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File: 324 KB, 933x1280, 453083700_60Y2z1Tt_f2337b88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11017590 No.11017590 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11010987

Sashiko revolution edition.

Will Mayu keep her momentum as the next ace with her 3rd place, and will Paruru be able to cope with her own rank?

Will the SKE management recognize Shibata Aya and the other 6 SKE girls who ranked without being SKE senbatsu?

Will Meru (55th) stay HKT's ace now that Sakura has ranked 26th and Haruppi 37th?

How will the 32nd single be? We have much to discuss.

>> No.11017605
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HKT general

>> No.11017609
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>> No.11017614
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I approve

>> No.11017616
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HKT general, best general

>> No.11017624
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Russian monkey harrassing a Japanese dairy enthusiast.

>> No.11017637


This man has some work to do.

>> No.11017648

Who are the most butthurt fans after this election? Sasshi haters? Yuko fans? Mayuyu's supporters?

>> No.11017656

Mayuyu fans. Yuko fans are cool for the most part.

>> No.11017657

>Sasshi haters? Yuko fans?
You have to consider that there's a lot of overlap in these two groups, and Yuko fans especially get particularly annoying if their cunt fails yet again to achieve the #1.

So I'd say these two are clearly on the top, with Mariko Oshi taking the #2.

I'm not seeing any Mayuyu fans being angry actually, surprises me a little. But then again, I don't hang out in subhuman communities, so it'll probably be different there.

>> No.11017676
File: 456 KB, 1280x1288, sayokuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, out of the 32 person senbatsu for SayoCrawl, the only 2 not to rank were Abe Maria and Kato Rena.

>> No.11017712
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Murashige looks so happy for Sakura. What a good girl.

>> No.11017728

You guys better go to Japan for those handshake events soon. All the old gen are leaving after this year.

>> No.11017739
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>> No.11017767

Seriously Takamini, I'm really going to miss you once you graduates, so please stay a little while longer.

>> No.11017805

Mariko's are not butthurt, they are sad, which is an entirely different thing. They are not mad at all because what happened was not something that came from the elections, it's something that Mariko herself decided (or partly decided) and thus they can't be mad.

>> No.11017806
File: 308 KB, 465x465, Renacchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted Renacchi to rank.

>> No.11017809

And Suda Akari, who ranked in senbatsu, wasn't in SayoKuro.

>> No.11017821
File: 261 KB, 1152x1654, ibeRHbRdw4kmjT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Mayu keep her momentum as the next ace with her 3rd place?
I hope so, since this year's senbatsu clearly showed that talent is not the mitigating factor in the election.

Mayuyu needs to just stay her course... and her fans need to lay it on thick next year, myself included.

>> No.11017825

I would figure Mayu fans are a little discouraged that the gap to #1 has widened. Last year it was 30k and now it is 50k.

I'll try to get a holiday work visa so I can go see my oshi next year~

>> No.11017837

I need to start working again.

>> No.11017841

>I would figure Mayu fans are a little discouraged that the gap to #1 has widened. Last year it was 30k and now it is 50k.
Mayu fans have no one to blame but themselves... and HKT wota who dumped all their votes into the one person who was guaranteed to rank.

Instead of Anna.

>> No.11017856

>and her fans need to lay it on thick next year

Ugh, I split my votes between her and Murashige and majorly regret it now, didn't do everything I could for her. Will make sure I step it up next year though, this election has reinvigorated my interest in the group majorly.

>> No.11017862
File: 368 KB, 1366x1680, BOMB.2013.Mar.012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny because I probably would have done the same thing if I was in the position to vote this year myself (i.e. not broke). Mayuyu's my oshi and Anna's my HKT oshi.

And I'm sure I'd be kicking myself now, too.

>> No.11017866

You do have a point there, but I've also seen a lot of people expressing their anger at Mariko not making her mind up earlier. Or if she did, not announcing it earlier, and now maybe even leaving earlier than Tomochin on top of it

Really a shitty move on her side. I forgot Sae oshis in my earlier ranking though. I don't have enough of an overview to judge properly who's more pissed, but I'd lean towards Sae oshis.

>> No.11017871

Just wait for the Dome concerts.

>> No.11017873

I think there were probably quite a few of us who just assumed Mayu would do better easily so didn't push as hard as we should have. Judging by the numbers it would have been hard anyway, but I expect it to be a lot closer next year. Half of the Senbatsu could be gone by then anyway, so who knows.

>> No.11017878
File: 44 KB, 374x560, 07 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mayuyu's my oshi and Anna's my HKT oshi.
Impressive, didn't expect to see someone with the exact same oshi pair. Anya clearly surpasses Mayuyu in my book at least though. Hope she'll get pushed a bit more.

>> No.11017894


Kind of wish I had friends who I could share the experience with, but not sure if I could live with myself either.

They look like they had fun at least.

>> No.11017902


You mean have bad audio quality?

>> No.11017906
File: 346 KB, 1366x1681, BOMB.2013.Mar.007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're probably right about that. I felt extremely guilty during her speech. She was expecting more, too.

Yeah, for me it's the other way around but they're both just wonderful examples of what it is to be an idol in very different ways.

>> No.11017913

that was pretty much my reaction

fuck, I'm enjoying this so much right now, watching theatre performances with lots of focus on sasshi, cheering for HKT in general, decent turn outs for the election in general. Great two days.

>> No.11017928

I agree, it probably says more about my pathetic life than the week itself but with Babymetal releasing at the beginning of the week, Mechaike subs being released and then this crazy election, I genuinely think it's been over a year since I've been so happy. Certainly I haven't been so excited about the fandom as a whole since probably around 2010.

>> No.11017945

As mad as people may be with the results, right now AKB is becoming anything but dull. Sasshi saving the day.

>> No.11017966

That weird feeling of actual excitement, but now it's mostly gone, at least for me anyways. Still got utsukushii inazuma coming soon though. I hope it will sound as awesome as its name does.

>> No.11017982

no3b joint graduation please, I fear Takamina is going to have a heart failure soon.

>> No.11018098
File: 120 KB, 639x426, 1bd69_756_fd673ef8_37f19435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would never have noticed without you...

>> No.11018115

Well, the election is getting bigger and bigger, and of course it was intense, but first election was seriously heart-wrenching for the fans. and especially the girls. I remember that some of the girls actually fainted after it was finished.

Which makes me remember about Mikachi, which is the girl that fainted during that time, so I actually google her a bit to know her current being. Seems like she's doing well and still keeping up with AKB. And then I of course need to watch the original vers. of TemoDemo.

Damn, I was actually have been in the fandom quite long.

>> No.11018135
File: 445 KB, 1212x1733, i2p1zZXigft2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, while we may disagree on many things, we can still agree that Nogizaka is the best group, right?

I'll post some recent Maiyan to heal you after this nerve-wracking election.

>> No.11018142
File: 637 KB, 1219x1733, i5FPGx7efC3EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those who restrict themselves to 48s, Maiyan is the center of Nogizaka.

>> No.11018143

Good one.

>> No.11018157

Eizo is up.

>> No.11018158
File: 538 KB, 1215x1733, ibgvV9P7EgQI9i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can promise you that Nogizaka can calm your heart in a way a 48 group can't. A lot of serene and pure ojousama type girls, for those with a good taste. If you haven't tried them out yet, please check out their show "Nogizakatte doko?", it's great despite the bumpy start.

>> No.11018165

I might have to pick them as a whole group so I don't have to deal with some rich fans ruining the rankings like I have to with the other AKB groups.

But I'll still have to deal with management playing favorites. As long their positions are based on the popularity of their handshake events, I don't mind.

>> No.11018176

It's a shame both of the groups that were subbing their shows seem to have died. I really ought to learn moonspeak one of these days.

>> No.11018226

>so I don't have to deal with some rich fans ruining the rankings
It's weird that you would say that now, when it is the least controlled by rich fans than ever. It was the worst during the first election.

>> No.11018316

You're right, it's now shit casuals who decide everything.

>> No.11018318

Is it just me or is Chiyuu speaking with a more normal voice now?

>> No.11018339

Sounds the same. She's just not trying to act cute anymore.

>> No.11018361

Tomochin's face. You mad, Chin-san?

>> No.11018440

Do the idols that didn't rank know how many votes they got?

>> No.11018491

Less than 0 except for the imoutos.

>> No.11018506

Kinda hope they won't. I was already in the fandom during the first election, and knowing the numbers of votes they got put some of the bottom-tier members into severe depression, and that's when Acchan top the ranking with only like 4,000-5,000 votes.

Now when even the 64th ranker got more than 10,000 votes, I guess it's kinda depressing if there are some members that actually got less than a few hundreds votes.

The HUGE numbers of members participating can make it less depressing for them that doesn't rank, but I guess knowing you can only garnered a few hundred votes is still, you know. And well, if there were, and probably there are, those that got less than a hundred votes. Man.

>> No.11018529

They do but they have to ask for the numbers themselves.

>> No.11018533

The vid is private how can you guys see it

>> No.11018769

I don't know man but that caption made my day.

>> No.11018789


>> No.11018794

Plenty of people have been in Sasshi.

>> No.11018803

She's too perfect for my tastes.

Sayuringo on the other hand, is quite like a child growing up. It would be a pretty fun experience.

>> No.11018799
File: 57 KB, 640x360, nogikoko_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SKE here we come.

Watch Nogikoko too, the unders are amazing.

>> No.11018800

>sasshi center
>miichan getting more votes than last year
>amina as center of undergirls

just a reminder that guys who care about the girls dating are fucking losers

>> No.11018813

>lemon goes up a rank
>paruru enters senbatsu

just a reminder akb is shit now

>> No.11018821
File: 461 KB, 1297x1590, 1364773068323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the people who are getting into Nogizaka: Congratulations, it's the best thing you'll ever do.

But just remember: Don't get into Wakatsuki or Hashimoto. They're sluts. Specially Wakatsuki, who was fucking a 27 year old when she was 15.

Also, although Yumi-nee >>11018799 is awesome, you should better keep your heart away. She graduated.

>> No.11018820

>>amina as center of undergirls


>> No.11018834

>Specially Wakatsuki, who was fucking a 27 year old when she was 15.


>> No.11018841

Where did you get that set?

I only got Sayuringo's and Ikoma's.

