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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10946433 No.10946433 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10928175

What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
What have you finished?
You know the drill.

>> No.10946454 [DELETED] 
File: 510 KB, 407x628, tumblr_mmjnccXCdl1qzw06jo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just replayed Digital, now I'm replaying Analogue.

>> No.10946554 [SPOILER] 
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, We don't need suspension of disbelief where we're going son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finished Rakuen's main story few minutes ago.

This is some kind of joke, right? What the fucking, fuckity, fuck did I just read?
I don't even dislike genre shifts but this was so stupidly executed and full of ass pulls. The constant switch between comedic banter and hyper grimdark semi sci-fi grated me to no end.

Certainly a very "memorable" title with great production values but instead of exceeding or going below my expectations, the game went sort of "sideways" leaving only memories of a very awkward clusterfuck.

I just don't know anymore.

>> No.10946558 [DELETED] 

>VN General

Why is this here when >>>/vg/36607626

>> No.10946567


>> No.10946578


>> No.10946587

I think Rakuen needs its own thread

>> No.10946596

Is there anything else to talk about till next week?
I mean, with recursive hiding and all, it's not much of an annoyance.

>> No.10946605

OP is so fucking dated. Why do you even need it?

>> No.10946632


>> No.10946643

There’s no reason for it not to. General threads are shit.

>> No.10946648

For the people who have finished it so far, how long is Rakuen compared to the previous games in the series?

>> No.10946656

Then make your own thread for it? There's nothing in the rules that say everything has to go in the general thread. If /jp/ wants it, they will respond.

>> No.10946678

The main route is not very long. Way shorter than Kajitsu, and somewhat shorter than the Meikyuu main part. It took me about 21 hours of reading to finish it.

>> No.10946700

It was all good up until that point. That really screwed it up for me so I'm acting as if that scene never happened.

Switch from Yuuji killing what you thought was the real Oslo to the shit on the island.

Makes me happy enough

>> No.10946812 [SPOILER] 
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole last part was something straight out of Metal Gear Solid 4.

Hacker otaku? Check.
Huge floating motherbase? Check.
Duel against the evil clone? Check.
Who gives the main character a syringe filled with Booster Drug *cough* nanomachines *cough* to even the odds? Check.
Evil AI / consciousness controlling the world through wars? Check.
War economy / war is needed for human survival? Check.

>> No.10946897
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>> No.10946924

Never played a VN before. Where to start?

>> No.10946949
File: 1012 KB, 1286x749, QQ截图20130526144929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10946947

on >>>/vg/

>> No.10946952


>> No.10946972

Worst VN that's been translated


>> No.10946985

The fuck school students doing in this story?

>> No.10947015 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 1600x900, throw that shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organizing an assault on a high-level government prison transport

>> No.10947047
File: 312 KB, 560x400, violent semen inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


worst in terms of translation quality, CG quality, plot/story quality, originality, or all of them?

>> No.10947070

Plot/story quality

If we just list off shitty nukige then we'll be here all day

>> No.10947099

Michiru sure spends a lot of time vomiting in this game.

>> No.10947104

you say that as if we wouldn't be staying here all day and night anyway.

For sole Plot/story quality, I'd say chaos;head takes the cake. The writers start to run out of ideas very shortly after the chapter 6 climax, and then completely run out of ideas and then have the audacity to say it's an "A/A+" end.....

>> No.10947129

How's that game? I forgot to get it when it comes out. Good story between brother/sister is always a good thing.

>> No.10947134

Why someone would translate an OELVN in the first place is beyond me.

>> No.10947199

I was disappointed with Chaos;Head as well, but I don't think it can really compare to some of the truly awful shit that's was translated back in the old days. Have a look through JAST's catalog, or some of Insani's projects. Even excluding nukige, there's a lot of utter garbage in there.

>> No.10947228

I'm only about 1/3 of the whole game, but i'm loving it.

>> No.10947465

What the fucking shit.

>> No.10948214 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, 687565483212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just marathoned Rakuen and I have to say 10/10 series. Would read again.

I just hope Frontwing doesn't try and drag it on for longer... especially since there was a bit of a hint for a game following Asako's past. I'd rather they start a new series.

Also pic related made me laugh bigtime. Damn you Frontwing!

>> No.10948231

Some nukige was really fun too read like some old school shit like shion,GIBO,etc.

>> No.10948239
File: 655 KB, 1280x720, plzhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojounana is way too wacky at times.

I love it.

>> No.10948240

This vn sounds fucking awesome. translate it please.

>> No.10949092

Did a new hero of Nippon step up yet and announce he would deliver nukige unto us?

>> No.10949100

I should be done with Grisaia soon, after that time for Naname.
I'm honestly pretty excited about it

>> No.10949135


was looking forward to playing LOあんぐる

>> No.10949139

It surely looks interesting, I saw some screenshots on what was basically a discussion about Abenomics and loans and that piqued my interest.

I have too much of a backlog to start it though...

>> No.10949356
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, Route Where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan disk with Maia route when?

>> No.10949477

I want to masturbate to new nukige...

>> No.10949881

This is popular around these parts.

