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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 610 KB, 1200x1600, penisfinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11062506 No.11062506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into jazz, /jp/?

It's to impress a girl I like. Please help.

>> No.11062508


>> No.11062518


>> No.11062527


Step 1. Buy A Fedora
Step 2. ????
Step 3. Profit

>> No.11062533


>> No.11062534


Listen to it.

>> No.11062539

Make sure it's free jazz. That makes you extra hip.

>> No.11062541


"John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Kaoru Abe, the list could go on..."

>> No.11062546

paint your face black

>> No.11062547

You don't get into jazz, baby. Jazz gets into you.

>> No.11062555

I like listening to jazz, specifically dixieland, when it plays on NPR during the early evenings.


Just listen to it! How can you not like it?

>> No.11062557

Hmph. You uncivilized swine know nothing of the workings of class.
If you really want to be a refined intellectual such as myself, you should instead listen to nothing but classical music (everything else is just barbaric noise) and then proceed to purchase the finest top hat and monocle you can afford.

>> No.11062567

>working class
Get the fuck out normal scum

>> No.11062575

>top hat >monocle


>> No.11062580 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11062585


One more. I don't think lolis like this kind of music though. What kind of music do lolis like anyway?

>> No.11062584

Someone post some good piano jazz

>> No.11062587

Indie pop

>> No.11062591

The opening and ending songs from magical girl shows.

>> No.11062596



>> No.11062601

What? Please tell me it's not true. I looked up that genre and then the list of artists and searched one with a pretty fun name. I searched for 'Dr. Dog' and I really don't want to believe lolis like to listen to this kind of music.

>> No.11062603

Check out this solo


>> No.11062607


Have you not learned that lolis are just as bad as typical women? Seriously...

>> No.11062613

Lolis are so much better than women that the two can't be fairly compared.

>> No.11062620


2D maybe. Real girls are still real as real women. Deal with it. Like everything, lolis are best viewed less a dimension.

>> No.11062628

You silly men are confusing "women" from "girls".

>> No.11062632

I know a handful of lolis and like I said, you can't compare them to grown women. Grown women smell badly, are loud, have weird hair, and are just too big. Lolis smell nice, are usually quiet unless excited, have nice healthy hair, and are small enough to carry around.

>> No.11062633

Jazz is terrible and I hate people who listen to it and then try to get you to listen to it like it's amazing. It's trash.

>> No.11062637

Weird people attract weird women.

>> No.11062639

I'm Japanese and I love jazz.

>> No.11062643


>> No.11062645

I am your mother and you are grounded.

>> No.11062646

Who said anything attracting women? We're talking about lolis vs women.

>> No.11062651

What did old-school lolis listen to? e.g. lolis in the 50s.

I think I could get behind lolis listening to the popular music of the time, but not popular music now.

>> No.11062656


Yea, so do I. I have two sisters ages 12 and 13. Their friends are over all the time. I'm surrounded by by 12 year olds who treat me like their big brother all the time. I know this probably far better than you do.

They're innocent and forgiving, that's it. They still smell, they're far louder than mature women, they don't take care of their hair, and they have far too much energy.

They're still real people. And they still have real problems. You're perception is slighted towards a reality you wish to be real. It's not.

That aside; I still love my sisters to death.

>> No.11062657

Good try, but my parents love Jazz too.

>> No.11062660

Those aren't lolis.

>> No.11062663


What are you doing in Otaku Culture then?

Anything besides touhou jazz arranges is out of this place league.

I guess you could start with Coltrane or maybe some smooth jazz, maybe even some electro jazz if you like more upbeat songs

Tokyo Active Neets have soome sweet aranges btw


>> No.11062664

I was actually like that in high school. I got bullied so much.

>> No.11062667

What a fucking nerd.

>> No.11062668
File: 24 KB, 519x596, josh4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*puts on le fedora*
davis, coltrane, evans the list just goes on and on

>> No.11062670

12 and 13 is too old to be a loli, especially if you're in the US.

>> No.11062671


It's been the same way the last 12 years. Deal with it.

I love lolis too, but the fictional, idealized lolis. Go read Lolita, it's a far better take on what the imagination does to the image of a loli in a mans mind. The reality is far different though.

>> No.11062680

Were lolis in the past actually pure?

Teenagers have always been teenagers and I'm sure their chatter has always filtered down to the younger kids, so I'm worried that little girls weren't as innocent as old films make them out to be. After all, they had the Hays Code and other censorship programmes, so it's not like they could have lolis openly discussing sex (Stanley Kubrick said he wouldn't have made the 1962 Lolita film if he knew how much it would be censored).

But at the same time, I've heard anecdotal evidence that seems to reinforce that lolis were pure. For example, my grandfather wouldn't let my mother watch television if there was a kissing scene. But she grew up to be a slut in the 70s because of how much he sheltered her.

Please tell me there were pure little girls, /jp/. I want to dream of cute lolis who ate lollipops and rode bicycles and didn't even know what a penis was until they were 25.

>> No.11062684

If you would like to listen to some Japanese Jazz originals, please look up Kyoto Jazz Massive and Cosmic Village.

Some Japanese jazz is not only a brass band and often includes electronic & break & lounge/fusion elements.

>> No.11062685

>smooth jazz
Some /jp/sie posted this here before. I like it a lot.

>> No.11062686

Everyone was a lot more pure back in the old days.

>> No.11062688

The lolis I know aren't anything like that.

>> No.11062689
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>> No.11062691

"I was born in the wrong generation!!!" - u

>> No.11062698

"I should have been born in the 70'd. 420 blaze it." -me

>> No.11062700

What sort of neurotypical doesn't think this?

I wouldn't mind if I was born in the future and everyone was sexually liberal to the point where it was nothing and I could feel comfortable about it. But right now we're in some awkward in-between state. Little girls are pretending to be sluts, teenagers are coerced into sexual depravity by pop songs, and nobody over the age of 20 is a virgin.

>> No.11062703

There are still girls like that.

>> No.11062704


This is why we have escapism.

>> No.11062705

cool it gramps

>> No.11062711

Yeah, they're like 6.

>> No.11062712

They're all obese or damaged (in a bad way) and you know it.

Maybe there's some convent of kawaii bishoujo nuns out there, and we can set up the /jp/ Manor beside it. Who knows.

>> No.11062717

I want an obsessive, damaged girl.

>> No.11062718

you guys have never met a christian girl huh

>> No.11062719

I saw a 6-year-old in tight shorts that said "HOT BOOTY" or something the other day.

