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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.45 MB, 1500x965, ripota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10959469 No.10959469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

R.I.P. Ota-ch... ;_;

>> No.10959482

lel cry more weebs

>> No.10959485
File: 87 KB, 673x1098, cryingbuttler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP as HELL, I was right there posting on it yesterday and now its gone...

>> No.10959490

At last, our meetup.
If only o-tan could see this...

>> No.10959494

Stay owned subhumans.

>> No.10959497
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, RIP in peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959498

I guess now I will have to start posting on /jp/ again.

>> No.10959502

She saw it,
believe me she did...

>> No.10959503

Are you like 15 or something?

>> No.10959504

Please funpost with me.

>> No.10959506

You can find lost otas at these places

>> No.10959509

This joke has gone on far too long.

>> No.10959510
File: 1 KB, 348x320, 1369498200303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was down hill after the sand nigger hater got /b/ to hack otamin's e-mail

>> No.10959515

/bun/ doesn't want us.

>> No.10959521

I'll miss you.

>> No.10959524

Mugen is surely going to host it again. Don't kill yourselves until then, please.

>> No.10959526

Which one is sparky?

>> No.10959536


/ /    ヽ :: \
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      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ..

>> No.10959530
File: 91 KB, 536x475, 1341339024813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor here, I'm going to delete this thread in a few mutes.

You're all fagets.

>> No.10959531

I will kill myself for sure if mugen gives saya moderation powers.

>> No.10959538
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 1369052530131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10959541 [DELETED] 

Me too, I was going to make my GOODNIGHT THREAD and then it wasn't working.

>> No.10959543
File: 205 KB, 400x400, 89407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10959544

Wasn't he going to give mod powers to Sparky and Saya? No thanks.

>> No.10959544,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959550

I would rather bury /ota/ for good than have you moderate it.

>> No.10959552

That never happened.

>> No.10959552,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is that janitor's problem?

>> No.10959556

It happened, it was the reason why the site went down for a while.

>> No.10959557

worst /jp/ wannabe

>> No.10959557,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fugggg? http://puu.sh/33hCJ.png

>> No.10959563
File: 1.74 MB, 910x898, 1349100268400125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10959564
File: 4 KB, 135x159, 1368827573099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say that? Everyone knows that's the reason, it's all over the ghost boards.

>> No.10959565

Hey /bun/ is like a part of /jp/. Tohno is the only one you should be hesitant about.

>> No.10959577

CP is also all over the ghost board, but that doesn't mean it's okay to fuck children.

>> No.10959566
File: 160 KB, 644x662, 1369100130915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gaiz wowo looks like a cool new board XD. I only come here for retesai and touhou netplay but these websties look so cool I'm going to tell all my firends on tumblr and FB about thisSanae is a gurl LOL

>> No.10959566,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm emailing moot about this.

>> No.10959573

Theres no reason why /b/ would give a crap

>> No.10959579

Why do these links take me to adfly?

>> No.10959581

It's all up in the air at this point, so who knows what will happen. At the very least you can rest for now in knowing that Mugen hasn't emailed me back yet.

>> No.10959582

But somehow the guy got a personal army at the time.

>> No.10959586

Why do people always say this? I never see any CP on the ghost board.

>> No.10959587

Because tohno is the jews

>> No.10959588

I didn't know ticks is a mod on tohno

>> No.10959591

this should be adfly free.

>> No.10959596

Nope, still adfly.

Shit, that site is run by a real jew.

>> No.10959597

What does fucking children have to do with CP discussion?

>> No.10959599

then you've never been there

>> No.10959599,1 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor is an /ota/fag?


>> No.10959600

But there is no motive and there was no spam attacks or anything why would /b/ go through with attacking the mod of a spinoff of a slow 4chan board?

>> No.10959602

Ticks is deleting all posts that mention his gender on /tohno/.

At least /bun/ mods don't delete shit. Even the anti-jew crap is still there.

>> No.10959607

Why don't you faggots just post on /jp/?

>> No.10959609
File: 138 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, whatever the case, the fact stands that /ota/ was hacked somehow. That's the reason for the downtime from before.

>> No.10959612

A few people have already gotten banned by him, lol

>> No.10959614

But currently /jp/ is filled with people that weren't here in 2008 and really showing it ;_;

>> No.10959616

Oh I'm sorry, by "ghost board" you mean warosu's shitty ghost board? You're a funny guy.

