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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11005983 No.11005983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What must absolutely be destroyed so /jp/ can live in peace?

>> No.11005989

I think I knew the 40k quote for this but... The enemy?

>> No.11005988


>> No.11005987


>> No.11005992


>> No.11006000
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then i found out that they were good but my robot kept on killing and i said 2 him


bt he ddnt stp

fuck ami

>> No.11006003

>fuck ami
word, post some Mami

>> No.11006004

epic win

>> No.11006017
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x2560, The-Janitor-Season-6-scrubs-19887187-1920-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11006020

Anyone else get a sad kimochi when Americans are near-universally portrayed in every VN as an invasive, pride-filled bunch of power-wavers?

It's kind of awful to be stereotyped like that.

>> No.11006022
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sty tund 4 ep10 faggots we gonna kill 1/2 th cast

myb i fuck that cunt bitch ami 2, fking cunt

>> No.11006027


Did you know the Janitor was going to turn out to be a delusion of JD's, embodying his fear and stress of the new workplace, in the event that season 1 had low ratings and needed a sudden twist?

This is why no one other than JD interacts with the Janitor in season 1.

>> No.11006037
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>fuck ami

I would fuck all the Gargantians.

>> No.11006038
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That is actually really interesting and cool trivia to know about that show.

I say that unsarcastically. I wonder how they would have followed up on that though, they would have to go through the entire rest of the show with him being crazy, or perhaps they would just start acting like it never happened? Would they keep the janitor and then have him as his hallucination buddy?

>> No.11006043


in that order

>> No.11006044


Well, it's true after all.

>> No.11006045
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/jp/ lives in peace just fine.
You just need to learn to take it easy.

>> No.11006047


JD has lots of 'delusions'. It's the basic comedic premise of the show - lots of JD's 'delusions', or rather the fruits of his wild imagination, being made into comedy scenes. He's pretty much the hospital's chuuni.

>> No.11006048


Are all Japanese people also kimono-wearing, katana-swinging, rice-chomping black-haired slant-eyed caricatures?

>> No.11006056


No. But then again no one portrays them like that.

>> No.11006057


He'd have probably came to terms with his fear/anxiety/whatever in the season finale and the janitor would disappear forever.

For a bonus comedic twist, a new janitor might be hired at the start of the next season who looks exactly like JD's old delusional anxiety-janitor-spirit.

>> No.11006058


Of course they do. Just stubbornly saying 'NO THAT'S NOT RIGHT' when someone gets to the point that makes you wrong won't work.

>> No.11006061


Yes they have.

>> No.11006074


No, they don't. I have yet to meet one person who thinks Japanese are still Kimono wearing, katana swinging samurai faggots. They are portrayed as overly polite, xenophobe faggots with an inferiority complex. And that's exactly what they are.

>gets to the point

Learn to make a point before you get a sperg fit.

>> No.11006082


>> No.11006087


>I have yet to meet one person who thinks Japanese...
>But then again no one portrays them like that...

Great job backpedaling over your words so your shit argument makes sense. If you're too fucking dumb to understand how those two sentences are different I can't help you.

Actually, I can't help you anyway. I have zero patience for dumb people and I'm not willing to explain how stuff works to someone who's obviously unaware of it.

>> No.11006096


2/10 because I replied. You should try with your buddies on /v/, honey..

>> No.11006097


Crazy Zionists trying to divide and conquer again.

>> No.11006111

humorless, robotic, trashy "I habitually come here to this board to post this stuff, so that's what this board is for! rules be damned!" people

similar cancer

>> No.11006122


Yeah, I also hate 2hu fags.

>> No.11006139

op delenda est

>> No.11006156

crowd/hype devs who don't care where the heck they're even posting their shit, as long as they can create a cult atmosphere where you don't talk back, don't dare criticise, and every other topic that might go on the board gets dubbed "shitposting" even if it isn't

genuine pedos, frauds and crooks looking for a place to advertise meet-ups or whatever idiocy

>> No.11006178

The robotic people are the ones who take into consideration the organic board culture?

>> No.11006179
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>they were good

>> No.11006189

just because you and your two friends posted the same dumb shit every day for six months does not mean you are "organic board culture"

>> No.11006204

We should allow Japanimation, but only cartoons released before 1998.

>> No.11006210


As /vr/ is to /v/?

>> No.11006213

Destroying /jp/ is the only way to free /jp/.

>> No.11006225

Thats deep.

>> No.11006230

I think he is being correct though.

>> No.11006232

Freedom is slavery.
