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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1103258 No.1103258 [Reply] [Original]

What's the easiest way (and quickest) to learn Japanese sentence structure fundamentals.

I had a HORRIBLE JPN 101 class and have since taken a couple others (am in 201 this coming semester)... awesome, I know lots of vocab and kanji and shit NO FUCKING FUNDAMENTALS THOUGH.

It's horrible when I'm trying to form a sentence I feel like a retard because I know all this complicated shit but none of the basics. :\

I speak Spanish, French and English. >_> THESE LANGUAGES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. At all.

tl;dr: Teach me how to make sentences in NIHONGO.

Picture unrelated

>> No.1103260

Why did we have to be plagued with your presence? Can't you go join the other retards that can't connect to /jp/?

>> No.1103264

Wow, do you treat all first time posters like this here?

>> No.1103266

Only the massively retarded ones.

>> No.1103267
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My bad.

>> No.1103280


>> No.1103794


>> No.1103796

Smart troll. I see you what you did there.

>> No.1103797


>> No.1103816


>> No.1103823

Regarding me, on the internet Japanese learned.

>> No.1103907

Okay, I'm confused.
What's wrong with asking these kind of questions on /jp/?
sage for mindless question.

>> No.1104155

How do i sage th thred?

>> No.1104174

-self-confessed newfag
-"easiest way to learn japanese" thread
-/jp/ population being now comprised of people who knew how to get around the dns problem, so elitism a gogo

>> No.1104390
File: 77 KB, 660x450, 1218308287569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, I think I caught it from my roommate.
Oh you clever bastard you.

Am now reading through my old JPN101 book, it's actually not that bad though it doesn't actually explain a lot of the basics... instead it just kind of shows them to you. (Anyone else notice this while studying Japanese? Teachers will do this many times in the first couple classes, they'll show you something then say "oh but this is complicated to explain so for now just memorize it" it fucking pisses me off.)

>> No.1104404

This saging tempest is ridiculous. Here is an あげ just to make them らげ.
Also, http://guidetojapanese.org/

>> No.1104418

there's nothing wrong, people just reply like retards cause they don't know shit, or so goes my theory

OP I would pick up a japanese primer book from my local library and go through the lessons, as simple as that; there's a ton out there. "Basic Japanese" "Lessons in Japanese" blah blah
I haven't used the kind of books usually used in classroom learning (genki, japanese for busy people, etc.) but rather self-study type books
Depending on the book there'll probably be a section where they introduce new vocabulary too.

You can also go with a (systematic) grammar book but that is much harder and better left as a reference in my opinion.
An example of this kind of book is "outline of modern japanese grammar" by 庭三郎

Right now I'm holding off learning any more grammar until I get through all the jouyou kanji since what usually trips me up when reading a sentence is the kanji rather than the grammar.

>> No.1104420

If you're looking for something to help you with grammar, pick up Japanese, the Manga Way.

Sounds stupid, but it's one of my favorite references.

>> No.1104422

There's a few reasons for this.

1.There's a /lang/ board. There's a /lang/ board. There's a /lang/ board.
2. Stupid fucking emoticons.
3. Secure tripfag

>> No.1104424


>> No.1104427


>> No.1104438

Actually, there's several things wrong. In addition to what's been mentioned in >>1104422, if you're too stupid to pick up the basics of Japanese during MORE THAN A YEAR of schooling, and you have to come ask 4chan for help, you're fucked. You should just give up. On Japanese, on school, on life.

Really, this type of question doesn't belong on this board. It's been answered WAY TOO MANY FUCKING TIMES, and the OP isn't even trying to teach himself, he's fucking failing with someone else teaching him. Ergo, he's a retard.

Oh, also the fact that troll.

>> No.1104460
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>> No.1104469
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