>> No.10959618

They went for her e-mail not her board, also why are you asking me this? You're thinking too much into it. Are you atheist?

>> No.10959620

Because /jp/ sucks and because janni.

>> No.10959622
File: 132 KB, 1912x452, ss (2013-05-28 at 03.25.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was I blocked for posting in this thread?

>> No.10959623

Cuz fuck gay weebo neckbeard faggots
We are legion.
We do not forgive. We do not forget. >:)

>> No.10959624

And this thread isn't deleted yet? lel

>> No.10959625

Thanks sharing your trip. LOL!

>> No.10959627

better than posting on a board that gets 3 posts an hour

>> No.10959628

because you're retarded

>> No.10959629

When did this Ticks person become relevant anyway? I don't remember seeing him here. Except for those pics someone posts every now and then.

>> No.10959637

Because I don't like resetting my router every time janny throws a fit about off-topic posts in an off-topic thread.

>> No.10959629,1 [INTERNAL] 

I would delete my board too if Sparky posted in it (not to mention all of those other annoying tripfags)

>> No.10959632

Fuck off janny.

>> No.10959635

Who the fuck would make ticks a moderator of anywhere?

>> No.10959636

Because you're the worst poster this year, even worse than the Asuka poster.

>> No.10959638

Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet if they are blocking him for posting in this thread?

>> No.10959641

I post in off-topic threads all the time and I never get banned

>> No.10959642

only if you have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.10959647

janni called on his mod buttbuddy and is waiting for a threadban

>> No.10959648

He's one of Tokiko's dumb friends.

>> No.10959646

I almost don't give a shit about this thread but I might report it if it gets shittier than it already is. I report Siz every time I see him, though.

>> No.10959651

I'm just trying to get some facts straight since disinformation spreads like wildfire.
/Ota/dmin should just put the site back up its not like anything is at stake.

>> No.10959657

He could find someone to turn over ownership to if he just wants to wash his hands of it.

>> No.10959660
File: 238 KB, 1000x1414, 67beb42c5ac52e4a45c0e408b640825c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pours a 40 out for /ota/*

>> No.10959662
File: 18 KB, 736x317, tohno is an idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959663

/ota/dmin doesn't want to pay for your shitposting on that site. LMAO

>> No.10959666

He pulled the site because he was never planning to pay for the monthly hosting coming up. That's all there is to it.

>> No.10959667

In the end, there's no place like /jp/.


>> No.10959673

Who the fuck would want to pay for a site full of obnoxious tripfags and shitposters?

>> No.10959676

B-But muh circlejerking!!!


>> No.10959678

The level of shitposting in this thread. As I alwyas have suspected, /jp/ posters are on the same level of /a/ and /b/ users. Epic trollz etc. Why do I browse here again?

>> No.10959681
File: 131 KB, 470x710, sayacoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10959682

The board is shit, the users are shit, the mod is shit, the rules are shit.

I rather stay here to see what happens.

>> No.10959682,1 [INTERNAL] 


lmao fuken self ownage again!!!!!! do u ever stop this train wrekc that is ur life???

>> No.10959684

/ota/fags shitposting again? LOL!

>> No.10959687

Mental illness.

>> No.10959688

Who gives a shit, crawl back to the circlejerk hideout you came from.

>> No.10959689

because you were too gay for >>>/hm/ so they threw you out

>> No.10959691

Because you are a fucking retard.

>> No.10959692

Go circlejerk with your shitty trips and leave.

>> No.10959694
File: 57 KB, 436x328, 1369732221032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexual normals hate pedophilia though.

>> No.10959696


get out of /jp/

>> No.10959700

no LOL!!!!

>> No.10959701
File: 35 KB, 299x312, 47357574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959704
File: 31 KB, 628x503, epic board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10959705

No I'm a TruNeet and love Touhou I belong here.

>> No.10959706

/ota/fags getting buttowned to
HELL and back

>> No.10959710

that's my post

>> No.10959711

rused hard

>> No.10959712

kill yourself faglord

>> No.10959713

holy HELL, /ota/fags are so butthurt.

>> No.10959724

Congrats on the cute and lewd post. It inspired me to masturbate twice already.

>> No.10959717

Why has this cap been spammed on every single board for the last 24 hours?

>> No.10959719

But that's my post.