>> No.10950045

Is it released now?
Wow, I've been waiting for this for 8 years since they announce the project.
Thank you for reminding me<33333

>> No.10950070

That's not NEW you goddamn piece of shit!

>> No.10950071 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 600x224, grisaia ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Yuuji, you are the demons. And then Yuuji was Onslow

Bad jokes aside, I have to say I was positively surprised. I expected the whole thing to fall apart at some point but aside from a few raised eyebrows here and there I felt it was rather well done. It was also nice how none of the scenes dragged out for too long, which has ruined some VNs for me in the past.

Worthy finish for the series in my opinion. But there was just something missing. I wasn't bored while reading but there wasn't just any of that feel that makes your hands swear and feel excited about what's going to happen next. Although I thought the previous games were great, they weren't really my biggest favorites either. That opinion didn't change much with the finale.

>> No.10950117

In a good (and bad) way Rakuen followed the same line as the previous titles even though it went for a crazier plot line this time, the people who liked or disliked the previous titles won't change their opinion there.

Well personally I love the cast so damn much as I was just really happy to see them again so I'm pretty much biased, I could watch these characters go on adventure forever without getting bored, definitely one of my favorite eroge cast.
I do think that Rakuen could have been a bit longer though

>> No.10950151

There any Adam and Eve plot VNs where it's the protagonist on the world alone with his own sister?

Because that would be cool.

>> No.10950154

No, but there's plenty of VNs where the protagonist fucks his sister.

>> No.10950159

Hmmm, how about just any plain ole Adam and Eve plot VNs? At least I can be satisfying knowing my kids are forced to inbreed.

>> No.10950213

i'm playing umineko no naku koro ni, it's pretty interesting
btw, why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.10950219

What was the writer smoking when he thought this was a good idea?

>> No.10950223 [DELETED] 

intel for games
amd for photo editing

it's stupid to be brand loyal to gigantic cooperations who don't care about you and just want your money

>> No.10950244

The same kind he smoked when he wrote Draculius

>> No.10950273

Holy shit, I just noticed that next year is going to be nitro+ 15th anniversary.

... Nitro+, everything will be forgiven if there's a new game from motherfucking Narahara.

>> No.10950324 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1279x719, sachi is best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the main route of Rakuen, enjoyed it greatly, had a couple of issues with some bits but overall a great way to finish the trilogy, harem ending was really fitting too.
Also I need to thank it for the reminder that Sachi is the best girl of them all, even if Michiru had my favourite romantic moment during it kiss before the last mission.

>> No.10950545


>> No.10950595

where is my free nukige

>> No.10950677

>the actual routes are just plain badly written
Didn't even read the rest of the review, this guy can't fucking exist.

>> No.10950698

>a couple of the twists would've been appropriate for a Doctor Who episode
Oh Ixrec

>> No.10950706

I can't wait to see Moogy's reaction.

>> No.10950722

You know, when I first heard about ItsuSora, every review of it I've seen was a negative one. It wasn't until I came to /jp/ that I've seen people enjoying it, which became one of the reasons I still read this thread despite having no time to read VNs.

Basically, I'm not surprised such reviews still exist.

>> No.10950732

Well the reasons it gets some hate in Japan is pretty different, Shumon basically trolled a bunch of moefags and they get buthhurt easily.

This review though makes it seem like Ixrec is unable to actually have emotions or something, he is like a machine

>> No.10950743

Ixrec can barely read Japanese so it's not surprising that game completely baffled him

>> No.10950838

Hm, I kinda want to start playing another eroge after finishing Rakuen, maybe Naname or Reminiscence's trial...

Anyone here knows how long was the trial?

>> No.10950864

It wasn't that long, 2 hours or so.

Naname had a pretty good trial so I'll try it next personally

>> No.10950908 [SPOILER] 
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, capture_035_27052013_082631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is a lot hotter than I expected it would be.

>> No.10950917


>> No.10951263
File: 327 KB, 1296x758, grisaia3_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the comedy keeps being A-class I could even forget about the story

>> No.10951272

Someone has taken pity upon us and started uploading that new Squeez titsge on Share at least.

>> No.10951283

That was one of the lewdest plot-focused games I've read.

>> No.10951286

Finished Rakuen just 20 minutes ago - for the main story I liked how the main writer kept it focused and not dragged even though he had quite a few opportunities to do so for some more full-powered actions. I can't help but when he wrote those with lightly interactions in mind in how to do the emotion train ride - ie, what sold grisaia (kajitsu/meikyuu) as the core. Thus he probably held off stringing a little longer for plot purpose. Yes, I do linger perhaps a little more story into Oslo's camp but by no means unsatisfied. Very emjoyable, no regret following this series with anticipation. Honestly I didn't think of the first title (kajitsu) much just from the usual description until a few fellower /jp/er started a little discussion. Thank you fellows!

Sachi (whole series) reaffirms her place as one of the two personal favourite maids in VN (other one being Tsuki from akatsuki no goei).

Long weekend came so handy. Now I need to finish other bits before Reminiscence come out later this week.

>> No.10951327

I'm amazed at /jp/'s ability to take Rakuen's plot seriously.

>> No.10951497 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 1277x718, rakuen after end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending of Rakuen after was... unexpected to say the least, can't believe Michiru just came and swept the floor with the rest of the candidates thanks to her stupidity.
Can't say I complain with the result.

