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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11049064 No.11049064 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she still so incredibly popular?

Her game came out over 10 years ago. You would think the novelty has worn off by now.

>> No.11049070

I'm a masochist.

>> No.11049075

European characters are often most popular among japanese fans.

>> No.11049078

not everyone is a novelty seeking subhuman like you

>> No.11049099

- she a cute
- she a loli
- she a loli vampire
- aaaaaaaaa

>> No.11049108

I want her to step on me and then lick her feet.

>> No.11049117

hmmm idk... maybe because shes an interesting character with an interesting personality?

>> No.11049119

Most people only play EoSD.

>> No.11049125

no man the novelty the novelty!

>> No.11049127

This is probably the most accurate answer.

>> No.11049138

It was work hard.

>> No.11049149

Japs think western shit is exotic, and much more interesting than some boring moon princess or some monk.

>> No.11049156
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Because for all intents and purposes, the EoSD cast is still the best one to come out, she's head of that cast, and she has incredible specs on her own. Loli vampire, nobility, and capricious, childish, and cruel.

You'd be hard-pressed not to like her.

>> No.11049168


>> No.11049169


>and cruel


>> No.11049187

Humiliating people is to relieve boredom is pretty cruel.

>> No.11049190

I think it's because out of all the groups, the EOSD cast are the least complicated. You almost need to know nothing about the characters to write even serious stuff. There is no complicated or long backstory for any of those characters. Want to write stuff with Miko? Hope you know something about history. Want to write something with Remilia? Loli vampire who own a mansion with maids. Also has a loli sister who may or may not be crazy. All you need to know to start writing.

>> No.11049200

Ive been reading gensokyo.orgs whole archives. Yea, 65% are mostly SDM related. Could use more stories from other families.

>> No.11049201

On /jp/ you'd think posters would be familiar with the idea of 'flipping the chessboard,' but if you're wondering why novelty hasn't worn off in over a decade when novelty is but a fleeting idea, well the obvious answer is that the attraction to Remilia is based on something with a deeper foundation than novelty.

or to put in buzzword terms: herp derp wat is pedobait

>> No.11049205

>the EoSD cast is still the best one to come out
Whether or not that's true, they've been done to death and back. There is nothing left to be done with the SDM, but people keep trying anyway.
This would be fine, except it means the newer casts don't get even a fifth of the attention they deserve. It's god damn infuriating.

>> No.11049203

To be perfectly honest, none of the other Touhou characters really have backstories that are all that in-depth. Their stories are only relevant to the events of their game, unless you're going Moriya shrine route, which is just awful.

I actually detest the convergence of characters and plots in Touhou. Everything should be perfectly episodic. That's the definition of an event. It occurs, it's resolved, and it's done.

If the EoSD cast was actually used in more than the fighting games, you would get more backstory from them, but aside from IN, there's really nothing to pick up on. The fighting games get plenty of mileage out of the EoSD girls.

>> No.11049210

>unless you're going Moriya shrine route, which is just awful

>> No.11049208

You are so new that the you could be bottled and sprayed into used cars.

Save the Earth: mulch yourself.

>> No.11049212

>Everything should be this way because I want it to be
Events aren't exclusive of one another. The occurrence of multiple overlapping events is in itself an event.

>> No.11049213

While Kanako is interesting, Sanae is most decidedly not.

>> No.11049215

I don't know. I am so fucking sick of SDM.
I liked them once, years ago, but got fed up with their shit when this household or that Touhou was introduced and the only response was a dozen more SakuyaxMeiling doujins.

>> No.11049216

why do you care about white ren's opinion?

>> No.11049217

How so?

>> No.11049221

So you start disliking things when other people like them too much?

Do you wear a faggy little fedora, too?

Because it was a fair question.

>> No.11049223

Frandoll is the best girl.

>> No.11049225

i'm not asking you, white ren

you literally stopped liking the household because of the number of fanfiction they get. congratulations! ig uess

>> No.11049234
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To save this topic the pain of going through a meta discussion of how shitty tripfags are, could you keep to the subject matter, thus avoiding ad hominem? kthx

>> No.11049230 [DELETED] 

No you dumb fuck, I stopped liking a household because I got bored of them and they hogged the doujin scene. It's not that they got a bunch of fan content, it's that everyone else didn't.

>> No.11049236

No you dumb fuck, I stopped liking a household because I got bored of them and they hogged the doujin scene. It's not that they got a bunch of fan content, it's that everyone else didn't.

>> No.11049238
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>> No.11049241

>"I want things to be episodic, i.e. one-and-done events where the characters and plotlines don't become relevant after the game they're featured in"
>two posts later, attacks an anon who complains about how SDM characters and plots keep popping up in doujin material

>> No.11049242

ha ha! this is some shit!

>> No.11049247

>tripscum flinging shit at each other

>> No.11049248

still doesn't proves otherwise to my point.

