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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 606 KB, 789x514, CERN_LHC_t2030shigh..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1101062 No.1101062 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, this thing activates in less than 24 hours.

...Anyone else hoping it does something completely unexpected like opening a rift into Gensokyo? I for one would welcome our Youkai Overlords.

Assuming that DOESN'T happen and the doomsday sayers are right, it was nice knowing all of you.

>> No.1101077

nothing's going to happen, other than not finding the higgs boson and watching decades worth of particle physics research crumble, which is far more hilarious than world destruction or whatever

>> No.1101083

Won't collision happen in about Oct or Nov?

>> No.1101086
File: 485 KB, 1600x1200, 1218096823769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1101087
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Yukari sleeps through humanity's pitiful attempts.

>> No.1101080

But what about micro-black-holes and stranglets and all that other nuclear bric-o-brack?!

>> No.1101089

So we get a few more months to live?

>> No.1101092

Save us, Yukari! Please...? ;.;

>> No.1101093

I could live with Gensokyo, but I'm hoping for a 2D universe with giant robots. GaoGaiGar, Macross, Gundam, Getter, whatever, I'm flexible, I just want my mecha.

>> No.1101096

So you'd rather have robots than armpits? ...Isn't that heresy around here?

>> No.1101101

I either hope that it rips out an entire continent or that absolutely and I do mean ABSOLUTELY nothing happens. Like >>1101077 said, it would be amusing.

>> No.1101107
File: 380 KB, 1243x770, 1218097102365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not have both?

>> No.1101108

sage for high-tech goatse

>> No.1101109


There are girls everywhere, but mecha, now that's special. Don't get between a man and his robot.

>> No.1101110

...This would be acceptable, so long as I am allowed to become one of Yukari's sex slaves when she rules over us all.

>> No.1101116

Opens rift into the Muv-luv universe. Then we are flooded with BETA.

Thanks alot LHC.

>> No.1101122


I'd accept this as long as I get to curl up and sleep in Ran's tails. If that occurs, I say bring on the Large Hardon Apocalypse!

>> No.1101120

yeh, seriously, sorry for all those times I trolled you /jp/.

>> No.1101126

I sure do hope finding Higgs Bosons won't alert aliens to our presence. They might occupy Earth because they don't want any regional power to be born.

>> No.1101127

See you all on the other side, Been fun!

>> No.1101139

oh, fuck you.

>> No.1101140
File: 464 KB, 1200x900, 1218097674428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to me Yukari!

>> No.1101143

For real this time?

>> No.1101145

She's mine damnit. But I'd ask her to save everyone else too of course.

>> No.1101146


if the LHC, or any other particle accelerator, could create micro black holes, then the Standard Model and a shitload of more fringe stuff would be proven correct, and the black holes would decay almost instantly by Hawking Radiation.

if we could melt the earth with strangelets made from a particle accelerator, that would have already happened.

vacuum bubbles make my brain hurt so nnngh

>> No.1101147

I'm sorry for lying to you /jp/, I actually prefer healthy to dfc lolis.

>> No.1101154

It's okay, I've always preferred stacked women too. I mean, there's a reason Yukari is my favorite Touhou.

>> No.1101158
File: 309 KB, 800x600, 1218097928649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1101160


Many of us do. You never had to lie.

>> No.1101162

It's alright, you were just trying to fit in. I've had a girlfriend, had sex more times than I can count on my fingers, and I go outside, go to graduate school, and can hold a job when I need it. But I'd never admit it to /jp/

>> No.1101165

You don't have to lie to troll, you know. You could have just said "All Touhous need a man's penis stuck in them." It'd be completely true, and would have /jp/ up in arms in an instant.

>> No.1101169

flat chest is pig disgusting

>> No.1101170

Nice knowing you, /jp/. It has been a wonderful life.

>> No.1101172

I see what you did there.

>> No.1101175

The real reason why the LHC was built.

>> No.1101177


alright normalfags, enough joking - time to leave.

>> No.1101180

I'm not even sure I see what I did there, as it was a masterwork of a craft long dead.

>> No.1101187

Okay so i started listing to this and when he said it was build to find a proton i quit.

>> No.1101215

This is not /n/

>> No.1101222
File: 161 KB, 686x650, 1218099456964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clearly she's coming for us /jp/.

>> No.1101224


boy won't she be pissed when she finds me with my dick in her daughter's ass

>> No.1101225

I reread and realized it wasn't as subtle as I thought.

I'll pack my bags I guess. Thing is normalfags have sex hundreds of times, not 14.

>> No.1101227


Oh, thank God the supreme judge of /jp/ is here to tell us that certain threads aren't /jp/ material. I tip my hat to you.

>> No.1101230

>boy won't she be pissed when she finds her daughter's dick in my ass