I've been reading rakuen all day and I'm finally done with it, prologue was really sweet and well done too even if Yumiko is my least favourite of the main heroines.

>> No.10951547

I didn't know she was the main heroine!

>> No.10951553 [SPOILER] 
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, capture_172_27052013_014006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most people who failed to shut down their brains simply.. broke while reading Rakuen.
It's like a parody of itself.

Mother of mercy. Well she did announce her メインヒロイン特権 on the ship. The whole game and other stuff like this make me wonder if the writer just went mad after Meikyuu.

>> No.10951568
File: 253 KB, 1286x748, 406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that Rakuen would be insane since I did Draculius before.
Fujisaki's idea of a plot obviously mean batshit insane shit happening left and right.
Can't say I hate this style, and this suits Grisaia perfectly anyways.

>> No.10951581

Yumiko gained a lot of points for me in Rakuen, it finally felt like she was part of the group.
There is a scene early on where she pats Makina on the head that was really heartwarming too, it really showed how much her character evolved.

>> No.10951614

Wasn't the series supposed to be serious or something?

>> No.10951631

She can't be the only one right? I always thought the series would end with a threesome between Amane/Kazuki and Yuuji.

>> No.10951622

Yes, she really developed throughout rakuen, but she was in a more or less decent state regarding the other girls considering prologue, her main problem in kajitsu was Yuuji, so rakuen really comes off as her natural result in terms of development taking the rest in consideration.
Exactly, some parts were so crazy I couldn't help but enjoy them, also how it slowly evolves from small to big scale events, which was pretty fitting.

>> No.10951644

Grisaia has a complete harem end, Yuuji fucks them all. Michiru is the first one to get pregnant since she is too stupid to use birth control.

>> No.10951650

While mass pregnancy plan isn't discarded because Kazuki is Kazuki and she loves scheming Yuuji said he'd decide his wife on basis on who gets pregnant first and that was dead last in the Kazuki's 'who should Yuuji's wife be ?'ranking.

>> No.10951661

Even if it's "crazy" I don't see how generic sci-fi and terrorist tropes can be worthy of the score it has on EGS and VNDB.

>> No.10951674


>> No.10951675

Smart people know that execution is everything

>> No.10951681

People like the cast and execution, not to mention that to read the last part of a trilogy you have to have read the last two games so obviously only fans are left?

Wish I could enter EGS to score it, fucking proxies not working.

>> No.10951688

There's this thing called suspension of disbelief

>> No.10951691

Yeah and execution is the key to make everything work.
Your point?

>> No.10951692

So, what's the score in EGS anyway?

>> No.10951699

85 median with 136 ratings so far.

>> No.10951705

lolsc-fi xD isn't "working", in my opinion.

>> No.10951725

Saying something doesn't work without even seeing it works is a pretty stupid attitude, in my opinion.
This kind of attitude that consist of going "omg it has this trope this must be shit" isn't how I work at the very least.

>> No.10951798

Good taste Japan.

Both the Grisaia and Akatsuki no Goei series are god-tier in terms of characters/humor. I don't really think you can't find much better in the eroge scene.

Let's hope reminiscence is also worthy (plz no more rushed endings)

>> No.10951807
File: 547 KB, 1280x720, capture_014_26052013_192329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rakuen's execution wasn't exactly stellar. The antagonists were made up of forgettable cliches with almost zero characterization or screen time, most twists are simple ass pulls instead of receiving proper foreshadowing and the constant shift between hyper serious and comedy even during Yuuji's slaughter fun on Tartaros just makes it more of a clusterfuck.

I agree with >>10951568
If you can stomach all the shit that's happening and not dwell on it too long you'll still get out a good, memorable experience out of the game. I think the main problem was that that at least the two previous games "tried" to be believable while Rakuen takes it to a whole new level.

>> No.10951844

They've had all the time in the world fro Reminiscence, I hope it actually delivers, Akatsuki was 5 disappointments on average per main entry.

>> No.10951854

Well at least I know what to get out of the Grisaia's anime adaption now.

>> No.10951869

I don't know if Kinugasa can write a good plot and drama though.
To be honest the drama in Akatsuki was just horrible, the only part where I was actually satisfied by the serious part of the game was during the flashback in the FD

>> No.10951944
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, bitchqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the Prologue chapter last was a good way to finish the trilogy. Gave a nice nostalgic feeling of things coming full circle for the reader.

Can't deny that this was an entertaining read and the characters were as good as always but I thought the plot itself was total garbage to be honest. Kazuki ruined any kind of tension and excitement the story could have had by providing the perfect plan for every situation for absolutely everyone during the entire duration of the game, absolutely everything that happens in Rakuen is all according to Keikaku, all the time. I don't think there was even a single instance of something going wrong without Kazuki having at least 6 fail-safe mechanisms ready. Thank god she stayed the fuck away from the finale because she would have ruined that too.

>I don't know if Kinugasa can write a good plot and drama though.
Don't see why not, the trial for Reminiscence was fucking great and interesting drama only works with interesting character interaction which he sure has down to a science.

>> No.10951984

>Don't see why not
Well he failed to do this in 2 games, including one that was supposed to be the serious part of the trilogy

>> No.10952027

So it's a 10/10 games then.