>> No.11049253

The fact that things are too episodic and disconnected is what ruins plot movement in almost every Touhou manga. Instead of some plotline to follow you just get auto-conclusive episodes that are mostly irrelevant to anything ever again. There is literally nothing to get you interested in the next chapters. What exciting things might happen in the next chapter of FS? Who cares, it won't matter anyway. Just enjoy the new art.

>> No.11049252

And what point was that?

>> No.11049255

I wanna be the hobgoblin that is working in the SDM as Remilia's footrest

Lucky little fucker has front row seats for loli vampire panties.

>> No.11049259

2nd worst 2hu

>> No.11049268
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>> No.11049266

I called him a hipster for disliking things after they became popular with everyone. That's a point completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but relevant to him being a terrible non-person.

Also, you are mixing fanon and canon. SDM is only really present in the fighting games, and not so much after the first one. Hang yourself high.

>> No.11049270

Yeah and even the stuff that does run between the games like character relationships isn't guaranteed to be relevant anytime soon. Like in Eirin's IN profile it's stated that she's surprised to see Sakuya and that only she knows why, and Zun gave a super cryptic, foreshadowy reply when he was asked about this. So apparently their connection is important, but who knows if it'll ever be relevant because of how episodic things are.

>> No.11049273 [DELETED] 


>> No.11049281

it's funny that you not only assumed that he disliked things because they became popular when other self-evident reasons were available. not only that, but said anon already posted reiterating that he didn't dislike them just because they became popular but because they overshadow the other casts.

so not only did you make an ass out of yourself by making an incorrect assumption, but when he corrected your assumption, you ignored it and kept going with your shitty theory.
no wonder everyone hates you.

>> No.11049277


>> No.11049287

But that's not the argument he was making.
First ad hominem and now straw man arguments. Do you have a big reference book on your desk on how to shitpost?

>> No.11049292
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I have bigger aspirations. I'm gonna be her meido.

>> No.11049307

The adventures of Sakuya and tag-along characters are not the same as including story elements from SDM. I would not say that Suika has been especially plot relevant, just because she shows up as a support character. At least IN has a play off in conversations between Sakuya and Remilia. None of the games in question have seen SDM being either behind the event or relevant to it.

They overshadow the lesser houses because they are popular.
People make more stuff about them, instead of the others, because they are popular (as a side effect of being good, opinions).
By definition, he hates them because they're popular, since their popularity leads them to overshadow the others.

He still can't defend the fact that he doesn't like something now because others changed his opinion of it. He let other people dictate his enjoyment in something. On the Internet.

If the infinite summerfriends hate me, I am perfectly okay with that.

>> No.11049311
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so moe

>> No.11049315
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Red lips.

>> No.11049317

misty lake is always relevant

>> No.11049318

What should happen is to drop Gensokyo and leave the SDM.

Do a Beautiful Dreamer type thing with Flandre as Lum.

>> No.11049329

I guess I am mostly bored of them, but at the same time I don't have anything against the SDM. Characters like Remilia and Sakuya I still genuinely love, they're pretty interesting, even if they don't really cater to my specific tastes.

I think the reason EoSD are still so popular are several.

>they're easy to understand, no complicated hierarchy or backstory
>they have been in many installments, more than anyone else
>feature many popular tropes (vampires, maids, chinese girl)

As for the case with gensokyo.org mentioned in >>11049200 I think it's not only due the fact that SDM/EoSD books are the only ones MADE, but more that they are the ones that get scanned and translated at a higher rate than others, which causes them to become even more over-represented.

I think the Japanese fandom has actually done a much better job at moving on from the older games and characters. Maybe that's the impression I get because there are so many more people doing fanworks, but there's still a much wider selection of doujinshi, for example, being sold at online shops than what shows up translated in our community.

It's hard to find EoSd books these days that are actually interesting though. Or at least I think so.

>> No.11049335

> I actually detest the convergence of characters and plots in Touhou
You gay or something? This is what makes the Touhou plot interesting. Also non-converging characters means no huge festivals with all sorts of youkai and humans and shit.

>> No.11049344

Convergence as an over-arching reason. Touhou isn't about intricate plots. It's about girls having fun.

There is a distinct lack of girls simply having fun, lately, but that is just one opinion.

>> No.11049340

Most interesting things have simply already been done with them. I certainly don't want to read another grimdark retelling of EOSD or some try-hard attempt at making a sad story by killing Sakuya of old age again.

>> No.11049341

No, I hate them because they overshadow others. They could be the least popular cast and overshadow everyone else just because doujin circles like them and I'd still hate them.

>He still can't defend the fact that he doesn't like something now because others changed his opinion of it. He let other people dictate his enjoyment in something.
How can you breath with your head so far up your ass? Those other people are the ones making the fan content.

>> No.11049350

>Touhou plot

>> No.11049352

It's about life in Gensokyo. Just like life on earth, it doesn't has an over-arching reason.

