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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 68x58, 1344442789586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10979327 No.10979327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends of /jp/. Unfortunately for me, the time has come for me to no longer be a NEET. I have a job, and a job that requires a phone at that. My mother was so overjoyed, that she purchased an iphone for me. (This was unexpected; it wasn't something I had expressed any interest in wanting. Any old phone would have done, really...)

So I have one last thing to ask of you; perchance, could /jp/ post some wallpapers that I could use for my new phone, that are relevant to this place I have such fond memories of, and at the same time will not tip off others to my less than ordinary interests? If you could help me this one last time before I travel into the terrifying realm of reality, I would be most appreciative, my friends.

>> No.10979330

Kill yourself.

>> No.10979335
File: 132 KB, 534x399, 1369782543654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10979338
File: 170 KB, 480x679, 1369169806652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is nice. Please take it easy, /jp/sie.

>> No.10979339

who gives a shit reported

>> No.10979345
File: 198 KB, 586x687, 0a7c5e0a599d47964cc354f25d112860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always say you like pokemon if anyone asks. That's a normal hobby, right?

>> No.10979352

Beg pardons, but we don't really get a lot of threads like this. I figured it would be fine since it's a subtle display of interest to a subject relevant to the board. Are you a person that's very set in their ways, by chance? I suppose it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case.

>> No.10979357

N-No, I know it's a fake! I won't bite!

>> No.10979358

You write like a literal degenerate; kill yourself out of /jp/ immediately.

>> No.10979369
File: 839 KB, 1500x1500, 35020763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like this picture of Raymoo.

Please, take care in the real world, friend. We'll be waiting if you ever come back!

>> No.10979373

People would give me weird looks if I spoke like that in reality. I find the way we speak as a society to be rather dull though. Are you telling me this board isn't a place where one can act in an escapist mindset? If so then I would tell you that you tread upon a slippery slope.

>> No.10979378
File: 106 KB, 1280x800, savepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a minimalist. Minimalistic design is my life. I use my desktop to reflect that facet of my personality: a small array of simple colors with a vector of my favourite anime girl, which you may call my waifu. She is from kyoani's hit anime, nichijou.

I can't handle a desktop with lots of icons. It is claustrophobic. I am a free bird and I need space. One of my little quirks is that I spend a lot of time just playing around with the mouse cursor over all the space in my desktop, as if flying! Haha, us /jp/ers huh? We're one quirky bunch. In case you're wondering wether or not I'm from /jp/, take a closer look at my toolbar! You were looking for it at the bottom of the image, weren't you? Got'cha! I exchanged it to the upper part of my desktop!

Though my desktop doesn't show it, I'm more than happy to tell you that I play guildwars 2, osu! and league of legends regularly. I guess my obcession with them is what makes me a true hardcore otaku!

>> No.10979382
File: 245 KB, 1366x768, desktop-picture-node-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A jump to the future! I got inspiration from minority report to make this desktop, though I'll say I got inspiration from old sci-fi movies like blade runner and tron to make it sound like I'm a true connoisseur even though I never actually watched those movies. I mean the old tron movie, not the new one! Kids these days don't even know the classics!

I have all the information I truly need right up on my desktop, instead of jumping hoops and hoops to get to it. I hate having to press ctrl-alt-delete to check up on cpu usage!

Yes, I have two hard drives. Yes, they have over a hundred gigs of info on them. Most of it is anime and games that I haven't watched or played, but let's keep that a secret between us. don't tell my MAL friend's list about it ok?

Those images in the center? They actually work. They aren't an image that I got with the desktop. In fact, I got my desktop to match that wheel. It provides me quick access to everything I need. Internet, e-mail, games. You can tell that I'm a pure bred top notch programmer just from taking a glimpse of my desktop!

>> No.10979390
File: 706 KB, 1366x768, screencap21231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait! What's a person with a /co/ desktop doing on /jp/? I'm glad you noticed! To be honest, I don't only come to /jp/. Do you people really expect for someone to stick to one board? Are you some kind of autist? I'm a /co/mrade and I'm proud of it!

