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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10978150 No.10978150 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10978157 [DELETED] 

thanks obama

>> No.10978155 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 450x617, 1299386352616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2hu game

>> No.10978164


>> No.10978172


Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10978190
File: 85 KB, 850x442, sample-a1f557416a37d37f660779e3a21eb3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmmm... about that:

as much as i love the Yakumo Family, there will probably be that same awful animal stench over there.

Just think at Ran's massive amount of fur.
Chen's probably alright, because cats are quite clean.

I can only hope Ran is taking a daily bath or else...

>> No.10978199

hideous fonts thread?

>> No.10978200

It's funny how /jp/ hated those guys at first but now everyone wants their patches and translations.

>> No.10978218

That's because they have the only patch right now. The real drama will start once the full version is out and the other guys make their patch as well.

>> No.10978364

Ran, a fox youkai and a shikigami. Specifically a kitsune meaning she has 9 tails. This is the crux of the matter. This would make sitting on a toilet near impossible the normal way. Meaning she would have to sit in reverse on toilets. As a shikigami, she would also be averse to washing with water as well. Wiping would also be pretty difficult as her tails in the way. This would make cleaning up nightmarish for Ran. As well as expensive considering all the tail fur she would need to wash. Thinking about it, she would possibly be even less hygienic than Chen. Unwiped anus, tail closest to ass somewhat stained, doesn't bathe or shower. Thinking about it logically, she would be quite filthy. Especially her anus. And even if hair didn't grow on her anus, it would still most likely be covered in fallen off tail fur most of the time.

>> No.10978367

I want reimu's purification rod..

>> No.10978369

English only scum shouldn't be classified as /jp/

>> No.10978375

fucking furry

>> No.10978377

that's kyuubi you fucking idiot.

>> No.10978382

What? No.

>> No.10978389

get fucked christian

>> No.10978397

What are you even saying? You arent making any sense/

>> No.10978398

I want Reimu's purification rod in my ass

>> No.10978433
File: 101 KB, 306x283, reimupant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the joke is she has a dick

get it


>> No.10978436

No, that's fucking dumb.

>> No.10978467

Good thing I'm not English only.

>> No.10978498

It's a good thing that only about 5% of /jp/'s posters are English only.

>> No.10978567

I think you mean 95%.

>> No.10978588

Speak for yourself, loser. I'm fluent in over 10 languages.

>> No.10978616

Yukari solved that problem with gaps

>> No.10978639

I asume the joke is fucking her up the shitter with the stick and now it smells of dogshit.

>> No.10978706

Let's be honest here,

As adorable and loving as Ran is, and as much as everyone thinks she's great, having her around would be a pain in the ass.

Her tails would shed all the time and leave hair all over your furniture and carpet. If you want to sleep with her, your bed will be covered in fur and it will be hard to breathe with all of Ran's dander all over the place. If you go to give her a bath because her tails have fleas, or because they're dirty from scraping along the floor (let's face it, it's impossible her back muscles could be developed enough to lift all that weight off the floor), then you have hair clogging your drains. You would have to wash her off outside with a garden hose.

Own any nice clothes? They aren't nice anymore because now there's yellow hair all over your suits. Yellow hair is the worst, it doesn't blend with anything, so now you can't get a job since your interview suit looks shitty and now you don't have any income.

On top of that, she's a fox. Have you ever smelled a fox? They smell like skunks, no joking.

Sure, she may be loving, but there's alot to think about before you let her into your house.

When she's in heat, she will make weird noises and give off a bad smell, and if you have sex with her, you have to worry about lifting up those huge heavy tails to reach her equally furry vagina, and the whole time you're pounding her from behind you have a faceful of fur and unwashed poopstink from her using the bathroom and you can't breathe. If you cum on her, jizz wont come out of her fur easily, so you must bathe her. Also, you have to listen to this:


Do you still want a Ran of your own, /jp/?

>> No.10978724

That sounds like life being a one with extremely long hair. I can manage.

>> No.10978717

I hate when my dick gets shitty from doing anal, too.

>> No.10978803

reimu does not have a dick she's a girl.

>> No.10978808

>applying common sense in Gensokyo

>> No.10978875


i have a fetish for all the things you just described

>> No.10978887

reimu is so rude

i bet she is a really clean wolf

>> No.10978924
File: 622 KB, 850x1200, 1369527819382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it

>> No.10978936

>Also, you have to listen to this:

nigga thats cute


>> No.10978945
File: 905 KB, 826x1169, c167befbe282ede65420a9af26d486b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every time I see this, I just want Ran even more. I would treat her like a princess and make her feel beautiful.

>> No.10979004
File: 356 KB, 1004x468, kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10979043

Japanese toilets are much different than Western. Look them up.

>> No.10979060

They are like Turkish ones

>> No.10979069

Taking this way too literally. Ran isn't just a fox, she's a youkai who's matured enough to have a human form. She's not going to be making those sounds and shit.

>> No.10979070
File: 54 KB, 648x486, high-tech-toilet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19th century Japanese toilet.jpg

>> No.10979166

I bet you're a marine sniper too.

>> No.10979182 [DELETED] 

Too bad they are all programming languages.

>> No.10979187

Too bad they are all programming languages.

>> No.10979360

Is there a translation patch available besides the live self-updating shitty translation patch made by furries?

>> No.10979566

Don't like translation — go and change it. They have a nice wiki page where you can translate side by side from language you want to language you want, and all translations are pooled out from these wiki pages automatically, "on fly".