>> No.11049356

both Moriya, and Myouren Family has been mostly fun stories.

>> No.11049363

I actually wouldn't mind some more general stories as long as they were well-written, but that just seems too hard to find most of the time. It's either too perverted or the humor is just too low-level in case of a humor story.

For example, "So Tonight, I Will Overlook It", was great, I would love to read more like it. Or more by that circle. Incidentally this is their only EoSd work as far as I know. Also the only one of their works to ever get translated.

I also have yet to read a Sakuya and Remilia backstory that I found satisfying.

>> No.11049370

All fiction involving the Earth has over-arching, convoluted reasons for everything these days. You can't fart without Mossad, capitalist-backed jihadis, or some secret organization being behind it. Fantasy is the worst.

Touhou is just girls being girls. If the reason for the event isn't silly, over the top, or easily laughed at, then there's no reason for it to occur.

>> No.11049379

No one played this 10 years ago.

>> No.11049382

That was kinda of my point. You shouldn't treat Touhou like the typical fiction nowadays. Things just happens naturally, there is no major force conspiring for the events to happen like you said.

>> No.11049400

MarisaA in DDC is about her going pyromaniac with her hakkero. That counts as cute girls doing cute things to me.

>> No.11049410

Also stuff like Eirin killing emissaries from the moon. Just typical slice of life. Kinda like K-on.

>> No.11049409
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>That image
Still waiting for Remilia - Kagerou Van hellsing parody

>> No.11049438

She is fun to draw.

>> No.11049469

-various interesting characters that are commonly liked in Japan like maid, vampires, witch, chinese gate guard, etc
-less backstory and probably still the least established personality on characters means you can flesh out more things
-they have been popular for a long time and somehow became iconic, anyone who just got introduced to 2hu will most likely introduced to those characters first or they know through those characters no matter when because they're anywhere until now.

The reason why UFO and TD are the least popular because they're just bunch of monks and hermits, too much confusing backstory and established personality especially since SoPM and probably unappealing design and boring concept. There are hardly any pairings or different interpretation on those characters because they're not "shallow" and "mysterious" enough.

Also Japs like western shit so the games after EoSD which are all based on Japanese folklore are still inferior to EoSD, even though they're still considered popular.

and for some same shit in doujins are probably made by those who just newly introduced to 2hu, which might keep increasing every year.

>> No.11049490

EoSD has the most "classic" character designs, arguably some of the best/most catchy music and you have to admit western gothic fantasy is more easily understood than Japanese/Chinese mythology even in Japan.

I personally like the whole UFO setting more but it kinda suffers from lackluster canon character description. Some of the boss dialog felt like "huh?" compared to EoSD.

I think Zun put much of his experience and thoughts from the PC98 games into EoSD while the latter works are more creative/personal in design.

>> No.11049503

>I think Zun put much of his experience and thoughts from the PC98 games into EoSD while the latter works are more creative/personal in design.
This is a very astute observation. When I finally played the PC98 games, the entire time I was just thinking, "EoSD used this."

>> No.11049515

>They could be the least popular cast and overshadow everyone else just because doujin circles

>> No.11049521


>> No.11049529

fuck you

>> No.11049526

He is saying that he doesn't mind their popularity beyond the fact that their popularity means that doujin circles focus more on them. In this sentence, he is conducting a thought experiment involving a hypothetical situation in which the SDM cast is the least popular Touhou cast, yet still focused on by doujin circles, showing how he does not necessarily dislike their popularity, but rather their domination of doujin works.

>> No.11049527

This one might be obvious too, but the SDM is the largest group of Touhous who live together in the series, and in the highest density. Moriya Shrine only has three residents and two of them don't really talk to each other but rather to the third. Underground is huge and so the youkai there are spread apart. etc.

>> No.11049560

So I went on pixiv just now and searched for 東方 works. As you know, pixiv list "related tags" for each result page. These were among the related tags:
1st page: レミリア
2nd page: パチュリー・ノーレッジ
3rd page: フランドール・スカーレット

So, yeah, they're not becoming less popular any time now.

>> No.11049584

Remilia alone has an enormous following on pixiv. I can refresh the レミリア tag every few minutes or so during peak time, and find a new image.

>> No.11049615

I'm not confident enough in my skills yet to be one of those that draws Remilia every day, but until then I will masturbate to her every day. :)

>> No.11049648
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Offer your body and soul (and semen) to a true goddess.

>> No.11049664
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She's quite lovely.

>> No.11049724

Uh, yes, I know Touhou is not about intrincate plots, but what the fuck is the problem of girls meeting girls? This is just like normal life, where you meet someone on IRC and then you meet his friends and the plot becomes "intrincate" just because they were friends for longer.

>> No.11049729

>This is just like normal life, where you meet someone on IRC and then you meet his friends

/jp/, /jp/, normalfriend~ery.

