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10984624 No.10984624 [Reply] [Original]

Which head?

>> No.10984633

This one
*grabs dick*

>> No.10984632

Which one gives the best head?

>> No.10984635

They're getting ahead of themselves.

>> No.10984637

right, at least she's not rotten

>> No.10984638


>> No.10984639

those tits are

>> No.10984641

the era of monstergirls is here
now we wait for the animes

>> No.10984643

Out of all six? Tough choice.

>> No.10984648

So... Is headless horseman Dullahan?

>> No.10984650 [DELETED] 


>> No.10984667



>> No.10984673


>> No.10984677

whoa thats a weird smiley. its even GREEN!

>> No.10984679

It reminds me of m(_ _)m

>> No.10984684 [DELETED] 

For what will unfortunately probably not be the last time, read the freaking manual. She's not a dullahan, she's a rokurokubi with some traits from the nukekubi and a theme named after the dullahan. She has little to nothing in common with dullahans aside from having a severed head, which behaves in a way completely different from a dullahan's head.

I just realized that the danmaku that trail from her head in some of her patterns are her neck.

>> No.10984687

For what will unfortunately probably not be the last time, please read the manual. She's not a dullahan, she's a rokurokubi with some traits from the nukekubi and a theme named after the dullahan. She has little to nothing in common with the dullahan aside from having a severed head, which behaves in a way completely different from a dullahan's head.

I just realized that the danmaku that trail from her head in some of her patterns are her neck.

>> No.10984710


The danmaku that trails from her head is freaking danmaku. It even explodes.

Her theme and spellcards refer to her as a Dullahan. Referring to her as either is acceptable, as ZUN clearly intended each youkai to have a duality (hence, "Double Dealing Character"). (Nin-gyou and mermaid, nukekubi and Dullahan, loup-garou and werewolf)

>> No.10984722

Miko and priestess, witch and majo, maid and meido, yousei and fairy

>> No.10984729

I thought loup-garou and werewolf were (...*snort*) the same thing.

>> No.10984749


Exactly. Everyone calls Marisa a witch, and Cirno a fairy, and nobody gets upset.


Not quite. English legends are more of men who become wolves and do wolfish things (eat sheep, fuck other wolves), french legends are the more modern men who become halfway wolf-ish and attack humans.

>> No.10984763

That's strange.

>> No.10984819

A dullahan has a severed head which it carries under its arm, and a whip made from a human spine. It rides a horse, it causes the deaths of people by calling them, and it attacks people who look at it either by throwing blood at them or by striking their eyes out with its whip. Sometimes it has a cart made from or decorated with bones and other funeral equipment.

Rokurokubi are women who, at night, gain the power to extend their necks and fly their heads around. They frighten and spy on humans, but are not exceptionally dangerous in general. Nukekubi are very similar to rokurokubi, except that their heads fly off entirely.

Sekibanki is clearly a lot more like the latter creature. If she has any dullahan-like traits at all aside from a detachable head, please tell me what they are, because I can't see them.

The difference is that Marisa and Cirno have significant similarities to the western images of a witch and a fairy. If I'm not mistaken, "majo" is mostly a translation of "witch", in any case.

Werewolf legends are really old, widespread throughout Europe and elsewhere, and widely varied. Ancient Roman ones mostly turned into normal wolves, but their clothes turned to stone while they were so. Calling her a werewolf, without going into variety of werewolf, is probably sufficient.

>> No.10984834

nice usage of internet there.

>> No.10984840

There is no tradition of "meido" and "majo" in Japan that wasn't imported from the West.

>> No.10984873

Yeah, he needs the internet in order to post.

>> No.10984885
File: 385 KB, 796x605, WnHH_Kappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kappa are typically depicted as roughly humanoid in form, and about the size of a child. Their scaly, reptilian skin ranges in color from green to yellow or blue. Kappa supposedly inhabit the ponds and rivers of Japan and have various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet. They are sometimes said to smell like fish, and they can certainly swim like them.

You ever stop and think that ZUN isn't exactly lifting these girls straight from the mists of legend?

Also, some versions of the Dullahan myth involve the apparition hurling its head to terrify people, and Sekibanki does just that.

>> No.10984893

Headless rider that would barge through my wall would be more than enough to make me piss myself.

>> No.10984896


Well soil yourself until you piss blood when it throws its rotting head with glowing eyes in your lap and grins from ear to ear.

>> No.10984907

When referring to a smiling headless entity that barges through walls, makes loud announcements and throws red liquids at people I can only think of the kool-aid man.

>> No.10984916

The Japanese version is worse, though. They do in fact have a Dullahan-like figure, called Yagyou-san, who rides a headless horse and goes on a mad onslaught once a year to kill as many people as he is able. What makes him horrifying is not the blood-spewing horse or his uncanny ability to lodge small objects into onlookers' eyes before decapitating them, but the fact that last person he kills before his day of glory is over will take up his mantle and be Yagyou-san for the next year.

He also has very hairy legs, and can be averted by playing dead while putting your shoes on your head.

>> No.10985171
File: 90 KB, 800x600, flyinghead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou Kappa do, however, fit most of those traits in one way or another. They don't match the scaly skin, but they substitute their blue, waterproof clothing; and we will never know if they match the smell. They also match some other kappa traits which you didn't mention, such as the arms connected through their bodies. ZUN's is obviously not lifting straight out of legend; but he is adapting legend, and Sekibanki is pretty obviously not an adapted dullahan, despite the names of her theme and one of her spellcards.

As if to add insult to injury, she doesn't even throw her head. It floats off of her body under its own power without her laying a finger on it: a trait of the nukekubi and rokurokubi, as well as a few other southeast Asian monsters which are probably related to them.

>> No.10985439
File: 44 KB, 251x211, 13555889304511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold, Dead