Wasn't she the one who got surgery before going to idol industry? Also, was the 27 year old proven?

>> No.11018842

Sayurin's accent makes it hard for me to get what she is saying. When I first heard her talk in one the videos floating in internet, I have to listen twice to notice that she's just speaking simple Japanese that even I can understand. Can't believe I actually heard some kind of unknown language the first time.

Maybe it's her voice too. I don't know.

Anyway, Wakatsuki is a bigger slut than all the AKB members that have got involved in scandals combined. Just hatin'.

>> No.11018845
File: 630 KB, 1280x1720, wVrME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's actually pretty hot. Specially when the girl looks like Wakatsuki.

As hot as it is, however, she doesn't deserve to be an idol.

>> No.11018847

I don't really mind those but
>Mocchi went down 14 ranks
>Sae being an idiot
>Haruna and Takamina both went down 2 ranks
Truly the end.

>> No.11018850

It's actually because of her voice and accent. I find Kazumin's accent harder to understand.

>> No.11018857

>Paruru not in senbatsu
Did you seriously think it wouldn't happen?
Quit being delusional.

>> No.11018859

Same here.

She can be an idol, but not in a princess group like 46. Maybe in Ebisu Muscats.

>> No.11018862

I guess Takamina's hard work speech from last year was for naught. From her example: Work hard, drop in ranking.

>> No.11018863

you're oshi is shit, my oshi is a goddess

>> No.11018865

I'm kinda into HoshiMina and Ashurin. Idol-wise of course. Maiyan is that girl that you just want to impregnate.

>> No.11018867

Judging by the filename, I got it from... here?

And one of Wakatsuki's purikuras clearly stated that she was 15 and the dude was 27. And yes, the person who uploaded the purikuras also said she had gotten surgery.

>> No.11018880

I really like Hoshimina, despite the haters. I'm liking her better and better as the episodes pass by.

I wonder if she still has haters, after being relegated to the back row in this single...

>> No.11018884

>>Mocchi went down 14 ranks
can someone explain how this happend? it seemed like she got really popular this year

>> No.11018888

Probably due to her fans buying her single instead of the AKB single.

>> No.11018892
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>> No.11018893


>> No.11018904

All of the pictures I downloaded from Twitter using my phone has the similar string of numbers like 4chan's.


My oshi is pure
You're oshi is a slut

>> No.11018908

I find Rotti's voice to be even weirder than both. Haven't listened to her talking voice for so long(her singing voice is aplenty in Nogidoko) that when I first heard her in the latest Nogikoko I'm really surprised.

Ashurin's a hardworking girl that subs for Ikoma when she runs from stage while Hoshimina doesn't care.

>> No.11018917

Lotti's voice is heartmelting.

She got some nice screentime during the latest Nogikoko arc.

>> No.11018921

I'm still new to the 46 family, so I really doesn't know that much except maybe for the few sluts that I have to avoid like plague, but what did they hate about her anyway?

>> No.11018933

She seems pretty distant compared to other idols despite being center for a long time.

She also seems mean.

>> No.11018943

Her push. She has been one of the 3 centers for 4 out of 6 singles as well as the MC of several of the PVs, despite not trying very hard.

But she IS beautiful, and pure as snow. And she just hit puberty angst, so that's very interesting too.

>> No.11018952

Anyone got a link for the General Election?
Stream or Torrent is fine.

>> No.11018954


>> No.11018956

Oh. There are people that can't stand that type, I can understand.

She looks like she's seriously getting along well and rather hyper when around the other members, so I guess she's just like Maachan. Really charming backstage, but shy away during public performance.

>> No.11018974

I ain't downloading a 27GB file, I'll wait for the smaller size file or for someone to upload it on a streaming site.


>> No.11018972

Watching the videos of her randomly picking people on the street and ask if they knew her(if I actually got the context of that thing right...) is, I don't know. It's like watching video of a puppy getting lost.

Also, she looks like a really mean, bad girl when she swept her hair back with wavy hairstyle in one of the performance I watched.

>> No.11018979

No, she's pretty much the way she looks.

She herself has said her reactions are very poor, and the girls of the group have said that her and Erika-sama are pretty scary when they get mad.

And I like sincerity.

>> No.11018980

Well, even the members say that she acts like a little boss telling people to get her things.

>> No.11018985

>Watching the videos of her randomly picking people on the street and ask if they knew her

>> No.11018984

BUBKA 2013.05

>> No.11018991


>> No.11018993


>> No.11018994

I agree, who's your oshi?

>> No.11018998


I am currently rewatching on here.


>> No.11019006

You sound upset.
Just take it easy, it will rollover in a month or so.

>> No.11019008


This? Seriously, I don't know if I actually got the context right. I can understand Japanese to some extent, but I shy away from the screen a lot while watching so I miss out a lot on what they are actually talking about.

Seriously hope I'm not an idiot that got too much of second-hand embarrassment.

Interesting. Well, cute is justice anyway.

>> No.11019017


>> No.11019056

Speaking of bonus videos, it looks like they're not doing the 33PV for the 6th single. The only bonus content revealed so far are Parco footage for Type A, an athletic competition for Type B, and making of Girl's Rule in C.

I really don't like how they're dropping the individual PVs, some of the PVs(especially the 2nd singles' date videos) are quite good, and it's one of the places where unders get guaranteed screentime.

>> No.11019380

>girls I like went down in rank
>girls I don't like went up
It's confirmed, AKB is dead.

>> No.11019396
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>> No.11019399
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Those antis that always shitpost whenever a scandal occurs. Seeing how all members involved in scandals got ranked in, Sasshi being center was the finishing blow.

>> No.11019403
File: 102 KB, 837x628, tumblr_mn3p1lUtAf1r62335o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB48 became shit, HKT48 became shit, NMB48 is meh imo, please don't let SKE48 go to shit too.
I already tried getting into other idol groups but they're all even more shit than this shit.

Pic is my favorite team, SKE48 KKS.

>> No.11019405

Excellent opinion, tumblr friend.

>> No.11019408

>Has never used Google Image Search

>> No.11019412

What ever you say, green texting tumblr dude.

>> No.11019413
File: 232 KB, 1440x810, 695d5ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NMB48 is meh imo

But Maachun is wonderful!

>> No.11019445
File: 314 KB, 1201x1621, MAACHUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but yes, she's the best of NMB.

>> No.11019464

>SKE48 go to shit too.
>Pic is my favorite team, SKE48 KKS


>> No.11019471

Appears I read that wrong.
I apologize

>> No.11019489
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Higher quality

>> No.11019562
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As a Los Angeles native, I really don't know how I should feel about that shirt.

>> No.11019639
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Does Sasshi intend to take that chair home now?

>> No.11019645
File: 330 KB, 1280x1716, nanamislutty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit check out those gams!

>> No.11019653


I find it funny that they're crying like they're getting married for real.

>> No.11019699
File: 66 KB, 478x640, 0876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true winner.

>> No.11019727

Indeed she is anon.

>> No.11019744
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1367141015355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole Sousenkyo can be summed up as thus.

>> No.11019769
File: 56 KB, 500x299, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this for me. Disappointed they didn't show Yukirin's reaction, I'm sure it was glorious.

>> No.11019773

Did they show Tomochin's? I don't remember.

>> No.11019783

They showed, Yuko's, Takamina's, Sae's and Mariko's off the top of my head. Also Acchan's on that fuji tv live.

>> No.11019787

sorry, misquoted, ->>>11019783

>> No.11019799

>BUBKA 2013.05
You, thank you a lot.

>> No.11019812
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>> No.11019808
File: 137 KB, 384x900, jbo4lpgB7MdLZC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Haruppi and that gaijin wota in the commentators corner making a wide-eyed expression.

>> No.11019824

I miss Jo.

>> No.11019836 [DELETED] 

I'm surprised she still has it after all this years...

>> No.11019850

They should get rid of the commentators next year. Why the hell would I want to hear 5 people talking at once over the actual show? Also those stupid ass comments from overseas fans and their faries, legos, cookies, and katsudon.

>> No.11019868

Your oshi is now a lego.


>> No.11019871
File: 228 KB, 1440x810, 098765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised she still has it after all this years.

>> No.11019877

I agree with the part about the commentators. They could have just pre-screened the messages or something.

>> No.11019919
File: 1.11 MB, 1880x694, legominami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cool with it.

>> No.11019968
File: 2.53 MB, 550x309, 5673453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The commentators combined with the translations did make my head hurt.
The comments were annoying, but they were pretty easy to ignore.

>> No.11019973

New here. Explain what she still has. Is it the stuffed toy? If so story about it please.

>> No.11019992

She likes things that are 1)male 2)brown 3)have fur.

>> No.11020034

your average gaijin wota.

>> No.11020043

She's just trying to make fans as she walks around. She's asking them if they know nogizaka 46 and then asking that they think of her if they see her in the group.

>> No.11020060
File: 408 KB, 1440x810, 09876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats her toothless beaver toy. It was featured in her introductory video years ago when she was still a loli.

>> No.11020067
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>> No.11020070
File: 80 KB, 831x1200, img460018254439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe it's just me but I liked them, especially the history professor's talk at the very beginning. I found it quite insightful and refreshing, considering all the stupid crap we keep hearing about AKB on Western media from self-styled "experts". Speaking of which, how many wota even know who Hana Tojima is these days?
The only thing they need to do next year is to stop talking over the female announcer after the show has started. Other than that, I'm fine with having commentators and all.
Besides, didn't they have something similar in the past years?
Something about Ariyoshi, Tsuchida Teruyuki and much of the MC crew talking at a restaurant table, if I recall correctly.

>> No.11020082

They did have some pre-show discussions on the stream for RH earlier this year. I didn't watch them, but I think it was pretty much that.

I'd love it if they did that instead of what we got.

>> No.11020088

Really? You liked it when they talked OVER the girl's speeches?

>> No.11020092

>The only thing they need to do next year is to stop talking over the female announcer after the show has started.

>> No.11020098
File: 57 KB, 450x321, 09876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how are things between China and Japan now?
Can Japs work there again??

>> No.11020104
File: 688 KB, 836x1280, [TEAM A] Tojima Hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily it is still possible to follow Hana on twitter and ameblo.. But no one probably cares about that nowadays...

>> No.11020115

Wasn't the fairy thing only from Haruppi fans though? Since she says she is Hakata's fairy in her catch phrase.