It made me feel sick.

Even as a paedophile, that's not attractive at all. Maybe that's the point.

>> No.11062720

Even 6 year-olds are sluts nowadays.

>> No.11062723


Those are the worst.

>> No.11062725

Christian girls are the biggest slut out there.

>> No.11062727
File: 112 KB, 576x294, 1371658009435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What century are you living in?

Nobody believes in space wizards in 2013.

>> No.11062730

Yes, and unless they live with brothers or they see their dad naked or something else they're not going to know what a penis is until they're around 10 when they become curious and find out.

>> No.11062734
File: 36 KB, 421x248, 1364763662721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in space touhous!

>> No.11062735

>and nobody over the age of 20 is a virgin.

I wish i could say the same

>> No.11062737


Yeah, that's not going to happen.

>> No.11062740

>>implying the White Rabbit of Inaba came from space

Crazy secondaries believing fanon again.

>> No.11062741

I was a child anarchist. Looking for revolution.

>> No.11062742

Would you mind if she fucked half the strangers she came across?

>> No.11062743
File: 19 KB, 800x473, 1370191733923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a space 2hu

>> No.11062744

I know that it does happen.

>> No.11062747

What is she, Silver Linings Playbook? She would have to be pure or it's a no go.

>> No.11062748

omg mega TROLED

>> No.11062750

I would be fine with this if she wasn't in love with them and didn't compare my tiny penis or inferior sexual prowess to theirs.

"I-I'm sorry Anon! I didn't know what to do! I was so messed up, and I just wanted someone to like me...I hate myself..."
Don't worry, Damaged-Goods-chan. I'll take care of you properly.

>> No.11062752
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>> No.11062755

What doesn't happen? Kids not being curious until 10, or kids not playing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"?

>> No.11062756


i know that is doesn't happen.

>> No.11062757
File: 41 KB, 202x158, rage-classic-original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11062761

What if your tiny dick can't please her and she goes out to fuck old, fat, bald men every night to get her fill?

>> No.11062763


Kids not seeing a penis until they're 10.

>> No.11062764

You must know some slutty lolis.

>> No.11062766

I didn't play I'll show you mine until I was like 16 and it was with other guys.

>> No.11062775

I'm a fujoshi. About eleven years ago I was on the girls intermural soccer team of a Catholic private school.

If you think middle school aged girls are pure and innocent and don't smell, then clearly I don't think you've ever experienced being in a van full of sweaty, smelly girl friends after a soccer match, or gone to a slumber party, or threw a wadded up paper detailing the cute thing that X did and trying to find out if X likes Y, or crowding around boys in a corner of the playground and asking them perverted questions to see how they would react.

On top of that, when I was even younger than that, I had planned on becoming a nurse, and my parents had bought me a lot of medical encyclopedias for me to read. So by the age of nine I already knew about the anatomy of men and women, and sometimes I would bring them to class during quiet reading time and read them under the desk with this one boy who was completely astonished by the fact that females had breasts.

And to go even possibly into TMI-land, it turns out that at an even earlier age I'd been pleasing myself by humping a pillow, back before I even knew that there was a word for it, or that it was something perverted.

Anyways, "purity" is highly subjective. My best advice for you is to make some female friends, preferably around the same age as you, and hang out with them a lot.

>> No.11062780

Then I'll become damaged goods and it'll go full circle.

>> No.11062793

Why are all girls such lewd creatures?

>> No.11062787


Someone who fucking gets it. It's like people here forget their childhood.

2D lolis are the best lolis.

>> No.11062788 [DELETED] 


>> No.11062794

>My best advice for you is to make some female friends
Why would I want to hang out with sluts?

>> No.11062797

Thing is, how much of this is pressure?

As a teenager, I felt like there was a lot of pressure to do or at least talk about lewd things. I imagine it was worse for girls, and I knew a lot of girls who regretted a lot of their actions because they felt forced into them prematurely.

I don't think it's so much "peer pressure" as "societal pressure". You're expected to go "beyond" how you actually feel, and be more grown-up than you really are. So you're losing your virginity when you should really be having your first kiss, when you don't even want to.

>> No.11062798

r u a virg

>> No.11062801

Everybody knows middle school girls aren't lolis.

>> No.11062802

I didn't do anything lewd as a child. Not until I was about 10 and started noticing boobs.

>> No.11062809
File: 115 KB, 640x499, times square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 70s are interesting, pre-AIDS and in some ways more sexually 'decadent' than the present time.

>> No.11062812

You shouldn't listen to shitty music filled to the brim with niggers just because you cant get a girl.

>> No.11062814


No, but it doesn't fit into the ideal that most lolicons have of 3D.

>> No.11062829

Just because that guy didn't start doing lewd things until around puberty doesn't mean that there are hordes of 6 year old girls going around doing lewd things. There are plenty of non-lewd girls who remain non-lewd for quite some time depending on their upbringing.

>> No.11062831
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1299430939073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone wasted their time blogging on /jp/
>someone wasted their time reading this blog

top lel

>> No.11062837


I never said anything about lewd things. Read my posts.

>> No.11062838

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11062846

Lul I like katz with hatz

>> No.11062853

The poster you were referring to was talking about not doing lewd things, to which you responded that lewd things do not follow the ideals of pedophiles. Ergo your post was about lewd things.

>> No.11062862

I can't really say, a lot of it at the time felt very spur of the moment. In a way that is pressure, I guess, wanting to do the right thing at the right time in front of the right people.

>Why are humans such lewd creatures?
Fixed that for you.

They don't have to be sluts. Just find some girl you share interests and maturity with and become friends. If that level of maturity is adult between the two of you and the timing is right, then more often than not you end up in a relationship.

I lost that back in high school on the first night his parents were out of state. It was his first time too. Don't be in a hurry to lose it and make sure you lose it to the right person.

>> No.11062866 [DELETED] 

>Indie pop
>What? Please tell me it's not true. I looked up that genre and then the list of artists and searched one with a pretty fun name. I searched for 'Dr. Dog' and I really don't want to believe lolis like to listen to this kind of music
>Have you not learned that lolis are just as bad as typical women? Seriously...
>Lolis are so much better than women that the two can't be fairly compared.
>2D maybe. Real girls are still real as real women. Deal with it. Like everything, lolis are best viewed less a dimension.
>I know a handful of lolis and like I said, you can't compare them to grown women. Grown women smell badly, are loud, have weird hair, and are just too big. Lolis smell nice, are usually quiet unless excited, have nice healthy hair, and are small enough to carry around.

