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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11026618 No.11026618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11026625

No thanks. I don't like tripfag circle jerks.

>> No.11026629
File: 152 KB, 450x450, 1342290317961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-shut up! /jp/ is loads of fun!

SEE! I am having fun now!

>> No.11026627

bun devs get out

>> No.11026635

I love /ota/. It's so much fun.

>> No.11026637
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1315498600555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11026641

Time to shit up /ota/ until they shit it down again.

>> No.11026639

if by tripfag circlejerks you mean getter then yes

>> No.11026648
File: 106 KB, 959x631, you'll cowards don't even ota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11026649
File: 748 KB, 540x360, 1370861954999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11026649,1 [INTERNAL] 

how is /ota/ko so CUTE

>> No.11026649,2 [INTERNAL] 

Ota-chan or O-tan was drawn by someone with an eye for cute little girls.

>> No.11026649,3 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like an autistic little subhuman, which is quite fitting considering the userbase of /ota/.

>> No.11026649,4 [INTERNAL] 

U look like an autistic little subhuman

>> No.11026649,5 [INTERNAL] 

Tripfags are /ota/'s main problem.

The board barely makes 200 posts per day which 70% were made by Getter, Saya, Sparky(he's still posting), Natsume (I don't know who's this fag), Siztra, and other minor tripfags.

They're blogging all day about his figures, drugs they do, girls they would fuck when nobody ever asked.

>> No.11026649,6 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see anything wrong with Getter, he was annoying at first, but I think he learned how to behave.

Who I really find annoying is that new piece of shit RDC !I2c10LTFlo. Where did he even come from? In every post he makes it obvious that he is from /a/.

>> No.11026649,7 [INTERNAL] 

He's always blogging like mad about his life. The admin deleted their blog thread this morning.

>> No.11026649,8 [INTERNAL] 

I only see tripshit during American times. Europe is usually calm and easy-going. Probably because only me and at most two others are on at those times. I wouldn't say 70% is trip activity but sometimes I do find one thread (during american hours) with trips fellating each other.

>> No.11026649,9 [INTERNAL] 

70% between Tripfags, Avatarfags, imagedumpers and roleplaying homos.

5% by 2kike (nobody respond him)

25% People having fun (just 3 anons).

>> No.11026649,10 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ here
This place is ours now
We're anonymous. Expect us.

>> No.11026649,11 [INTERNAL] 

/sp/ here
>implying we didn't claim it first

>> No.11026649,12 [INTERNAL] 

I never understand what people are looking for when they go to a LOL RANDOM board and then complain about post quality.

>> No.11026649,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,14 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself out of warosu, safe.

>> No.11026649,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,16 [INTERNAL] 

Why did warosu spam /ota/ again?

>> No.11026649,17 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11026649,18 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu bros never forgive

>> No.11026649,19 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself out of warosu.

>> No.11026649,20 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, sparky's board turned out to be shit? Who would have guessed?

>> No.11026649,21 [INTERNAL] 

I won't forget this

>> No.11026649,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,23 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ <3 warosu xoxo

>> No.11026649,24 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,26 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't saying anything. Though I guess I am now.

>> No.11026649,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,30 [INTERNAL] 

that tranny is getting owned lmao

>> No.11026649,31 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,32 [INTERNAL] 

wish sparky was back...

>> No.11026649,33 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really like Sparky but he made /ota/ more fun to browse because how autistic he was.

>> No.11026649,34 [INTERNAL] 

She dropped by the other day. A lot of the threads got cleared in the spam though so you might have missed the posts.

>> No.11026649,35 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,36 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, she.

>> No.11026649,37 [INTERNAL] 

It's a guy, whether he likes it or not.

>> No.11026649,38 [INTERNAL] 

stop bullying sparky
ur the reason she left in the first place
i hate u!!

>> No.11026649,39 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11026649,40 [INTERNAL] 

Until she tells me otherwise, I'm going to go with she.

>> No.11026649,41 [INTERNAL] 

Sparky left /ota/? Thank god.

>> No.11026649,42 [INTERNAL] 

Yup, we bullied him out.
Go away attention whore.

>> No.11026649,43 [INTERNAL] 

You'd miss me too much.

>> No.11026649,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,45 [INTERNAL] 

                        ´ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :  、
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>> No.11026649,46 [INTERNAL] 

Took you long enough to reply.