>> No.11020456

No, which is why Sae's decision was retarded. She took up a senbatsu position for nothing. Give it up to someone who wants it like Rie.

>> No.11020497

Yea. People who don't like the senbatsu, or plan to quit shortly after, or dislike AKB, shouldn't run. It's bad enough a graduated member ranked in, taking up a spot that could've potentially been my oshi's, but then you have people like Sae who don't seem to give a shit about their fans or the election.

>> No.11020531

As is the custom in Japan, I bet Mariko is going to be married in 6 months due to being pregnant.

>> No.11020753
File: 111 KB, 426x639, 09ff7_749_6888e648_650f241b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko is radiant. That's why you're the best idol.

>> No.11021025
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mo31m8Z3hZ1rybhneo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AtsuMina ♥

>> No.11021085
File: 166 KB, 788x525, 0_1050028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that some new costume? I have never seen it before but I love the combination of Hawaiian print and Panama hat, it all feels like they're running with a vacationer theme.

>> No.11021088
File: 517 KB, 1232x2048, 09 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11021104

Up close they look really nice, I love the subtle AKB48's in the print.
The pockets are cute too.

>> No.11021109

I see. I actually didn't watch it all the way through and I skipped a lot too since like I said, it's like watching a lost puppy. Well, pretty standard idol stuff to do.

BTW, I still can't get how Paruru looked so dead next to Sae out of my head? Do we get to see how she reacted about the 2nd and 3rd spot?

>> No.11021117

Yuihan's sadistic gaze... (*´Д`)ハァハァ

>> No.11021120

Yui's eyes were always a killer.

And Paruru looks a bit off somehow...

>> No.11021126

Honestly, I don't think Paru is quite okay. From her mobame it seems she's trying her best to appear grateful to fans, but she still looks so... disillusioned.

I wonder whether she'll change, for better or worse, after this result... she could learn to make an effort, but I hope she still doesn't lose sight of her salty self, and doesn't kill her emotions like Mayu did after the 2nd election.

>> No.11021127

she has always been hardworking and is the older sister leader who is respected by all the girls and its a shame she wasnt number 1

>> No.11021135

I'm curious as to how high she wanted to get, I would have thought her best case scenario occured.
Unless...she wanted to rank at the bottom of senbatsu and was depressed that she can never escape the push. Do you think Paruru wants to be center?

>> No.11021152

Her rise was extraordinary, but so was her push. I think she herself understood that a huge rise was necessary to warrant the attention she got. She did rise what, 11 ranks, but I think she'd have needed to be top 10 or so for the push to be legitimised - which was close, but not quite there.

Of course, we can't know what she herself wanted or expected. She could have had some girl she wanted to pass in mind, for example.

>> No.11021169

Unless she's being honest about her feelings, there's really no telling on what she exactly felt about this or what really caused that seriously awkward moment during her speech. Her Ponkotsu goes far beyond Tomochin and Acchan.

I thought she herself have said that she's practically happy to be by the side of the idols that she loves so much and actually doesn't really aim big for herself in AKB?

It's rather obvious she's under a lot of pressure though, and her social awkwardness only serves to double that.

>> No.11021173
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>> No.11021177
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>> No.11021184


>> No.11021190

I think her rank has legitimised her push, I was really only thinking she'd need to be in top 12.
That's a good point-why doesn't Paruru use the loving idols angle? It works really well for Yukirin and Sasshi.

>> No.11021192
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>> No.11021194 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11021231

Akarin and Milky are so cute.

>> No.11021292
File: 68 KB, 640x360, 0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what really caused that seriously awkward moment during her speech
Caused by the MC for trying to extent the speech because they had commercial break on tv. Not Paruru's fault, she was already done with her short simple speech.

>> No.11021329

Haha, that's right. But her overall blank expressions during that silence that really makes it awkward.

>> No.11021346
File: 284 KB, 1440x810, 130609-1157500810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get a hairstyle like Haruppi's?

>> No.11021350
File: 293 KB, 1440x810, 130609-1226240548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi again, Kasai

>> No.11021351
File: 21 KB, 240x321, center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the family.

>> No.11021357
File: 36 KB, 450x430, 098765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring a photo of haruppi and request your sylist to cut it the same way.

>> No.11021365
File: 285 KB, 1440x810, 130609-1226140094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, it doesn't feel surprising to see her again on TV together with Akiko Wada.

>> No.11021367
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>> No.11021371
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>> No.11021374

what are these from? Kasai was my oshi, I'd love to see her again, especially in an AKB related context.

>> No.11021377
File: 339 KB, 1440x810, 130609-1230260369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi again, OJS dudes

>> No.11021386

Some of them are former police and detectives dude right? I guess security task is not out of place for them.

>> No.11021399
File: 209 KB, 1440x810, 130609-1246080237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's episode of Akko ni Omakase. I don't know if it's still available on YouTube, but there are several mirrors on Youku if you want to check.

>> No.11021401


>> No.11021406
File: 43 KB, 384x512, haruppihair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a slightly layered bob cut, ask them to make it slightly longer on the sides -> part your hair in the middle and straighten it, curling the ends towards the head (every day or after a shower, depending on your hair). Like one anon before said, bringing a picture will be helpful to your hairdresser.

That should do it. If you want to maximise forehead exposure; you can see that she sometimes (pic related) tucks the hair from the middle top of her forehead behind - probably using bobby pins underneath, unless they're long enough to be put behind her ears.

She's also had a couple of other variations, like a diagonal/side partings and shorter/uneven side bangs. I can post a few pictures of the variations.

Hope that helped. I really admire the gorgeous hair of many 48 girls too.

>> No.11021409
File: 313 KB, 1440x810, haruppihair-shortsidebangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short/uneven side bangs, as opposed to her usual style of having her hair down to her chin on the sides.

>> No.11021412
File: 107 KB, 1440x810, 0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still owe me a photobook and I hope she change her hair color by the next single.

>> No.11021413
File: 289 KB, 1200x1600, haruppihair-diagonalpart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A more diagonal, slightly off-center parting from her early days. She's so adorable here, isn't she?

>> No.11021419

I rewatched the senbatsu today.. And i find myself becoming more and more interested in NMB and SKE even more so than before. I noticed some girls i haven't even really heard of before hand. Eitherway this elections really helped push me into wanting to see/hear more of these 2 groups.

Also might i add, them girls are gorgeous... What is it with these 2 groups?

Congratulations yuihan keep up the good fight girl!

>> No.11021421

All of them are.

>> No.11021420
File: 70 KB, 600x800, haruppihair-sidepart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my personal favourite, Haruppi with a side parting. Sometimes she does it too much to the side though, which covers too much of her cute forehead and makes her look a bit silly. With the right amount I think it looks great on her, I suppose it's a bit more of a mature look.

>> No.11021426
File: 74 KB, 475x633, haruppihair-sidepart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting just one more example of the glorious side parting Haruppi. Hope this was slightly educational on Haruppi's charm, hair styling or both, and that no one minded my little hair spam. Have a pleasant Monday, HKT general!

>> No.11021437

Yui really is a angel i was scared for her when she first came down the stage when they announced her ranking, but shes a fighter. I hope she stays as radiant like the beautifull soul she is. It's always nice hear from others who share the same oshimen

>> No.11021440

I'm with you on that, it's really adorable.

>> No.11021441

She really did look fabulous during the elections. Her eyes always catch me off guard.

>> No.11021485
File: 239 KB, 1440x810, 0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing unusual, sister group members will be dominating senbatsu in the future and burying akb in the process. Having a non akb member as a center is just the beginning.

>> No.11021575

What are they talking about and why is KojiHaru the only one smiling?

>> No.11021588

She looks really pretty now.

>> No.11021619

SKE management must be insane, having such a radiant girl in the group and not pushing her at all.

>> No.11021712 [DELETED] 

That is my oshi's switch. During performances and pictorials after an event she will usually smile. On talk segments she will  ̄へ ̄

>> No.11021759

This is one of my favourite photos. Haruppi looks so good there.

I hadn't seen this one before, thanks for posting it.

>> No.11021770


Is the day coming soon when, aside from the two singles involving the election, SKE48 and NMB48 singles will surpass AKB's in sales? Or shall that glorious day never come?

>> No.11021793
File: 198 KB, 709x1000, mny5v2nxVO1rmk01ro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an interview they had for some upcoming Odaiba festival. More here:

>> No.11021800
File: 25 KB, 415x450, 098765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radio interview after election for those that know Japanese.


>> No.11021805

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the Sasshi-center song will be used as the official theme for said festival.

>> No.11021808

Thank you!

>> No.11021813

I hope not, the only way I can see it happening for first week sales is if AKB takes a terrible dive and the sister groups manage to decline at a slower rate.
SKE might manage it over long term sales though, Choco managed to sell for ages.

>> No.11021844
File: 175 KB, 781x523, akbfestival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, when all of them + Kojiharu and Tomochin greaduate.

>> No.11021899
File: 126 KB, 1023x1355, 1340794508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Somehow, I love the interviewer's voice.

>> No.11021954

She's always been like that. It's not that she's not grateful, she's just that she's not expressive since she's awkward as hell. If anything, if you're her fan, you were enjoying her reactions and laughing at it.

>> No.11021965

So retarded.


>> No.11021972

Looks messy. Somebody give her a comb.

>> No.11022376
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Too moon, didn't read: Paruru plans to stop being salty.

>> No.11022394
File: 104 KB, 1136x640, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During Paruru's speech, you might say she was just being her awkward self. But she was totally lost in despair if you saw her sitting in the background afterwards. Apparently, it became a joke because the big screen would flash a shot of her looking dead once in a while and everyone in the stadium would laugh.

>> No.11022461

>Too moon, didn't read: Paruru plans to stop being salty.

There goes her charm point.

>> No.11022464

Being her fan, I have a feeling I know what's she's thinking: "Please don't make me do more work".

>> No.11022478

Maybe she is always salty because she doesn't want to be popular and get more work.

>> No.11022495
File: 683 KB, 2048x1536, 01 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been like that. She is very true to herself which is why I like her. Very unpolished yet something radiates.

>> No.11022511


>> No.11022514
File: 458 KB, 480x640, 10 - 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meru hanging with the wrong crowd.

