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11026430 No.11026430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wait a minute.

>> No.11026433

Okay, I waited a minute. What now?

>> No.11026443

Is that mod any good? If it isn't, are there any good ones around?

>> No.11026460

Prophesy of Pendor is fun to play... for a while.

That's the definition of MB. Fun to play... for a while. Eventually, the banality of it gets to you, after you realize that your troops will always be morons, and you're better off spamming arrows from horseback into people's faces as they follow you around.

>> No.11026478


If only we could join those heretical cults in PoP...

>> No.11026495

You can make nice with them by helping them out against other forces. It's actually preferable to do that, so that roaming snake cult armies and heretic armies don't stomp your retarded lords on the overworld.

I severely despise the overworld game, as the only way to survive is to gruesomely kill the faction you rebel against as soon as possible. Once you do that, everyone will want to declare war on you. There's no real game of politics, since you are so much more effective at killing everything that moves on the overworld than the NPC factions are.

I usually conquer everything within 100 days of declaring my kingdom, usually with one or two armies of order knights, usually Ebony Gauntlet and Griffon, since they're the easiest to obtain, and they do unholy work on the battlefield.

I'd love to play MB: Touhou.

>> No.11026506

What do you want to see In Bannerlord? I want to see netorare

You should be able to marry another lord's wife and run away with her.
Some lords love netorare and enjoy the fact that you are sleeping with their wives
"Player! Your fame runs before you! I heard that you have been sleeping with my wife"
"Your relation with Count X has increased from 0 to 5"

Other lords do not like netorare and you lose up to 50 relation with them.

Also, your wife may run away with other men who have bigger and better fiefs that you.

>> No.11026510
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Yes, it's pretty well made. Better than most of the half-finished, buggy pieces of shit that are released these days.

>> No.11026516

Oh good point, I was just mashing those "neutral forces" whenever I meet them in PoP.

That aside, is there a king harlaus equivalent in Gekokujo? Been wanting to reinstall warband ever since this mod came out.

>> No.11026513
File: 30 KB, 929x84, mountain blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun to play... for a while.
Damn casual.

>> No.11026519

/v/ pls go and stay go

>> No.11026520

>What do you want to see In Bannerlord?

Formations in combat that are useful.
Spears actually work against cavalry, or, fuck, anything else.
Redo the momentum mechanic so that thrusting actually does damage.
NPC lords that actually do shit on the overworld, and don't charge armies 5 times their size.
Political choices that matter.
In-faction infighting, so that picking lords to side with in faction matters.

These are just a few things.

>> No.11026524
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Is Man Handler still bugged?

>> No.11026527

Smug as hell. So, why is she so far from home?

>> No.11026531

I've got 222 hours. I think I'm justified in saying that it was fun to play... for a while.

The better part about making nice with the snake cult and heretics is that they reliably spawn in the Empire and Sarleon territories. They have a good habit of owning the shit out of any invading lords, unless the faction king comes in and stomps their shit.

The unique spawn armies for heretic and snake cult will fuck anyone's shit up. They're not as easy as most of the other unique armies.

God forbid the demon lord spawns in the sand nigger territories. You might as well just tell your lords to follow you forever.

>> No.11026536

> muskets

Filthy ashigaru peasants

>> No.11026538
File: 199 KB, 1280x1024, mb_warband 2013-06-09 18-24-52-87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me my image back, butthole.
I kind of hated this module. I played it for a couple hours but godhood was too easy to obtain because of the very existence of naginata.
I could literally just backpedal away and left swing and nothing could ever get to me, except ever-ridiculous mounted archers, which are only countered by other mounted archers, which means I can't meaningfully field anything else.
Also everyone's arms were really horrible looking, and all the touhous were either mean or uglified or both. And the author kept using UN Owen arranges that didn't fit in at fucking all.
It basically just made me want to play Sengoku Basara 3 instead. But mountain blade makes me want to play other games in general. I had more fun with Floris and that LotR mod for not-Warband even though my orcs looked damned retarded.

>> No.11026539

Is the seige combat as bad as Native?

I don't want to go through the whole 300-army-dying-at-a-ladder experience again.

>> No.11026542

>mountain blade

>> No.11026544

You can get replacement maps that have multiple entry points, or multiple towers, at least for the vanilla MB maps.

Be warned that the spawn mechanics still make defending a castle fucking ridiculous, as you can not reliably spawn a good mix of archers/melee to make it worthwhile. Your melee will refuse to defend entry points well, and your archers will not coordinate.

>> No.11026548

What about it nerd?
It's practically the name of the game. Actually controlling a mount is unbearable and bladed weapons are how you suck and be poor.
They should call it Feet and Clubs.

>> No.11026557

Does anyone play Napoleonic War? I really enjoy siege maps there.