>> No.11026649,47 [INTERNAL] 

I was debating whether or not I should have. ^^

>> No.11026649,48 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you not?

>> No.11026649,49 [INTERNAL] 

Context, of course.

>> No.11026649,50 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand.

>> No.11026649,51 [INTERNAL] 

That's alright, it's not that important.

>> No.11026649,52 [INTERNAL] 

It's important to me.

>> No.11026649,53 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,54 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,55 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,56 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,57 [INTERNAL] 

I thought sparklord was banned?

>> No.11026649,58 [INTERNAL] 

For three days, yeah.

>> No.11026649,59 [INTERNAL] 

From when? I'm pretty sure his thread today got deleted before the spam.

>> No.11026649,60 [INTERNAL] 

The 7th.

>> No.11026649,61 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, bullying him was the most fun I ever had.

>> No.11026649,62 [INTERNAL] 

I like that story about anon stealing the donations for sparky's tranny medicine.

>> No.11026649,63 [INTERNAL] 

I never heard that one please do tell.

>> No.11026649,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,65 [INTERNAL] 

One time, anon stole the donations for sparky's tranny medicine. The end.

>> No.11026649,66 [INTERNAL] 

Also, supposedly Sparky figured out which city that anon lives in through his IP and now Sparky wants to kill him.

>> No.11026649,67 [INTERNAL] 

How? With his AIDS-ridden subhuman dick?

I'd pay good money to see Sparky try to kill someone.

>> No.11026649,68 [INTERNAL] 

How did he steal the money?

>> No.11026649,69 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK that disgusting faggot got owned

>> No.11026649,70 [INTERNAL] 

y cant people b happy w/ who they r

u r all special people & saten luvs u

>> No.11026649,71 [INTERNAL] 

ppl juts have to b temsvles

and shower

y wont sdey juts be dth,mselves

>> No.11026649,72 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,73 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with "tripfags"? The only reason you all don't use tripcodes is because you're too boring to have anything to say.

>> No.11026649,74 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop impersonating me x2.

>> No.11026649,75 [INTERNAL] 

Leave Sparky alone!

>> No.11026649,76 [INTERNAL] 

>not saging a post
Proves that your aren't me imposter only interesting people who have stories to tell and things to say use tripcodes like me.

>> No.11026649,77 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up Siztra!

jk I love you~

>> No.11026649,78 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off tranny.

>> No.11026649,79 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,80 [INTERNAL] 

What do you have against trannies?

>> No.11026649,81 [INTERNAL] 

They're disgusting degenerates, fuck off with your liberal nonsense.

>> No.11026649,82 [INTERNAL] 

They're people too, you know!

>> No.11026649,83 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell is up with the /a/vatarfag and his riddles to join some socialshit?

>> No.11026649,84 [INTERNAL] 

What, really? Is that what this riddle is about?

>> No.11026649,85 [INTERNAL] 

After that spammer came lots of people left are you guys here?

>> No.11026649,86 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself /ota/ subhuman.

>> No.11026649,87 [INTERNAL] 

Still here. Still trying to post fun things in spite of all the /a/tards.

>> No.11026649,88 [INTERNAL] 

What spammer? Didn't it happen for like an hour or less? I'm still there obviously.

>> No.11026649,89 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah it was short but nobody came back after it happened and /ota/ has been even slower than when it was first reopened.

I wish more people would use it but I don't want bad users to come.

>> No.11026649,90 [INTERNAL] 

>Fine man. I just never knew /ota/ had such an epic sense of humor(almost /a/ funny!). Gonna come here more often LOLZ.
so mad

>> No.11026649,91 [INTERNAL] 

Has Sparky left yet?

>> No.11026649,92 [INTERNAL] 

Really? I'm not really noticing anything different about the board's speed. I hope people didn't leave though.

>> No.11026649,93 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11026649,94 [INTERNAL] 

Yes Sparky hasn't been back since the harsh bullying a few days ago

Earlier this morning until like 12:00 I was the only one bumping threads everytime checked (with a few exceptions)

I want us to get to the calm speed that 4/jp/ has when it's not summer.

>> No.11026649,95 [INTERNAL] 

>Yes Sparky hasn't been back since the harsh bullying a few days ago

>> No.11026649,96 [INTERNAL] 

Fantastic, thats all I had to hear. I was willing to hang out on /ota/, I was just waiting for that idiot to take off again.