>> No.11049738
File: 370 KB, 2480x1748, 16060941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I delete all of my loli

I miss my remy butt
She had a nice tush
No one's going to arrest me because of remy tush

>> No.11049747

I don't like her. I don't hate her either. I just don't really care.

>> No.11049762

/jp/ - Apathy/General

>> No.11049905

Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.11049908

any crossover of Remi with Evangeline and that other loli vampire from, uh, dance in the vampire bund?

>> No.11049917

Beethoven is still popular after a couple hundred years, and remilia's theme is based on a Beethoven composition, so it would be pitiful if she faded into obscurity in only 10 years.

>> No.11049974

Everyone will always remember the first.

>> No.11049983 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 650x425, Remi's lewd bellypussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's a whimsical and pretty, Ojou-sama-ish vampire loli.

Would serve faithfully.

>> No.11049987

>her game

But China is the Scarlet Devil.

>> No.11050013

That's nothing compared to Canon in D by Pachelbel siring the entirety of modern pop. It's ridiculous how much hit pop songs use the same progression in at least the chorus, if not the whole song.

>> No.11050033

Why are you using a tripcode? It's against the rules.

>> No.11050062

>thread has been totally /jp/-related for hours
>throw all of that out to give attention to a trip which a. is what they want and b. invites more shitty meta posts
no, Anon, you are the shitposters

>> No.11050071
File: 332 KB, 968x1296, Remilia tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone figure out who got this?

>> No.11050072

Stop abusing the quoting function, /a/.

>> No.11050076

Well since he has an iphone I doubt it's anyone from here.

>> No.11050090

That's so inspiring. I wish it was easier to get smaller, high-res tattos. I would love a few touhous on my shoulder, but just one big one is like, well, what if I want someone else on my shoulder for a little bit?

>> No.11050091
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Has no one really not mentioned that she's played an important part in multiple manga now?
Then again everyone is too busy downloading futa doujinshi and making walfas ~memes~ to even read the source of it

>> No.11050098

do yukkuris

>> No.11050124
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>> No.11050125

>Then again everyone is too busy downloading futa doujinshi

You say that like it's a problem.

>> No.11050132

Best theme.

>> No.11050140

septette wins more polls than Reimu
(i want another spellcard poll)

>> No.11050143


>> No.11050157

It is when you spend everyday on websites talking about Touhou, and how much you love, yet you've never even bothered to experience it outside of soaking in fanworks. Why read any print work if you can just pull up the wiki, and act like you know though, right?

>> No.11050160

Get a tattoo of futa Remilia right around the crotch so that it looks like her dick is poking out and then you can even pretend your jerking her off.

>> No.11050175

But people do talk about the ZUN storied Touhou manga when each chapter comes out here, it takes forever for them to be translated and there's new porn posted every day though so that gets more discussion.

>> No.11050177

Don't use that as an excuse to talk shit about futa doujinshi. I hate fanon shit as much as the next non-secondary/tertiary, but futa on female is excellent.

>> No.11050179

They're just anime comics, d00d.

>> No.11050195
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Because she is stupid and her fans can relate to that.

>> No.11050200

What this anon says. We have a manga thread and a STG thread up at basically all times. Why aren't you posting in them now? Are you a secondary?
(I'm using that word tongue-in-cheek. it's an awful buzzword)

>> No.11050207

Please stop posting.

>> No.11050217

what's wrong secondary? haven't 1cc'd easy modo?

>> No.11050261

Secondary is a literal translation of the Japanese term that is used to describe derivative works and fans of derivative works. Even ZUN uses it.

>> No.11050267

I do post in them from time to time, but they always end up disappearing because to many threads like this end up getting posted. If you pay close attention to those threads (which you obviously don't, what a shock someone who wants people to know their name, and don't understand the actual point of anonymous message board is only here for the meta-shit) you'd notice they're slow, and get ignored.

>> No.11050296

>you'd notice they're slow, and get ignored.

They're slow now because pretty much everything you can talk about in the Touhou main games has been done in the STG threads so there's not really anything new to bring up, the 13.5 thread gets discussion though because there's still things being learned.

>> No.11050320

Thanks for the Intro to Touhou 101, Prof. You don't think the usage has been corrupted at all on /jp/? Or does Zun go around calling people fag secondaries who need to fuck themselves to death as an ad hominem?

>> No.11050329

Space Flower is the one who has something against the term, not me. Go whine to him.

>You don't think the usage has been corrupted at all on /jp/?
It's used differently. Words frequently change meaning when they change language.

>Or does Zun go around calling people fag secondaries who need to fuck themselves to death as an ad hominem?
He has expressed his dislike for people who just consume fanworks and don't play the games. However, he didn't say it in those exact words since he isn't a childish faggot who needs to resort to idiotic hyperbole to make his points, like you are.