>> No.10952029

The flashback in the FD is one of the best parts of the entire trilogy and the final part of Shuumatsuron was good until the credits started rolling out of fucking nowhere so I can't exactly see where you're coming from.

>> No.10952170

That's why I wrote 2. The flashback part of the FD was great I agree.
Though the final part of Shuumatsuron was basically done as a digest so I can't really agree to it being good

>> No.10952421

It's new if you haven't played it.

>> No.10952493

Thinking about it, there is one mystery they haven't revealed in Grisaia yet.
Who is Mao, the person who paid the guys who attacked Yuuji during the common part of Kajitsu?
I don't think it was revealed anywhere

>> No.10952508

The CG belonged to Makina's route in the set I believe, so that's the answer I suppose.

>> No.10952576

It was part of her event, that's why it's in her set.
Considering how scared she was and how traumatized she is about losing people close to her I don't think she could have done something like this.

>> No.10952584

I meant her mother or something similar, you know how much of a bitch Kiyoka is.

>> No.10952600

Watch as they announce a new anime series written by Narahara

>> No.10952690


I want to cry if urobuchi pull him away from vn to write a full anime series since the short-attention needs of the anime feels pretty incompatible to his writing style (though supposely urobuchi got him to write an ep of gargantia?).

>> No.10952709

The festival episode, I think, really cute and fanservice-y.

>> No.10952711

>(though supposely urobuchi got him to write an ep of gargantia?
Which episode?

>> No.10952719

Only if it's about Red Guy and Blue Guy fighting.

>> No.10952930

If they do, I will personally fly to Japan, buy some brass knuckles from yakuza, and stand awkwardly outside of Nitroplus's office building for ten minutes before walking away in embarrassment.

>> No.10953036

Pretty sure Kaihou Norimitsu (Jingai Makyou novels) isn't Narahara.

>> No.10953280
File: 915 KB, 1280x720, tfwnobucketexcercisesinimas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This idol stuff sure does seem detached from the rest of the game.

>> No.10953340
File: 363 KB, 1288x827, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10953358

What did Nahara write?

>> No.10953367

Ojousama-ge? Kinda reminds me of Noble Works.

>> No.10953585

I hate "beach episodes" in high school centered eroge so fucking much. It's even more hackneyed than the whole high school setting itself. Nothing kills my motivation more than this stuff.

>> No.10953623

how about pool?

>> No.10953682

You never went to the beach with your friends in high school?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10953709

Gotta show off them mizugis somehow

>> No.10953722


>> No.10953877

No I never drove over 400 miles to get to the nearest beach to go with my non-existent friends when I can't swim.

>> No.10953981
File: 548 KB, 801x602, nishizaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys is there any route for her at tsuyokiss,2gakki or 3gakki? most likely not,but she is pretty cute i really want a route for her.By the way one more question,does nagomi have 2 different seiyuu or just me? after entering deredere scenes the voice was pretty different but not sure if its same person or different.

>> No.10954326

Last night I tried to play Konosora FD, but whenever the OP movie was supposedly to show, the thing just stops responding and nothing happens.
I tried to update my codec with K-Lite 9.9.0 but it seems that using LAV worsens the problem by giving it error.
Anyone played Konosora FD without problems?
What codec did you use?

>> No.10954363
File: 45 KB, 512x398, japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to download a VN and I can't get it to work. The game window opens up for about 3 seconds and then closes again. I've downloaded CCCP, disabled my firewalls, my system locale is set to Japanese, and I've restarted my computer. Is there anything else I can do?

I was wondering if it was something wrong in the install too, this is a message that comes up when I install it.

>> No.10954487

I think mine was k-lite 8.6.0 when I played that.

>> No.10954851

That's much older than my previous codec (9.4.0). Ok, I'll try it later.

>> No.10955144
File: 233 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing couple days ago. Not like I wasn't expecting it but still feels like a huge deus ex that a morning glory actually appeared. Too bad they failed, heh.

>> No.10956513
File: 594 KB, 1288x827, decisions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn

>> No.10956916

The three on the right are sadists
The two on the left are masochists

>> No.10957135
File: 599 KB, 798x599, No text here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have experience with Moe Moe 2 ji Taisen?
I have had it on my HDD for years and now I decided to install it. The problem is that I don't see the text. This seems like a font issue, so what default font the game uses or how do I change it?
Btw, I'm under japanese locale.

>> No.10957284

Does anyone have the link to the video on nico which shows 2chan's top eroge openings of the year . 2012 or 2013 I really don't mind which one.

>> No.10957382

I wish someone translated those games

>> No.10957408

Just noticed the Xbox360 Phantom is getting a PC port.


>> No.10957409

I might actually want to read it then.

>> No.10957445

I wish I didn't read the god-awful English version back in the day. It probably won't be worth reading it anymore knowing all the major twists

>> No.10957498

Oh how I hoped for this.

They're not adding the ero back in though, are they?

>> No.10957530

The issue still persists even after downloading 2 gigs of japanese fonts.
I'm stumped.

>> No.10957538

Hook it with ITH/AGTH and see if it catches the text.

