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10991819 No.10991819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Western feminism once again butting in Japan's business.

>> No.10991823


>> No.10991826

TYT? No thanks.

>> No.10991834

News people are completely irrelevant and manage to get everything important to the modern age wrong. Stop giving them attention. Stop watching them. Stop referencing them. Stop teaching them that their fuckups will breed memetic 'hey, everyone look at this fuckup' reactions.

>> No.10991880

Think about the way they came up with the name of that show. Some middle-aged Muslims or something.

>hey, let's think of a name
>Muslim politics?
>no that's a terrible name for this climate
>OK, let's pick something edgy but...
>like Turks?
>yeah, Turks are Muslims,, it will make people feel smart and cultured for watching it... but it needs something more progressive
>well young people are progressive
>brilliant... Young Turks

2+ white American women and a middle aged Turk man

>> No.10991882


>> No.10991917

Actually, the name is derived from what was possibly the dumbest movement in Ottoman history, which almost singlehandedly brought the empire's downfall because every single one of them was an egomaniac in the making and their petty disputes ruined any hope the state had at recovery. Foremost among them was one Enver Pasha, who like Napoleon before him and Hitler after, decided to invade Russia in midst of winter. You can probably guess how that went.

>> No.10991924


>Foremost among them was one Enver Pasha, who like Napoleon before him and Hitler after, decided to invade Russia in midst of winter. You can probably guess how that went.

This isn't impossible or even improbable to accomplish just because three incompetent but lucky people failed at it.

>> No.10991930

If you ever had a look at a world map, you might have noticed the disproportionally large size of Russia compared to most countries around it. Anyone with even a shred of sanity would come to the conclusion that invading such a land in summer, and even more so in winter, would be madness and suicide.

>> No.10991934


Oversimplifying everything won't make you any less wrong, XDD guy.

Seriously, you are so pretentious.

>> No.10991936

Hah, anyone trying to invade Russian is an idiot.

>> No.10991938

more than half of russia is barren wasteland and snow
everybody lives on the western border

>> No.10991940

I'm tempted to post one of these ``buttmangled'' image macros.

>> No.10991943

shut it nerd.

>> No.10991948



>> No.10991955
File: 1.38 MB, 2034x1336, populationrussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not true unless you have a broad vision of the “western border”. Of course, the Moscow region is the most populous.

>> No.10991957

Most of that huge swath of land, however, is inhospitable in the extreme. Combine that with the fact that Russia's population lies more on the side of "poor subsistence farmers barely eking out a living" than "disciplined soldiers using an entire season as a weapon" and the country seems more vulnerable than it is. Just look at China, of which many dynasties inevitably tore themselves up despite the incredible landmass the country retained throughout history.

Invading Russia during winter is a silly idea not because it is impossible to accomplish, but because the best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory. Enver Pasha's troops, for their part, never saw actual combat since they all froze to death before they could get into that whole winter invasion business.

>> No.10991962


What is this thread? Battle of the faggy autist nerd quotes?

>> No.10991966

Get lost, 「dweeb」!

>> No.10991968

Very interesting, thanks!

>> No.10991970

Their SAL9000 ep was amusing, I'll give them that.

>> No.10991972


You are hopelessly dumb and think otherwise. There's no use talking to you.

Instead I'll silently revel in my superiority.

>> No.10991974

Susan Davis is the spirit
the skin in America
they give you a little bit

>> No.10991987

It's not infringing on your rights if it's part of a contract you agree to. McDonald's isn't hindering my freedom of expression by asking that I wear a uniform or get a haircut before I join their team.

>> No.10991980 [DELETED] 

It's not infringing on your rights if it's part of a contract you agree to. McDonald's isn't hindering my freedom to expression by asking that I wear a uniform or get a haircut before I join their team.

>> No.10991990

>It's not infringing on your rights if it's part of a contract you agree to
That’s not true, a contract can still have unlawful terms even if you agreed to it.