>> No.11050365

>Specifically say I'm using the term tongue-in-cheek
>Get replies that take my usage seriously
Oh you don't say? Wow it's like I didn't know all that and wasn't just calling attention to the fact that the term 'secondary' is just bastardized here as a crappy insult that ignores the fact that secondary Touhou works are over half of /jp/.

>> No.11050381

Splendidus narratio, frater
saging b/c thread subject has expired

>> No.11050382

What composition is Remi's theme based on?

>> No.11050395

Because Remilia is in that awkward but attractive zone where you can almost self-insert as a love interest but can't quite because you know that even though she hasn't demonstrated savagery on-camera, she can still do it according to flavor text

>> No.11050399

>Wow it's like I didn't know all that
Make it clear next time.

>secondary Touhou works are over half of /jp/.
They are. It doesn't make the term "secondary," when applied to people, any less useful.

>> No.11050404

That's what dissuades you? Savagery?
You can't be afraid of a little death if you want to romance a youkai.

>> No.11050416

Or you can pick the non shitty youkais that are nice to humans like Ohayo-chan.

>> No.11050420

I mean

The risk of having her actually kill you in a childish fit of rage is a pretty strong deterrent

>> No.11050437

I'm sorry then. It's true that incidents where it's misused are outliers.
Remilia always leaves food on her plate. I'd love for her to suck my blood. It's Sakuya you have to watch out for.

>> No.11050444

That's what spellcard rules are for. Only shitty secondaries from the Human Village don't danmaku youkai.

>> No.11050449

Well that's exactly what I would be if I was in Gensokyo

A shitty secondary

At least with Sakuya there's a chance I could meet her and not be killed eventually

>> No.11050460

The last movement of Beethoven's Sonata No.8 I think.

>> No.11050462

Classical music is for old fat people and 13 year olds who wear fedoras, there is no reason to listen to that outdated tripe in the year 2013.

>> No.11050465

Don't forget about people whose parents made them play the piano for twelve years.

>> No.11050468

You're wrong. Classical music is the most unpretentious music there is. It's so universally known that every child, every moviegoer, every television-watcher has been exposed to it constantly for their entire life. It's the most beautiful music that is appreciable by even the most unintelligent, which is why it is used in raising children and in therapy. There is no music less fedora pseudo-intellectual than (pre-modern) classical music.

>> No.11050495

>Implying that musical theory has somehow transcended classical styles
Would I be right in guessing you don't know enough about music theory to tell what influences your favorite composers?

>> No.11050507

Please stop using the /v/ implying meme, newtrip.

>> No.11050523

I'd like some more cute Remi pics please.

>> No.11050543

Far from new--not that it's relevant--but thanks for calling that out. I stopped going to /v/ literally the day /vg/ became a thing, but by then I wasn't leaving unscathed.

>> No.11050540

>implying implying is a /v/ meme
>implying it even started on /v/

>> No.11050545

I don't get why Remilia's theme is so popular. It starts sounding boring very soon and compared to other Touhou themes, not just final boss ones, it seems to be plain and lacking in any powerful elements that would make it that great.

>> No.11050557

You should stay in /vg/.

>> No.11050550

Please stop posting for another three months.

>> No.11050553

It's dreamy

>> No.11050556

Sauce of this?

>> No.11050569

You just have no respect for Beethoven.

>> No.11050572

it fits her character perfectly

>> No.11050590
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1200, 1359032513449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the game has the best cast.

>> No.11050593

Fuck off secondary.

>> No.11050597
File: 21 KB, 275x300, 118377715581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading the thread before responding. kthxbai

>> No.11050600

Koumajou Densetsu, aka touhouvania. Artist is Banpai Akira.
Yes, you do want to play it.
You should stop calling attention to trips. It's shitty meta discussion and you could just filter me.

>> No.11050609

I wouldn't say it's completely lacking, but later final boss themes overshadow it some.

>> No.11050610

You should stop using a trip. Unless you are providing self-made original content like artwork, translations, etc... there is no reason at use one other than attention-whoring.

>> No.11050614

The largest is Myourenji, especially after Koishi and Kororo joined the buddhist.

Honestly Myourenji is the most developed group so far, make me feel sorry for the Taoist

>> No.11050619

There is nothing wrong with using a tripcode when the user isn't being a faggot. You are being a faggot. Hiding behind your trip to deflect criticism is pathetic.

>> No.11050627

What's wrong with him making an on-topic post? The alternative if he wants to talk about the OP subject is making a new thread, and that's pretty stupid when this one is still on the front page no matter how much we sage.
Correction: You can't think of a different reason. If I was attention whoring you'd just be feeding my ego by calling me out on it. Are you one of those people that goes into threads just to respond seriously to trolls?

>> No.11050634

You are attention whoring and a shitty poster. You seem to believe that you are not an attention whore and a shitty poster. We aim to disabuse you of that illusion.

>> No.11050641

I don't think that's anything new for a Touhou theme.

>> No.11050648

Just stop using a tripcode, faggot. You're derailng my thread, please stop

>> No.11050655

She's a light sadist. Doesn't make her cruel.