>> No.10959722

Don't fucking lie, I made it.

>> No.10959725

Because it's epic.

>> No.10959728

I feel bad for the /ota/ deletion because those vermin will probably get kicked out of toho and come back here.

>> No.10959729

I want to know too, why is everyone reposting my post? Even Sparky posted it on his website.

>> No.10959733

lol /ota/fags being sucked in a black hole of ownage.

>> No.10959734

..and it was in my thread

>> No.10959750
File: 591 KB, 860x905, 20740131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both lying, it was mine!

>> No.10959760

I welcome back that posters who left for /ota/. Seeing the kind of scum that replace them on /jp/ when they're gone has made me miss them.

>> No.10959760,1 [INTERNAL] 

Makes sense that the /a/utsits that ruined /ota/ towards the end are staying with their f/a/ggot friends on /tohno/.

>> No.10959760,2 [INTERNAL] 

owned HARD

>> No.10959760,3 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ was of very friendly place. This is sad...

>> No.10959760,4 [INTERNAL] 

They're welcome to it. Better than here.

>> No.10959760,5 [INTERNAL] 

What the fug

>> No.10959760,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why was I blocked 20 minutes before the thread was deleted?

>> No.10959760,7 [INTERNAL] 

"Wanna see something cool?"
Admin's famous last words.

Wanna see something REALLY cool?

>> No.10959760,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,9 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're a subhuman, duh.

>> No.10959760,10 [INTERNAL] 

Well f/a/gs want rules for every stupid shit.

>> No.10959760,11 [INTERNAL] 

fucking dominated

>> No.10959760,12 [INTERNAL] 

oh wait lol ;)

>> No.10959760,13 [INTERNAL] 

u madddddddd?

>> No.10959760,14 [INTERNAL] 

You guys wanna see something epic?

>> No.10959760,15 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not mad but I'll be emailing moot about this.

>> No.10959760,16 [INTERNAL] 

Imma whore xDDDDDDDDDDd

pls come inside me.

>> No.10959760,17 [INTERNAL] 

Ban evasion is against the rules.

>> No.10959760,18 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up, retard. I bet you're the janitor.
You're supposed to block me and then delete the thread.
Not block me and then wait fucking 20 minutes to delete the thread you incompetent retard.

>> No.10959760,19 [INTERNAL] 

I don't give a shit sorry. Go kill yourself.

>> No.10959760,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,21 [INTERNAL] 

Ban evasion is against the rules.

>> No.10959760,22 [INTERNAL] 

>Email from Siztra
>into the trash it goes.

>> No.10959760,23 [INTERNAL] 

We will see what the mods say on IRC.

>> No.10959760,24 [INTERNAL] 

I'll suck moot's cock then.

>> No.10959760,25 [INTERNAL] 

I'm getting on there right now to tell them that you're just an angry ban evader. Not only that, but you're also most likely under the age of 18, which is against the rules.

>> No.10959760,26 [INTERNAL] 

because you're retarded

>> No.10959760,27 [INTERNAL] 

You imposters are fucking annoying.

>> No.10959760,28 [INTERNAL] 

If I show proof you abused your powers then you'll lose your job :)

>> No.10959760,29 [INTERNAL] 

wow the rolling ownage in this thread is fucking amazing

>> No.10959760,30 [INTERNAL] 

>log onto ghost randomly
>everyone wants to imitate me
Greatest shitposter eva.

>> No.10959760,31 [INTERNAL] 

Nice try, but all of us mods abuse our powers, usually to piss off autists like you. This is 4chan, do you really think any of us give a shit?

>> No.10959760,32 [INTERNAL] 

And then I'll suck your dick.

>> No.10959760,33 [INTERNAL] 

Simple Epic

>> No.10959760,34 [INTERNAL] 

You can abuse me if you want.

>> No.10959760,35 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck siztra is seriously embarrassing his gay ass

>> No.10959760,36 [INTERNAL] 

All of these are imposters, by the way.

>> No.10959760,37 [INTERNAL] 

Go away, you imposters are starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.10959760,38 [INTERNAL] 


Holy HELL, the mods are abusive as shit.

>> No.10959760,39 [INTERNAL] 

<I_AM_ABIB> you and /jp/ are not being abused and this is not serious enough for me to go harass whoever failed to immediately delete the thread
<I_AM_ABIB> if this becomes a serial problem then you can drop by


>> No.10959760,40 [INTERNAL] 

But I like the abuse.

