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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11044219 No.11044219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you never got into otaku culture?

>> No.11044221

I would be playing even more video games than I am right now.

>> No.11044226


>> No.11044230

I would be playing even less video games than I am right now.

>> No.11044231

I would have never had the good memories I do of when it was new and exciting.

Wouldn't be much different. Imageboards however, I wouldn't be here like I am today. Imageboards have seriously effected the way I perceive things, people, and comprehend. It has for you too you just either don't realize it or don't admit it.

Ever look at normal people and think they're dumb/uneducated/uncultured because they don't know about the superiority and rejection of shit imageboards put on each and every subject they touch?

>> No.11044235

I wouldn't be myself if I weren't born with a japanese spirit.

>> No.11044237

I would probably be doing some more boring stuff like reading books all day.

>> No.11044244

I'd probably be really into Star Trek or comic books or something equally lame.

>> No.11044251

Sometimes. I had a normal (although very sad) life before all this and would probably be married and have kids today.

The thought sends shivers down my spine.

>> No.11044253
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I was very depressed before I got into this stuff. My only other hobby was music but everyone I could talk to it about it was extroverted and normal. I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere.
2D girls make me happy and /jp/ makes me feel like it's okay to be who I am.

>> No.11044259

I don't think that would be possible.

>> No.11044271

a lot more alone
i moved awhile back and ive been nothing more then a NEET ever since

>> No.11044281

This. Star Trek and something like Fantastic Four or Mighty Thor.

>> No.11044306

I don't know. I'd probably be more depressed, assuming I couldn't find something else that provided me with the same level of happiness and escapism.

I've had it really tough these last 4-5 years, and if not for my huge love for Touhou I fear I wouldn't have made the trip as easily. Whenever I was sad or felt like there was no point going on I could be cheered up by listening to my favourite themes or thinking about my favourite characters. It made it feel a little bit more worth it to go on knowing it would always be there for me; no matter how sad/stupid that might might sound.

>> No.11044391
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I don't think there was any way for me to avoid it. It was bound to happen.

If it weren't for it I would probably be reading books or still playing shitty mmorpgs.

>It made it feel a little bit more worth it to go on knowing it would always be there for me; no matter how sad/stupid that might might sound.
Less stupid than religion or what you get to hear in therapy.

>> No.11044501

I would probably drink.

>> No.11045079

Are you me?

>> No.11046334

Me too.
I would probably be on /co/ or /mu/
Or probably be a brony.

>> No.11046798

I'd probably have got laid by now...

>> No.11046810

Not really, but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be as lazy as I am if I didn't come to /jp/. I was always lazy before but after coming to /jp/ I started thinking, "Hey, maybe it's not so bad..."

Before I never even considered it an option to be a NEET and now I am one, though I'm going back to school fairly soon.

>> No.11046818

I think there would have been less studying and more anger in my life.

>> No.11046832


>> No.11046842



>> No.11046843

Something that long ago is too far removed to even speculate about.

>> No.11046849

I'd probably be a Brony who wears a fedora and trench coat, or be into comic books. It's in my nature to get obsessed with things.

>> No.11046862

I would probably have a good job and be making a good amount of money. I wouldn't be depressed and self loathing and my parents wouldn't think of my as a completely worthless sack of shit. I would probably be happier overall.

>> No.11046867

It would be exactly the same, except I would play video games a little more than usual.

>> No.11046967

>Imageboards have seriously effected the way I perceive things, people, and comprehend. It has for you too you just either don't realize it or don't admit it.
I'd say that high school, college and serious texts in general have had a much larger impact on me. The credibility of the stuff I've read have made me ignore a great deal of the things my uneducated laborer friends and relatives have taught me. Imageboards never seemed especially nasty or mystical to me because I stumbled upon them when I had already seen all sorts of alcohol-fueled depravity in real life.

>> No.11046972

I was never very popular, I'd probably find something else to absorb myself in in place of friends.

>> No.11046980

Probably constructing rockets and launching people into space.

>> No.11046990

I'd probably reading a book right now..

>> No.11046995

I'd probably be a brony.

>> No.11047000

No, normal people tend to be more educated than me because they went to college and I'm a NEET.

>> No.11047018

I tried to watch it and quit somewhere in the first season. I thought it would fit my tastes perfectly, as I love light-hearted slice of life anime/manga/vns, but somehow it did nothing for me.
I might have dodged a bullet there.