>> No.11026649,97 [INTERNAL] 

It really pains me how people who are given another chance to start over waste it like it's nothing.

If you weren't using /ota/ because of sparky you'll sure as hell stop using it because of the "/a/tards" or some other trip-using nemesis.

>> No.11026649,98 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, it was basically just Sparky. I'm not sure if you just haven't been around long enough, but anyone thats had to deal with him would understand.

>> No.11026649,99 [INTERNAL] 

His posts could be summed up with three blurbs: "wwww" "CRAZY" "lolsorandom".

>> No.11026649,100 [INTERNAL] 

For hours upon hours, while bumping his annoying spam to the top every single time someone else's thread went to the top.

>> No.11026649,101 [INTERNAL] 

CRAZY was filtered by Otamin

>> No.11026649,102 [INTERNAL] 

I stopped using it when it just because a big trip circle jerk.

>> No.11026649,103 [INTERNAL] 

I am a trip person but I stopped using my trip as much after I saw people complaining about this even though I don't really see trip circle jerking.

>> No.11026649,104 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when /ota/ was good?

>> No.11026649,105 [INTERNAL] 

The unfunny subhuman's back. Pack your things ladies and gents, looks like he's still keen on talking to himself with the same 3 or 4 lines.

I'll bite. It was never good.

>> No.11026649,106 [INTERNAL] 

It was nev-
It was good for a few days.

>> No.11026649,107 [INTERNAL] 

Well that sucks, so much for /ota/.

>> No.11026649,108 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like I'm not going back to ota after all. Not until the admin permabans that subhuman.

>> No.11026649,109 [INTERNAL] 

He can just change the ip. /ota/ doesn't have a magical ban that is above 4chan's.

>> No.11026649,110 [INTERNAL] 

The admin can just range ban him if he wants.

>> No.11026649,111 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11026649,112 [INTERNAL] 

Justice, at last. God that disgusting faggot was starting to make me feel sick.

>> No.11026649,113 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11026649,114 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,115 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,116 [INTERNAL] 

I spammed this board twice and only got one day bans. It's nice, it's epic, and I like it.

>> No.11026649,117 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK that fucking subhuman degenerate got owned

>> No.11026649,118 [INTERNAL] 

Please try not to spam /ota/, I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.11026649,119 [INTERNAL] 

nice. epic. i like it

>> No.11026649,120 [INTERNAL] 


Dude, it hurts my feelings when you use my original content without express written consent and/or royalty payments.

>> No.11026649,121 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure why this is significant, what is a longer ban time going to do to a spammer?

>> No.11026649,122 [INTERNAL] 

I spammed on /jp/ and they banned my country from 4chan.

>> No.11026649,123 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're a third worlder and they were willing to count against you being smart enough to find usable proxies. Sounds like they were right.

>> No.11026649,124 [INTERNAL] 

I'm American.

>> No.11026649,125 [INTERNAL] 

What third world country are you from?

>> No.11026649,126 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,127 [INTERNAL] 

Pitcairn Islands m8.

>> No.11026649,128 [INTERNAL] 

GetterGuts is still there. Guess I'll just stick to /jp/ and here.

>> No.11026649,129 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget, you're queer forever.

>> No.11026649,130 [INTERNAL] 

fucking el oh el

>> No.11026649,131 [INTERNAL] 

I think its about time I bring over my quality posting to new-/ota/, now that the subhuman prince has been slain.

>> No.11026649,132 [INTERNAL] 

All according to plan... [hand rubbing intensifies]

>> No.11026649,133 [INTERNAL] 

>Guess I'll just stick to /jp/ and here.

You can also visit us at /bun/, if you want to!

>> No.11026649,134 [INTERNAL] 

Can somebody sum up this drama for someone who never cared about /ota/, please? I'll suck your dick!

>> No.11026649,135 [INTERNAL] 

What drama? There are several:

1. People hating Sparky for being an autistic CRAZY tranny
2. People hating Saya for his roleplaying
3. Nagi and her /foolz/ friends coming to /ota/ every now and then to spam it
4. Some guy from warosu who comes to /ota/ to spam niggies and /pol/ memes
5. People from /a/ accusing GetterGuts of being DeepFag

>> No.11026649,136 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,137 [INTERNAL] 


What's with /jp/ and this black rapper?

>> No.11026649,138 [INTERNAL] 

It's a /mu/ forced meme.