>> No.10959760,41 [INTERNAL] 

I'll suck your nerve if you know what I mean.

>> No.10959760,42 [INTERNAL] 

It's impossible for Abib to act like anything but a massive dickbutt.

>> No.10959760,43 [INTERNAL] 

Oops forgot my trip.

>> No.10959760,44 [INTERNAL] 

Chatlog of ABIB in 2011

<Kamina0ANIKI> Hi Abib.
<I_AM_ABIB> what
<Kamina0ANIKI> I was b& for a stupid reason again. Could you please unban me?
<I_AM_ABIB> uhh
<I_AM_ABIB> probably not
<I_AM_ABIB> explain nature of problem and give me your goddamn IP
<I_AM_ABIB> why do I even have to ask
<I_AM_ABIB> why do you make me type things
<I_AM_ABIB> this isn't fucking mcdonalds I am not here to take your order


>> No.10959760,45 [INTERNAL] 

ABIB acts like a phenomenal dick because he knows that anybody asking him anything about /jp/ is almost certainly a shitposter of some kind or another.

>> No.10959760,46 [INTERNAL] 

I like cocks.

>> No.10959760,47 [INTERNAL] 

This guy is known to have an eternally wedged metal pinecone up his ass 24/7. He acts like the stereotypical angry goon who just can't take it easy.

>> No.10959760,48 [INTERNAL] 

I know, he yelled at me when I was trying to appeal my ban a few months ago.

>> No.10959760,49 [INTERNAL] 

i don't think anybody could deal with whining posters every day for years and not be an angry uptight fag by the end

>> No.10959760,50 [INTERNAL] 

dongfix is cool but he quit his job.

>> No.10959760,51 [INTERNAL] 

that's because he IS a goon
just like all of moot's buttbuddies

>> No.10959760,52 [INTERNAL] 

What's your trip jizztra? I want to suck some cocks too!

>> No.10959760,53 [INTERNAL] 

I like it when I get abused by I_AM_ABIB. I wish he would do it more often.

>> No.10959760,54 [INTERNAL] 

It was posted in this thread earlier.

>> No.10959760,55 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to /jp/ you guys?

>> No.10959760,56 [INTERNAL] 

well obviously he couldn't take the concentrated whine and quit

it takes a truly uptight faggot to endure this long

>> No.10959760,57 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,58 [INTERNAL] 

I love you /ota/ ;-;

>> No.10959760,59 [INTERNAL] 

I love you /ota/ poster

>> No.10959760,60 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off subhumans.

>> No.10959760,61 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,62 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ as we knew it is dead
saya and sparky are mods for the new one

>> No.10959760,63 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck would make sparky a mod.

>> No.10959760,64 [INTERNAL] 

I would Sparky is true /ota/ user.

>> No.10959760,65 [INTERNAL] 

Can you stop impersonating me? I wouldn't make any /ota/ freaks a mod.

>> No.10959760,66 [INTERNAL] 

You're getting on my last nerve here, imposter. You /ota/fags might think it is funny to bully sparky, but she is probably the only good poster on /ota/.

>> No.10959760,67 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even like /ota/, the admin kept banning me for no reason.
I don't really care about Sparky either, the only good poster was the one that i always stole anime images from.

>> No.10959760,68 [INTERNAL] 

Oh so you've been stalking the pictures that I post to huh? You're one real dedicated stalker.

>> No.10959760,69 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,70 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10959760,71 [INTERNAL] 

Oops forgot my trip.

>> No.10959760,72 [INTERNAL] 

kill urself

>> No.10959760,73 [INTERNAL] 

You know why, give them back.

>> No.10959760,74 [INTERNAL] 

Pls no bully.

>> No.10959760,75 [INTERNAL] 

No. How about you do yourself in, imposter?

>> No.10959760,76 [INTERNAL] 

Don't make me pick up a new trip.

>> No.10959760,77 [INTERNAL] 

Don't make me pick up a new trip.

>> No.10959760,78 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, kill urself.


>> No.10959760,79 [INTERNAL] 

Nice photoshop skill, faggot. No one believes that you are me.

>> No.10959760,80 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10959760,81 [INTERNAL] 

As soon as you kill yourself, imposter.

>> No.10959760,82 [INTERNAL] 

f uck my c ock xDDDDD