>> No.11047033

This. It's not a bad show, but it's not worth jumping for joy over, either.

I'd probably be a Western cartoons and comics otaku though, some of that stuff is really good.

>> No.11047043

I would want to be a slut instead of a faithful housewive.

>> No.11047061

check your priviledge you aspie

>> No.11047071

I wouldn't be here. Talking with silly guys.

>> No.11047082

>sudden feel of warmth in pants
>liquid otaku culture spewing out of anus
>couch is stained stained with stinky otaku culture
>couch seats are non-removable

>> No.11047147
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how can I convince my family and their family friends to give up on me? I tried to kill myself last week by overdosing and a family member found me, i woke up in a hospital with a bunch of people around my bed. I had a suicide note too so I couldn't talk my way out of it, now these motherfuckers are trying to help me by being extra nice to me and tolerating my many failures.
>no job (sperglord that can't even look people in the eye)
>no school (too dumb to get into any worth while program)
>no friends (haven't had a friend in almost 6 years)
I believe in potential and every person has different potential, my potential is just abysmally low and I physically cannot succeed at anything, it will go against the laws of physics for me to be happy. How can I make them understand this?

I have to go to a fucking suicide meeting and my mom will drive me there in a few hours, so I'll watch the thread until then.

>> No.11047199

Why are you so shitty? Wanna switch families?

>> No.11048024

Do you want to be my friend?

>> No.11048030

Learn from your errors. Try to kill yourself again, and this time don't fail.

>> No.11048034

I'd be the same

I only do otaku stuff to pass the time. If I was busy with other stuff I probably wouldn't even watch anime.

My entire life feels like I'm just passing the time as effectively as possible

>> No.11048037
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I would probably be a dumb liberal and playing with my girls' tits at da club.

Alternatively I would just be an MMO addict or something of equivalent uselessness.

>> No.11048056

that's what scares me about trying to kill myself, the thought of waking up surrounded by worried family and the ensuing fallout stops me

>> No.11048079

When I was a teenager I played Magic: The Gathering and read fantasy books so I suppose I'd still be doing that.

>> No.11048106

As counter intuitive as it sounds, I'd probably be spending most of my time masturbating.
The recovery time between faps would be spent either on MMOs or getting drunk for drunk fapping.

>> No.11048129

>that's what scares me about trying to kill myself, the thought of waking up surrounded by worried family and the ensuing fallout stops me

Not that guy, but I had this happen to me. I didn't mean to threaten or bargain with anyone with my suicide or anything, I just really tried to kill myself, but it backfired because I sent a good-bye e-mail to my only friend and it turned out he managed to somehow dig my father's cellphone on the internet.

Result? My mom went full-protection-psycho mode and I've been a NEET for nearly 2 years now. So, well, dunno about your family, but who knows what the fuck would happen.

>> No.11048173

I sometimes wonder why suicide explosions are so rare. Even shotguns seem ineffective and error-prone in comparison.

>> No.11048226

I'd probably like it better personally if it wasn't so preachy.
It's not even overtly so, but just enough to kinda put me off.

>> No.11048296

I'm not really the type to obsess. I like "otaku culture" because I find it interesting and enjoyable. I guess satisfaction is relative, but without these hobbies I suppose life would be more boring. I'd be more boring. Just a dull, unfulfilled man trying to finish each day, leading a normal life without a single spark of inspiration or ambition.

I'd get drunk, go to parties, get laid, go to school. I'd do what everyone else did. Not many other options to choose from.

>> No.11048318

I was into star trek before anime and would still have discovered dr.who.
for some reason MLP felt un-manly to the point of me being unable to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong I don't think that the people who enjoy it are pussies or anything but it just wasn't my thing.

>> No.11048329

still shitty

>> No.11048355
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I only know touhou and have always ignored everything else, including VN's and anime. Don't even read touhou doujins, just scroll /jp/ and listen to the same arranges all day everyday for all eternity, and sometimes play the games on normal or hard mode or browse danbooru, ignoring non touhou stuff.

>> No.11048465

I want to do fun things with a /jp/er and make our lives worthwhile.

>> No.11048534
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I'd probably be a normalfag doing normalfag things.

>> No.11048535

why are you such a fag

>> No.11048634

Is it even possible? It's because of our lives that we got into otaku culture.

>> No.11048643

so much better

>> No.11048698
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What a terrible probability.

>> No.11048709

I would be really into literature culture.