>> No.10957545

Have you set your times and shit to japanese too? Not just the non-unicode settings.

>> No.10957568

I'm finally playing my first untranslated VN: makoto sensei no juunan. Too bad it's so small.

>> No.10957613

Good idea.
There are actually calls to write out text. Albeit awkward, it's playable now.

It didn't help.

Seems like this wasn't a simple font issue at all. It might be a problem with my OS, which is not in english and some not properly coded programs often have issues with displaying non-ASCII characters similar to mojibake.
Thanks for the suggestions though.

>> No.10957667

>Too bad it's so small.

I think it's a good thing, you'll missunderstand a few things anyway and the bigger the VN is the more damage it does.

I'm currently re-reading some of my first untranslated VNs and it's hilarious how much stuff I got wrong.

>> No.10957679

I dove straight into Dies Irae for my first untranslated VN and I think I understood it pretty well. He fucks his mother, right?

>> No.10957678

Does Eustia have an OP movie, and when does it play?

>> No.10957702

When chapter 1 ends I think.

>> No.10957711

Alright, I was thinking there might be a problem that caused videos not to play back and I might be missing out.

>> No.10957719

It's at the end of the prologue right before Fione's chapter starts.

>> No.10957802

Does this mean no more eroge? ;_;

>> No.10957811

No, it just means they will start having to come up with more creative setting and characters than high school.

>> No.10957820

yes, no more chinese porn for you

>> No.10957830

Eroge is from Japan, baka gaijin.

>> No.10957829

Can't they just all be 3rd years before graduation who technically are 18?

>> No.10957834

But then how will they make senpai heroines?

>> No.10957837

Maybe they'll make the high schools like the one in konosora where it's something like 5 years and goes until they're 20.

>> No.10957839

How awful.

>> No.10957843

Expect a lot of eroge set in "special" schools for "special" students that are a couple of years behind on their peers.
Retard 19 year old girl moe

>> No.10957858

Or just do it like Grisaia and start fitting students in grades disregarding their actual age.

>> No.10957865

Or just stop with the fucking high schools but I guess that's too fucking hard.

>> No.10957877

Plot twist: this bill is the government trying to force the companies to make more creative porn in a roundabout way.

>> No.10957890

RIP Tanuki Soft, Complets and Tryset

>> No.10957895

Eeeh, i thought it's the same

>> No.10957909

No man, China is an island off the coast of Japan, like Holland and the Netherlands.

>> No.10957913

They have their charm, but universities are a lot more interesting in most regards. Also characters can drive and shit, that's entertaining because car sex is so underused.

>> No.10957919

>Also characters can drive and shit
They're still going to be set in Japan. Don't try to stretch things too far.

>> No.10957924

You can't have virgin heroines in university though so that would plummet half the sales.

>> No.10957927
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, Ogiso.Setsuna.full.911293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a bad person and a liar.

>> No.10957929

Why not? There's still a lot of virgin girls 1st year at uni.
And it's not like eroge goes for realism. This is the industry that makes succubus and prostitutes virgins.

>> No.10957934

Well there's games like Eustia with prostitute heroines even.

>> No.10957937

They weren't heroines. They just had bonus ero scenes.

>> No.10957935

I think it's too early to be worried about it but if the worst case happens then eroge companies may seriously have to put together some bullshit to get around it.

That blanket law on anime/manga which passed a while back never really did much but get a few series cancelled when it came out in the end. At least I've barely heard of it doing anything.

>> No.10957939

They now put horrible censor bars on pantyshots which gets removed on BD releases.

>> No.10957947

No, not on pantyshots no.

>> No.10957943

Didn't that always happen?

>> No.10957972

I don't get all that thing about virginity etc.
/jp/s does someone like bitches and whores?

>> No.10957973

More eroge like Parfait, Chocolat and WA2 is always welcome.

>> No.10957992

More games with terrible art?

>> No.10957998

I don’t really like the defloration scenes because blood is icky.

>> No.10958133

Wasn't something like this already happen with rape and such as the subject? But the games are still coming right?

>> No.10958146

Those are self censorship, not a government one.

>> No.10958327

In the case this does come into effect what the hell are they going to do with all the old games, manga and anime? Establish a fucking government agency for harvesting and burning all the immoral material released so far?

Likely it'll end up being similar to whole genitalia censoring deal. Technically "illegal" but no one will care unless you wave it at their faces.

>> No.10958356
File: 43 KB, 480x361, s2wn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wave your ochinchin at someone's face

>> No.10958763

Frankly put, I don't really care. But then again, I'm a guy who likes reverse rape and corruption.

>> No.10958771

>reverse rape and corruption
In combination?

>> No.10958994

The one voiced by Kazane didn't seem like much of a masochist to me.
The one in the middle certainly seemed like one though.

>> No.10959060

As someone who enjoys masochistic, submissive girls, is this game worth my time?

>> No.10959087

I'd assume so. According to the summary the blonde and redhead are sadists, blue and silver are masochists and brown appears to be a sadist on the outside but is a masochist on the inside.

>> No.10959516

bump i guess

>> No.10959590

Of course. It's a bit difficult finding one with both of them so I usually just settle with one of them.

>> No.10959670
File: 387 KB, 800x600, gendumplsgoforever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always gendum

>> No.10961506

It's Peas soft so no.