>> No.11026559

i get 200 ping on multiplayer
its no fun...

>> No.11026581

Mount and Blade. Not mountain blade.

>> No.11026592

Have those Russians released anything that Warhammer Fantasy mod yet?

>> No.11026600
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Sieges are brand new. You fight through large forts, and there aren't really any ladder clusterfucks. It makes defending less advantageous, though.

>> No.11026715

What mod is this?

>> No.11026749

Which is tough to stomach, I prefer to keep my touhou and mount and blade separate
Speaking of which, why is there a mount and blade thread here?

>> No.11026762

I play but I'm always surprised at how much the community sucks.

>> No.11026788

Ever since the mod became an expansion sold on Steam and it got covered by those shitty let's plays the servers became full of retards.

>> No.11027420

The AI in warband STILL rushes in close, so the only good weapons are short-ranged ones... so it's short mace all day instead of my sexy hand-and-a-half sword.


>> No.11027428

naw dog
bow is best wepon in game from meta perspective

>> No.11027461

Do you not pump agility and athletics if you're playing infantry or something? It gets to a point, pretty easily, where with a long enough weapon you can just backpedal and whack away and they're powerless to stop you without bows.

>> No.11027492

If you're playing Pendor, Huscarl it to win it early game. Just keep pushing out angry vikings. It's not like you have enough troop qty to keep archers. Once you can get a decent party, try for Ravenstern Rangers, as they are the best archer you can get without nobles.

Mid-game, try for a faction that has good noble units, like Sarleon or Empire. Hoist your pennant and try for melee rushes with cavalry on you, coming in from behind to flank.

Late-game, just spam order units. If you stay faction (why the fuck would you?), spam Lion, or Shadow Legion and Immortals. If you do the smart thing and go Old Pendor, spam Ebony Gauntlet as your entire fucking army, upgrade them, and watch your enemies die from headshots before they get in range to shoot arrows at you. Keep a brigade of Griffon knights for dealing with annoyingly fast units, as they will likely charge the Griffon knights once engaged. Pick off the mounted archers yourself, you lazy fuck.

Congratulations, you win.

>> No.11027494
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Get on a horse, faggot. It's called MOUNT & Blade.

>> No.11027505

Amazingly enough, you can kill anything up to the demon army with this. Noldor are annoying fuckholes, since Twilight Knights can take a couched lance in the face at full speed and come back for more, but once you sufficiently upgrade your Ebony Assholes and Griffon knights, you can outsnipe the Noldor archers, and close with your Griffons and hope for the best. Rush in, knock the shit out of their archers, and hope your Ebony Assholes can shoot out the horses of the Noldor or headshot them at full gallop (happens a lot more than you think.)

If you want to defeat the demon army that spawns in the desert, bring every lord you have and just spam numbers in the RNG to win. Going into combat against them is suicide. Attrition is your only hope.

>> No.11027506

>. Actually controlling a mount is unbearable

not true

but on max AI fighting with sword is too risky indeed

>> No.11027515

Fighting on a mount in melee is suffering. Mounted archer is ubermensch. Get horse archery/archery/riding up, get a good bow and lots of arrows with a fast horse, and get the enemy cavalry to follow you.

Shoot them all in the face as you outride them.

Never die.

>> No.11027642

Holy fuck, knights of astraea.
I hate this game's early game so much. There will just never be a module where it isn't terrible.

>> No.11027672

Yeah, you can do that or actually have fun. I like to go on foot with something like a long bradiche or it's modded equivalent, and with autoblock dissabled. Hard as hell, but there is no feel like being shoulder to shoulder with your men, swinging that enormous weapon over the enemy shield to crush them with one hit.

>> No.11027692

I prefer the feel of riding a heavily armored horse into battle ahead of my men and slamming my lance down everybody's throat, instant hell murdering everything I come in contact with and scattering everything else, and then carving my way out with a sword and doing it again.
I used to be an infantry nordstrong guy like you. Then I tried actually doing cavalry stuff besides getting frustrated swinging ineptly at things I have no hope of hitting. I can't go back.

>> No.11027702

I would do that more often if it wasn't impossible to use tactics

A line of shieldless infantry will gladly hold in place while three skirmishers slowly cut their numbers down, so if there's any chance of getting knocked out you have to issue a charge order
Or worse, in siege assaults, if you tell your archers to hold back and get knocked out, their numbers will prevent reinforcements from coming in and you're left in a stalemate, especially if the other side pulled back from the walls. If you just tell them to charge right away not only are they useless but they'll stall on the ladder and screw over your infantry

>> No.11027781

The best use of melee main character is during castle assaults. You get in behind the defenders, either by falling off a wall and climbing up, or just by luck. The defenders will let you slash them in the back until they die, as focused as they are on your troops.

>> No.11027996
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Needs more danmaku.