Shall I keep on going, or do you still want to push the fact that the conversation was about lewdness?

>> No.11062873

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11062875 [DELETED] 


>Indie pop
>What? Please tell me it's not true. I looked up that genre and then the list of artists and searched one with a pretty fun name. I searched for 'Dr. Dog' and I really don't want to believe lolis like to listen to this kind of music
>Have you not learned that lolis are just as bad as typical women? Seriously...
>Lolis are so much better than women that the two can't be fairly compared.
>2D maybe. Real girls are still real as real women. Deal with it. Like everything, lolis are best viewed less a dimension.
>I know a handful of lolis and like I said, you can't compare them to grown women. Grown women smell badly, are loud, have weird hair, and are just too big. Lolis smell nice, are usually quiet unless excited, have nice healthy hair, and are small enough to carry around.

Shall I keep on going, or do you still want to push the fact that the conversation was about lewdness?

>> No.11062877

>Just find some girl you share interests and maturity with and become friends.

What if I can only make friends with lolis?

>> No.11062878 [DELETED] 

>Indie pop
>What? Please tell me it's not true. I looked up that genre and then the list of artists and searched one with a pretty fun name. I searched for 'Dr. Dog' and I really don't want to believe lolis like to listen to this kind of music
>Have you not learned that lolis are just as bad as typical women? Seriously...
>Lolis are so much better than women that the two can't be fairly compared.
>2D maybe. Real girls are still real as real women. Deal with it. Like everything, lolis are best viewed less a dimension.
>I know a handful of lolis and like I said, you can't compare them to grown women. Grown women smell badly, are loud, have weird hair, and are just too big. Lolis smell nice, are usually quiet unless excited, have nice healthy hair, and are small enough to carry around.

Shall I keep on going, or do you still want to push the fact that the conversation was about lewdness?

>> No.11062882
File: 143 KB, 352x349, 1370086000163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when lolis were pure, back in the '00s when Full House was in syndication. Why can't I go back to those simpler times?

*puts on Sun Ra/Worlds End Girlfriend/Miles Coldtrain/Perfume mixtape I pressed over my 1890s-minstrel-compilation-vinyl record I saw on a /mu/ Essential Nigger Music list* Now THIS is music, am I right fellow jay/poo/s?

Also, reply to this post with where you would go on a NEET tea-drinking date with a loli. Be sure to write more than 1200 words. I promise I'll read every paragraph!

>> No.11062883


>Indie pop
>What? Please tell me it's not true. I looked up that genre and then the list of artists and searched one with a pretty fun name. I searched for 'Dr. Dog' and I really don't want to believe lolis like to listen to this kind of music
>Have you not learned that lolis are just as bad as typical women? Seriously...
>Lolis are so much better than women that the two can't be fairly compared.
>2D maybe. Real girls are still real as real women. Deal with it. Like everything, lolis are best viewed less a dimension.
>I know a handful of lolis and like I said, you can't compare them to grown women. Grown women smell badly, are loud, have weird hair, and are just too big. Lolis smell nice, are usually quiet unless excited, have nice healthy hair, and are small enough to carry around.

Shall I keep on going, or do you still want to push the fact that the conversation was about lewdness?

>> No.11062885

You're mixing up multiple people.

>> No.11062886


Holy fuck 4chanx, what is you problem.

>> No.11062890

>Don't be in a hurry to lose it and make sure you lose it to the right person.
Is there a story behind this? It's making me depressed somehow.

I would hope they listen to Soutaiseiriron instead.


>> No.11062892

This is why you don't use addons.

>> No.11062895

Infinite summer. No survivors. No continues.

>> No.11062897

Lolis prefer more upbeat music.

>> No.11062900

Go choke on a dick

>> No.11062902


First problem in years.

>> No.11062904
File: 58 KB, 300x295, 7370686[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We summer now

Saging this thread hard.

>> No.11062907

Like the Chernobyl disaster.

>> No.11062908


Like that time I caught a cold.

>> No.11062909

Good post. Made me laugh out some coffee and scald myself.

>> No.11062911

How else will I rice my firefox?

>> No.11062916


Custom userchrome CSS

>> No.11062918

Yes, it was my first relationship which lasted about two years. I thought he'd be the one I'd marry, but then he started coming to school less and less often. All the while he was losing interest in me, didn't want to talk or text me, didn't want to hang out and didn't want me to cheer him up and ended up dumping me. I don't know what went wrong or what happened to him but I didn't see him at graduation. But I don't regret it at all since I learned from it.

>> No.11062923

You're a slut. Your opinion in everything is now void.

>> No.11062928

I'm not making friends with impure girls, and I'm definitely not getting into a relationship with one.

>> No.11062930
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>> No.11062935

>Just find some girl you share interests and maturity with and become friends.

my interests are pornography and masturbation, I can't find any pure girls with the same hobbies as me.

>> No.11062940

Your chances of finding a chaste damaged girl are somewhere between insignificant and zero.

>> No.11062941

Why don't you stop blogging? This isn't tumblr slut.

>> No.11062942

I swear I went to high school with that guy in your picture.

>> No.11062944

all these r9k crossboarders eat this shit up

>> No.11062945

Your chances of finding any chaste girl are somewhere between insignificant and zero.

>> No.11062947

It was you anon.

>> No.11062948

We all went to highschool with one of those guys.

Why does r9k even come here

>> No.11062949

What she's trying to tell you is that there are no pure girls. It's very fitting.

>> No.11062950

Your chances of finding any girl are somewhere between insignificant and zero.

>> No.11062953

blog and post no gf feels

>> No.11062960

I guess I'm just a master at beating the odds.

>> No.11062956

You're depressed because you were hoping she was pure and that symbolized a glimmering hope that there were pure girl out there that shared your hobbies.

Or I'm just projecting.

>> No.11062957

>I'm a fujoshi.

>> No.11062958

How can I say a post is funny without coming off as sarcastic or being too over-the-top ("LE MY SIDES FACE xDDD")?

I want to say >>11062882 was funny and made me laugh, but I can't think how. "lol" isn't hip and it might be seen as sarcastic, and "I laughed", "I can't stop laughing", etc. don't sound genuine.

And yes, this is useful. I want him to make more funny posts if possible.

>> No.11062959


What's up with the slut-shaming? It's 2013.

>> No.11062964

Just leave.

>> No.11062961
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>> No.11062962
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Feeliest thread on /jp.