>> No.10961736
File: 632 KB, 1023x600, 茅野.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda creeps me out when she's happy.

>> No.10961782

Is there any thing good to play yet? I wanna date some school girls.

>> No.10961830

Wouldn't Lovely Cation 2 fit your order then?

>> No.10961836

There is no real scenario or anything to it though. I may as well just look at CGs.

>> No.10961884

That's a weird as fuck opinion to have when it comes to eroge. Especially if you just "wanna date some schoolgirls".

>> No.10961899

Well, what kind of scenario do you expect from the concept of dating school girls? Struggling against a world ending threat? War between rival factions?

And Jesus Christ, Anon-chan, either play through the game in question and earn those CGs like a man or don't look at them at all.

>> No.10961902

Lovely Cation is essentially a nukige. I just wanna play something like Tuyokiss or Akane Iro or Hoshimemo.
Reminiscence looks interesting but still a bit before that is out.

>> No.10961908

Plenty of games set in school have good scenarios.

Also reading higher up in this thread and it's sad people are actually giving that ann article attention.

>> No.10961977

>Lovely Cation is essentially a nukige
I wish.
And you're all over the place with stuff like Akane Iro and Reminiscence.

>> No.10961995

The vast majority of the CGs are ero. There may as well be no scenario. The only people with sprites are the heroines. It's pretty much a nukige.

>you're all over the place with stuff like Akane Iro and Reminiscence.
How? Those are games where you romance school girls.

>> No.10962028

>The vast majority of the CGs are ero.
Yeah, that's the case for about 95% of eroge. Are you being serious right now, I can't tell. And there might as well be no scenario with a generic moege like Akane Iro, so what.
>Those are games where you romance school girls.
No shit, you romance schoolgirls in fucking everything in this medium. So when you say that you want a game where you date schoolgirls people are going to assume you want something like LxC, it's a great, fitting recommendation really, so people will be confused when you go all "Nooo, I'm looking for stuff like these random moege and oh yeah, Reminiscence looks great too!"

>> No.10962045

Probably a crossboarder from /vn/ namedropping shit he hasn't played.

>> No.10962050

I've played Lovely Cation 2. It's an ok game. But it's just a nukige. I only wanted something with a bit more substance. Why exactly are you getting so upset?

>> No.10962053

Looks like someone is uploading LO-Angle on FN. This is good news as I need my little brown girl fix.

>> No.10962066

I like her yandere side

>> No.10962068

Playing through Kamidori right now, and it made me realize how much I like Rino Kawashima's voice, ever since I first heard it in G-Senjou and Kira Kira. Any good (TL'ed) VNs with her as a heroine?

>> No.10962084

Making some sense when asking for recommendations really is kind of important.

>> No.10962086

Learn japanese and you will never run out of games to play that feature her


>> No.10962088

You'll probably want to ask /vg/, but I think Subahibi was/is getting translated? She's great in that.

>> No.10962137

I really loved her once but the first time you hear her in 5 different eroge released in the same month you just know it's not going to last.

I hope Kiritani Hana won't turn into this.

>> No.10962162

I only just started Eustia but this seems like it’s going to be a nice read. Interesting setting, voiced protag, the character art is decent butbut some male characters look dweeby, nice BGM.
Melt’s got a nice smirk.

>> No.10962177

I like to take a "break" when I've heard a certain VA too much, but I know what you mean. Though I have a hard time seeing the super popular VAs truly running out of work unless it's something personal.

I mean look at >>10956513

Kazane, Kawashimarino, Isshiki Hikaru, Natsuno Koori.

>> No.10962346

Come on, like /vg/ knows seiyuu. You guys are a little too trigger happy with directing anyone who mentions translations to /vg/.

>> No.10962396

>like /vg/ knows seiyuu
Like I know what is or isn't translated. Kawashima is in everything so just just choose random eroge and there is a damn good chance she voices a character. If that doesn't work for translated eroge then that's about as far as my advice can go unfortunately.

>> No.10962434

the first 3/4 of Rakuen is okay, nothing too out of expectation
but the rest of it is just...WTF?

>> No.10962570

The wtf-ness was the best thing about it. I didn't feel it delivered on the kind of excitement that makes your heart pump faster so at least let me have a Metal Gear Solid ending that makes it at least somewhat memorable.

>> No.10962605

お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ is a lot of fun, some pretty awesome heroines, especially Nanami. That girl is a totally adorable weirdo.

>> No.10962661
File: 146 KB, 1300x782, awfulroute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just switch off the <insert VA> voice every few VN to relieve your listening fatigue, really not much to be done. Or go through some of the older VN with little to no voiceover.

Going through 終奏のオーグメント - aka the coda of the main Augment story. As it's a fandisk rather than a coda like say WA2, ero/cgs were quickly threw together. The teacher route should just be skipped entirely using ctrl button - very weak excuse to score her. The three main heroines gets a little more afterstory which really weren't much consider the main attraction is the sister/augment route. Pretty average fandisk and forgettable, I guess I can't hope for something substantial like hoshimemo's.

