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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11055682 No.11055682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any netoge otaku here?

>> No.11055689


>> No.11055694

all the japs on my steam love warframe

>> No.11055699

Is it fun?

>> No.11055700

The etymology of the word 'netoge' is dumb.

(Inter)netoge? It's like when your grandparents think browsers are the Internet itself.

>> No.11055701

Makes me think of LAN games.

>> No.11055703

net games

games played over a network

the fucks wrong with that?

>> No.11055704

slutty armpits

>> No.11055706


Space ninjas with guns. I think it's fun but it got old after a week of playing, lack of content once you hit level cap and it's just super grindy right now.

>> No.11055712

What do you grind for? Is there some kind of loot system?

>> No.11055713



>> No.11055715

It's a Japanese word. Go tell them about it.

>> No.11055714


Materials for weapons, warframe parts, sentinel parts. As well as mods, warframe blueprints. Drops being material cases in the mission. It is fun though, as well as it's always getting new content, so there's that to look forward to.

>> No.11055716

You're the one who is using it.

>> No.11055718

I'm actually not OP. >>11055715 was my first post in this thread. So I never really used it.

>> No.11055724

You're the one posting in a thread that uses it outside of Japan.

>> No.11055727

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.11055735


STOP raping me. This is your last warning or I will post this thread on /s4s/.

>> No.11055737

Go ahead. I would actually love it if you did. I've never had my posts posted on /s4s/ before.

>> No.11056303
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>> No.11059331

Please respond.

>> No.11059337


>> No.11059354

What netgame do you play?

>> No.11059349

Japanese word?
What a shit
It is''NetGame''

>> No.11059371

2009 was a good year.

>> No.11059430

So is she a non-virgin?

>> No.11059435

I read this as "neo-virgin" because I wasn't wearing my glasses. I then asked myself "what the HECK is a neo virgin???"

>> No.11059433

of course
she is pure

>> No.11059443

im a born again virg

>> No.11059452

Someone play Guild Wars 2 with me.

>> No.11059458

amen brother

>> No.11059459

this guy again

>> No.11059461
File: 7 KB, 300x272, matrix-neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's someone who hasn't experienced sex with the Matrix protagonist.

>> No.11059468

I would but it feels wrong paying money for an MMO

>> No.11059472

add me my name is Vaneroxciss

>> No.11059474


>> No.11059529


>> No.11059699
File: 673 KB, 710x720, 1366091587913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post what net games you are playing at the moment

>> No.11059703

I'm going to try the FF14 PS3 beta

>> No.11059728

pso2, also the ffxiv beta

>> No.11059735

why do you nerds love final fantasy so much? fucking weebass weeaboos

>> No.11059761

They're just trying to fit in because they think playing japanese games makes them more ``/jp/ oldfag''.

>> No.11059762

I played TERA for the last few months, but it got so horribly boring I think I've only played an hour or so in the last week or two.

I started playing PSO2, but I keep getting unhappy with my characters name/appearance so I delete them and remake them before I've ever reached level 5.

>> No.11059798
File: 10 KB, 197x167, 1358106642322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are there any planetside 2 lone wolf otaku here?

>> No.11059804

I don't like ff for several reasons, but the graphics in that mmo made me want to see how it would look and run.
I'm more of SMT

>> No.11059808

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.11059806 [DELETED] 

Why do you post some nonsense?

>> No.11059807

i played it a bit but solo is fucking boring

>> No.11059809

Why do you post such nonsense?

>> No.11059812
File: 22 KB, 204x307, 1367173345013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so too, wanna buddy up?

>> No.11059813

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.11059815

Don't respond to my deleted posts you jerk you make me look like an idiot.

>> No.11059820

Maybe you should stop touching yourself so much while posting nerd

>> No.11059837


>> No.11059836
File: 244 KB, 2000x1967, 1365662390124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond

>> No.11059840
File: 62 KB, 1920x1080, 1367885782612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're disappointing. A big disappointment. That's you.

>> No.11059842

No one will ever love you

>> No.11059845
File: 77 KB, 1920x1080, 1367885846847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter that you'll never love me because your love is worth nothing. Much like your life.

