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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11037168 No.11037168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about those that have more than one waifu?

>> No.11037171


>> No.11037178

I'm jealous, I don't ave any.

>> No.11037179

they are real otacool

>> No.11037190

waifu is for losers at /a/
we at /jp/ dont need waifus becuz we hav each other

>> No.11037191

>Not having a harem

You can't seriously be beta in your own imagination.

>> No.11037189

It's a fantasy, whether you have one or a dozen, I don't think it makes much difference.

>> No.11037193

Scumbag, but I started out thinking that way until I realized the truth.
So scumbags with hope of redemption.

>> No.11037210

Why would I imagine myself as something so repulsive as a polygynist?

>> No.11037221

Take your waifu garbage back to whatever shitty board you crawled from. Most likely /a/.

Just how much of a fucking digusting nerd do you need to be?

>> No.11037230

No, /jp/ doesn't need waifus because placing restrictions upon your own fantasies in order to fit in and feel like a part of a meme is pretty fucking stupid. If anything should have zero restrictions, it is your fantasies. Barely any Japanese otaku even put such restrictions on themselves, and that includes the the ones who obsess over a single character more than anyone else.

>> No.11037234

Because the purpose of fantasy is to be something you're not in real life. If the limit of your imagination is just who you really are, then there's something deeply wrong with you.

>> No.11037237

I'm not a monogamist either, I'm a bachelor.

>> No.11037239

Waifus are otaku culture.

>> No.11037271

Someone post the pasta


>> No.11037357
File: 754 KB, 600x849, 5fa2586543d28de47cf7cbcf6e0a57454a44e663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why you would want multiple waifus. I only have one and that's enough for me.

>> No.11037362

I just realized how ridiculously autistic this post was

>> No.11037376


>> No.11037392

Having more than one waifu is /a/ shit, but being devoted to one girl is also /a/ shit?

>> No.11037395

Stop expecting /jp/'s unfounded intolerance to make sense.

>> No.11037406

The rule of thumb tends to be that anything that has anything to do with waifus is /a/ shit.

Replace waifus with anything you don't like.

>> No.11037645


Just don't call her a waifu, that's what I do. The name and everything that comes with it is stupid anyway.

>> No.11037937


>waifu is for losers at /a/

I realize you are probably rusemaning it up, but I will reply for the purposes that I know there are people retarded enough on 4chan to take your post seriously.

1) /jp/ was born out of getting the "losers" out of /a/ into their own containment board

2) >calling anyone on 4chan a loser when you are on 4chan yourself

>> No.11037944

Losers from /a/ as opposed to losers from /jp/.

>> No.11038266

I have a 2D bride.