>> No.10962676

I for one can't switch off one heroine/main characters if all the others are voiced. Somehow I have no problems with unvoiced protagonists since I just imagine a tone for him but if it's about heroine I really feel the hole left by no voice.
It's a curse, I couldn't even switch Al's voice off in MK

>> No.10962739

Oh my god I KNOW.

Why so few college-set eroge? Most of the ones that spring to mind are nukige.

>> No.10962741


I think you overestimate virginitytards.

>> No.10962743

Otaku with low self-esteem.

>> No.10962748

shut up you

>> No.10962769 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1280x745, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10962784

spoilers dude

>> No.10962793

I have downloaded Kamidori since February 2012

and now its almsot June 2013 and I havent played it

Should I play it? the last /vn/ I played was Katawa Shoujo in Jan 2012

>> No.10962815
File: 308 KB, 800x898, 1298642336914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice LEGO-arm there, girly

>> No.10962851

no you shut up

>> No.10962861

Ok everyone just SHUT UP and suck my dick right now ok?

>> No.10962926


If you were pleased with KS, why not. It's not a down step or so.

>> No.10963530
File: 416 KB, 1024x576, capture_030_15052013_190750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering about what to play after Rakuen. Sukimazakura didn't really manage to keep me interested enough and currently I'm only looking forward to Totono.

Dangling between taking it easy, finishing the rest of LxC2 routes or trying to clean my backlog instead.

>> No.10963573

>What are you playing?

>What are you looking forward to?
Monster Girl Quest 3 and complete translation of Yandere

>> No.10963575
File: 78 KB, 878x748, concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10964441

That's Bradyon Veda?
Nice that they want to do action but I hope the writer and production values will follow too

>> No.10964539
File: 74 KB, 799x599, hoshimemo EH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading the Hoshimemo FD since I had it saved up for quite a while.
I'm only planning on reading her after, but it really reminds me why she was my favorite girl, everything about their romance is so incredibly cute. They really needed a real route with more icha icha and less drama.

>> No.10964550
File: 651 KB, 1000x619, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's Bradyon Veda.
http://www.akatsukiworks.com/product/bv/top.html (gaijin block)

>> No.10967442
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, 427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10967544
File: 269 KB, 1286x752, 0001 Nov. 23 22.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anybody got the full eng patch for Gisaia?
http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Grisaia_no_Kajitsu the download link is broken

>> No.10967549

This was made by a fake account

>> No.10967551

I finished HaruKuru in one go today. Was pretty good. I like how warm and happy it gets towards the end instead of pulling a chuuni BAD END.

And Akio is so fucking cute. I fucking love Rino's super obvious voice.

>> No.10967793

The sukebei torrents of Kajitsu seem to lack cracks, does someone have a proper crack?

>> No.10967810

I don't remember applying cracks.

>> No.10967840

Oh damn how did I miss this. This is like an april 1st joke, except it isn’t. How… awful.

>> No.10967861

I like how Fuwanovel is put there as 'the' fantranslation site and TLwiki not even mentioned

>> No.10967875

and of course, this
>Season of the Sakura. It was originally released in 1996, was translated into English in 2002, and is apparently one of the greatest visual novels of all time

>> No.10967878


That's the main part that made me discard this article in its entirety.

>> No.10967883

Hey, to be fair, aeru tries to clear up the confusion in the comments!

>> No.10967897

Western magazine writes nonsense article about eroge, wow I'm shocked. Make a thread about it I'm sure you'll find many people who actually give a shit.

Now, Reminiscence comes out tomorrow, guess it's a good time to stay the fuck away from discussion boards. Pretty sure people can't wait to spoil absolutely everything about Kaito's appearance and the plot in general.

>> No.10967898 [DELETED] 

>Season of the Sakura
He played an old game with plagiarized characters.
Actually I don't take he played it at all, it takes less than 10 hours to get to the hscene in that game. That game was short.

>> No.10967903

>Season of the Sakura
He played a 17 year old game with plagiarized characters.
Actually I don't think he played it at all, it takes less than 10 hours to get to the hscene in that game. That game was short.

>> No.10967920

Is not like it will get uploaded on first day

>> No.10967922

People will probably take advantage of that and spam spoilers from people with a physical copy.

>> No.10967928

That happened only with Grisaia, probably because of the huge hype surrounding the game. Past games were almost never spoiled out in the open like that

>> No.10967925

Just don't visit 2ch.

>> No.10967933

Reminiscence has been hyped pretty much too dude.

>> No.10967935

I hope someone uploads the Tokuten.

>> No.10967940

I know it's doubtful, but I hope it does because I have to work the weekend.

>> No.10967943

wat, everything that is worth spoilering is spoilered on release date. Doubly so with a high-profile release like Reminiscence. If you don't want to get spoilered you stay away from places that talk about eroge, it has always been like that.

>> No.10967954

I've always seen people use black bars in this thread. It's probably different in other boards, maybe you're thinking about those cases?

>> No.10967961

In most cases what you get is a wall of black bars when discussing. The people who don't bother with spoilers are just trying to ruin it for others, like that one guy with Rakuen a bit back.

Probably can't be helped though since it was a pretty high profile release as others said.

>> No.10967975

The only way it has a chance of showing up on release date is over Share and that's not going to happen.

>> No.10967994

On freenet I mean, not share.