>> No.11050662

Fuck you, you stupid faggot. Classical music is a great form of music and you're just mad nigger music will die off and be regarded by historians as garbage from lesser races.

>> No.11050672

>Hiding behind my trip.
That's a new one. There's a reason anonymity is synonymous with hidden identity.
I'm the only one who knew or cared to give a guy sauce on a fangame screencap. I'm certainly not making the thread about tripfags and then insulting a user who comes in looking to make an on-topic post.
What do you guys get out of shitty, hostile posting like that?

>> No.11050680

Why are you responding to people complaining about you? Are you stupid, or just sickly bored?

>> No.11050688

Nigger music has been around longer than classical compositions, look at African drum circles. It's always cute when /pol/ posts on /jp/.

>> No.11050694

>That's a new one. There's a reason anonymity is synonymous with hidden identity.
You are using it to deflect criticism of your behavior.

>I'm the only one who knew or cared to give a guy sauce on a fangame screencap.
I can assure you that several other people knew the source and were not interested in sharing it.

>I'm certainly not making the thread about tripfags and then insulting a user who comes in looking to make an on-topic post.
It's not about "tripfags," it's about a single tripfag and shitty poster, that is, you.

>What do you guys get out of shitty, hostile posting like that?
It comes with having standards.

>> No.11050702
File: 154 KB, 858x539, 1371112939638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to beat a troll: stop feeding it.
are we like, back in '06 or something? are you guys vegetables? this is textbook.

>> No.11050707

That does mot count because every other race has made percussion music. Classical music howevrr is uniquely the invention of the white man, you nig. I dom't go on /pol/, either, too much conspiracy and jew hate.

>> No.11050709

He means rap music, not actual Nigerian music.

>> No.11050712

>That does mot count because it disproves my original statement

Cute, /pol/-sama.

>> No.11050713

The thing is, if you ignore a troll, it'll eventually go away. Space Flower is not a troll, just a shitty person, and is not going away. I've seen him shitting up one or two other threads today where his shit was ignored. And he's still here.

First time posting in this thread, by the way. I think this is important to point out that it's just not two or three people calling out this guy on his shitty behaviour.

>> No.11050716

Nigger is not short for Nigerian.

>> No.11050717

He knows that, you stupid fuck.

>> No.11050719

I'm sure you do!

>> No.11050726

What does it disprove if no one cares about nigger drum beats compared to great white classical music?

>> No.11050731

someone pointed out that I was using >implying and I apologized.
The only time I've brought my trip up is when someone else pointed it out. That's not deflecting to a trip. That's a refractive index of one.
Yeah, that's why I said 'knew or cared,' meaning one or the other, not just the former.

See here's the thing. You're a shitposter, but you're anonymous so you get away with it because you can post somewhere else with zero reputation for idiocy. Isn't that more hiding than using a trip?
I ignore 9/10 times but since thread was derailing anyway I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw sage on and argue away. I'm a hypocrite for telling them not to respond to me then, aren't I?

>> No.11050733

Looks like a nigger then it is a nigger

>> No.11050750

I don't give a shit if it's hypocritical, you're being a fucking faggot.

>> No.11050758

The inline extension features name-field filtering, there's no excuse for not using it anymore. If a trip is shitposting, it's in your best interest that they keep their tripcode on. If they take it off and shitpost, wouldn't that ruin your experience?

>> No.11050770

>The only time I've brought my trip up is when someone else pointed it out.
People tell you to stop posting, and you said, "just filter me." You're full of shit.

>Yeah, that's why I said 'knew or cared,' meaning one or the other, not just the former.
Should I spell it out for you? You seem to think that you should receive brownie points for being helpful. Nobody actually credits you for it.

>You're a shitposter.
Calling out another shitty poster on his shitty posting is not "being a shitposter." A shitpost is a post that was intentionally engineered to be shitty. You are not one, either. I get the impression that your awful posts are 100% unintentionally awful.

>you're anonymous so you get away with it because you can post somewhere else with zero reputation for idiocy. Isn't that more hiding than using a trip?
I am not flaming you for anything you have done in another thread. Should you wish to take me to task for anything I have said in this thread, I will respond. You, on the other hand, are simply ignoring criticism because "I have a trip so I don't have to respond, you should just filter me instead."

>> No.11050769

My god, thamks dear anon

>> No.11050774

Agreed. I already know from experience that there's no way to not look like a shitposter if you respond to someone who calls out your trip. Shouldn't have done it. But it's too late and it's not nearly the end of the world for anyone involved here regardless of what any of us do in this thread.

>> No.11050779
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>> No.11050781

>But it's too late and it's not nearly the end of the world for anyone involved here regardless of what any of us do in this thread.
It's certainly not too late. You can always stop posting here and go back to whatever shitty forum you were using before. It's never too late to change your ways.