>> No.11062966

are these things ironic
I think they might be mashochists

>> No.11062967

>would rather spend a night cuddling than having sex

Why do people even feel the need to say this? Do they think it's a plus? And I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but the act of saying it is.

>> No.11062969
File: 56 KB, 350x284, 1351755287458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want him to make more funny posts if possible.

>> No.11062971

With a reaction image. God, this is some 4chan 101 shit right here. Your average thirteen year old /b/tard figures this out on his first day.

>> No.11062973

that was one of the most obvious samefags ive seen all week.

>> No.11062974

But the 2009 /jp/ cabal said I'm not allowed to use those!

>> No.11062975

Going out and having sex with anything that walks because you have daddy problems is nothing to be proud of. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.11062977

The cabal is dead. This is a new era of freedom. You can be your own man now.

>> No.11062980

Are you seriously stealing my "slut-shaming" gimmick?

I bet you'd never even heard of the term before I posted it fifty fucking times.

>> No.11062981
File: 437 KB, 680x437, 1350154052003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanon here

Out of curiousity, why do you guys get so uptight about women who are sexually liberated? Does having past sexual encounters with different people really get you that upset where you won't even consider dating the girl?

If it does, I have some harsh news for you virgins. Every girl out there that's 18+ has done something sexual with at least 3 guys, and if that is stopping you from dating her then....well I guess you'll be alone forever.

You guys sound more feminine than us females......lol

>> No.11062983

You might be autistic.

>> No.11062986

>Femanon here
You can't be a femanon if you have a penis, anon. Even if you are wearing a skirt. I'm sorry.

>> No.11062987

But that picture looks so familiar, like it was from his myspace.

>> No.11062989

If you've never tried it and want to know what it's all about? It's sort of a fun way to test friendship.

People who say things like that have usually done it before.

>> No.11062990

>Just find some girl you share interests and maturity with
lol what kind of idealized bullshit are you feeding these poor guys. They aren't going to find girls who are into eroge and Touhou (MAYBE Touhou if they can stomach con-going weeaboos of the worst sort). What they need to do is just stick with the first girl who will put up with their pathetic asses. Worked for me.

>> No.11062991
File: 1.47 MB, 680x510, 1352169433608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to anime club at college, first day of new semester
>didn't think it was that big and it would be no big deal, just wanted to see what was going on.
>suddenly overcrowds and I am sitting awkwardly alone with people sitting all over the desk I was at
>watch funny internet videos from like 2007.
>people laugh as it is genuinely new and funny
>screaming memes
>club leader comes in, seems pretty normal, as in, not autismal.
>goes over club policies and open positions, how to fund X, Y Z. Apparently new people weren't supposed to show up today
>can't leave because too crowded
>20 minutes going over this shit
>weaboo otherkin girl is howling in the back
>suddenly these two slutty blonde twins pipe up saying that they want to help raise money by doing bikini car washes
>every single sperg in there probably pops a boner, guys whisper about the bikini thing for the rest of the damn club
>stop paying attention and try to devise a way to leave without being too conspicuous
>club leader calls me out as a new member
>asks me what my favorite things are
>Uh, I duno I like mecha a lot
>whole place gets silent
>says he doesn't know what it is and has never heard of it
>some kid in a fedora says mecha means gundam
>goes on to tease me about being shy
>food is brought out after that and I make my way to go
>get stopped by a bunch of dudes asking me asinine questions and making small talk
>get hit on by almost every dude in there
>leave (but not before getting a free brownie)

>> No.11062994

Any form of sexual experience is a deal breaker.

>> No.11062995
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I'm a normalfag, I've had a few girlfriends and although I'm not madly successful with women, I thought I'd list a few of the things we men think but rarely say about women:

1. We do have a fuckzone. I actually like the easy sex that sluts offer, although I've only fucked one and that was some time ago. But here's the thing: Very, very few men will be interested in you as a long term partner with a view to eventual marriage if your number is large. You need to understand this.

2. We're getting sick of your pornstar demands in the bedroom driven by your porn addictions and obsession with everything from rape to being pissed on. It's fun now and again, but jesus christ, you accuse us of perversion and literally everything you ask us to do and say you enjoy doing is straight out of a fucking porn movie. How badly has this shit rotted your brains? It's not even rough sex anymore, it's like you all actively crave the most sadistic degredation imaginable. It has gotten to the point where some girls actually can't orgasm from sex unless the guy is beating the shit out of her.

3. Dressing conservatively actually makes men think well of you. There have been times, at events, dinner parties and so on, where me and my colleagues will see a girl with a longer skirt and almost implicitly treat her with more respect and more like a gentleman that we will the girl who is wearing a dress so short we can see her panties.

If you're fine with being a whore, that's cool. But don't demand we treat you like we treat the girls we want to marry and have kids with, because it isn't going to happen.

>> No.11062996
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My waifu likes eroge.

>> No.11062997

I can't read these stories. I actually can't. I always read the first three lines then skip to the end.

I'd say it's an attention span thing, but I'd read this entire post if it was written as prose. The list format seriously fucks with my brain.

>> No.11062999

I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. It is altogether against my will that I tell my reasons for opposing this contemplated invasion of the antarctic—with its vast fossil hunt and its wholesale boring and melting of the ancient ice caps. And I am the more reluctant because my warning may be in vain.

>> No.11063001

That's it, I'm just going to be a whore too.

>> No.11063002

I walk the Slutwalk every year in my city ever since it started two years ago. "Slut-shaming" is a common term; you are not the all-powerful creator of it.

Sorry if I shot down your dreams but you'll have to be a bit more original if you think a lowly term like "slut-shaming" is being "stolen" from you.

>> No.11063003
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mania-for-a-month /jp/female here
bipolar ii (middling depression, severe mania), ptsd (severe) and adhd (severe)
currently in therapy to address mostly ptsd bullshit, on lithium and ritalin

>feel confident and cute as walking to work
>walk past cute boy
>smile at him
>he gives me a "what the fuck are you doing" look
>for some reason this irritates me more than anything in my entire life
>spend entire day in a confrontational, angry mania

reminding myself that its not even that big of a deal and that typically my feelings are not hurt by these things just made me angrier

>> No.11063004

Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet, if I suppressed what will seem extravagant and incredible, there would be nothing left. The hitherto withheld photographs, both ordinary and aerial, will count in my favor, for they are damnably vivid and graphic. Still, they will be doubted because of the great lengths to which clever fakery can be carried. The ink drawings, of course, will be jeered at as obvious impostures, notwithstanding a strangeness of technique which art experts ought to remark and puzzle over.