Anyway and as you can see, there's nothing much in it. I just like looking at this sketches of my favourite characters for hours. I am competent enough a user to use the start bar to get to all the programs I want to.

Let me guess: you're gonna complain about my league of legends icon on my toolbar? What's wrong? Can't deal with an expert moba player? It takes much more than simple memorization skills (like say in touhou shit) to be a high tier player like myself. I'm part of the league of legends general threads on /vg/ (and I'm proud of it too you oneboarding autists!) and I'm popular. So popular in fact that I have to keep myself invisible on skype so that people don't bother me with popups while I take a picture of this desktop for you, /jp/! And /vg/, /g/ and /co/ too. I didn't mention I go to /g/? Well, now you know!

One little funny fact about me: I main Ahri because she's a fix girl like Ran. Ran is mai waifu, so I couldn't pass on the chance of playing someone who looks like her!

>> No.10979391

You're writing at a less than average level, if anything it stands out as someone who has English as a second language. You still need to go kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10979395

That's a very nice picture. I appreciate it, friend.
This one is good too, but I fear I would need something more subtle. Regardless, I'll be keeping both. Much appreciated.

>> No.10979396 [DELETED] 

Yeah yeah sure. You're just a full blown Archfaggot.

Just go back to undeleting your config files and typing pacman -Syu. Let's see if you survive the russian roulette.


Try beating portage with your babby's piece of shit pacman, faget.

>> No.10979400
File: 334 KB, 1599x899, deskpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an hardcore old school anime otaku. Most of what's come out in the last couple of years is absolute trite compared with the old school. There's no more love in anime making, you know what I mean? I let my desktop speak for myself in that aspect. Kino totally feels like I feel when I think of the state of the anime industry. I just look to the horizon, sigh and reminisce for a while about the days when I watched hand-picked anime on american television...

In case you didn't notice, I have steam! You guys wanna be friends? I'm in all the /jp/, /a/ groups and some /v/ groups. Not all /v/ groups because I browse /v/ ironically and don't really like the board. Though I've found some cool people in some of the groups I joined, so I haven't quit them yet. I have 283 friends.

>> No.10979405

oh god people are making fun of the way I talk even on /jp/. I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come at my new job. I don't know how to gauge how serious the people that are making fun of me think that I have some bizarre speech impediment either.

I'm impressed and aghast by this display.

>> No.10979406

Oh shit it's kopipe.

>> No.10979407

>I would need something more subtle

How about a blue picture? That's as subtle as you're going to fucking get. You can even make epic anime references about it being Akari whenever you get in the mood to look even more like a tool.

>> No.10979416
File: 141 KB, 1920x1200, ノタイトル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna make a simple post saying something like "hm" or "here goes" or some other really modest-looking expression that completely clashes with the insane ammount of class present in my picture, but I couldn't decide which so I'm just going to skip to talking about myself rather than having you guys notice and THEN talk about myself.

The background is the same as a normal desktop. Yeah. The only thing different is the awesome Sakuya on the corner. I cropped it myself on gimp. Actually it was photoshop but gimp is opensource and freedoms is everyone's favourite /g/ meme, so let's pretend I used gimp.

See my toolbar? That's right. Those are japanese characters you hear. Since I know you can't read japanese (I can't either), I'll just tell you straight away that my custom foobar toolbar icon. It's showing the song currently playing. you probably can't write japanese so you'll never know what music it is. If you ask me, I'll just be completely vague about it because it makes me feel good and I don't want anyone to listen to the same music I listen to. It can get popular, and then I have to work on my whole desktop again.

And yes, those numbers on the left mean I have 4 different desktops. None of them has any icons and are ultra-minimalistic too. I switch them around to look at different background colors with the same Sakuya. It gets really trippy when I switch the desktops in rapid succession! Did I mention I smoke weed?

