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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 1113x1376, Tibbets-wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1094408 No.1094408 [Reply] [Original]

Bless you Paul Tibbets.

You did a wonderful thing 63 years ago.

>> No.1094420

Well by golly it's the anniversary today isn't it? I wouldn't have known without you posting about it.

>> No.1094436

It's sad that some people on this board probably don't know the significance of the "Enola Gay"

>> No.1094439

I always thought that was a pretty queer name for a woman.

>> No.1094440


>> No.1094443
File: 166 KB, 1280x960, 1218003744630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1094465

The funny thing is, if that name didn't have the word "gay" in it, I would never have remembered it

So today really is the anniversary? That's interesting, are there anything special that goes on in Japan for this? Like some sort of memorial day or something

>> No.1094473


Is it the dude who dropped the nuke on Japan?

>> No.1094493


Isn't it obvious it's the name of the plane? I mean it's written on the fucking plane after all...

>> No.1094497

Looking up about the bombings on wikipedia led me to this piece of information.

>An unknown number of survivors from the Hiroshima bombing had made their way to Nagasaki, where they were bombed again.

That just fucking sucks

>> No.1094498

But I thought Dick Valentine dropped the bomb on Japan.

>> No.1094500

We drop a replica of Fat Man and Little Boy that airburst and release showers of candy and Pokemon plush toys. A jolly laugh is had by all.

>> No.1094501


I thought he was a bad enough dude to paint his name on his fighter jet. And then Paul Tibbets assassinated him?

>> No.1094505


Fucking simultaneously hilarious and awesome to me.

>> No.1094513


Holy shit, worst luck ever.

>> No.1094528

God Bless Paul Tibbets.

>> No.1094540

Fuck I lol'd

>> No.1094544

>Tibbets specified in his will that there should be no funeral service after his death and no headstone because anti-nuclear demonstrators could make his resting place a pilgrimage site.
That's a pretty big "fuck you" to the anti-nuke fags. This guy was awesome til the day he died.

>> No.1094551

I will now pleasure myself to the thought of the unimaginable power of a nuclear bombing.