>> No.11050817 [DELETED] 

I've already responded to all available arguments as to why I should take off my trip.
>you're derailing
I didn't start the shitty meta.
>attention whore
I didn't call attention to my trip.
>shitty poster
How do I seem like an incorrigible shitposter? I've twice in this thread been called out on mistakes and apologized for them. I'm not looking for credit for saucing a person. I was just pointing out that while people were derailing this thread, I still attempted to keep it on-topic. It's pretty retarded to claim that I'm the reason this thread is shit now.

>> No.11050823

If you really wanted to do this, you would have dropped your trip.

>> No.11050852

>I've already responded to all available arguments as to why I should take off my trip.
You should stop posting because you are a terrible poster, or at the very least lurk a lot more. I actually don't care whether you take off your trip.

>I didn't call attention to my trip.
You may as well claim that going out naked does not call attention to your nakedness.

>How do I seem like an incorrigible shitposter?
If we really thought you were an incorrigible shitposter we would leave you alone like the other people currently shitting up the front page. We think you are an unintentionally awful poster. Admittedly you do ignore almost all the criticism directed your way, which is a common hallmark of incorrigible shitposters.

>It's pretty retarded to claim that I'm the reason this thread is shit now.
You're at least half of it.

>> No.11050859

Pretty much. I've agreed with this point several times. I usually do it and this time I really just didn't care to. It's totally reasonable to say that I'm responsible for my part in this shit. However, no one else has said anything like, "oh yeah, maybe if I didn't bring up the subject of trips, we'd still be having productive discussion in this thread. shit."

>> No.11050854


Another triptard bites the dust.

>> No.11050868

Refresh my memory: who was the first person to bring up trips in this thread?

>> No.11050883

>I actually don't care whether you take off your trip.
People actually believe themselves when they say this? I can make the most braindead, foot-in-mouth post, and no one will bat an eye if I'm anonymous.

>> No.11050887

thad pls

>> No.11050897

>I can make the most braindead, foot-in-mouth post, and no one will bat an eye if I'm anonymous.
Only because people will assume that you are intentionally shitposting and ignore you, because responding to deliberate shitposters is a waste of time. They'll just shitpost some more.

You have established yourself as someone who is not just ironically trolling and shitposting all day and therefore people feel that replying to you will accomplish something.

>> No.11050904

It's okay to use continues. Normal mode can be tough.

>> No.11050944

If you try and stand out, don't complain when people criticize you more often.

>> No.11050947

You could also keep your trip, but never post at all.

>> No.11050961

Except there are several hours' worth of on-topic discussion after I made that point, because I made a valid point and Ren stopped making purely pejorative posts.
No, what I meant was that I can be intentionally stupid while anonymous and people will reply to me normally as if my point is serious instead of just assuming I'm shitposting and calling me out on it. With a trip on, people will attack me personally much more regardless of what I say.
Actually if not for this meta discussion I would've been asleep an hour ago.

>> No.11050985

>Thinks I'm complaining
I'm just stating what I've observed to defend a point I made that was attacked. It doesn't impede my experience here at all to get shit. If I didn't like it I could leave. I'm actually interested in this.

>> No.11051060

>because I made a valid point and Ren stopped making purely pejorative posts.
He probably just assumed you were a shitposter and stopped. In any case, you continued to bring up trips time and time again even though people told you to fuck off for other reasons.

Even single time you are criticized for making shitty posts, you respond, "stop harassing me over my trip." You never even stop to consider that your posts might actually be shitty.

>No, what I meant was that I can be intentionally stupid while anonymous and people will reply to me normally as if my point is serious instead of just assuming I'm shitposting and calling me out on it. With a trip on, people will attack me personally much more regardless of what I say.
I assure you that your posts without a trip were almost certainly just as shitty. Putting a trip on just makes people want to call you out on it because they're able to observe your pattern of idiocy.

>> No.11051098

>western gothic fantasy is more easily understood than Japanese/Chinese mythology even in Japan

It's not. It's just that every japanese otaku wants to fuck a hot white loli and/or a sexual as all hell french maid.

>> No.11051105
File: 50 KB, 602x619, 1371103406680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next three times trips are brought up are these:
I'm the /a/ guy from >>11050062, if you're wondering why I care.
isn't the janitor awake ?

>> No.11051125 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 900x675, 123tuijbvfgyhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a touhou thread

>> No.11051129
File: 145 KB, 850x743, yuuka spark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka is really popular in Japan. youkai moe?

>> No.11051132
File: 36 KB, 300x176, ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the series with McRoll Girl and Honk-Honk Catgirl, right?

>> No.11051142
File: 2.42 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when Black Ops 1 first came out I found a lobby of japanese players and they all had the best playercards.

>> No.11051156

your dumb shitty thread is dead , deal with it, shitbrick

>> No.11051167



#rekt #kardashian

>> No.11051168

Did you know that criticizing people is not always shitposting?

