bad for the reason's >>11064255,24 mentioned.

He's an utterly boring fucker in the likes of Saegrimr, just without the janny powers.

>> No.11064255,36 [INTERNAL] 

If you're going to trip I'd rather have you be any annoying shit poster than "I'm just like all you guys, ignore my trip"

>> No.11064255,37 [INTERNAL] 

wtf does that mean

>> No.11064255,38 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11064255,39 [INTERNAL] 

Doesn't that count as annoying?

>> No.11064255,40 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't that the whole point of being an attention whore?

>> No.11064255,41 [INTERNAL] 

It's more annoying.

>> No.11064255,42 [INTERNAL] 

it means you need to go back there

>> No.11064255,43 [INTERNAL] 

u first

>> No.11064255,44 [INTERNAL] 


Whatever happened to gigs?