>> No.11063005

>like a gentleman

cis scum please leave

>> No.11063006
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I always hear you guys talk about "women" as if they're some huge, homogeneous entity which obeys some kind of inscrutable internal logic. That's dumb. Not because it's misogynist (it is, but who cares) but because it's an oversimplification which is only ever going to lead you towards a false understanding.

I mean, everywhere I look there's a million posts like:
>women are all terrible in exactly this way

And that's retarded. Look, some women are greedy, materialistic, and vain. Whereas other women might be simply cock-hungry sluts, or insane feminazi man-haters. But they can't all be all those things at once by sole virtue of possessing vaginas. Everyone is terrible in their own particular way. Presuming that a woman is going to follow a predictable pattern of shitty behaviour is a bad fucking idea. Because if there's one thing I know about women, it is that you cannot ever understand them, and they will come at you with some insane fucking shit which you could never imagine, pic related

>> No.11063008

You skipped the cringeworthy part and got to the happy ending. Brownies are delicious.

Every girl goes through this realization at some point in the life, usually shortly after she learns that she will never be a real princess.

>> No.11063010

In the end I must rely on the judgment and standing of the few scientific leaders who have, on the one hand, sufficient independence of thought to weigh my data on its own hideously convincing merits or in the light of certain primordial and highly baffling myth cycles; and on the other hand, sufficient influence to deter the exploring world in general from any rash and over-ambitious program in the region of those mountains of madness. It is an unfortunate fact that relatively obscure men like myself and my associates, connected only with a small university, have little chance of making an impression where matters of a wildly bizarre or highly controversial nature are concerned.

>> No.11063011

jus b urself

>> No.11063012
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Jesus christ this tjread is fucking awful. Shitposting mode activted

>> No.11063013

lets cuddle

>> No.11063021

I would give up my NEET lifestyle and help a girl become a real princess if she promised to remain true of heart.

>> No.11063022

You are pretty fucking late for that one, you know? Most people have had shitposting mode activated for half an hour now.

>> No.11063023

It is further against us that we are not, in the strictest sense, specialists in the fields which came primarily to be concerned. As a geologist, my object in leading the Miskatonic University Expedition was wholly that of securing deep-level specimens of rock and soil from various parts of the antarctic continent, aided by the remarkable drill devised by Professor Frank H. Pabodie of our engineering department. I had no wish to be a pioneer in any other field than this, but I did hope that the use of this new mechanical appliance at different points along previously explored paths would bring to light materials of a sort hitherto unreached by the ordinary methods of collection.

>> No.11063025
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Why do women never fucking stand up for themselves?


They're so fucking weak and pathetic it's hard to even want to protect them. Jesus christ. Women are the most dishonest and cowardly creatures out there. You could chat up a girl and she'd make it seem like it was going well just to avoid confrontation. Fucking cowards.

>> No.11063031

Ganbatte, Anonymous.

>> No.11063026

I'm not a woman. I'm going to fuck a bunch of fat girls.

>> No.11063027

A bit late. We even have feelspammer in here now.

I miss aikido and tanasinn, those were kind of topical.

>> No.11063028

Pabodie's drilling apparatus, as the public already knows from our reports, was unique and radical in its lightness, portability, and capacity to combine the ordinary artesian drill principle with the principle of the small circular rock drill in such a way as to cope quickly with strata of varying hardness. Steel head, jointed rods, gasoline motor, collapsible wooden derrick, dynamiting paraphernalia, cording, rubbish-removal auger, and sectional piping for bores five inches wide and up to one thousand feet deep all formed, with needed accessories, no greater load than three seven-dog sledges could carry. This was made possible by the clever aluminum alloy of which most of the metal objects were fashioned. Four large Dornier aeroplanes, designed especially for the tremendous altitude flying necessary on the antarctic plateau and with added fuel-warming and quick-starting devices worked out by Pabodie, could transport our entire expedition from a base at the edge of the great ice barrier to various suitable inland points, and from these points a sufficient quota of dogs would serve us.

>> No.11063029

i copy and paste posts like this into a notepad i call "gotta get u laid"

>> No.11063032

You sound adorable, that is assuming you're pure.

>> No.11063033

We planned to cover as great an area as one antarctic season—or longer, if absolutely necessary—would permit, operating mostly in the mountain ranges and on the plateau south of Ross Sea; regions explored in varying degree by Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott, and Byrd. With frequent changes of camp, made by aeroplane and involving distances great enough to be of geological significance, we expected to unearth a quite unprecedented amount of material—especially in the pre-Cambrian strata of which so narrow a range of antarctic specimens had previously been secured. We wished also to obtain as great as possible a variety of the upper fossiliferous rocks, since the primal life history of this bleak realm of ice and death is of the highest importance to our knowledge of the earth's past. That the antarctic continent was once temperate and even tropical, with a teeming vegetable and animal life of which the lichens, marine fauna, arachnida, and penguins of the northern edge are the only survivals, is a matter of common information; and we hoped to expand that information in variety, accuracy, and detail. When a simple boring revealed fossiliferous signs, we would enlarge the aperture by blasting, in order to get specimens of suitable size and condition.

>> No.11063034
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If someone posts a list of five classic jazz albums I should listen to, I will delete this thread.

>> No.11063037
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What /jp/ thinks a normalfag is
> Some popular jock guy who swims in pussy 24/7
> An asshole who's out to ruin your life

What a normalfag actually is
> Exactly like you, except he gets out more and has a couple of hobbies
> Has insecurities but deals with them
> Varying levels of attractiveness, usually average
> Spends some time in relationships, spends some time single

>> No.11063038

Get with the times, gramps. This is new spam for a new era. Just be glad it's not consuming a majority of the front page like it used to be.

>> No.11063039

Our borings, of varying depth according to the promise held out by the upper soil or rock, were to be confined to exposed, or nearly exposed, land surfaces—these inevitably being slopes and ridges because of the mile or two-mile thickness of solid ice overlying the lower levels. We could not afford to waste drilling the depth of any considerable amount of mere glaciation, though Pabodie had worked out a plan for sinking copper electrodes in thick clusters of borings and melting off limited areas of ice with current from a gasoline-driven dynamo. It is this plan—which we could not put into effect except experimentally on an expedition such as ours—that the coming Starkweather-Moore Expedition proposes to follow, despite the warnings I have issued since our return from the antarctic.