>> No.11022516
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>> No.11022519

But she's already hanging around with Sasshi. I keep forgetting that Meru is a KKS too. Hope Sasshi doesn't teach Meru her KKS ways.

>> No.11022568
File: 68 KB, 572x766, DEATH TO THOSE WHO CHOSE TO DEFICATE ON THIS ANONYMOUS CONCLAVE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11022618

Whoa, Sasshi's scandal pictures but NOW IN GLORIOUS COLOR!

>> No.11022673 [DELETED] 

So, who of you fags spent million dollars on their shitty CDs?

>> No.11022679 [DELETED] 

Not me. I love them but I'd rather food enough food for the week.

>> No.11022684

Not me. I love them but I'd rather have enough food for the week.

>> No.11022688

I only spent 150 dollars.

>> No.11022699

Around $150.

>> No.11022751

Like $110 for me this year. Only spent about $230 on the fandom in the year and a half of being in it.

>> No.11022757

I got a bunch of Japanese acquaintances to sign up for mobile access and vote on my behalf. Since it was so inexpensive, they said I didn't have to pay them back.

>> No.11022764

Around 300 US, so less than last year. Not too bothered though, I've got a decent job and no prospects of a girlfriend so money will probably never be too tight.

>> No.11022768

Its funny because im glad i didnt decide to buy more tickets since I would have had to of bought thousands for the girls I voted for to move up.

>> No.11022770

I'm looking forward to Sashihara's portrait next year.

>> No.11022771

It's either going to look really bad or so bad that it's true to life.

>> No.11022808

It'll be Sashihara quality.

>> No.11022828
File: 354 KB, 1200x1800, yamada-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11022834

Kaotan's video is up.

>> No.11022838

She will be naked.

>> No.11022841

Is SKE48 no Magical Radio worth watching? I always held off because dramas aren't really my thing but I'm looking for a way to get into the group more.

>> No.11022849

I recently watched it. If you are a akane or rena fan definetly go for it. It's honestly pretty funny. I felt there was way to much focus on jurina though.. And considering im not really into her, it kind of made it subpar. Eitherway it's still alot of fun, and i'd recommend it.

>> No.11022850

If you watch it, you'll never go back to AKB because the girls are too cute.

>> No.11022851

Definitely yes, it's what got me interested in SKE. The acting is not that great sometimes, but it's fun and random.

Only don't get too fond of Kuumin, Ogichan or Shawako...

>> No.11022854

>Only don't get too fond of Kuumin, Ogichan or Shawako...

>> No.11022856

Ok thanks you've convinced me. Are all 3 seasons pretty good or does it ever lose its way?

>> No.11022864

Reminded me of Geinin kind of.
Don't take it seriously.
This show does try to follow a storyline a bit more than geinin did though.

I honestly fucking loved that show.

>> No.11022868

I guess I have enough money so I own most of their cds.. but they've been bought over many years

>> No.11022872

>I felt there was way to much focus on jurina though
That's only the first season

>> No.11022873

Thats true sorry about that. Eitherway it's alot of fun and worth watching. Be prepared to never go back to AKB.

>> No.11022877

Miichan totally hangs out with her so that she can talk Meru into joining her in gokon in the future. Well, there's also the part of her being a slight lolicon too.

While we're talking about Meru, I kinda get the impression that she kinda looks like what Mayuyu+Harugon fusion would look like. And she smiles like Nacchan in that her eyes kinda disappear/almost totally shut when she does so.

There's also the part where she's all smiley all the time in her public appearance to the point its awkward/creepy that it reminds me of Mayuyu and Jurina in their early days. Kinda make me wonder if she's aware that she's garnering quite a number of hate for her insane push, or that she's totally being a kid in that she still thinks everything is sunshine and rainbows.

Not to mention her dancing and movement in performance are rough and awkward as hell, which means she's totally giving it all, but in an excessive way, like a kid usually does. It seriously makes it hard to hate her for anything when you realized that she's totally still a kid in a lot of ways.

tl;dr Miyupon is totally Non's doppel when you look at her from certain angles.

>> No.11022878

Only the first season and half of the second season is subbed, and half of the third season.
I can't into japanese so I've only watched until half of the second, and yes both are pretty fun.

>> No.11022888
File: 137 KB, 800x1073, g6h86xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl;dr Miyupon is totally Non's doppel when you look at her from certain angles.
I misread that as Nonti and felt really confused.

>> No.11022890

Didn't they say the translator ragequit because while they were subbing Season 3, people kept asking about Season 2?

>> No.11022896

If Tsukina stays, the level of cuteness would raise even more, and we would have two imouto there, the other being Non.

Fucking Tsukina and her pulling out prematurely. There's also the case of her with MomoClo too.

>> No.11022901

So wheres mariko going to go after akb?

>> No.11022907

Why do you think she needs to go somewhere?

>> No.11022911

Which is fair enough I suppose. I've worked on translations and it can be pretty discouraging when people don't really appreciate the work you put in. Luckily I never really did it for any other reason than that it was fun, or I don't think I could have stuck at it.

>> No.11022912

Her boyfriend's house.

>> No.11022918

You mean she hangs around as host for 48 family variety shows now? I'm okay with that.

>> No.11022927


>> No.11022930

I, on the other hand, have worked on both fansubs and scanlations as an editor, timer, typesetter, raw provider and translator, and I believe ragequitting is for faggots.

Then again, I try to interact as little as possible with the leechers.

>> No.11022935

You really don't know anything about her, do you?

>> No.11022943

Interacting with the leechers is the same as going to forums, something to avoid.

>> No.11022945

I know about her brand and business and her popularity with young girls for her looks which means she can still get modelling job for magazines a lot too. I'm just responding to the part of

>needs to go somewhere?

which can also means that she stays close with AKB.

>> No.11022950

Why would you start season 3 when you still only a third of the way through the 2nd?

I still don't understand why they would do that, unless it was a different group of people for each season?

>> No.11022960

You also have to interact with the leechers if you maintain a blog, or some sort of website with a comment system, or if you pay attention to the comments on your torrents.

I just dump and link my stuff in 4chan/nyaa/exhentai/mangaupdates. I used to upload to batoto too, but I stopped that. Some of the groups I collaborate with then link them in their respective websites and IRC channels, but I, overall, keep away from those.

>> No.11022957

Not all forums are bad. One of the AKB forums is actually pretty good. I don't post there but they seem to have a decent community. I'll admit they're few and far between though.

>> No.11022970

Not close to AKB. Her extremely successful career in modeling, variety and such has had relatively little to do with her being in AKB. She has established her place in the industry as herself, and taking off the weight of AKB duties off her shoulders is more likely to accelerate that career if anything when she can, at last, focus on her solo work.

>> No.11022981


Probably a different person. The second season was left untouched for like a year until season 3 person came along.

>> No.11022987

Or sleep more than 4 hours a day.


>> No.11022993

That's what I'm personally hoping for, too... work is important, but not worth sacrificing your health for.

>> No.11023010

Yes, of course I know about that. My first response is being made as a kind of a joke, actually. Guess I'm not being clear about that part. Sorry.

>> No.11023386



>> No.11023423

hahaha.. Wonder how hitler would react if he found out parurur made it in..

>> No.11023429

The mentaiko part did it for me lol...

>> No.11023446
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>> No.11023567
File: 237 KB, 639x387, hitlersousenkyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it.

>> No.11023597
File: 277 KB, 500x372, Char-DealWithItNerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think AKB48 is a terrible thing and ruins Japan.

>> No.11023644

>At lest Paruru isn't in senbatsu
Oh my.

I'm crying out of sadness and rage, and laughing at the same time.

I usually hate the hitler meme, but his was fantastic.

>> No.11023652

i dont get the part about yuko having a flat chest?

>> No.11023663

Me either.. Maybe he mistyped it for mayu.. Mayu is definetly my DFC girl

>> No.11023668

It's all about the gestures. The editor needed something to put where Hitler's patting his chest, so he could make his Mayuyu twintail joke.

>> No.11023681

ah i see, i think he meant mayu though

>> No.11023745

Oh god. Please go back to reddit.

>> No.11023813
File: 360 KB, 1280x1921, 0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats to all ranked members and Sasshi claiming center spot. However please be reminded of the cruel reality of the elections.


>> No.11023825

What's Hetare and mentaiko?

>> No.11023831



>> No.11023832

the akb48 reddit has a photo of ske48. disgusting

>> No.11023835

I don't understand moon. They looked like happy tears?

>> No.11023838

Damn right you do. Season 2 episode 9 of 0048 is when I started coming here.

>> No.11023855


Think of hetare as derp.
And mentaiko is HKT's Murashige Anna's favorite thing to say.

>> No.11023909

>Think of hetare as derp.
When will you people leave... These threads have been as bad as forums/tumblr lately...

>> No.11023918


pls get out with your elitist bullshit

>> No.11023927

please get out with your shit quality.

>> No.11023930

Hetare its kinda like scaredy cat not real sure on that one. An example of a hetare person is Sasshi.
Mentaiko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentaiko

>> No.11023937
File: 962 KB, 2480x3507, 098765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like tears of happiness in the foreground and utter sadness in the background.

>> No.11023932


It's the first time I post today. The elections were just a few days ago and people are excited/mad/sad/whatever you want. Just get over it and stop complaining as if it's gonna change anything.

>> No.11023941

That wasn't really elistist and I'm pretty much sure you got offended because its true.

>> No.11023964

True about what?

>> No.11023970

Isn't that Yuria? She ranked up, didn't she? The person who really should be crying is Umeda.

>> No.11023971
File: 375 KB, 1920x1295, rerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he's implying that these threads are actually any better than tumblr and forums on any other day. I mean, I like /jp/ and all but let's be honest here, this place isn't some holy ground for AKB48 fans and we aren't fucking saints. It's just another place to discuss our idols. So let's get to that: Let's fucking post fucking pictures of our idols and let's fucking like the hell out of our oshimen, and let's tolerate the fact that some people sometimes don't know things and let's just correct them without being all ELITIST, as I said.

>> No.11023990

I would love to getting back on that there's too many non regulars who posts shits and it kills the discussion.

>> No.11024002

Also since you've been here before please don't be discouraged by this kinds of posts >>11023855
we're usually very help towards newbies. jisho.org is very helpful when you come across a term you do not know.