>> No.11048713

If I'd stayed a normal, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere and would have remained a stupid, pathetic beta without anything interesting.
I would have killed myself for autistic reasons.

>> No.11048727

I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody...

>> No.11048738

everybody is a somebody on /jp/

>> No.11048767

You guys who keep saying that you would be nothing and ave nothing without otaku culture are really cute.

>> No.11048783

If not for otaku culture, I would probably be your typical boring depressed normie. Would probably have had a few more emotional breakdowns and embarrassments from the pressure of living in society. Would most likely still be a perma-virgin.

Now I'm just a depressed hikki learning japanese so I can play VN. I feel content with my life and regret nothing.

>> No.11048791

Or something else would have filled the void like sci-fi or fantasy novels.

>> No.11048811



>> No.11048813
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I would be a Doctor Who otaku. It actually has a really swell fandom, or at least it did before the reboot brought in the Tumblr/Reddit crowd.

>> No.11048820

how would you fix this guy, /jp/?

I think the 3 main problems are his skin, the glasses and his smile.

>> No.11048823

IMO those don't work. They're just shit for normals.

There's nothing wrong with him.

>> No.11048824

>his smile

His mouth and teeth are fine, he just has the whole Pygma thing going on.

>> No.11048849

he has to be born again

>> No.11048856

I personally think the only big problem is his haircut. Fix that and he'll be fine.

>> No.11049084

Just kill him. You can't speak ill of the dead.

OP...I dunno. I think I would be a better person. Or channel my current interests into /lit/

>> No.11049171

You can't remove someone's skin retard.

>> No.11049178

Drugs and depression. My life was shit before otaku culture. Well, it's still pretty shitty, but much less so.

>> No.11049180

Maybe Sci Fi. I was into Star Wars as a kid.

>> No.11049185

It's called flaying.

>> No.11049199

hunters do it all the time.

>> No.11049206

I'd probably still want to kill myself.

>> No.11049246

I'm not really into otaku culture, just loli and irony.

>> No.11049254

>Would most likely still be a perma-virgin.

Is this implying that otaku culture took your virginity, and that you'd still have it without otaku culture? How lewd.

>> No.11049280
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I'd be in a mental asylum or prison as I wouldn't have a reason to keep me from killing other people.

>> No.11049298
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>> No.11049325


Pretty much what this guy said.


And this.

>Even shotguns seem ineffective and error-prone in comparison.

Just put the barrel inside your mouth, pull the trigger with your feet. I've seen people who tried to kill themselves by shooting their heart (and missing), loading birdshot and pointing it right in front of the face (died of blood loss).

>> No.11049346

Dead from the band Mayhem killed himself by slitting both his wrists and throat and then shooting himself in the head with a shotgun. Something like that would probably work.

>> No.11049374

I'd have probably shelled out $10 for an SA account

Dear lord, the horror...the horror. At least I can take it easy here without being scared all the time of having my account arbitrarily banned because I told the wrong person on FYAD to get out.

I'd also probably be an uptight libertarian/socialist/anarchist with no sense of humour who can't take it easy. Nothing like flying magical girls to put the mindnumbing banality of politics into perspective.

>> No.11049381

Don't worry Marlon Brando, /jp/ is watching out for you.

>> No.11049388

>I'd also probably be an uptight libertarian/socialist/anarchist with no sense of humour who can't take it easy. Nothing like flying magical girls to put the mindnumbing banality of politics into perspective.

Yeah, I used to care about politics. Shit was terrible.

>> No.11049393

I watched the first episode. Couldn't get halfway through. It really is made for little girls, something that autists can only overcome.

>> No.11049403
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I would probably have other friends and be less interested into video encoding and computer stuff in general. I would also have more money or would have spent it on other stuff. I would also listen to the crappy popular music everybody else listens to and not to Touhou arrangements.

>> No.11049406

>It really is made for little girls, something that autists can only overcome.

I wonder why you didn't like it then.

>> No.11049419
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I don't know what would have happened, maybe I would have been a disgusting normie. I wouldn't trade my life as a truNEET for anything, living the dream.

I can't even discuss things with people who aren't anonymous anymore, it's extremely biased towards those people with high rep(mod dick sucking points) or just a big echo chamber.

>> No.11049428

Isn't chaos theory fun and weird to think about? If any one of us who've been into this stuff for a good 20+ years had our past changed to becoming normals, the events throughout society would change enough to the point where we wouldn't be having this thread. I mean, if you didn't watch your first anime, you'd be on a different train of thought throughout the next day, and your conversations from then on would be totally altered, and all the people you talked to would be altered, and so on and so forth.