>> No.11026649,139 [INTERNAL] 

Ah I wonder when they are going to stop it's not even funny just strange.

>> No.11026649,140 [INTERNAL] 

All the newest epic teenbro memes involve niggers because of how hard the Jews have pushed them as the epitome of masculinity in recent times.

These kids are getting pasted by social engineering.

>> No.11026649,141 [INTERNAL] 

Why can't they ever spam nice musicians and singers.

Like this

>> No.11026649,142 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,143 [INTERNAL] 

No c or k?

>> No.11026649,144 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,145 [INTERNAL] 

What's with /jp/ and foreign born forced memes. We have to keep our blood pure. I urge people to shitpost using /jp/ forced memes.

>> No.11026649,146 [INTERNAL] 

Shitpost this buddy, *whips out dick*

WARNING: My dick is very small and poses a CHOCKING HAZARD, particularly for children.

>> No.11026649,147 [INTERNAL] 


Just sounds like dweeby shut-ins being dweeby-shut ins to me.

>> No.11026649,148 [INTERNAL] 

The sad thing is people genuinely believe this. "Masculine" behavior is not up to your white, suburban interpretation. There is masculine and non-masculine behavior, and the fact is that nigger culture is the most masculine that we currently have. Way to show off your inferiority complex by associating them with some higher power that controls your world ("Jews"), by the way. But sure, go be a "true alpha male" and go read some scholarly journals or some shit.

>> No.11026649,149 [INTERNAL] 

Another 10/10 shitpost bud ;;;;-))

>> No.11026649,150 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop being mean to Saya.

>> No.11026649,151 [INTERNAL] 

Hi iPaet!

>> No.11026649,152 [INTERNAL] 

You think masculinity is defined by how aggressive and impulsive you act?

Do even understand what being a human alpha male entails? It'a about being a leader and skilled and resourceful in many areas. You have to be aggressive when the situation calls for it, not impulsively like niggers, and you have to have foresight, the ability to make detailed plans that extend far into the future, something niggers are famous for not being able to do because they lack intelligence.

Niggers and similar brutes are who the alpha males use for their purposes, be it war, slavery or more complicated purposes like we're seeing with Cultural Marxism.

>> No.11026649,153 [INTERNAL] 

>nigger culture is the most masculine that we currently have

What is most masculine is opinion. However, what is true about spooks is that their culture is one of low intellect and self destruction. Sorry, buddy, but you're consuming destructive toxic nigger music.

>> No.11026649,154 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,155 [INTERNAL] 

No "p" or "i"?

>> No.11026649,156 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, masculinity is associated with aggressiveness and risk taking despite whatever your public education has told you. All these people you think are running the world got there by being aggressive and taking risks.

No, there is no opinion about behavior associated with masculinity. You know what niggers want? It's not a long, politically correct life with a traditional family and cute grandchildren that they'll take to their Sunday sermons. It's not an idle life sitting in their room with the lights off playing shmups and watching anime. It's women, drugs and money and they act in the way that is most conducive to success. Being successful always comes with taking risks, and if you don't need to be smart to get what you want why would you bother? How has your superior intellect helped you realize your masculine potential recently? Does the fedora you bought fit well?

>> No.11026649,157 [INTERNAL] 

Not me.

>> No.11026649,158 [INTERNAL] 

>Yes, masculinity is associated with aggressiveness and risk taking despite whatever your public education has told you. All these people you think are running the world got there by being aggressive and taking risks.

I included that in my post, fagstorm. If masculinity was limited to what you seem to think it is there wouldn't be a society standing that could objectify the definition, we would just be in a state of constant Africa-style tribal warfare.

Do you actually admire regular niggers? Do you think it's good for society and young males to glorify the behavior of nigs?

>> No.11026649,159 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit can you losers shut up already?

>> No.11026649,160 [INTERNAL] 

Suck my cock dude

>> No.11026649,161 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,162 [INTERNAL] 

Like any masculine and properly intelligent individual, I can understand and respect behavior born from clear goals. The dilution/feminization of masculine ideals that you seem to think civilized, responsible individuals who hold power have adopted has certainly helped the US keep out of tribal warfare with "radicals" for the last decade.

>> No.11026649,163 [INTERNAL] 

What a titty twister you are. Seriously, bringing US foreign policy into a discussion about structure when it's completely irrelevant and you don't even seem to understand its basics?

How am I an advocate of a "feminized" definition of masculinity and especially the alpha male?