>> No.10979422

nice job mistaking blackbox for arch you tripledeckedhypernigger

>> No.10979424
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x800, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Do you guys see what I did there? I got myself a picture of Youmu that is constantly gazing at the time! Yes, Youmu. I'm a toubro like you guys. A /jp/er, too! Check out all the VNs I have on my desktop that I haven't played because I rather watch anime and save time by reading each VN's wiki plot entries!

I have my regional settings and keyboard idiom set to japanese because I'm a true otacool who knows japanese and browses all the japanese sites that matter, like sankaku complex. As you can see, I also have steam. That's where all my games are. I even added non-steam games to it, like touhou, so people know I'm completely hardcore. What they don't know is that I can't 1cc any of the games on normal, but they'll watch the youtube videos of lunatic runs and think I can do that too! Then I get a ton of friends which in turn attracts a ton of friends! And invites to elite private steam groups that you can't belong to because you won't dedicate your life to whoring attention on the same level I do!

Anyone know about any cool otaku android/iOS apps?

>> No.10979426

I know that all the boards have been getting shittier lately but when did things really get this bad? I just wanted something that I could enjoy without overtly broadcasting my interests to others. I didn't think that would cause such an incident.

>> No.10979427

The scary thing is that people like >>10979396 aren't being ironic.

>> No.10979437

Smartphones are normieware. Please do not discuss then in /jp/.

>> No.10979439 [DELETED] 

um not sure if this is copypasta, but there's some current fun animays,
maou hatarake is pretty fun. Of course you can say it is shit, along with calling everything else shit.

Actually after reading the second part of your post, nevermind i shouldn't have even bothered responding to you, you're a faggot.

>> No.10979449

Oh god these are hurting my head.

>> No.10979463
File: 115 KB, 800x800, 1312125126004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would japanese birds work for you OP?

>> No.10979468

Fuck off with your exclamation marks.

>> No.10979469

I have a smartphone. I mostly use it as a music player and a remote mouse for my desktop via teamviewer. My grandmother pays my bill for it.

>> No.10979477

What's wrong with his English? Please point out his mistakes.

>> No.10979481

Hello, normiescum.

>> No.10979487

Being too lazy to get out of bed but still wanting to use your computer that's halfway across the room is normal? Fuck, what have we even got on them anymore?

Next you're gonna tell me that my piss bottles don't even separate me from the college kids living across the way.

>> No.10979496

Cool blogpost, normiescum. Thank you for bumping the thread from the clutches of the bottom of page 0.

>> No.10979503

why don't you greentext about it when you inevitably post complaints on /q/ about how shitty and infested with normies /jp/ is.

>> No.10979514

Whatever you say, normiescum.

>> No.10979524
File: 192 KB, 442x525, 1361410647735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Anyone? Can we get back to the point of this thread please?

>> No.10979533

Your thread is shit that doesn't belong in /jp/.

>> No.10979550

Wow. I never knew /jp/ was filled with so many bullies.

>> No.10979559
File: 31 KB, 604x397, 936107_271935816286371_1572705875_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP.

>> No.10979567

Fuck off, abnormiescum.

>> No.10979564

Only normiescum pretending to be truNEETS call others normiescum, normiescum.

>> No.10979577

This is what new kids actually believe.

>> No.10979617
File: 432 KB, 705x997, 1364511392348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get your bblean to look like that? It's easily the nicest I have ever seen.

>> No.10979622

Where can I get a girl with such a snow/pure skin?

>> No.10979657

I love this kopipe, if you are the originator, thank you for doing it.

>> No.10979661

She's Russian. Her name is Nastya Zhidzova. She also has naturally purple eyes, and a love for Japanese culture.

>> No.10979671

These are fantastic.

>> No.10979675
File: 10 KB, 300x200, cold_by_maliemokono-d58msr8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10979695
File: 1.45 MB, 3840x1200, 1366554525362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh found some more:

Take a deep breath, otaku folks! Or else you won't be able to handle all the information that you didn't want or need to know about me that this desktop is about to show you!