>> No.11049429

My interest in right wing politics and hatred for the world was subsiding ny the time I found /jp/, but the final straw was when I ran into a Muslim during a local student union election at uni. Finding out that a supposed subhuman mudslime watched Akira and Porco Rosso and Clannad caused something in my mind to give. To this day I still wish I had the opportunity to ask him whch 2hu he wd fuk.

>> No.11049435

Why is it called chaos theory then?

>> No.11049433

I forgot to put my skirt on. Should I do that and rewatch?

>> No.11049441

Muslims are a mixed bag. Some of them are all right but there are many that might as well be from the middle ages. It's the latter that are the problem.

>> No.11049439


>> No.11049451

I already was a NEET loser before getting into this so I wouldn't be very different. Since I used to spend all my time playing ancient WRPGs and reading fantasy novels I'd probably end up browsing /tg/ and playing tabletops over IRC.

thank god 4chan exists. I'd probably have killed myself by now

>> No.11049467

I don't know. Probably have a boyfriend. Crack and three kids.

>> No.11049468

Because an initial occurrence from any point of view is a trigger for countless events that are impossible to predict because of how they intersect infinitely afterward, influencing and being influenced by each other.

>> No.11049472


>> No.11049477

>thank god 4chan exists. I'd probably have killed myself by now

god bless moot

>> No.11049556
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>I would be playing even more video games than I am right now.
>I would probably be doing some more boring stuff like reading books all day.
>I'd probably be really into Star Trek or comic books or something equally lame.

Probably the same for me.
Sometimes I surprise myself with how much I enjoy this stuff.

>> No.11049652

When I was younger and normal I couldn't take it easy.

Now I can and I'm happy.

>> No.11049699
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Well... if I were born earlier I probably wouldn't have become an internet addict, my computer addiction might have turned me into a programmer and I could have made money off of just programming games (a lot of the game programmers back then were young computer addicts working out their rooms). I probably would have gotten into fantasy and dungeons and dragons instead of Otaku stuff.

>> No.11049712

So many who dodged the pony fedora. /jp/ saves!

>> No.11049739

Programming is more accessible than ever before. Go for it!

>> No.11049743

I know the fundamentals of C++, but I have no idea how to design classes or multiple files and I've never made anything ever.

What's an easier programming language? I chose a bad language to start off with.

>> No.11049748

My sixth grade teacher was fresh out of college/training when he took charge of my class. He couldn't have been older than 25ish.

I'd probably be some sort of teacher like that.

>> No.11049749

Start here:


>> No.11049763


>> No.11049771

MIT and Stanford also have full course lectures online you can watch, so you might want to check those out.

>> No.11049791

I'm glad I've found otaku culture and /jp/.
Despite what people say, you guys are always nice and here for me, even in bad times.

I also really love shmups now, I could pour hours into them if I didn't keep track of the time.

>> No.11049807

I have their Mandarin course bookmarked. Do you know if MITOpenCourseware is suitable for learning a language, or should I supplement with Pimsleur and such?

>> No.11049813

"This course will provide a gentle, yet intense, introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming. "

Since it's from MIT, I expect it to be non-shitty.

>> No.11049821

As expected of New Englanders!

>> No.11049830

The MIT professors are almost all old hacker burn outs, so it should be interesting.

>> No.11049836

Thanks /jp/!

>> No.11049847

...and MIT might be the most world-famous technical university so it kind of has a reputation to uphold.

>> No.11049903

I'd have a girlfriend. I've been single for 3 years now.

>> No.11049914

>I've been single for 3 years now.

Fuck off normal.

>> No.11049926

What if he's just 3 years old? Don't jump to conclusions.

>> No.11049938

I would have fucked mad bitches in high school.

>> No.11049946

Then he's under 18 and should still fuck off, nerdo.

>> No.11049976

My friend's an admin don't call me nerdo, nerd

>> No.11050006

Why would you want to fuck the mad bitches? There's a reason they are mad.

Unless you assume you would drive them mad with the massive dickings you would give them.

>> No.11050015
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I think it was inevitable that I became a useless little shitneet otaku, my upbringing pretty much guaranteed it. But in a hypothetical situation, I would probably fill the gap with more video games/computer/internet and join some other fandom like bronies which I dread to imagine.