>> No.10991992


But you can't waive human rights. That's rape.

>> No.10991996

It's true, Russia is a huge country and invading it isn't an easy task. Even the battle of Stalingrad was won by throwing endless amounts of communist slaves on to the front line, and the cold didn't help the Germans.

>> No.10992005

was this how rome was before it fell?

everyone can only hope so

>> No.10992006

Ahem, communist "conscripts" sir. Or preferably heroes.

>> No.10992003

Steam's EULA agreement is not legally binding in Europe. You can sign it but it doesn't mean anything because it's unconstitutional, like Obongo's reign of terror in America.

Rape is a physical sexual act. None of your pseudo, third-wave feminist definitions apply in reality.

>> No.10992015

Bolsheviks are not heroes. Sorry but I cannot abide 'political correctness'.

>> No.10992009


Stop raping me.

>> No.10992011

Obviously it should all be legal.

Of course you can. It's like an opt-in.
If you want privacy and sex with men of your choosing, don't become an idol.

>> No.10992013

How is dating a human right? You make it sound like they were depriving her of oxygen or something.

>> No.10992021
File: 15 KB, 384x288, underprivileged cis white european male PC gamer with 120+ IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10992016

Rome sucked cock anyway...

>> No.10992018

>Just look at China, of which many dynasties inevitably tore themselves up despite the incredible landmass the country retained throughout history.
Well not quite, it started as a bunch of states in a cultural continuum and eventually one state conquered enough of the others that the first empire (Qin) was born, but it wasn’t very big then. It grew over time, the south was conquered and the west was an on-and-off thing, the Tang conquered Xinjiang but it was lost again afterwards for example.

>> No.10992022

I think I'm actually being more politically incorrect than you. Get on my level.

>> No.10992027

Are you retarded?

>> No.10992028

never before have i read such a well thought out, careful criticism in my entire life.

also i sincerely wish you dead.

>> No.10992032

>How is dating a human right?
Check your privilege. Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. Free will cannot be taken away by anyone without dire consequences.

>> No.10992035
File: 64 KB, 500x500, lrig noitseuq emina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont big companies not let you date ppl in the office

why is this such a big deal

>> No.10992038

rights have gotten awful lofty. the right to being alive should have been enough.

>> No.10992039

Because feminism.

>> No.10992041

>Get on my level.
This isn't really a competition, for me. I'm glad that you are non-conformist, but I am comfortable enough with my expression of world view without taking it to a new level.

>Are you retarded?
That's an interesting question, but beyond the scope of this discussion.

>> No.10992050

As long as you don't violate your contract. Freedom of expression doesn't give you the right to violate a nondisclosure agreement either.

>> No.10992044

Well, that’s the difference between *in the office* and *anyone*. I think both are oppressive corporate intrusions.

>> No.10992046

The real question other than feminism, why did op's art looked shit? He should've drawn better!

>> No.10992052

A better question would be why he chose to ignore the girl's abnormally large Trapezius muscles in his representation cartoon.

>> No.10992058

I stand corrected. However, China was still consistently large compared to most other countries, which it must be stressed were also subject to similar expansion-regression cycles.

The point stands that the size of a country does not necessarily correlate with stability or military prowess.

>> No.10992061

A girl should reject lewdness for as long as she is alive.

>> No.10992063

Why don't companies allow office romances, anyway? Do they think people will be too busy fugging to file their memos? Is it to intentionally create a new genre of porn and romance novels?

>> No.10992068

>Do they think people will be too busy fugging to file their memos?
Drama avoidance, I guess. Because office romance can also become office breakup and that could create quite some problems.
Still corporate intrusion to me and I don’t even work nor do I have a romance.

>> No.10992069
File: 20 KB, 400x450, jp at her computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't follow stupid idol drama. Did she actually have sex? If so, why the fuck is she still getting publicity? Didn't they fire her?

>> No.10992073

As long as she doesn't have sex, it's not lewd.