>> No.11024026

not sure if linked to the wrong post

>> No.11024029

im not sure if any of you guys have been there, but the 少女時代 thread on /hr is really pathetic. i used to be into kpop and would frequent it quite a lot and i noticed how absolutely no one on there knew any korean whatsoever, combined with all of the other weird shit they would talk about, just a really sad bunch

>> No.11024032

Since Mariko is graduating, will captaincy go back to Takamini? Or do you know someone else in A that can lead the youngsters?

>> No.11024034

Maybe Yuihan.

>> No.11024068
File: 40 KB, 480x800, ugkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yesss, her time to shine as captain ;_;

>> No.11024074

She wanted to get into senbatsu. She's been getting a push lately, I guess that she wanted to do well really well and got beaten by a girl who's never been in SKE senbatsu.

>> No.11024082

She really is the most suited.. Everytime i see a picture of her my heart flutters. She is to beautifull.

>> No.11024094

I'm not sure I understand this, I've seen Yui but I've never seen her as a leader type of person. She always seemed to just blend in on the background and doesn't even stand out in stages like Takamina or Mariko does. Hell, if put together with Paruru, her salty expression is more noticeable.

>> No.11024133

She's meant to be working hard behind the scenes, so she's suited in that way.
The only doubt I have is that A is meant to be the star team, so I'd rather have a more vocal member as captain.
It'll never happen, but having Chuuri as AKB captain would be really neat.

>> No.11024136

Shes been helping alot of the younger members fit in and learn the dance moves. Shes really been what i consider to be a leader if anything. Theres alot of blog photos relating to this aswell if you search around. She is a really kind, helpful, and well liked by pretty much everyone. Who else could lead team A really? I don't see takamina taking lead.. Mayu? I doubt that aswell..

>> No.11024142

Have you not seen how radiant yuihan can be if given the chance? She has a heart of gold. If given the right push i think she could really lead team A.

>> No.11024150


it would definitely be a different kind of captaincy, just like Rena is team E's captain or Sayanee is team N's captain. Yuihan now has experience and has really blossomed over time. I agree though that it would give a really different vibe to the team since it wouldn't be a 1st gen leading anymore, but she's a senbatsu girl (meaning she's pretty popular) and is likely to stay for a good while and hopefully become a front girl, so that definitely plays in her favor.

>> No.11024160

Harrupi as captain.

>> No.11024164

The thing I worry about is that she has low public recognition- I don't doubt that she can do it and do it really well.
But I'd like A to have a member who can be named by anyone.
Maybe that's just a matter of time, but it's not like Yuihan has mananaged an amazing leap in popularity.

>> No.11024181

>Rise in rank every year
>Is in senbatsu
>Not popular

>> No.11024182

>Yokoyama Yui (Team K) (16,455 votes) (NEW)
>Yokoyama Yui (Team K) (25,541 votes) (↑4)
>Yokoyama Yui (53,903) (↑2)

She doubled in votes this year. Like i said earlier, if given the right push i think they could really put her on top. Tot ontop of senbatsu but as team A's Captain. Every year she seems to improve bit by bit. I really do believe in her.

>> No.11024184

Can you give me examples? I admit that I don't give much attention to her, there are other girls who are a lot more noticeable (and yes I've seen her jump in Macau) that I feel she doesn't really live up to her senbatsu position or the possibilities of her becoming captain of A. Team A is a star group so to speak, and she doesn't shine that brilliantly to me. I'm no hater, I'm just worried for Team A.

>> No.11024188

Who says the captain is the most popular? It's supposed to be the most capable. This isn't the Center position.

>> No.11024195

Bring yui back to team N

>> No.11024200

But Lemon is there because NMB is filled with pervs.

>> No.11024202

Well, the writing is on the wall. I give the group 3 more years at the most.

>> No.11024204


well, just out of curiosity, who else would you see replacing Mariko as team A captain? Besides Takamina.

>> No.11024208

True, I don't mean it to look that way, but look at Takamina, former team A captain, she's indispensable and led the best Team A. Mariko, albeit not really the leader type, was also indispensable for the group and now she's leaving. Can't say the same for Yui I'm afraid.

>> No.11024215
File: 89 KB, 615x615, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mm Yui is so beautifull.

>> No.11024213

Yui was the one who taught Mariko the dance moves.

>> No.11024222
File: 85 KB, 461x615, 13889990546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if she looked like this permanently?

>> No.11024230

Mayu, I guess? Who says aces can't be team captains either? Look at Yuko. Or if I'm really stretching it, Kikuchi? But I guess they wouldn't want a scandalous person leading A.

>> No.11024231
File: 324 KB, 1147x1529, 08 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She getting prettier and was so happy even though her rank wasn't really that high. Good girl.

>> No.11024235

B-but I love my pervy Maachun!

>> No.11024242

I agree, shes ageing very well.

>> No.11024249

Me too!

>> No.11024284

Why was she so flustered, though? I was laughing at first, and then got terrified because she said something about "saigo no chance" and started crying.

Also, she almost said HKT instead of AKB... Will she a Lovetan? I actually think she might do well there, but it just won't be the same.

>> No.11024289

She was just shocked since she didn't expect to rank.

>> No.11024321

Guys what show is this?
And does SKE regularily appear on it? Im having troubles finding shows that they appear on regularily.. Any suggestions would be good

Also while im asking what about NMB related shows?

>> No.11024341

The title of the show is in the vid and the description...

>> No.11024380

Oh i rarely read discriptions and skipped like 4minutes into the video. Thanks for pointing that out

>> No.11024411

Man i feel like i've just delved into something i should have avoided.. I was watching this video with Yamamoto Sayaka in it.. And the second i heard her voice i think i fell in love.. Are the rest of NMB this cute?

>> No.11024435
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>> No.11024449
File: 122 KB, 993x745, 08 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024479

Her two front teeth's gums look pretty weird in this photo.

>> No.11024489

This guy >>11022851 is always hurting us.

>> No.11024528

Hetare is more on the clumsy, or somehow good for nothing.
Mentaiko is a fish

>> No.11024560
File: 677 KB, 1202x1516, mo7jhjAZgH1qhhg79o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024562
File: 701 KB, 1195x1522, mo7jhjAZgH1qhhg79o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024563

Gotta start watching that again. It's funny when they don't bother to give Paruru instructions and she just does whatever. The Bear guy had to hold in his laughter.

>> No.11024564

Seeing Akarin and Yuria doing well eases the pain a little...

>> No.11024569

It's hard seeing Yuria without Kuumin.

Although Akarin's smile is very good, (as well as Milky's). It's still not enough for my AKB soul.

>> No.11024570

But they're SKE.

>> No.11024575

I use AKB for the whole family. Just like this AKB General thread talking about the whole 48/46 family.

>> No.11024600

"skilled at nothing"
for a more literal translation

>> No.11024605


The term used to be *48 Group or *48G but I don't think those are used anymore since Nogizaka46

>> No.11024610

I don't understand why that guy was angry at the "derp" translation when it seems pretty close.

>> No.11024615

On one of the documentary. Mariko-sama said something about Yui being a hard worker. I think she learned all of the choreography for A6 stage since she's her under and she would always stay late so she can teach Mariko-sama the choreography.

>> No.11024647

Want to help a bro out? I can't read, but i understand japanese.. Where is this from?

>> No.11024650

I actually don't give two shits, I just use AKB since it's always the thread title of this idol general.


>> No.11024651


It's very low budget and the acting sucks but watch it for your favorite girls.

>> No.11024656

>It's hard seeing Yuria without Kuumin.
I somewhat resent your implication that Kuumin isn't with Yuria all the time. She's always there, just like she's always in our hearts.

>> No.11024654

Appreciate it man.

>> No.11024669

Speaking of Kuumin, any new news? I would think maybe the SKE girls might eat with her from time to time or something.

>> No.11024696

Wotas reacting to those gaijin wotas reacting.
"It's us!"
"They're no different from us."

>> No.11024709 [DELETED] 

>SKE girls might eat her from time to time
I missed the "with" in that sentence and that's how I read it

>> No.11024712

It's SKE. Both are possible.

>> No.11024721
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>> No.11024724
File: 486 KB, 1152x1457, mo5uorCuPb1r7f7fso3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024729

Paruru's segment is the only funny skit in that show. I like how the bgm goes silent when things go wrong in the building process.

>> No.11024745

Goddess and post-pubescent fatty

>> No.11024771

She's just there to make Mayuyu look even more perfect.

>> No.11024806
File: 162 KB, 1220x1833, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stuff, here's an interview with one of the gaijin wota who were selected as commentators. Guess which one?


>> No.11024809
File: 196 KB, 1220x1833, juri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, this is probably the best costume design in a long time.

>> No.11024812
File: 194 KB, 1220x1833, ricchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024819

They look really good in them.

>> No.11024822

>can't speak Japanese
>English was muddled

Why was she chosen?



>> No.11024846

#54 – Mayu Ogasawa (小笠原茉由), NMB48 TEAM N – TOTAL VOTES: 13,613

#53 – Ami Maeda (前田亜美), AKB48 TEAM K – TOTAL VOTES: 13,613

If there was a tie, then why are the rankings different? Shouldn't they be both 53rd?

>> No.11024849 [DELETED] 

I want to cum on Paruru's hair. It would be worth dying in jail for. Anyone have any tips for speed cumming? I figure I'd only have about 3 seconds to tackle her, and cum all over her hair before security stops me.

>> No.11024871
File: 49 KB, 536x573, 1365990634859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what

>> No.11024910


No, seriously, you aren't funny.

>> No.11024921

>My oshimen is Takahashi Juri
Well what do you know, French girl has taste...must be heartbreaking for her to see Juri's face between Takamina and Mariko.

>> No.11024934
File: 1.72 MB, 360x310, bi-mu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11024937

#54 – Mayu Ogasawa 13,422
#53 – Ami Maeda 13,613
Taken from this pic >>11023446

>> No.11024954

I want Milky to fish me.

>> No.11024994


>> No.11025086
File: 900 KB, 2059x1365, ander2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would make a good wallpaper. If only Miichan wasn't there...

>> No.11025117

i strongly agree anon

>> No.11025164

Kitarie looks distraught.

>> No.11025168

Moreso than Akicha which was surprising.

>> No.11025196

I mean come on who wouldn't be. Look at the center. Its like a horror movie.

