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File: 606 KB, 789x514, CERN_LHC_t2030shigh..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1096217 No.1096217 [Reply] [Original]

[quoteYEAHIKNOWITDOESN'TWORK]-- In 1999 and 2000, Mr.Wagner, another complainter, filled a similar complaint against the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Since 2000, there were no incidents in the BNL. Don't you think that your complaint, with the absence of incidents remains at 0% of the credibility now?[/quoteSHUTUP]

In 1999, Wagner theorized that there was a small probability of creating a black hole in Brookhaven. Theorists said all this was impossible, that surely would create a plasma, superheated then evaporative.

We need to understand the ethical dilemma. Dennouncing the experiment always implies that the disrepute of the complainter, because if Hawking is right we'll be ridiculized for our fears in this matter, and we cannot prove that he had once consummated that risk.

Yet the experiment proved to Mr. Wagner, not the Brookhaven laboratory, to be right. As the result of the experiments was "a surprise effect"(sci-am may 2000, Brookhaven bulletin). Indeed, no theory was right, including Hawking's: it didn't create a superheated plasma as expected at all, but a ball of semi-dark matter, almost STABLE, united by gluons, with appearance of an ultra-orderly black hole

Now, think about this, the power capacibilities of the LHC is x50 stronger than this other Collider, how can we except good results now?


So, see you in Gensokyo.

>> No.1096225

As a student of Quantum Physics, I can surely say that retards who fear monger over tests such as that one piss me off. WHOOHOO A BLACK THAT IS 2 MICRONS BIG OMG AND IT LASTS .000000072 of a SECOND!!!! IT MIGHT SUCK OUR ENTIRE UNIVERSE INTO IT LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!


>> No.1096228


>> No.1096230

I love how people will worry about ridiculous things and then jaywalk.

>> No.1096233

Not a very good physicist if you think size is PROPORTIONAL to the effect of a black hole.

>> No.1096235
File: 33 KB, 300x440, 1218041099562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Gensokyo comes here?
(Pic related)

>> No.1096236

What does this have to do with Japan?

>> No.1096238

For the love of god, CLAM DOWN.
Also, the fag says that the guys of CERN want to ''emulate a Big Bang'', even if no Black Hole is formed.

>> No.1096244

A) Tomorrow night is the day.
B) Gensokyo will come or we'll go to it.
C) Shut up, fucking idiot, care about your life and not stupid protocols.

>> No.1096246


>> No.1096250

We use a leading ">" to quote

>> No.1096258

Does playing Touhou make people retarded?

>> No.1096268

I hope it does do something. Just you know, for entertainment. Take out a continent or something.

>> No.1096263


>> No.1096272

No, the LHC does. Its effects propagate retroactively through time.

>> No.1096287

Hey faggot. Why don't you just think about how stupid your retort sounds.

I don't even need to respond to you but I will.

The gravitational effect a blackhole has on any object is directly proportional to it's mass and that effect is the same as any star. If our sun would instantly become a blackhole, the PULL WILL NOT CHANGE.

Only when an object is within he swartzchild radius does it start to gain in gravitional pull until the horizon point is reached (Point of no return.)

>> No.1096298

Holy shit, awesome.
That sounds like insta-death to me if things go better, but slow death if not.

>> No.1096300

Not very comforting since we'll still be just as dead.

>> No.1096303

Will it rain catgirls ?

>> No.1096312

Spiral Nemesis

>> No.1096313


>> No.1096316

>we'll still be in Gensokyo

i want to believe

>> No.1096322

We'd only die because of the lack of sunlight.

Seriously, the thing people don't understand is the concept of Spacetime. The higher the mass, the more space is curved, however, the curvature of space between two objects of a similar mass be they blackholes or main sequence stars is the same but the difference with blackholes is that they have a super-dense point called the singularity. That is basically like a 10 ton weight the size of a bb gun bullet on a giant blanket, it's only sunken in deep but it's effect radius is small. The rest of the the mass around it makes it's gravitational behaviour identical to a similar mass star.

(Is the raging anon)

>> No.1096324


>> No.1096325


>> No.1096344


Oh wow, we are further mobilizing? perfect.

>> No.1096347

So basically, its "Heaven or Hell. Let's rock!"?

>> No.1096351
File: 269 KB, 1051x1500, 1218042515340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for raining catgirls

>> No.1096358

So guys, whether Gensokyo or death, what's the last thing you'd be listening to right before the moment it happens?

>> No.1096361

GaoGaiGar's GONG.

>> No.1096363


>> No.1096364

Playing Necrofantasia on a wind instrument, amirite?

>> No.1096377


DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames

>> No.1096381

I do have to agree with this man here. Shitty fear of 0.0000000000001% should not be in the way of science.

>> No.1096386

In b4 yukari saves us all

>> No.1096392

Way to fucking go. The smartest people in society are the ones that might kill us all.

>> No.1096397

I don't want to be saved from going to Gensokyo though..

>> No.1096418
File: 235 KB, 1680x1050, 1218043212885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that the smaller a Black Hole is, the shorter its lifetime (as per Hawking's evaporating mini-black-holes theory). Don't you think that a mini-black-hole once formed could gain enough mass by accretion to become self-sustaining? Also, since a black hole converts all of its mass into energy when it 'evaporates' wouldn't the resulting explosion possibly be dangerous?

>> No.1096421

This sciencist also stated that probabilities of these cases science are always fucked up and random.
He calculated that there's a 25% of creating a dangerous Big Bang effect when they'll mess with the LHC for that reason, but the real problem is the intended first half, they'll test the theories, and they'll mess with the protons and so, 40% possibilites of creating a black hole.

>> No.1096441

I think the sole purpose of this machine is warfare. Lobbing stable strangelets against alien home worlds.

>> No.1096444

Black holes cannot explode, the idea of hawking radiation is that partnered particles (simpler to say that, it's basically the particle and it's anti) go by it and one part of it is lost into the blackhole. It cannot accrete significantly in the blackhole because of it's size.

>> No.1096449


>> No.1096463

I think the real question here is, how do you expect to survive once you're in Gensokyo?

>> No.1096467

Blow futadicks to the left and right like Aya and Sanae. We'll fit right in.

>> No.1096470

we already had that thread=Bring a gun and run to human village as fast as possible
