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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11045270 No.11045270 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Japanese bread so thick?

>> No.11045275

Le-el because of Asian culture. You colonialist pig.-

>> No.11045276

It's cut thick, the bread itself is no thicker than any other bread.
You can purchase pre-sliced loaves of bread cut that thick around here too, I like it when I don't have much to put on it other than spreads but am still hungry.

>> No.11045282
File: 251 KB, 775x1145, 1367500043410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's cut thick, the bread itself is no thicker than any other bread.

>> No.11045436

Pic is thick slice. standard slice is thin than pic.
East area Japanese likes standard slice, and west area Japanese likes thick slice.

>> No.11045485

I think he's meaning the size of the loaf is no thicker than any other bread while each slice itself is thicker than normal.

>> No.11045488

Japan loves Texas toast.

>> No.11045514

Why do people buy bread like this? It's very bad for your health.

>> No.11045530

It's cheaper than wheat bread.

>> No.11045534

It's tasty. They eat white rice too, you know.

>> No.11045551

You might as well be eating chocolate sundaes for dinner.

>> No.11045566
File: 114 KB, 257x256, 1367789393460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Japan have real bread? Found like one place with bread that isn't made for bakery sweets.

Can't handle that shit for 2 weeks.

>> No.11045603

Subhumans that never developed the greatest man made form of nutrition.

>> No.11045617

No, those don't sit well in the stomach.

>> No.11045613

I prefer bread, too, but rice has more nutrients.

>> No.11045632

The planet's greatest civilizations all consumed bread as a mainstay. Their gifts to modern society are the product of a bread fueled civilization. Modern rice, heavily enriched with nutrients, has nothing on the gift bread has given us.

>> No.11045639

>Found like one place with bread that isn't made for bakery sweets.
Sounds like you boarded a flight to 'murka

>> No.11045644

Murrika is full of bakeries with fancy whole grain breads catering to yuppies and hippies.

>> No.11045649 [DELETED] 

That's what he wanted, as opposed to sweet shit.

>> No.11045655

I don't know why the japs like bread so much.
Whenever they go to get lunch, they don't say "I'm going to grab some lunch." they say "I'm going to grab some bread."

Why? Is bread a full meal to them? Are they all so tired of fish that they force bread down their throats every day?
Is their strict bread diet the reason why they get sick so easily?

I don't get it.

>> No.11045659

I know bread today is made with enriched flour, but isn't it also bleached?I remember reading when the pilgrims first came to the new world, as a way to protect flour, the most important foodstuff for the months-long journey across the Atlantic, they would bleach it because the rats wouldn't eat flour if it was bleached. They also all drank beer (even the children) because the rats would throw themselves in the barrels with water and drown but also I guess it's necessary to be drunk in a boat filled with dozens of puking, shitting people for 3-6 months.

>> No.11045665

You know what's better than rice?
It's THE BEST vegetable out there, the Irish were on that shit for years.

But then the blight happened and screwed everything up.

>> No.11045679

The starchiest vegetable out there and pretty much unhealthy no matter what you do with it or how you prepare it. Plus all the nutrients are in the skin, so you have no reason to eat the actual potato.

>> No.11045682

who cares about inside-out niggers lol

>> No.11045685

That's why you mash them together with the skins, or make some nice baked potatoes.

Buttmad Brit detected.

>> No.11045686

Both bread and rice are pretty shit nutritionally either way.

They are staples because they are cheap sources of energy, so are ways to feed large populations. Not because they are particularly healthy.

>> No.11045728

It's important to note that what is healthy or nutritional is really very arbitrary and nowhere near as crucial as people think. Every animal evolved to be able to function in the worse case scenario, and I'm sure our nomadic hominid ancestors didn't get their FDA approved daily allowance of vitamin B every day and they didn't need to to even live comfortably. But that's history for the developed world since every food is enriched one way or the other, it's practically impossible to be malnourished especially in America where corn is so cheap, we put it in everything.

>> No.11045736

wheat is the best. i tried quinoa and it takes like earthy shit

>> No.11045740

Are you a cute Irish boy?

Be my boyfriend please!