>> No.11059850

Amputate your hands, fag.

>> No.11059852

Amputate your neck.

>> No.11059857

I like you, you seem nice. I'm not the person you originally replied to, but I do want to play with you. I don't think Planetside 2 looks fun though, why don't we try something else

>> No.11059859
File: 168 KB, 600x600, 1365647871898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a path of exile culture otaku?

>> No.11059862

The same regards to you.

>> No.11059866

This is why the conspiracy samurai must be reposted every day.

>> No.11059870

I'm enjoying Rift, but I doubt I can make a friend in any game with a dungeon finder, so I don't think it'll happen with this game either.

>> No.11059871

Sorry, I don't really like that type of game

Sadly I don't think you would be able to find anything to play with me, I'm currently not playing anything for a reason, I can't find anything that interests me.

>> No.11059873
File: 95 KB, 400x411, 1367887582525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck

>> No.11059876
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Homu will never buddy up at this rate

>> No.11059881

Now I have seen a new level of desperation.

>> No.11059880

Forgive me....

>> No.11059887
File: 45 KB, 327x512, 1370841244219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ trying so hard to get playmates

>> No.11059890

All my playmates killed me in their mind
And I'm braindead too

>> No.11059892

I'm still playing ragnarok online (1 obviously) classic.

I don't know why.

>> No.11059913

they forgot you?

>> No.11059923

>trying so hard

>> No.11060007

I'm playing Age of Wushu currently, but considering quitting to go elsewhere.
It is nothing like anything I've ever played before, and I've played over 2 dozen mmo games for long periods of time (100+ hours, in some cases absurd lengths like breaking 1 year /played on a character in WoW).
Age of Wushu is absolutely fucked up.

That being said, fucked up doesn't mean good, even in the stale mmorpg genre. Very little makes proper sense. I'll never be able to outlevel and surpass people who started playing before me, because the publisher will raise the level cap faster than I can reach it. And I can't pass people above me by brute force because everybody has the same 24 hours a day to /afk and idle, which is how you powerlevel in Age of Wushu. Its hopeless.

The game is densely populated by foreigners who don't speak english. Disgusting.

I play a lot of MMOs.
If anybody wants to talk about MMOs or play them with someone else, then message me on steam. My info will be posted at the bottom of the page.
If any of you aren't too timid to send me a message, do so. If you feel that posting personal (steam) information on /jp/ is foolish and don't wish to deal with a fool, then simply regard my post with contempt and be concerned no longer.


>> No.11060256

look at this big normie with his 21 friends

>> No.11060273


I have 50+ and only speak to 3 of them.

>> No.11060279

delete them off your list then

oh wait that is right you are a dumb normie who wants 5 million friends so you can win at life or what ever the media tells you you need to not look pathetic to your fellow media controlled sheep herd

>> No.11060280

mmo thing, wow and other networked games are all pretty much nothing but blatant scams with a little tiny bit of stale dated graphics attached, yes?

I'm not paying you IRL money for a make-believe piece of armor, to hell with that noise.

>> No.11060283

I'm playing Rift, got my mage to level 44.

>> No.11060284

in todays world of obvious cashgrab capitalism you are right, but there are a few games out there that are good and that people want to play together. so not all network games are scams.

>> No.11060288

yeah, but such network games are few and rather far between these days, most of the good ones have died out..

>> No.11060336

It doesn't really matter since /jp/ never wants to do anything anyway. This thread is just a sad cry for attention

>> No.11060342

I've played wow on a private server, then i deleted it to make space for weeb shit and because it was getting boring.

>> No.11060343

Let's make a corporation in EVE online.
What should we call it?

>> No.11060345

im a dumb fat smelly neet corp

>> No.11060349

Is 式姫草子 any good? I've seen a thread about it on Futaba.

>> No.11060351


they're all boring
no, I don't want to play with /jp/

>> No.11060354

I thought of something more like NEET Inc., but that should be alright. We could spend our days shitposting in the game chat instead of actually playing, just like in real life.