The public knows of the Miskatonic Expedition through our frequent wireless reports to the Arkham Advertiser and Associated Press, and through the later articles of Pabodie and myself. We consisted of four men from the University—Pabodie, Lake of the biology department, Atwood of the physics department—also a meteorologist—and myself, representing geology and having nominal command—besides sixteen assistants: seven graduate students from Miskatonic and nine skilled mechanics. Of these sixteen, twelve were qualified aeroplane pilots, all but two of whom were competent wireless operators. Eight of them understood navigation with compass and sextant, as did Pabodie, Atwood, and I. In addition, of course, our two ships—wooden ex-whalers, reinforced for ice conditions and having auxiliary steam—were fully manned.

>> No.11063040

>or crowding around boys in a corner of the playground and asking them perverted questions to see how they would react.

Crap, i remenber that thing being done to me. I was asked if i was a virgin when i was 9 years old and i just didn't know what to respond, those bitches started laughing at me when i said no. There were also some of them asking to play the "I show you mine you show me yours" game.

>> No.11063041

I can't read that. All I see are lines of green blocks.

>> No.11063042

>assuming you're pure.
lol, no

no girl is pure
no girl

do not let them have space on /jp/
shame them for being lewd until they kill themselves!

>> No.11063043
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why did jp evolve to be a place where NEETs, neckbeards and fat slobs complain about their life and lack of social contact? With the robot system, this'd be the perfect board to have incredibly interesting and constructive discussions about everything (not just misogyny, which I believe is an excuse from said neckbeards to the fact that they're too afraid to approach a woman).

Seriously, this could have been the best board of all the internet, why did you people fuck it up so much?

>> No.11063046

The Nathaniel Derby Pickman Foundation, aided by a few special contributions, financed the expedition; hence our preparations were extremely thorough, despite the absence of great publicity. The dogs, sledges, machines, camp materials, and unassembled parts of our five planes were delivered in Boston, and there our ships were loaded. We were marvelously well-equipped for our specific purposes, and in all matters pertaining to supplies, regimen, transportation, and camp construction we profited by the excellent example of our many recent and exceptionally brilliant predecessors. It was the unusual number and fame of these predecessors which made our own expedition—ample though it was—so little noticed by the world at large.

As the newspapers told, we sailed from Boston Harbor on September 2nd, 1930, taking a leisurely course down the coast and through the Panama Canal, and stopping at Samoa and Hobart, Tasmania, at which latter place we took on final supplies. None of our exploring party had ever been in the polar regions before, hence we all relied greatly on our ship captains—J. B. Douglas, commanding the brig Arkham, and serving as commander of the sea party, and Georg Thorfinnssen, commanding the barque Miskatonic—both veteran whalers in antarctic waters.

>> No.11063047
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You'd leave your house some time during the early evening, just when the sun is beginning to hang low in the orange and purple sky at just the right angle to highlight all the various bugs flying about in the air. In that very same air the sounds of suburbia are always constant; dogs barking in the distance, cicadas ratcheting in the trees, the Mourning Doves calling from the tops of the street lights. Making your way to her house down the block you would of course be subject to the various scents the neighborhood has to offer like the freshly cut grass and meat on the grill, or the scent of chlorine from the pools. More than anything those scents triggering a sense of nostalgia and relax you.

After making my way up the path to her door and knocking on it, she appears in the doorway casually dressed in a long skirt, t-shirt, and sandals. Looking up to you with a smile on her face her hair hangs freely down her back, and she looks absolutely perfect. Although you've spent a great deal of time together in the past, this will be your first actual date. Sticking your hand out for her, she grabs it and you two begin walking down the pathway to the sidewalk, and then down the block.

Along the way you're both not quite sure what to talk about. Occasionally you look down at her as she looks up at you and your eyes cross paths, forcing you both to quickly look away and feel slightly embarrassed. Still, neither of you let go of the others hand. Eventually you think to talk about

I'm sorry /jp/ I just can't do dialogue and in the end, nobody would read a 2600 word story about a date with a loli in a thread like this. Plus it's going to be deleted soon so there's not really any point.

>> No.11063049
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I've never once in my life had a gf, I've come to terms with it long time ago and I haven't really been trying, but ever since I turned 20 it's been more of a physical needy type of issue, like a biological urge.

How do I make it stop? tldr: i want to pull out the >tfw no gf forever

>> No.11063052

Please tell me you guys are responding to the /r9k/ reposts ironically. I don't know what I'll do if you're not.

>> No.11063055

As we left the inhabited world behind, the sun sank lower and lower in the north, and stayed longer and longer above the horizon each day. At about 62° South Latitude we sighted our first icebergs—table-like objects with vertical sides—and just before reaching the antarctic circle, which we crossed on October 20th with appropriately quaint ceremonies, we were considerably troubled with field ice. The falling temperature bothered me considerably after our long voyage through the tropics, but I tried to brace up for the worse rigors to come. On many occasions the curious atmospheric effects enchanted me vastly; these including a strikingly vivid mirage—the first I had ever seen—in which distant bergs became the battlements of unimaginable cosmic castles. Pushing through the ice, which was fortunately neither extensive nor thickly packed, we regained open water at South Latitude 67°, East Longitude 175° On the morning of October 26th a strong land blink appeared on the south, and before noon we all felt a thrill of excitement at beholding a vast, lofty, and snow-clad mountain chain which opened out and covered the whole vista ahead. At last we had encountered an outpost of the great unknown continent and its cryptic world of frozen death. These peaks were obviously the Admiralty Range discovered by Ross, and it would now be our task to round Cape Adare and sail down the east coast of Victoria Land to our contemplated base on the shore of McMurdo Sound, at the foot of the volcano Erebus in South Latitude 77° 9'.

>> No.11063056

I've gone to a few anime conventions with friends and came out with even more friends. Some of these friends are attractive, and even better yet, some of them are interested in Touhou. All are working or at least in graduate school. More importantly, they are interested in Touhou.

A little over a year ago some friends of mine, a male Touhou fan and a female Touhou fan met for the first time. Two convention nights later they were a couple. I went to their anniversary party a few months ago and they were still a happy couple.

These are two fairly normal people.

Another two of my friends, one is an insanely shy, tiny girl who is a molecular biology major, and the other a music major. Surprisingly they already live together, play games together and watch anime together. They have been a happy couple ever since I first met them in my freshman year of highschool.

I'm not spreading idealized bullshit - finding the right person can and does happen, and I want to share my experiences so that you can understand that it's not something that is unreachable.