>> No.11050024

I would honestly kill alternate universe brony me if I had the chance. Such a wretch deserves death

>> No.11050025

I spent time in a mental hospital during high school.

>> No.11050028

My social skills would probably improve. Not because I'm shy now. I've actually become less timid over the years despite not talking to people often. They would improve probably because I'd be agreeing with people more. Usually, I don't talk to people often because I know they don't care about what I care and they have nothing to say that I'm really interested in. If they had something of value to say, I'd be more incline, but otaku culture has divided me greatly from the people around me. I'd probably be more active about the things that interested me in the past as well but I never got into, like animating and programming, and pursue into a meaningful carrier. I'd probably actually be a productive member of society.

>> No.11050031

that's cool kids slang get in with the times obaa-chan

>> No.11050042

I've heard that loony bins have girls that fuck like rockets.

Did you fuck a crazy woman

>> No.11050051

That's obaa-san you fucking ingrate

go down to the liquor store and get obaa-san some wild turkey

>> No.11050058

I feel the only place I could find a girl that meets my standards is in a psych ward.

>> No.11050065

You don't want a crazy woman. They aren't damaged cute, they're just damaged.

>> No.11050077

fuck u obaa-chan you are not my real obaa-san

>> No.11050080

but you dodged the question: did you a fuck a crazy woman?

>> No.11050093


>> No.11050105


>> No.11050138


>> No.11050134

Don't make me say it.

>> No.11050180

id smoke weed

>> No.11050194

But I'm very curious

>> No.11050411

I would probably try to hang out with 3D little girls and just watch them.
So, in prison probably.

I think I would be gravitated back to it one way or another.

>> No.11050423

As much as it is interesting, it can get pretty depressing.

Things could be very different.. or not. Either way i could be a successful and productive member of society but i'm sure my current self would be disgusted with that me or i have a high chance of ending up dead by about now.

>> No.11051276


>> No.11051307

I have a close circle of friends that are more normal than me but I have a girlfriend.

Secretly, I hate everyone else; all of these total ignorant, stupid,obnoxious, retarded normal fags.

I'd have done a lot better at school rather than coasting along on innate talent doing above average.
If I wasn't so lazy, I could be something. Something gay probably, so really I am happy where I am right now.

>> No.11051314

Why ;~;

>> No.11051311

leave this place at once

>> No.11051319

You've stayed in your mom's basement so long your delusional thinking has created a full alternate reality.

>> No.11051329

I don't understand...
And to clarify I do have my own room.
I have one big Angel Beats poster.

>> No.11051330
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gb2/facebook early

>> No.11051332
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if this guys suckmy dick will it into feels?

>> No.11051347

Parents turning of Wi-fi now,
I'll be off for a bit until I can sneak out to turn it back on :L

I feel like you guys think I'm new/trolling?

>> No.11051434

>I feel like you guys think I'm new/trolling?
No, we hope you are.

>> No.11052977
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What I've typed is true,
but I am self-aware to the point that I know I've made it sound like I'm trolling.

Though I'm not quite sure what you thought I was trolling about.

I really enjoyed Angel Beats and my father is anal about me not staying up all night on the internet.

>> No.11052988

Kill yourself.

>> No.11053000

And as I continue to post in other threads no one will be the wiser to who it REALLY is.

I don't fully understand your hate but I know I would have the same reaction to my post so that's OK.

>> No.11053405

I would propably chasing girls for my fetishes, that I can satisfy with 2D pics atm.

>> No.11053410


Then I succesfully fail my grammar and forget sage. fml

>> No.11053541

Am I one of the few relatively normal people who are interested in otaku culture?
It's just a goddamn hobby, nothing life-changing as most people put it. I like manga, anime, visual novels, cosplay, danmaku games (touhou included), jrpgs, some jrock bands, hentai, origami, japanese cuisine and so on. I have quite a couple of friends who share some of my hobbies (though never close to my level which I usually keep hidden).

I'm also interested in many other things, things that often correlate with typical otaku stuff, such as my general love for arcade and retro console games or for non-superhero comic books.

And I have a real, 3DPD girlfriend. She is only into studio Ghibli anime movies but I don't really care - there are tens and hundreds of other things that I can do with her.

Yeah, so I don't think my life would necessarily change that much.

>> No.11053564
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>> No.11053570

Nice and epic Stealth blog thread.

>> No.11053581

well congrats dude, I think you're more admirable than all the Jensposters ITT