>> No.11025204
File: 364 KB, 2063x1369, fYBgPmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025214
File: 357 KB, 2035x1350, qcEK7Qs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025224
File: 852 KB, 2060x1367, senbatsu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save the worst for last. Yuko is thinking, "Why the hell am I here?"

>> No.11025280
File: 494 KB, 480x640, 09 - 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025289
File: 644 KB, 1536x2048, 28 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025291
File: 888 KB, 1536x2048, 5149F766-0A34-4358-9018-2D0CC99B199A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025303

Non is seriously getting chubbier and chubbier. Go easy on those gyoza girl.

>> No.11025315

That necklace...... Where in the hell can I find it?

>> No.11025380

On the neck of a goddess.

>> No.11025396
File: 78 KB, 640x891, imgs42011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viewer ratings for this year's general election are already out.
Wow, just wow.


>> No.11025482

I need more yuihan videos...

>> No.11025558

Anyone know what's her username on ebi?

>> No.11025571

Does anyone know if any of the AKB Idols ever read Deltora Quest?

>> No.11025574
File: 76 KB, 800x450, 0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11025585


What exactly is this?

>> No.11025586

I only know Hata Shawako was obsessed with playing Dragon Quest. Enough not to sleep on the release day.

>> No.11025808
File: 86 KB, 479x640, 13 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Yuko get a horse?

>> No.11025823

>when did Yuko get a whores?
When she hired Miichan and Sasshi.

>> No.11025827

I reckon half the people on that pic are wondering the same thing about themselves.

>> No.11025828

It's management that hires whores. Because they want to date them.

>> No.11025906


>> No.11025920
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11025935

>More screentime than all the KKS and half the members combined

Nice "demotion".

>> No.11025960
File: 36 KB, 323x484, AKB48 32nd Single Election - 46 Ishida Haruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025976

I thought it was pretty clear to everyone in-the-know that the demotion to KKS was going to be only nominal. Only normalfags didn't catch on that.
Besides, even if they were serious about the punishment, it only meant she had to go to the theater on the days Team KKS is performing, instead of the days Team B in performing. Which amounts to nothing, since Miichan was never so active in theater anyway.

>> No.11025973

If you really thought for a moment that there was going to be a legit one then you are as naive as they come.

>> No.11025984


That's why I thought it was funny that she shaved her hair. Nothing was going to happen to her but she had to be a drama queen.

>> No.11026038

I suppose it does have an impact on team songs during concerts and team specific concert tours.
At least the larger teams stop KKS from filling in during team shows, it'd be even worse if she kept up turning up to K performances.

>> No.11026140

Can somebody post that gif of Nao bouncing around during a handshake event, please?

>> No.11026240
File: 746 KB, 1280x810, fuckyeahsasshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitarie is such strong, she will overcame it.

>> No.11026268

Damn, they were going to sing Hey, Micky for a second there.

>> No.11026424


She's on live right now.

>> No.11026628
File: 175 KB, 1011x663, 733E6385-9F1C-44F2-858B-792C075015EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11026828
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20130612_002249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumi is the roundest

>> No.11026934
File: 195 KB, 720x960, 09 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11027121

Why does her horse have strawberry icecream tattoo on her nose?

>> No.11027126
File: 211 KB, 898x828, 1370951845215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she studied/took the exam to become a licensed pharmacist through u-can .

>> No.11027139

Damn. She had time for that?

>> No.11027154

I wonder how her exam results are. I'm pretty sure Yui did well seeing her mock exam score. Can't help but be worried though.

Yui is really a hard worker to give time for this. So much respect.

>> No.11027188

Are they trying to promote studying/education with this skit? Or are the members actually pushing to enter university? I don't exactly follow the members in the video.

Overall if your oshimen has time to study and pass exams no reason any fan shouldn't. Seems like a nice idea.

>> No.11027193

And people pretend shes not suited to lead team A.

>> No.11027202

Yeah, that's exactly what it's promoting. If an idol with a busy schedule can do it, no reason anyone couldn't.

>> No.11027210

They made a big deal out of it in... I think Shuukan, when Nakamata Shiori got into Waseda University.

Matsui Sakiko also used to attend, or maybe is still attending, a music degree in college too. Don't know which college though.

>> No.11027215

Is she next in line? Never even considered that.

>> No.11027219

Oh yes i remember that. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.11027223

Read up. Some person lives in a world where Yui isn't popular and can't dance or something.

>> No.11027238

I can't see mayu leading the team, and takamina has her general manager position.

Yui has gained more votes every year and has been in senbatsu consecutively, with no signs of droping. She has a motherly image, being that she is always being supportive and helping members. Mariko has said in the past that yui helped teach her dance moves when she was having troubles. Not to mention recently haruppi put a picture on her G+ with her and yui praising yui for being so supportive to her team members. Yui can dance, she can sing, and she can work hard.

I dare someone to tell me someone more suited to lead the team once mariko is gone.

I try to just ignore those guys.

>> No.11027259

was referring to

>> No.11027269

Maybe it's just weird for those people to see someone from the 9th gen lead a team seeing as most captains come from the pioneering gens. But yeah, I really can't see anyone else suited for the job. I doubt Mayu can for example.

>> No.11027272

If you don't like Yui go and find the bungee jump episode. I think it's on youtube somewher

>> No.11027281

Her crying annoying. How could she lead a team being like that?

>> No.11027276

Well, I found it funny that they were harping about popularity but chose Kikuchi who near the bottom of the rankings.

>> No.11027278

Heres a link

>> No.11027283

>Not built on the tears of members

>> No.11027284


what would you do?

>> No.11027289

>How could [anyone] lead a team [when they cry so much]?
You know Takamina's the general manager, right?

>> No.11027292

I would tell myself my life is complete.

>> No.11027288

>complaining about yui crying
Have you not heard of takamina? Im pretty sure shes alot worse.

>> No.11027298

Give them a hug.

>> No.11027302

Takamina actually produces results, and her crying is not annoying.

>> No.11027314

Yuihan is Takamina 2.0

>> No.11027315

the results come out on the 16th? I'm not gonna miss this like I did the election

>> No.11027322

Management knew Mariko was gonna graduate. They pulled Yui from NMB to become A's captain and pulled Kitarie from SKE so people wouldn't suspect the reason for pulling Yui or somethin like that

>> No.11027326

Very realistic scenario.

>> No.11027333


Kind of old but that glass art at the end is really pretty. Yui and Rie look great with all the sparkles at the end.

>> No.11027340

Why did Rie have to suffer? ;__;

>> No.11027362

Takamina crying is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.11027364

Guys im new to buying overseas merch.. Where would i go to find specific members photobooks, Singles, Posters, Calendars, and the likes? Is there a recommended site we use?

>> No.11027367

It's not like we ever discuss it.

But cdjapan is pretty good.

>> No.11027372 [DELETED] 

anyone been watching Mieriino Kashiwagi? Is it any good?

>> No.11027375

I think it's good and they break the fourth wall a lot.

>> No.11027384

Anyone else been watching Mieriino Kashiwagi

Replied to fast for me to fix my post buddy. Im just starting it. Seems ok so far.

>> No.11027401

Nice fanny pack, Rie.

>> No.11027403

It kinda works with her

>> No.11027445

>Kuumin's bungee jump on the recommended videos
;_; She enjoyed it so much ;_;

>> No.11027459

I would jump from my seat and go away.

Unless it's Kuumin, (or Akarin, or Milky) then I would follow her.

>> No.11027463

>Yui love
Granted, I've haven't been checking anyone's opinion of her since the hate she got for being pushed two years ago, seeing this now really surprises me.

Imagine if she wasn't promoted to K and was on Team 4 instead, would she still be pushed despite Paruru being there?

>> No.11027470
File: 82 KB, 900x801, Takamina (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miracles sure are common.

>> No.11027479

Yes and I love it. I see like every episode twice because slow subs and Yukirin withdrawal symptoms are hard on me.

>> No.11027484

Is it the same story from the manga of the same name?

Like they break up couples and stuff?

>> No.11027491

You should use that extra time to study Japanese.

>> No.11027590

I think im falling for suda akari.. After the elections i started looking into her and watching videos and dam.. How could i miss such a cool girl all this time?

>> No.11027612

jesus fuck what did i just watch.. How can she bend like that?!

>> No.11027641

As I recall, she also does ballet.

>> No.11027648

I think im in love.

>> No.11027665
File: 1.32 MB, 1614x647, miracletears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got the crying down at least.
It is.

>> No.11027703

You should watch her theater performance. She's also a pretty great dancer and MC.

>> No.11027776

Which stages was suda akari apart of? i don't know her past but it says on her page she was previously in team S and then switched to team kii.

>> No.11028020

why is sakura-chan so cute?

>> No.11028111

This is the only MC I found on my youtube history. I can't find the other ones:
Here's Wimbledon:

There's more shuffle performances from other concerts I just can't find it.

>> No.11028124

mm i was going to download the torrets for the team stage performances. Guess i'll just download Team S and Kii stage 1/2/3.

>> No.11028147

Download the revival stage from last year. She performed during S1 revival.

>> No.11028152

What highlights of AKBingo should I watch? The series being a few hundred episodes long is quite intimidating so I've just stuck to clips of stuff like Shojiki Shogi on Youtube. Is there a list of AKBingo essentials out there (or just AKB essentials in general)?

>> No.11028158


And for that matter, is Nemousu worth it at all? I always see AKBingo mentioned more.

>> No.11028227


>> No.11028229
File: 161 KB, 1600x1066, sdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you realize too late Kuumin was meant to be your SKE oshi

>> No.11028254


>> No.11028508


>> No.11028676
File: 1.78 MB, 371x264, nkEVMO6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, more revival stages. Aki-P's stage queue looks very nice right now: A,K,B,S,K,E,N,H

>> No.11028690

Too bad I have neither of those subs.
Hope it goes like
S = K6th
KII = B5th
E = H2

Interested to see how it will turn.

>> No.11028704

CDJapan is good for packaging/shipping options, HMV has CDs and DVDs cheaper but because you have to use EMS, postage makes books pricier. There's also YesAsia but I wouldn't recommend them unless you want to wait 6 weeks for shipping. They do sometimes have old books in stock though, so it's worth checking for the really old AKB books.
If you want items like photos, try FromJapan for a proxy service- but that gets really expensive, so I wouldn't go that way unlessyou really want photos or if you don't mind buying second hand DVD boxes which are much cheaper than new.