That's right! PSX! And not just one voice chat program! It's just that I'm so popular and know so many people that I have to use different programs to keep in touch with all of them. Actually I just use facebook and pretend I use all those programs, but facebook isn't accepted on 4chan just yet, so I won't mention it. I may be popular but, as you can see, I'll run the extra mile to make sure you listen to me! so hit me up on steam, we can be friends! don't let yourself be intimidated by the hundreds of groups and friends I have. I'm just that popular, but that doesn't mean I won't allow you the privilege of being in my friends list!

Yeah, I scan stuff too! I'm one of the pillars that keeps the western manga/doujin scene alive. You better respect me for it! And donate because these manga aren't gonna buy and ship themselves!

I'm an activist, too. I have some pictures of hurricane Sandy that I'm planning to put into a montage and publish on tumblr to raise awareness to hurricanes and things. I work, too. Sorry, fellow NEETs! A guy needs to pay for his stuff, right? Don't worry, I'll still be around at the NEET lifestyle generals so we can all talk about our jobs. Corporate NEETs are here to stay! Not that that expression isn't a complete paradox, but whatever. I'm here to be an attention whore, not to care about little details like that.

>> No.10979701

There's so much to see and so much to talk about myself I had to split my post in two! That's how epic I roll.

I have a shortcut folder to all my favourite anime pics. Besides having a job, being insanely popular and a pillar to your community, I also find the time to watch those nerdy cartoons! And play videogames, too. I know you noticed that guildwars tab! don't I sound obnoxious?

But that's just the front. The wall that hides my immense powerlevel. I have another desktop where everything can be seen! My chats on steam (add me!), my irc channels, my custom desktop apps.. I have it all! And I'm linking everyone I know to this thread so they can see me! No need to thank me guys, they're ocming here to stay! More people, more activity, faster threads! /jp/ is really fun and I love hanging out with you guys since it makes me look like an oldfag, but the big problem of this board is how slow it is!

>> No.10979702

Cool bumps /b/ro.

>> No.10979713

>i'm allowed to shitpost as long as i sage

>> No.10979720

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10979722

Epic archive searching /a/non, I can't wait for you to post these at /g/!

>> No.10979736
File: 112 KB, 566x800, 1354700734075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#steamed normies

>> No.10979742

This is actually almost true.

>> No.10979740
File: 836 KB, 1600x1166, 14146873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck in the real world. Don't forget that I love you ok? If things become too difficult please come back.

>> No.10979750
File: 142 KB, 636x900, 9520609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this image.

>> No.10979751

I miss chucchuaki, op.

>> No.10979757

Why do you guys act like getting a job means you have to stop posting on /jp/? I work many hours but I still have time for my /jp/.

>> No.10979776
File: 741 KB, 3600x1080, epic rice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poorfag windblows XP neets mad? lel

>> No.10979784

Hay guy can i get a link to more EPIC iphones wallpaprs?
Thanks >_<

>> No.10979789

>uptime: 23 hours

nothing there to be mad about.

>> No.10979792



>> No.10979793

here bro www.yourfaceisshitdropdeadanddiehomofaglord.fuckyou

>> No.10979800
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x1679, 00362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10979807

albaga so ebgi X------DDDDDDDDDD :---DD :-D

>> No.10979814
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, 00397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you use sage to show your epic disapproval of this thread?

>> No.10979823

Heeye dood, you forgot to sage whenever u shitpost xD

chottomate, I meen FUNpost lol.

>> No.10979829
File: 741 KB, 500x250, 1357173408975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i counder-andisage so janny can see my EBIC BOST!! ;-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.10979840

That's true lol

Hey janny, why are you such a butt? Do you even have a job?

I;m totally a pro NEET, b/c I play 2hu (that's short for Touhou) (that's the japanese word for project shrine maiden).

>> No.10979850

I wonder what kind of feel the OP is having right now.

>> No.10979872
File: 82 KB, 499x334, 1369731069019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em /b/ros xDDD

>> No.10979872,1 [INTERNAL] 

#rekked crosspoasters

>> No.10979872,2 [INTERNAL] 