>> No.11063059
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Thanks for the reply.

Felt hard.

>> No.11063061

The last lap of the voyage was vivid and fancy-stirring. Great barren peaks of mystery loomed up constantly against the west as the low northern sun of noon or the still lower horizon-grazing southern sun of midnight poured its hazy reddish rays over the white snow, bluish ice and water lanes, and black bits of exposed granite slope. Through the desolate summits swept ranging, intermittent gusts of the terrible antarctic wind; whose cadences sometimes held vague suggestions of a wild and half-sentient musical piping, with notes extending over a wide range, and which for some subconscious mnemonic reason seemed to me disquieting and even dimly terrible. Something about the scene reminded me of the strange and disturbing Asian paintings of Nicholas Roerich, and of the still stranger and more disturbing descriptions of the evilly fabled plateau of Leng which occur in the dreaded Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. I was rather sorry, later on, that I had ever looked into that monstrous book at the college library.

On the 7th of November, sight of the westward range having been temporarily lost, we passed Franklin Island; and the next day descried the cones of Mts. Erebus and Terror on Ross Island ahead, with the long line of the Parry Mountains beyond. There now stretched off to the east the low, white line of the great ice barrier, rising perpendicularly to a height of two hundred feet like the rocky cliffs of Quebec, and marking the end of southward navigation. In the afternoon we entered McMurdo Sound and stood off the coast in the lee of smoking Mt. Erebus. The scoriac peak towered up some twelve thousand, seven hundred feet against the eastern sky, like a Japanese print of the sacred Fujiyama, while beyond it rose the white, ghostlike height of Mt. Terror, ten thousand, nine hundred feet in altitude, and now extinct as a volcano.

>> No.11063062

you can't prevent it

>> No.11063066
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But I can diminish its effects.

>> No.11063067

Puffs of smoke from Erebus came intermittently, and one of the graduate assistants—a brilliant young fellow named Danforth—pointed out what looked like lava on the snowy slope, remarking that this mountain, discovered in 1840, had undoubtedly been the source of Poe's image when he wrote seven years later:

—the lavas that restlessly roll
Their sulphurous currents down Yaanek
In the ultimate climes of the pole—
That groan as they roll down Mount Yaanek
In the realms of the boreal pole.

Danforth was a great reader of bizarre material, and had talked a good deal of Poe. I was interested myself because of the antarctic scene of Poe's only long story—the disturbing and enigmatical Arthur Gordon Pym. On the barren shore, and on the lofty ice barrier in the background, myriads of grotesque penguins squawked and flapped their fins, while many fat seals were visible on the water, swimming or sprawling across large cakes of slowly drifting ice.

>> No.11063069
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So, I've been accused of "blaming the victim" several times before, for suggesting that girls not get super wasted around a bunch of alpha douches if they want to lower their chances of being raped. Serena Williams made some similar comment about the Steubenville rape case, and in defending her comments, I got to thinking.

I find myself enjoying the stories where I'm arguing about that sort of thing. So much so that I don't feel bad about the actual rape at all... like, at all. Why? Do I feel like it's some "deserved" comeuppance? Do I hate women and secretly want them to be raped?

The answer I am thinking about is maybe yes and no. I think it's not that I like women getting raped; it's that I like telling them what they can and can't do. That is, I want to tell women that they can't dress all slutty and get sloppy around a gang of dudes. And here's why: that shit is so disgusting and degrading. I want women to wear headscarves and not get too drunk and not hang around men. They shouldn't be doing that shit anyway, and it's highly unattractive. It evinces a complete lack of self respect, and I hate it.

So that's the maybe no, part. The maybe yes part is that I'm not even mad at the dudes who rape women exhibiting these behaviors. I'm glad they do it, because it reinforces the negativity of those behaviors. They are enforcers, of a sort, of a certain moral etiquette. I would hate, to the verge of killing, someone who stranger raped some demurely dressed woman who isn't making a spectacle of herself. That's just scummy. But we kind of need the date/party rapists to remind women that that shit isn't for them. It's okay for men; not so for women.
And, related to that last bit, it reminds me that there are some awesome things about being a man that I want to remain that way. I want men to be the only ones who can get wasted and loud. I feel like that is our exclusive right, and women have encroached upon it in a way that is need dialing back

>> No.11063070


How appropriate.

>> No.11063072

Why would you want to slay this beast you've created? It may be an abomination, but it's your abomination.

>> No.11063074
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I had an epiphany about 2 years ago, and I thought I'd share

in high school, I was anti-social and spaghetti ridden. but you know what? nobody fucked with me, when by all rights they should have and I wouldn't have done shit. yet people made efforts to be friends with me. girls approached me. I fucked those potential relationships up with my sperglord-ness, but still

you wanna know why? because back then I had a "style". I had a look. I looked like I belonged somewhere.

I realized that as an adult, I had become boring. I wore polo shirts and a shaved head and looked like a useless face in a crowd. I decided to change that. I made the choice to go back to my high school look. I grew my hair out past my shoulders, worse converse shoes, made a hundred hemp bracelets that covered by my entire forearms, and started rocking a pullover fleece with the middle cut open.

the result: strangers started striking up conversations with me. some drug dealer approached me and said "you look cool man, wanna buy some weed?" (dumbass), a girl in a cafe walked up and started stroking my hair and said OMG you look like curt cobain

the problem, jpsie, is you look boring. eschew the hoodie, the earbuds, the band tee, the autism shoes, all the trappings that identify you as a bland 90s kid. find a style and those of your clan will seek you out

>> No.11063075

Using small boats, we effected a difficult landing on Ross Island shortly after midnight on the morning of the 9th, carrying a line of cable from each of the ships and preparing to unload supplies by means of a breeches-buoy arrangement. Our sensations on first treading Antarctic soil were poignant and complex, even though at this particular point the Scott and Shackleton expeditions had preceded us. Our camp on the frozen shore below the volcano's slope was only a provisional one, headquarters being kept aboard the Arkham. We landed all our drilling apparatus, dogs, sledges, tents, provisions, gasoline tanks, experimental ice-melting outfit, cameras, both ordinary and aerial, aeroplane parts, and other accessories, including three small portable wireless outfits—besides those in the planes—capable of communicating with the Arkham's large outfit from any part of the antarctic continent that we would be likely to visit. The ship's outfit, communicating with the outside world, was to convey press reports to the Arkham Advertiser's powerful wireless station on Kingsport Head, Massachusetts. We hoped to complete our work during a single antarctic summer; but if this proved impossible, we would winter on the Arkham, sending the Miskatonic north before the freezing of the ice for another summer's supplies.