>> No.11028756

Thank you kind sir.

>> No.11028757

Cause AKBingo has subs

>> No.11028765

Am i just stupid or can i really not find a download for this?

>> No.11028775

>KII = B5th

I'm visualizing Yokaze no Shiwaza with Airin and it is wonderful, make it happen.

>> No.11028776
File: 287 KB, 1280x851, 7585743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.
If you want more info, I'd suggest asking in the shipping thread at stage48- they're generally really helpful with this kind of stuff.

>> No.11028788

Whoa im try to not have a heart attack today. Mind keep those photos to yourself? Or atleast spoiler them..

>> No.11028918

Download stage 1 2 and 3 from Team S she is present in all of those.

>> No.11028920

Watching the recorded stream and I can't stop laughing at the commentator crying over Akicha.

>> No.11028986


Annin going off on a Carl Sagan tangent.

>> No.11028991

I noticed that, what prompted this. Questioning her place in the universe since the election?

>> No.11029043

>wanting aliens to live on Earth when Japan doesn't even want gaijins

>> No.11029078

What'd that nerd expect? Bitch got thrown to the curb, it's amazing she only dropped a few spots.

>> No.11029086

She actually got more votes this year. Those numbers would've been good enough for 12th last year. It's just a tough year.

>> No.11029121


>> No.11029154

>E = H2
H2? Hakata legend? Do you mean H1 - Te wo Tsuginanagara? If you mean H1 thats S2

>> No.11029159

Himawarigumi 2

>> No.11029169

>However, since AKB48's 32nd single (title unknown) is set for release in August and
>Shinoda was ranked 5th place in the election, she is one of the Senbatsu members
>to sing the upcoming single.

>Regarding the matter, she said that she would be participating in its music video,
>since the filming would be held this month, and would also be a part of other
>promotional activities until July 21st.

Really pisses me off that she even was allowed to apply for elections.. They need stricter rules for this kinda crap.

>> No.11029171


Team M 1st stage Idol no Yoake w/ Jo

Team H 1st stage Te wo Tsunaginagara

>> No.11029183


>Size 164.58GB (176712671232 bytes)

WELL.... Guess i'll pass on that

>> No.11029189

>She actually got more votes this year.
That doesn't really mean much. Just about every one got more votes than last year, even people like Kitarie. Votes were cheaper so there were a lot more votes to go around.

>> No.11029195

Ahhh. This always confuses me. I remember that this also happened to me on one of the previous thread. Thanks for the clarification.

I want Nannan and Nao on the same unit.
Jelly beans or Banana. If Jelly beans with Non.

>> No.11029197
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 110929 AKB48 - Bimyo~ ep01.mkv_snapshot_17.54_[2013.06.12_08.29.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11029199


Found a DRIP for you anon. Please enjoy.

>> No.11029200

You can pick which file you want to download. You don't have to download all of them. I did tho.

>> No.11029203

I just checked and i only have 3.2gb left.. Fuckk what to delete.. This is tough

>> No.11029207

That just means her fanbase is stable but not growing in relation to the top members not that people are leaving her in droves.

>> No.11029211

goddammit who would have thought it would come true

>> No.11029212

When mine got full. I went to Fry's the next day.

>> No.11029218

Her fanbase could've dropped and she still could've received more votes. I just don't see the point in the whole "X number of votes would've got you Y place last year" when each vote is worth less.

>> No.11029232

Not unless her remaining wotas redoubled their efforts on their spending spree.

>> No.11029254

Think about it like this. You've got 100 fans. Each fan has 15,000 yen to spend each election. In the first election, votes are 1500 yen each, so each fan can afford 10 votes, totalling 1000 votes.
The next election however, you only have 80 fans. But, each vote is now only 1000 yen, which means each fan can buy 15 votes with the same amount of money as the first election, totalling 1200 votes. So even though your fan base has declined, you've received more votes than the previous year.
This is more or less what has happened this year. Don't let her number of votes fool you, if her popularity didn't decrease, then she wouldn't have dropped 8 places. Same story with Kuramochi.

>> No.11029267

That makes sense. You've convinced me.

>> No.11029336

In before S & E both do A4.

Which isn't going to happen, because it's one of the least liked stages ever...

>> No.11029354

I like the units on that stage and some of the group ones.

>> No.11029435

I'd rather S doing A4 than K6, I'm really sick of that stage.
I wish they did a request hour style vote where fans could make their own stages, and then management could choose the members- but I suppose that it'd be too complicated.

>> No.11029492

holy fuck im sitting here pretty much crying watching no flowers without rain.. Please tell me theres some happy moments... That part where the 2 girls apologize for breaking the no dating rule and quit.. and then you see the members just slowly break down and even the male staff member has to walk off the stage and he starts crying.. Really fucking just killed me.. Wow this is powerfull shit.

>> No.11029512

Hahaha, that's why i'm afraid to watch it.
Not ready for them feels.

>> No.11029530

who is this? i want to say jurina, but i dont think is

>> No.11029543
File: 473 KB, 1152x1663, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Jurina. She looks pretty mature (even for her) in this shoot.

>> No.11029545
File: 469 KB, 1152x1610, 5235234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hair length has really grown on me.

>> No.11029665

I just finished. I won't spoil anything for those who haven't watched yet.. Just. Mmm. Watch it soon. I can't even describe how i feel after watching this. It was a train wreck of emotions. Just, wow. That was beyond what i expected. I think if anything it opened a new level of appreciation toward the akb family for me. I'm excited to see what else will happens this year.

>> No.11029669

It's nice that she has white teeth now.

>> No.11029680

Takamina's speech at the end gave me some mad chills.

>> No.11029722
File: 432 KB, 1009x1600, 5634523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks like she had some kind of permanent treatment for them. It seemed like they varied a bit before.

>> No.11029765
File: 238 KB, 936x1248, 9111ee0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB's new youngest member is quite cute.
She has amazing eye smiles.

>> No.11029766

I feel like every year that passes the documentaries become sadder and gloomier. I can't even imagine the documentary this year at the pace we are going.

>> No.11029775

Don't forget that one of this year's centerpieces is probably going to be Miichan's debacle, which I refuse to sit through again so that I don't have to rage at her immature behavior.
Now that you're mentioning the documentary, part of me believes they exaggerated the reaction on purpose just to include it in the report.

>> No.11029779
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>> No.11029776

I hope that this year's documentary involves more sister group stuff, it's annoying that how little time they get considering how popular they are.
And I wish the NHK documentaries would go back to the format of the first one, I loved having Takamina narrate.

>> No.11029824
File: 76 KB, 504x720, minamidrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least she didn't end up showing her butt to the world.

>> No.11029831

Speaking of new AKB members, one of the 15th Gen KKS is a former child actress, Mukaichi Mion. Can't really tell from the profile picture of her, and there's still no detail about her height and measurements, but fuck she's tiny. Like, Takamini and Lemon's tiny tiny.


She's the smallest one there.

>> No.11029912

If anything, it made me dislike Miichan since she got off easy.

>> No.11029935

What. Oh, lol.

>> No.11029939

Not least because she literally has no ass.
Meh, for a moment I thought you were talking about Takamina and freaked out a little, but now I'm not too surprised to see it's Miichan. I knew she has an unruly conduct, but she has become too much of a headache lately. If it's really her, I hope it turns out it's just some club's staff helping her along and she doesn't put out another pointless apology, because I sure as hell don't want her to ruin these post-sousenkyo days with her whining.

>> No.11029946

The name's there is TAKAHASHI Minami though.

>> No.11029955

>The name's there is TAKAHASHI Minami though.

>> No.11029980

高橋 = Takahashi

>> No.11029986

What does the article itself say though?

>> No.11029990

I stand corrected.
Well, this actually makes me even less eager to buy into the story. And since I forgot to say it in my previous post, how can I even tell it's actually her just by looking at the back?

>> No.11030002


It says her name right there in huge letters.

>> No.11030006

It's too small for me to read though, especially that I'm not quite there in my Japanese skill yet. But reading the first sentence(or what I could read anyway), it's already clear it's your regular gossip and sensational-making article. Never have interest reading through that kind of thing, I'd rather the picture and the person in question herself explaining it.

>> No.11030013

I'm talking about the photo. Sure as hell I'm not trusting a tabloid report just because.

>> No.11030016
File: 42 KB, 720x198, a5fc6f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11030034

Well they are reporting she went drinking with staff members before election day and got drunk so they had to help her. lol. Asobina Asobina.
Okay, personally I think she must have been under a lot of stress so unwinding a is understandable. Besides her being in heels and still being so small is cute as fuck.

>> No.11030036

Fuck, I really need to step up my Japanese leaning, it's beyond what my current me could handle. Someone else need to do it for us.

Though if what little thing I could read is right, the guy on the left who have his hand around her hip is AKS President...? And it's really late past midnight, though well, she's of legal age to drink and hang out late.

>> No.11030050

Oh, I'm too late with my post. Thanks for the heads up. I got confused because I jumped in expecting that it was after the election, yet I can grasp something about 7 days before, haha. Man, reading it with only this level only serves to confuse me rather than understanding it.

>> No.11030056

That makes her more appealing in my eyes, Takamina would be fun to drink with.
I wonder why the magazine waited so long to print the story.

>> No.11030067

Maybe waiting for the time where it would cause more hype? like right after the election when AKB is still a hot topic.

>> No.11030071
File: 16 KB, 320x212, sapporomaeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takamina endorsing beer CM please.

>> No.11030076

Along with ZUN?

>> No.11030078 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 580x802, moa368CG2c1r866pgo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big text claims it's Takamina being tipsy the day before the night before the Sousenkyo ceremony.
The article itself also mentioned Yuko, Mariko, Tomochin, Kojiharu and Miichan gathering at some other restaurant which turns out to be a private club and then somewhere in the club there was a male stripper doing his thing because why not, but no believable photos are provided so who gives a shit.
You heard it here first, so you won't have to check Shitkaku tomorrow.

>> No.11030098
File: 65 KB, 580x802, moa368CG2c1r866pgo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big text claims it's Takamina being tipsy the night before the Sousenkyo ceremony.
The article itself also mentioned Mariko, Tomochin, Kojiharu and Miichan gathering at some other restaurant which turns out to be a private club and then somewhere in the club there was a male stripper doing his thing because why not, but no believable photos are provided so who gives a shit.
You heard it here first, so you won't have to check Shitkaku tomorrow.