>> No.10967991

I think reminiscence and chusinggura will be uploaded.

Maybe this one too


>> No.10968017

I think DC3R is guaranteed to appear too.

>> No.10968030

Of course it's going to be uploaded, probably sooner rather than later, just not tomorrow.

>> No.10968048

Looks like Da Capo is already on PD

>> No.10968361

Looks like Kyo still release on PD, that's a good news since he upload a lot of interesting stuffs.

>> No.10968489

Spoilers for Reminiscence are already out so people beware.

>> No.10968505 [DELETED] 
File: 660 KB, 1296x779, www.dotup.org4236039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoilered just in case but it's not a spoiler.
The CG page of Reminiscence, looks like this will be a short game

>> No.10968507

It’s funny because you forgot to spoiler.

>> No.10968510 [SPOILER] 
File: 660 KB, 1296x779, www.dotup.org4236039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is
Reminiscence CG page, nothing that spoiler the ttitle

>> No.10968512


>> No.10968934

Kazuha route fucking where?
So it's already out?

>> No.10968945

Freenet takes like a week for pirates.

>> No.10968949


>> No.10968955

I bet the ero will be half ass and idiot will still buy it

>> No.10968963

Cool, now I'll actually bother playing this game. But not until after I'm done with everything else this month.

>> No.10968986

I greatly enjoy pirating stuff from Circus. Even though I don't give a shit about DC3 even with the porn.

Whatever, waiting warmly for Reminiscence.

>> No.10969385

I hope not having many CGs doesn't imply that it's seriously going to have an abrupt ending like Akagoei.

>> No.10969414

The amount of CGs has never implied anything ever.

>> No.10969431

Well some people already finished it in 2ch, by their account it's about the same length as the first Akatsuki

>> No.10969427

Except the amount of porn

>> No.10969445

Nire in kanishino had like 6 porn CGs and 9 actual scenes.

>> No.10969438

I think each heroine has 3 hscenes each + 1 additional hscene per hscene on the tokuten.

All routes?

>> No.10969447


>> No.10969455

Sucks for you pirate scum

>> No.10969459

So it really is the new akatsuki no goei, down to the routes?

>> No.10969456

The h-scenes are supposedly extremely short, like Akatsuki basically.

>> No.10969466

I don't care about that I care more if its that short or not.

>> No.10969473

I didn't read the spoiler pertaining to the plot itself, well the guy posting was nice enough not to spoil anything
Anyways it's definitely not very long but that mean nothing about the quality of the game itself, still hoping for something good

>> No.10969479

How long was the first Akatsuki? It has been far too long to remember how long it took for me to read it.

Also any news on whether or not it ends on a satisfying note?

>> No.10969486

Quite short, the routes were like 2-3 hours tops.

>> No.10969489

Every game gets "finished" on release date by some people no matter the length.
And for some reason we always have someone who is all like "whaat, so short?". Where do you people always come from.

>> No.10969501

yeah yeah blah blah on
now go away
its barely release day

>> No.10969499

I'm amazed by the people who manage to achieve that for some games. The only exception to the rule seems to be the gameplay ones but even then, there always appears to be some extremely fast people.

Do they have abnormal reading speeds or do they read it all day and night without taking breaks or something?

>> No.10969513

>Every game gets "finished" on release date by some people no matter the length.
I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed with those people.

On one hand, they somehow manage finish all sorts of long games on the damn release day. On the other hand, I can't help but believe that these people just mash buttons and ignore all the dialogue and side content just to say "look guys, I finished it already".

>> No.10969535

There is obviously heavy use of ctrl involved. It's about getting general information and spoilers out, not personal enjoyment.

>> No.10969539

Unless you're trying to make a walkthrough, save data or something that really feels like it defeats the point of things.

>> No.10969946

While I don't doubt that, people who hover over the enter key and speed read also just plain go through it faster than a relaxed pace.
I wondered the same thing at one point and the guy answered by saying he only moves his eyes twice per average line of dialog, and the VA almost never speaks more than a few sounds.

>> No.10969961

Reminiscence is up on FN now. I think I'll just wait for a torrent, though. FN is annoying.

>> No.10969975

Not as annoying as you though.

>> No.10970456

Hella burn dude

>> No.10971320

The h in DC 3 is disappointing.

>> No.10971352

How? Did they use a different artist?
I was pretty pissed when they did that on Fortissimo, Momiji didn't look like Momiji during the hscenes,

>> No.10971354

In what way? Like Little Busters, where it doesn't really feel like it fits? Or the quality/quantity of CGs?

>> No.10972215
File: 450 KB, 1296x758, grisaia3_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling a bit listless after finishing up rakuen.
The prologue chapter kind of made me want to read kajitsu's common route again, but I probably shouldn't if I want to get anywhere with my back log.
Probably going to start on gakthun now, I guess.

>> No.10972554

Damn, I just saw a spoiler for Reminiscence that made me sad, Kizuna isn't the main heroine!

>> No.10972792

Reminiscence is out in nyaa

>> No.10974547

What is the append disk?

>> No.10974613

New thread

>> No.10975695

She only has one VA in the original tsuyokiss. I'm not sure about the sequels though.

Try switching to CCCP.