>> No.11063080

Does anyone else feel women are invaders of space? Sometimes you just want a place where you can escape from the normies and the bleedslits in order to engage in good old testosterone fueled activity orconversation. I feel there is a thousand mile difference between the sexes and we are better off not talking or socializing with them, just fucking their bodies whenever we get the chance should suffice as interaction with them.

>> No.11063076
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1353363596141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaoru Abe - Winter 1972
Peter Brötzmann - Machine Gun
Die Like a Dog Quartet - Little Birds Have Fast Hearts, No. 1
Sun Ra - Lanquidity
Satoko Fujii - Looking Out of the Window

Enjoy your rebirth as a ~patrician~

>> No.11063078

I need not repeat what the newspapers have already published about our early work: of our ascent of Mt. Erebus; our successful mineral borings at several points on Ross Island and the singular speed with which Pabodie's apparatus accomplished them, even through solid rock layers; our provisional test of the small ice-melting equipment; our perilous ascent of the great barrier with sledges and supplies; and our final assembling of five huge aeroplanes at the camp atop the barrier. The health of our land party—twenty men and fifty-five Alaskan sledge dogs—was remarkable, though of course we had so far encountered no really destructive temperatures or windstorms. For the most part, the thermometer varied between zero and 20° or 25° above, and our experience with New England winters had accustomed us to rigors of this sort. The barrier camp was semi-permanent, and destined to be a storage cache for gasoline, provisions, dynamite, and other supplies.

Only four of our planes were needed to carry the actual exploring material, the fifth being left with a pilot and two men from the ships at the storage cache to form a means of reaching us from the Arkham in case all our exploring planes were lost. Later, when not using all the other planes for moving apparatus, we would employ one or two in a shuttle transportation service between this cache and another permanent base on the great plateau from six hundred to seven hundred miles southward, beyond Beardmore Glacier. Despite the almost unanimous accounts of appalling winds and tempests that pour down from the plateau, we determined to dispense with intermediate bases, taking our chances in the interest of economy and probable efficiency.

>> No.11063081

He should put it out of its misery. It would be the right thing to do.

>> No.11063084
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>> No.11063085

Wireless reports have spoken of the breathtaking, four-hour, nonstop flight of our squadron on November 21st over the lofty shelf ice, with vast peaks rising on the west, and the unfathomed silences echoing to the sound of our engines. Wind troubled us only moderately, and our radio compasses helped us through the one opaque fog we encountered. When the vast rise loomed ahead, between Latitudes 83° and 84°, we knew we had reached Beardmore Glacier, the largest valley glacier in the world, and that the frozen sea was now giving place to a frowning and mountainous coast line.At last we were truly entering thewhite, aeondead world of the ultimate south. Even as we realized it wesaw the peak of Mt. Nansen in the eastern distance, towering up to its height of almost fifteen thousand feet.

The successful establishment of the southern baseabove the glacier in Latitude 86° 7', East Longitude 174° 23', and the phenomenally rapid and effective borings and blastings made at various pointsreached by our sledge trips and short aeroplane flights, are matters of history; as is the arduous and triumphant ascent of Mt. Nansenby Pabodie and two of the graduate students—Gedney and Carroll—on December 13—15. We were some eight thousand, five hundred feetabove sea-level, and when experimental drillings revealed solid ground only twelve feet down through the snow and ice at certain points,

>> No.11063087


In certain of the sandstones, dynamited and chiseled after boring revealed their nature, we found some highly interesting fossil markings and fragments; notably ferns, seaweeds, trilobites, crinoids, and such mollusks as linguellae and gastropods—all of which seemed of real significance in connection with the region's primordial history. There was also a queer triangular, striated marking, about a foot in greatest diameter, which Lake pieced together from three fragments of slate brought up from a deep-blasted aperture. These fragments came from a point to the westward, near the Queen Alexandra Range; and Lake, as a biologist, seemed to find their curious marking unusually puzzling and provocative, though to my geological eye it looked not unlike some of the ripple effects reasonably common in the sedimentary rocks. Since slate is no more than a metamorphic formation into which a sedimentary stratum is pressed, and since the pressure itself produces odd distorting effects on any markings which may exist, I saw no reason for extreme wonder over the striated depression.

>> No.11063088

I begin my life as a slut tomorrow. Who wants the first crack at me?

>> No.11063090

On January 6th, 1931, Lake, Pabodie, Danforth, the other six students, and myself flew directly over the south pole in two of the great planes, being forced down once by a sudden high wind, which, fortunately, did not develop into a typical storm. This was, as the papers have stated, one of several observation flights, during others of which we tried to discern new topographical features in areas unreached by previous explorers. Our early flights were disappointing in this latter respect, though they afforded us some magnificent examples of the richly fantastic and deceptive mirages of the polar regions, of which our sea voyage had given us some brief foretastes. Distant mountains floated in the sky as enchanted cities, and often the whole white world would dissolve into a gold, silver, and scarlet land of Dunsanian dreams and adventurous expectancy under the magic of the low midnight sun. On cloudy days we had considerable trouble in flying owing to the tendency of snowy earth and sky to merge into one mystical opalescent void with no visible horizon to mark the junction of the two.

>> No.11063091
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What an awful and embarrassing thread.

If you find a person you genuinely love, you'll soon find yourself that you don't even care if they're a virgin or not. You won't care about their looks or weight, or anything trivial like that. You'll bother be too busy having fun and loving the shit out of each other.

>> No.11063093

Says you slut!

>> No.11063094
File: 114 B, 400x400, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind sir.

>> No.11063095

At length we resolved to carry out our original plan of flying five hundred miles eastward with all four exploring planes and establishing a fresh sub-base at a point which would probably be on the smaller continental division, as we mistakenly conceived it. Geological specimens obtained there would be desirable for purposes of comparison. Our health so far had remained excellent—lime juice well offsetting the steady diet of tinned and salted food, and temperatures generally above zero enabling us to do without our thickest furs. It was now midsummer, and with haste and care we might be able to conclude work by March and avoid a tedious wintering through the long antarctic night. Several savage windstorms had burst upon us from the west, but we had escaped damage through the skill of Atwood in devising rudimentary aeroplane shelters and windbreaks of heavy snow blocks, and reinforcing the principal camp buildings with snow. Our good luck and efficiency had indeed been almost uncanny.