>> No.11030102

Oh lol. Sasuga Firts gen.

>> No.11030125

Speaking of scandal, and there's your Mayuyu picture, I remember about the article about how the paparazzi try to find any kind of scandal that involves Mayuyu, but basically can't find even the slightest bit of anything.

I guess if there's any scandal about Mayuyu, it probably involves her munching carpet with some Takarazuka members, heh. But the day we find out Mayuyu is sucking some guy's cock, I guess that's the day that all hell would break loose in the fandom.

>> No.11030148

I doubt Mayuyu's dating or anything when she's still working hard to get to center.
In a few years though, if she doesn't get to the top and someone younger gets there, I wouldn't be suprised if she broke the rules.

>> No.11030165
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more sashsi in this thread

>> No.11030167
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>> No.11030171
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>> No.11030175
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>> No.11030176
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>> No.11030178
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>> No.11030182
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>> No.11030184
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>> No.11030189
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>> No.11030194
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>> No.11030197


hating or fanboying aside, Sasshi did prove that any member who starts quite far from being center can actually achieve her goal.

>> No.11030198
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>> No.11030202
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>> No.11030205
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>> No.11030207
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>> No.11030224

I've looked at her ranking and besides the first election, she's always been in the senbatsu so I wouldn't say she was far from center.

>> No.11030229
File: 216 KB, 1288x1936, Jo Eriko-231618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started watching geinen (thanks to the anon who said it was good a few threads ago).
It's not as good as magical Radio, but I really regret not following Jo more when she was around. Her smile is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen. Anyone have recommendations for other stuff she's in?

>> No.11030231

Mayuyu: The Idol You Can Trust™

Good thing she hates 3D.

>> No.11030239 [DELETED] 

As I recall, she was in a few episodes of Naniwa Nadeshiko but that's variety and not drama.

>> No.11030244

Considering the new (and pasts) center maybe she needs to take a different approach.

>> No.11030243

As I recall, she was in a few episodes of Naniwa Nadeshiko but that's variety and not drama.

>> No.11030248

Acchan's scandal happened with she was already graduated, Yuko has a boyfriend but no scandal. Sasshi is the only scandal center while still being in AKB.

>> No.11030269

On another Takamaina related scandal note, anybody know what happened to her mother?

>> No.11030271

The Acchan thing was one of the funniest shit ever. I didn't mean it as that she needs to have an scandal, jut that she needs to relax and not kill her emotions.
Also Yuko has a boyfriend? and how is that not breaking the "rules"?

>> No.11030278

>male staff member
That's Togasaki, man. He's not just a staff member. He's like an uncle to them.

>> No.11030282

Because contrary to what management says, they don't really care unless you get caught by the tabloids.

>> No.11030289

>stripper club

Why am I not surprised.

>> No.11030297

Meru kinda reminded me of Jo a bit, what with their almost perma-smile. Though Meru's smile can get a bit creepy in some instances, while Jo' smile is almost always cute.

I wonder if Meru would really be the new Jurina, at least in a way that she could handle all the pressure and hate and continue to presevere, or will she follow Jo's footsteps and withdraw from the group? It's not often to have a member to get Akimoto's blatant bias and insane push. Almost all of them seems to suffer high-degree of pressure. Even though some people think the treatment they get is unfair to the other members, but seriously, it's really not a mere walk in the park either.

>> No.11030298


In the 2nd election she would've been in Undergirls if it wasn't for a 21-member senbatsu. Besides, low senbatsu is pretty far from center. I mean, until now, none of the girls from lower senbatsu actually had a hope of becoming center one day. Only pushed girls or Kami 7 girls have been really close to center.

>> No.11030301

Because Yuko is consistently #1 or #2 depending on the year. She's one of AKB's front members and it's pretty much an open secret that she dates, but management and fans choose to overlook it because it's fucking Yuko. What would they do? Suspend her? Lol no. Fire her? Forced graduation? Fuck no. They can't kenkyuusei her like Mii-chan or transfer her like Sasshi.

>> No.11030305

Jo's smile seems a lot more real to me for some reason. If there's an HKT with Jo's smile, I would say Mio.

>> No.11030313

Jo's smile actually reaches her eyes. It's more real and lights up her whole face. Meru's smile is a little too artificial.
I wish Jo had stuck around, she was on her way to becoming my favorite NMB.

>> No.11030320

Then Yuko is one stelthy woman.

>> No.11030335

That's some strange ass thread you linked to.

>> No.11030344

If you think about it, if an idol has a boyfriend and all her fans know an still support her, then she must be some kind of super idol. [spoiler\like sasshi[/spoiler]

>> No.11030348

oh i forgot how to spoiler

>> No.11030364

Yeah, Meru's smile is much closer to Mayuyu's smile actually. Especially in her early days. But it's fucking Mayuyu the cyborg after all. And I remember Jurina is the same too when she just debuted, with almost smiling but look kinda forced smile. Seeing Jurina first appear in AKBingo at that time was seriously awkward when you notice while Jurina and Rena were both awkwardly smiling, some of the other members looked like they were about to cut someone.

>> No.11030365

There was no need to misuse the spoiler function in the first place, so that's ok.

>> No.11030366

So they are trying to tell me that Takamina got so drunk the night before of the elections that she needed help, didn’t get a hangover the next day performed the live, cried for like two hours straight and THEN when drinking again with Maeda and Mariko and the other orimen? And people say mayuyu isn't human.

>> No.11030384
File: 1006 KB, 500x205, 34546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Jurina's perma-smile was kind of strange for a while there. You could see her drop it and then remember to pick it up again every few minutes.
I'm a bit worried about the younger pushed girls with Mariko leaving, hopefully Jurina and the other girls will keep an eye out for them.

>> No.11030450


>> No.11030470

Not only that. It's her childhood friend she's dating. Kana Hanazawa is either doing the same or was and everyone approved.

>> No.11030471

To be honest, I only know of Mariko among the older members, in a sense of their time in AKB or simply older by their age that actively try to support and look after the younger members. Rena and Masanya are probably just more interested in molesting them cute younger members.

I'm sure they are probably do take care of the lolis behind our back or something, but when someone like Mariko welcomes you, it can boost a lot of their confidence and take off some of your pressure. I kinda think that if she have enough time, Mariko would probably would try look out for even the other younger unpopular members, it's just she's way too busy to even have time for that. I just hope there would be more of the senbatsu members that would follow her footsteps in doing such, because really, it's heartwarming to see that.

>> No.11030481

Because Osananajimi love is fucking pure as hell. Why would you want to stop it? The wotas know that.

And if what our Chinese cartoon have teach us is true, childhood friend pairing is almost rare like a pegasus-rare or some shit. You just need to sit back and simply enjoy it. While it last, that is.

>> No.11030615
File: 218 KB, 1000x1334, yamamoto2567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, why did I wait until now to finally look into Yamamoto Sayaka.

>> No.11030657

She is indeed quite deliciously looking, even if my oshi is someone else, I can't help but see how great she looks.

>> No.11030676

Seriously Paruru, stop looking weird in every gif you're in.

>> No.11030695

lol Paru is so awesome.

>> No.11030837

This year's elections reenacted.


No actual AKB content btw

>> No.11030923

give me money for a trip to japan. i'll go to akb's theatre and tell all girls that these elections don't worth a single teardrop.

>> No.11031054


Crying is as natural to AKB members as is dating the management.

>> No.11031063

She looked quite happy there (for Paruru that is). Now she want to be a "normal" idol with all their fake personalities. I don't know if I would still find her as interesting if she did that.

>> No.11031129

yuko's dating eijii wentz, they are childhood friends , its pretty much an open secret alot of her wotas are even okay with it

>> No.11031175 [DELETED] 

Speaking of OG with boyfriends, Tomochin has been looking unhappy lately and I just don't mean her usually cool exterior either but just straightup unhappy. I wonder if it has to do with her boyfriend. Hope he didn't get together with Yamaguchi. That girl has been around the block.

>> No.11031192

"His popularity may be derived from his self‐mocking "comedian" character, as he often talks about his "foolishness", short height, and lack of English skill (his father is American but he can't speak English).[2]"

He seems pretty sympathetic.

>> No.11031199

She said she will try to change a bit, but to not expect much out of her. I wouldn't worry much about it.

>> No.11031203

he's like the wotas expect hes goodlooking

>> No.11031212

To be completely honest, I doubt she will be able to pull that off. At least, not to the extent that say, Mayuyu has.

No matter how hard she tries to be a "normal" idol, she'll still be Paruru.

>> No.11031219

looks so slutty

>> No.11031232
File: 16 KB, 336x504, eiji-wentz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a weird face. At some angles, he looks really good but at others, he looks like a dork that hasn't gone through puberty yet.

>> No.11031249

just like yuko

>> No.11031258

Are you saying Yuko looks like a man? That's harsh.

>> No.11031269

i've seen him on variety shows, him and yuko seem very similar personality wise

>> No.11031274

Well that makes more sense now. I didn't realize it was him. Perhaps i wasn't paying close enough attention as i was in tears myself.

>> No.11031278

Yeah i remember her dirty colored teeth during shows like magical radio and such.. Man that really urked at me and i know it's not a good reason to dislike someone.. But it was the reason i disliked her back then. After she had the treatment my god has she become beautifull.

>> No.11031282

>(his father is American but he can't speak English)
worst dad ever

>> No.11031292


What could have been...

>> No.11031312

I want you, I need you, I love you

>> No.11031315

What is Yokoyama Yui

>> No.11031504

Well we're at page 10 now.
New thread someone

>> No.11031543

idk what it is about 真夏のsoundsgood but i always feel happy while listening to it

>> No.11031550

gb2/bed/, Kintaro

>> No.11031554

because sounds good.

>> No.11031623

That strange feeling when realizing Yoshida Akari is only 16.
Could of sworn she would be at least 18. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about this kind of thing anymore.

>> No.11031634

You should feel even more strange when you realize she was part of the Hotel4.

>> No.11031659

I would post the Sailor Mars cosplay but image limit.

>> No.11031749

>searching for suda akari related material
>only things coming up at yuria related videos
nothing against the girl but dam... I just want to watch some akarin
