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11064202 No.11064202 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Reimu want more donations, /jp/? Why doesn't she just say fuck all to being a miko and do something else?

tl;dr What's the incentive?

>> No.11064206 [DELETED] 

Well, she needs to buy food for one, and spell cards or scrolls or whatever for another. It's the same reason why we apply for NEETbux.

>> No.11064220

doing something else would require work, most likely work other than simply beating up stuff randomly.

>> No.11064227

I'm going to touch you.

>> No.11064393

It's not donations, she wants followers.
She's a honest shrine maiden trying to take care of her shrine, only she doesn't really know how, and all her efforts only attract youkai instead.

>> No.11066603
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She needs them to


>> No.11066650
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>> No.11066705

Her mother was killed by Rumia and Yukari did some memory erasing to prevent a total breakdown when she was little. I imagine that event must have left some lingering desire to grows up as a good miko.

>> No.11066941
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She can get a ton of money very fast if she really wants to. We all know that every man in Gensokyo wants to have his way with the "pure" shrine maiden.

>> No.11066961
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She'd never be that desperate!

>> No.11066982
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Poor Reimu.

>> No.11067055

Real answer here:
Her god is pratically dead, she doesn't even remember his name but she still doesn't want to change him.
She doesn't want donations, she wants followers.
At the same time she's pretty strange, after solving an incident she doesn't bother to appear in the human village and say she resolved it, that's why people believe she's lazy and even Aya doesn't know how the incidents end.
Sometimes though she gets the occasion and tries to gather followers, like that time she finds that fox youkai or in the events of HM.
It's like she does the minimum to survive.
Also she doesn't say fuck that and drops the miko job because she really cares about Gensokyo, ingame she's all sarcasm but in the written work you can see how she cares about Gensokyo's safety and balance.

Source: ZUN printed works

>> No.11067061

Where is this from? I know it's from WaHH, but I never saw that image.

>> No.11067070


I like to think of Reimu as actually quite average looking. I love me some average-looking girl.

>> No.11067084


She obviously cares in some way, because she invented the spellcard rules. Also, protagonists that don't mention their exploits and nobody s the wiser are the best, that's what makes the Pokemon protagonists cool and Jak out of Jak and Daxter.

>> No.11067097

How does Reimu make sure that the spellcard rules are enforced?

>> No.11067113

She killed her god. What a shitty miko.

>> No.11067123


She doesn't, but everyone knows its the most beneficial system. No one gets killed, they still get to fight and the weaker Yokai are given a fighting chance.

>> No.11067144

It's also the previous miko's fault probably, the god is alive, but he's just in the borderline, he lives only thanks to the fact they say he's still alive. Like an imaginary friend you forgot or something.

>> No.11067147

This >>11067123 plus danmaku is like a popular sport, elite youkai love it.

>> No.11067149 [DELETED] 

It's from #17 which came out a week ago.

>> No.11067150

Nvm, didn't noticed the new chapter.
Fucking Kasen.

>> No.11067163
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Double shitty miko. She doesn't care about her god in the slightest. You can say anything about Sanae, but she is pal with her god and everything. She is OBJECTIVELY a better miko and a better person to boot.

>> No.11067172

She has it pretty fucking easy doesn't she? Her god is right there and does most of the work herself.

>> No.11067188

Maybe Reimu would get a helpful and present god if she, you know, actually cared the slightest about her god. You won't get divine help if you're killing your god by being lazy and stupid.

>> No.11067236
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>she doesn't even remember his name

I don't see what the problem is. Gods who nobody remembers their names are a-plenty. And still pretty popular.

>> No.11067323
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Gensokyo is isolated from the world.
If Reimu were able to, she would just join the euro and ask the German war guilt bank for a bail out.
Bad thing is that when the euro is gone and forgotten, it will end up in Gensokyo.

>> No.11067333

Hardly. Germany is doing all it can, but no way in Hell can they continue to support the foreign parasites. Either they will leave them to their fate or be overwhelmed.

I say to let the rest of Europe turn into Nigeria Mk II. They owe them nothing.

>> No.11067341

Hermits can be tricky too.

>> No.11067634
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>> No.11067728

not canon.

>> No.11071284

Stop posting that image.

>> No.11071316
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>> No.11071352


>> No.11071570
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>> No.11071580

I said stop.

>> No.11071590

Stop bullying this image.

>> No.11071592
File: 220 KB, 512x384, 1363148639032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you did.

>> No.11071599

Stop please.