Start giving actual answers to my questions (including those I made in my previous posts) or quit, weirdo.

>> No.11026649,164 [INTERNAL] 

masculine = beat people up (niggers)
females = manipulate men into beating people up for you (the president)

>> No.11026649,165 [INTERNAL] 

That epic hyper-simplification better not be from >>11026649,162. I don't think he's 15, maybe 19, but not 15.

But if that is your response, just stop talking to me.

>> No.11026649,166 [INTERNAL] 

I answered one of your questions. I avoided the second question because it begs the question of whether the culture is born of the youth or if the youth have adopted the culture. You seem to be advocating that the people in power practice some form of restrained aggression which avoids conflict, which is untrue. They act according to their goals regardless of the violence required, acting on behalf of your electorate just complicates it beyond the simple decision of pulling out a nine and putting lead in some other nigger.

>> No.11026649,167 [INTERNAL] 

goddamn that was a heated debate

>> No.11026649,168 [INTERNAL] 

If I ever meet tokiko I'll be sure to rough him up a bit.

>> No.11026649,169 [INTERNAL] 

Admin range banned all my addresses. At the HTTP server level too. Just get 403 errors.

I really made him mad ;_;

>> No.11026649,170 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell did you do?

>> No.11026649,171 [INTERNAL] 

What a fuckin' loser, lolomeo.

>> No.11026649,172 [INTERNAL] 

Pushed things too far, he eventually got tired of it.

Tor is blocked by default with tinyboard. Every address I've tried was range banned. Hate using public proxies. No more /ota/ for me. (;_;)

I'm surprised the range bans didn't effect anyone else honestly. I'm sure it will eventually get someone else if it hasn't already.

>> No.11026649,173 [INTERNAL] 

He didn't range banned you nerdfuck, you can block unwanted visitors from your server, get back to visual basic.

>> No.11026649,174 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, he did rangeban me. What the fuck do you think "block unwanted visitors from your server" means anyway dumbfuck?

He used mod_authz_host to range ban my addresses.

>> No.11026649,175 [INTERNAL] 

If only moot could be as vigilant.

>> No.11026649,176 [INTERNAL] 

He didn't you piece of shit.

order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all


>> No.11026649,177 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, that is what I am talking about. Why are you repeating me?

Yes, he did rangeban my addresses using that method.

>> No.11026649,178 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, I was just kidding, don't take my posts too seriously or you will die.

I don't think the admin could range ban you since he can't even set up the board, but maybe he used the external authorization wizard of the control panel of the server.

>> No.11026649,179 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,180 [INTERNAL] 

is sparky the yukkuri ascii spammer? i think confirms it

>> No.11026649,181 [INTERNAL] 

I sure hope not, that freak disgusts me.

>> No.11026649,182 [INTERNAL] 

different person

>> No.11026649,183 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,184 [INTERNAL] 


hi saten meta friend, do you still post on or visit /ota/ and if so what are your thoughts on its current state?

>> No.11026649,185 [INTERNAL] 

if anyone is actually interested / gives a fuck

the 8chan /jp/ board is no longer owned by trevor and some tf2 faggots, it has been reclaimed by a /jp/sie

>> No.11026649,186 [INTERNAL] 

Don't use that website

>> No.11026649,187 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with ota?

>> No.11026649,188 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,189 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing relative to other spin offs, but it's still a spin off which means it's shit.

>> No.11026649,190 [INTERNAL] 

You are assuming that people who use splinters are actually interested in going back to having a real board or doing something besides whining about / fucking with a janitor.

>> No.11026649,191 [INTERNAL] 

It's a testament to something that /ota/ is still alive.

>> No.11026649,192 [INTERNAL] 


waiting warmly...

I'm not terribly interested in the gg updates but would love to hear saten mega cutie's input on this and any other /jp/ spinoffs if possible

>> No.11026649,193 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11026649,194 [INTERNAL] 

he's even cuter than we thought???

>> No.11026649,195 [INTERNAL] 


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>> No.11026649,196 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ is the last refuge of the white man against the shitskin hordes.

>> No.11026649,197 [INTERNAL] 

I post there once in a while.

I am glad that it seems to be growing popular!

>> No.11026649,198 [INTERNAL] 

who the HELL is that faggot running the learning japanese thread

>> No.11026649,199 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11026649,200 [INTERNAL] 