>> No.11045767

when they say ``pan,'' it isn't just a fuggen slice of bread that they eat for lunch

>> No.11045810
File: 359 KB, 421x430, 783f10c51e86a56cc5b4d5db87b56a2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whc 2hu wu toast?

>> No.11046305

That's a picture of Texas Toast.

>> No.11046317 [DELETED] 

I learned when my mom got me to do her cooking lessons that pro chefs slice bread thick if they're making stuff with whole slices, because then you can pile more stuff on top, it looks fancier, and bread is cheap yet it makes it look like the portion is generous for the money.

>> No.11046336
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>> No.11047143
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 145_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prejudices about Japan again.
Your racism towards Japanese.
Japan is not same other Asian countries.

Japanese bread.

>> No.11047153
File: 77 KB, 591x571, 1369340360277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While not directly "Otaku Culture", it's tangentially there along with kneesocks and pantyhoses and most general threads on the board which are related to the CHARACTERS of some work, but not directly touching the work.

>Does that mean bread is /jp/ related because Marisa eats bread?

-An excerpt from a /jp/ thread, March 23 2012.

>> No.11047607

I wonder if there's a place that sells toast that if you slice a whole loaf the same picture would be on every piece. Something more complicated than a spiral at least.

>> No.11047700

Wait, they do that on purpose? I always figured they just didn't clean the mixer properly after mixing the brown bread dough.

>> No.11047722

wow r u an oldfag

>> No.11047730

shut up you goddamn retard, this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.11047827

Id toast my dick in a 2hu if u know who I mean.

>> No.11048080

But it's hard to get all those nutrients without also getting fat because everything is packed with corn carbs.

And the prominence of fucked up teeth means that people AREN'T getting enough nutrients.

>> No.11048090


>> No.11048099

woah dude like woah chill

>> No.11048101


>> No.11048274

Brown haired, blue eyed, Irish decent master ass.

>> No.11048306

Me too!

>> No.11048332


>> No.11048421

Who eats bread for dinner?

>> No.11048442


>> No.11050366

who the hell prefers bread to rice

not just saying this because I'm a truweeb, but bread actually just tastes like shit compared to properly cooked rice.

>> No.11053724

Stop eating Wonderbread

>> No.11053728

Whatever weeblord

>> No.11054604

> It's very bad for your health.

No it isn't. Why do people believe this shit?

>> No.11054618

Potatoes are unhealthy now too? Take your trolling elsewhere.

You sound like one of those fat people obsessed with dieting and thinks everyone else should be counting their calories.

>> No.11054623
File: 20 KB, 320x181, red & orange carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are japanese carrots so big

>> No.11054658

American bread a shit.


Japanese Shoku Pan tastes much better.

>> No.11055850

it's easier to carry around although I agree with you
>inb4 weeb
I grew up eating lots of rice due to my Indonesian father.
Potato's and bread tastes dry in comparison although I don't see myself cooking it on 6AM in the morning.

>> No.11055852

Potatoes, carrots and peas are all starchy and should be avoided.

>obsessed with dieting and thinks everyone else should be counting their calories

If you don't care about dieting, why would you care if potatoes were unhealthy?

>> No.11055856

Oh, yeah, and corn, yams, lentils and kidney beans, too. I think I got them all. Other vegetables and beans should be OK.

>> No.11055862

In America maybe.

>> No.11055865

Europeans when they have the time to.
Otherwise quick coffee plus some quick shit.

>> No.11055866

White bread is unhealthy everywhere. Unless Europeans have a different biology.

>> No.11055870

Why is it?
Wasn't the integral one the one that caused digestion issues?
I ate white bread daily and I'm pretty thin and healthy.

>> No.11055874


By that "White bread is bad" logic everyone in Italy is dead since there they eat bread and white pasta daily.

>> No.11055876

it just has less fibers other then that it's the same as brown bread.

>> No.11055877

What the hell is wrong with you Anglos? It's not the bread that makes you fat, it's all the junk food you eat on a daily basis.

>> No.11055914

All the nutrients are in the part they cut out of the bread, so you might as well be eating cake. Sure, they add other nutrients, but it's not good enough, since they also enrich whole wheat bread, too. Whole grains or bust.

>> No.11055922

My family has been high risk for diabetes for ages. I wonder why? (It's because they are from Italy)