>> No.11051177

Not this shit again.

Every board should be forced anon. Anyone who doesn't like it can fuck off to Gaia.

Fucking hell... it's 2005 all over again. When will transmootpack get it

>> No.11051260

I don't really care about the why or how. Can't it just like, not happen? Can we band together as jobless, sad fucks? Make /jp/ the one fun place to spend our time on?

>> No.11051275
File: 60 KB, 652x720, cat wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.11051280 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 684x1100, Bleach_05_07_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: mangaka who made doujins of their own works
i wish i could get a parrot blowjob

>> No.11051283
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys I'm doing a let's plays
should i continue y/y

>> No.11051287


>> No.11051288
File: 27 KB, 192x224, sc215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp me wat do

>> No.11051289
File: 981 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's Remilia! huh, Why is she still so incredibly popular?

Her game came out over 10 years ago. You would think the novelty has worn off by now.

>> No.11051291
File: 925 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the next text box
hit alt+f4? n/n

>> No.11051295


>> No.11051297


>> No.11051298 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3216x4288, 100_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /jp/ wud u do me

>> No.11051299
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>> No.11051300

feel embarrassed for

>> No.11051303
File: 13 KB, 272x471, cat dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my toeho

>> No.11051305 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3216x4288, 100_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend will suck your cock

>> No.11051308



your development level:     pleb    

>> No.11051326
File: 172 KB, 640x960, asdf 289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11051334


>> No.11051346
File: 605 KB, 1133x720, 1371103900497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just fall of my ch
air kuz i couldnt an
d i CANT stop laugh

>> No.11051350 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 600x600, morning yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /jp/! how did you sleep

>> No.11051356 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 800x600, kotomine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll suck your cock

>> No.11051368
File: 119 KB, 332x1038, 1338920986254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the Japanese fandom has actually done a much better job at moving on from the older games and characters.

See that chart? This was a year ago. Characters sorted by the number of works dedicated specifically to them on Reitaisai 9. See that top 10? Reimu, REMILIA, Marisa, Alice, FLAN, Youmu, MEILING, CIRNO, SAKUYA, PATCHOULI. So much moving on.

>> No.11051380

At least they aren't drawing Tifa pictures anymore, like 90% of the western crowd.

>> No.11051473


I agree whole heartedly with that. EOSD cast is my favourite, but perhaps that's because they get all the attention. ZUN should focus on the newer characters. He can always revisit the EOSD cast future, he's still got around 50 years of Touhou left given how Japs refuse to die.

>> No.11051490


Its probably because she's European and not a Jap. The Japs have some funny ideas about Westerners and romance.

>> No.11051499


There's nothing wrong with the word itself, its how the west has mutated it into a derogatory term. Its meant to be used to refer to the content like doujins manga, remixes ect, not the person who makes them.

>> No.11051548


EoSD had the best cast. It's the game that made Touhou popular.

Recent games have mediocre casts. UFO was a fucking joke.

>> No.11051584
File: 558 KB, 600x600, 0b52ed98ac0785efa57d5935f6fd461b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten years in the series will do that to you, especially coupled with heaps of doujins that reinforce their popularity. It helps that ZUN just *had* to cram at least one SDM member into every single fucking game all the way to UFO, with the exception of MoF. Even in gen3 we had the cast in SSiB, SWR and Patchouli in SA.
Thankfully, ZUN kind of moved on and fleshed out the personalities of gen3 girls as of late. The Moriya Shrine girls in particular got enough attention to turn them from somewhat flat characters to some of the most fun in the series :3. And UFO/TD crews also had their chance to shine in HM.

>> No.11051587

Fucking nobody in the history of ever has derogatorily referred to people as secondaries just because they are members of a doujin circle. Neither of you have any idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11051591

I did. Most of those doujinshi artists never played the games, they are worthless secondaries hopping on the popularity bandwagon. They should stick to drawing about what they actually like.

>> No.11051599
File: 169 KB, 850x1201, remialt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you do something about that then instead of be upset about it.
this is a friendly remark. I'm not mean like the other person.

>> No.11051633

Secondary is not a translation of 二次(創作), you... you... /jp/ secondary.

>> No.11052661

Should he write some cool fanfics or something?

>> No.11053219


Except for Byakuren UFO crew is boring as fuck.

And TD isn't much better.

>> No.11053251
File: 1.04 MB, 1288x724, df762d6cb47ee2a1623abb5da4a53e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The really surprising thing is Flandre's growing popularity.

She did absolutely nothing since EoSD, yet she's getting higher in polls and the amount of doujins with her is simply insane.

>> No.11053288

But you didn't use the term BECAUSE they were members of a doujin circle. That's just incidental. They could be, fucking, pole dancers or airline pilots or some shit and it wouldn't affect their secondary status. You just wouldn't know about them.

>> No.11053328

Because EoSD.

>> No.11058994

because she's cute, dude