>> No.10992070

I think it is pretty lewd to dance for thousands of men whose sole intent is to bang her on someday.

>> No.10992074

It's not lewd as long as nothing actually happens.

>> No.10992081


>> No.10992078

Three reasons. First, because it's a distraction during work. Second, because it causes a conflict of interest and/or favoritism. Finally, because it encourages bosses to offer quid pro quo for raises and promotions.

>> No.10992079

Because there would be less professionalism in the work place, and favouritism towards your partner. As well as temptation to do lewd things in the work place, and distractions to people wanting to take extra breaks to visit their partners in the work place.

I can speak from experience. Being led around the work place by a colleague holding your dick is very distracting, and I'm lucky that she didn't take an extra 30 minute break to fug in a semi-occupied work area because I could have been disciplined for it.

>> No.10992083

But they give hints of it. Hell, even being raped is less lewd than that.

>> No.10992088

Autistic idol tards are stupid enough to believe these girls are virgins and don't have boyfriends.

>> No.10992089

As long as the vagina is untouched by a nasty cock, the girl is pure and not lewd.

>> No.10992090

Being raped isn't lewd at all, because if you were being lewd then you'd want it so it wouldn't be rape.

>> No.10992097
File: 348 KB, 850x755, 1370250434886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why God invented oral sex, so we could remain pure by avoiding vaginas.

>> No.10992099

There are millions of kawaii bishoujos who want to be idols. Some of those are going to be virgins, even to stay virgins for the sake of being an idol. You think they don't do a medical examination?

>> No.10992101

kk, what if you want to dance in front of million men that want to bang you?

>> No.10992102

They have a video of her walking out of a man's house after staying over night.

>> No.10992111

oral sex falls under sodomy in its original meaning.

>> No.10992113

Sucking cock is also not allowed

>> No.10992114

What good would that do? They could have had oral or anal sex.

>> No.10992117

They can test for both of those.

>> No.10992121

They can test for that too.

>> No.10992122

Both are hideously inaccurate.

>> No.10992119

They do polygraphs and psychological profiling.

>> No.10992120

Intercrural, then.

>> No.10992123

Sodomy is fun, though. It's not my fault that aliens didn't like it.

>> No.10992124

How? That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.10992129

Skin cock levels.

>> No.10992126

I can easily tell if a girl has been close to a cock before.

>> No.10992131


>> No.10992132

Do you have magical cock-sensing powers?

>> No.10992133


Everyone has been close to a cock. Within a centimeter or less. I guarantee it.

In fact, everyone used to reside inside a pair of balls, and afterward, for a brief period, inside a cock.

>> No.10992140
File: 377 KB, 400x279, 1370117834776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intercrural sex among men who have sex with men (MSM) is sometimes known as the "Princeton First-Year", the "Oxford Style", the "Oxford rub", the "Ivy League rub," and is included in frot. The synonyms referring to schools are used to describe "horny young men during the long, cold winters away at all-boys schools," especially in the 19th century.

>> No.10992138

Cock traces on the skin. Measured in square centimeters.

>> No.10992143

I can't believe I used to be in a cock, that's way too fun to imagine.

>> No.10992144


>> No.10992151

stupid sexy kirino >_<

>> No.10992163


Popes also lose their right to date.

>> No.10992165

Very subtle cock traces cannot be washed off the skin.

>> No.10992161

Have you never heard of bathing?

>> No.10992168

That's the exact opposite anyone whose ever worked on a rape case will tell you.

>> No.10992172
File: 706 KB, 740x599, 1369668989219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily for the Popes, they are central in Freemason organizations and have easy access to paedophile contacts which are kept quiet due to Masonic oaths.

>> No.10992170


Trust me, its for the best. I work on a production line with a couple on it, and all's they do is argue and bitch about each other all day and make everyone uncomfortable. One will come up to you and bitch about the other, and then visa-versa. Then they'll accuse you of talking about them behind their backs.

>> No.10992171

They are all lying.
