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11023824 No.11023824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 25 and eyesight is going bad
>tfw cant read clock from other side of room in the morning
>tfw everything on the computer is blurry
>tfw have to squint to read small text

How could this happen to me?

>> No.11023826

Staying indoors and looking at things close-up too much

>> No.11023828
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Nerdify him Nerdify him Nerdify him Nerdify him

>> No.11023830

>I've made my mistakes
>got nowhere to run
>The night goes on as I’m fading away
>I'm sick of this life
>I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?

>> No.11023829

upgrade your glasses

>> No.11023834
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I stopped being able to read my clock at like 16.

Step it up, faggot.

>> No.11023842
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I stopped being able to read my clock at 9 years old. It's not an accomplished feeling.

I'm also 25

>> No.11023844
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Fuck you, buddy.

You want to have a blind-off or something?

>> No.11023850

I stopped being able to read my clock at 7.

>> No.11023851

i had to get glasses when i was 6. haven't been able to see anything more than 3 inches in front of my face since i was like 10.

stay mad sightfags

>> No.11023853

I get some bullshit temporary near-sightedness. When I eat dinner I can't see the TV because my eyes are stuck focused near the general distance of the plate. Same for if I'm in bed with my laptop, I can't see my TV about ten feet away.

It goes away in about 20 minutes though.

>> No.11023863

This might sound unusual but my left eye got much poorer eyesight than my right. They both move synchronously but when I have to spot quick movements only my right eye will move. You can picture how it looks like.

Besides that I can see fine and got excellent color vision. Man it feels good to blog.

>> No.11023864

How hilarious.
I'm entirely blind and I am using accessibility software to read and type.

>> No.11023870

>tfw still having 20/20 eyesight

feels good man

>> No.11023866

hahaha nerd

>> No.11023869
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Now you have an excuse to wear sexy half-rim glasses.

>> No.11023875

read THIS


>> No.11023877

Same, I am short-sighted but I took a colour acuity test and got 100% on it.
>some of these guys will never even be able to see their favourite 2hus in full colour

>> No.11023879
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half rim a shit

>> No.11023880

The feeling when you have to Ctrl+Scroll-Wheel on every web page.

>> No.11023886

Nice nerd specs nerd

>> No.11023885

During bright days I got to squint my other eye.

It must make me look cool.

>> No.11023887
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>tfw no gf

>> No.11023891
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>> No.11023892

I've had bad eyes since I was a kid. Get used to it so what.

There is things called glasses by the way.

>> No.11023897

It's just eyestrain OP.
And they have adjusted to looking at things close up.
Go out side more and start looking at stuff in the distance, they will re-adjust back to normal, it will take time, but it's better than the alternative.
Which is get glasses and let your eyes get even lazier and lazier until they are complete shit.
It's like people who have bad posture from sitting at the PC all day.
You don't get a wheelchair you stand up straight against a wall for an hour a day.

>> No.11023901

I'm gonna get health insurance next week and will finally get new glasses! I hope this helps my headaches. Wish me luck!

>> No.11023900

>Which is get glasses and let your eyes get even lazier and lazier until they are complete shit.

Hahaha. You're a funny guy.

>> No.11023907


Just don't do the mistake of buying glasses in store. They are severely overpriced!

>> No.11023905


>> No.11023911

Eh? Where else?

>> No.11023910

You generally get an eye exam before you buy glasses. If you don't need them and it's just eye strain, they would tell you.

>> No.11023917

wouldn't it be in their interest to bullshit you and make you buy some glasses from them?

>> No.11023914

I got eagle vision
it's the only redeemable part of my genetics.

>> No.11023922

Fix your eyesight your self or use could these if you want.


You wear them at night and take them off in the morning and see fine and you don't need to look like a turbonerd that wears glasses or contacts.

>> No.11023919

You can try zenni optical!

>> No.11023923

maybe if you wiped some of the sperm out of your eyes

>> No.11023928

I became an organ donor in hopes that someone would get my eyes when I die. I like the thought of someone else seeing the world through my eyes.

>> No.11023926


Doing that would not only be morally and ethically wrong, it would leave them open to lawsuits and criminal charges.

>> No.11023963
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>tfw small dick, skinny fat, very nearsighted , horrible hearing from over use of ear phones.partial speech impairment from long time isolation. dropped out of uni, live with parent.
gensokyo can't come sooner

>> No.11023968

>Doing that would not only be morally and ethically wrong
That's never stopped the yids before.

>> No.11023983

I think I also have a speech impairment because of small voice box and good hearing. My schizophrenia has saved me from worse though.

>> No.11023996

>>tfw everything on the computer is blurry
I can't see things clearly from far away, but it's fine up close, that must be a pain.

I have glasses for things over a few meters, but I never wear them - there's nothing that far away worth seeing for the most part.

>> No.11024049

Feel when my mom finally gave up and made an appointment with an eye doctor for me because she's sick of seeing me squint at things for the past 3 years.
