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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10929592 No.10929592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10929604
File: 88 KB, 400x400, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whore isn't a NEET.

>> No.10929611
File: 207 KB, 1500x1100, 1368112885466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are neet threads banned on /jp/

>> No.10929623

moot wants everyone to get jobs so they can afford several 4chan passes

>> No.10929624

The Jews

>> No.10929627

Because the /q/ueer brigade likes to get things removed because it's their hobby. Going on /q/ and complaining about boards they don't even browse.

>> No.10929637

http://neet.. to/neet/

>> No.10929642

My dad wants me to pay rent again but I have no money because I have been a NEET for an entire year.

But it says blogging is not allowed and I want to blog

>> No.10929648

It doesn't say that, I think you misread the rules

>> No.10929656
File: 191 KB, 500x933, a81c88ae63cfec9b781cd60f9a071c5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10929652
File: 34 KB, 969x978, Le go away face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, you're not truNEET.

>> No.10929663

Isn't she a school girl idol?

How is she NEET?

>> No.10929671

99% of /jp/ers only watched the cartoon and don't know know who P-san in this image is....o_O....

REBLOG this POAST If you're PART of the 1%!!!

>> No.10929672

You're right, sorry.
I like that self improvement board. I hope the NEET money making thread gets more replies since I'm looking for making money myself without leaving my room.

>> No.10929674

Anzu is 17 dood.

>> No.10929692

So how much money did Anzu make from her 'NEET outfit' photoshoots and otherwise pretending to be one?

>> No.10929775

smelly anzu pussy

>> No.10930101

I went outside to walk my dog and my mum gave me some money and I bought a small bottle of soda and spicy nuts. Hope I can make something productive today fueled by those snacks.

>> No.10930159

Any scottish NEETs here?

I'm not scottish, but I like scottish people because their voices sound cool. It would be nice to know that scottish NEETs are on /jp/

>> No.10930168

There was a Glasgow /jp/ meet-up a week or two ago.

Check the archive.

>> No.10930169

I'm not scottish but I have a scottish accent.

>> No.10930176


they wear kilts?

>> No.10930272

I wore a kilt to a wedding once. You get a little sword and you don't wear any pantsu.

>> No.10930306


Do you get to use the sword for anything during the ceremony? Something like slicing open a sheep and raising up its still beating heart to the sky as the crowd lets out a battle shout to ward off evil spirits, the bagpipes echo through the beautiful highlands of Scotland, and the married couple kisses?

I've always seen the Scottish as a proud warrior people and that seems like an appropriate way to celebrate the joining ceremony of marriage.

>> No.10930435

I think you are thinking of trueSATANIC kvlts

>> No.10930573

It's 2am and I have to wake up at 6am. Why did I stay up all night again. I will be tired tomorrow all day.

>> No.10930587

Why do you have to wake up at 6? Don't tell me you're one of those poor bastards that has to commute 1h+ to work?

>> No.10930596

1h and 30minutes to get to college. But at least I can read manga and listen to music on the way.

>> No.10930598

It's 1am and I have to wake up at 9am.

I guess I'll just keep using the snooze function for three hours like I did this morning.

>> No.10930616

Holy shit that must be rough. We have an intern that commutes around that time. By bus. We pay him though haha.

>> No.10930614

If you go to bed now you will get 8 hours full of sleep! That's more than enough.

>> No.10930636

You get used to it actually. But I wish I would live nearby. Waking up at 6am sucks. If I lived in one of the appartments on the campus I could sleep 2 hours longer.

>> No.10930657

I kinda miss freshman year 15 min. mad dash to class routines. That was rather fun in retrospect.

>> No.10930661

I miss school. I hate college and I have no idea how people survive 3 years or even more there.

>> No.10930664

Not sure what you mean. You miss school and hate it?

>> No.10930677

I keep dreaming of school even though I left it 10 years ago. It's really starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.10930672

I absolutely loathed school but college was nice since it pandered to my megalomanic tendencies. I did much better than my high school performance suggested.

>> No.10930682

Same here. They're all filled with anxiety too.

>> No.10930692

>pandered to my megalomanic tendencies
How so?

>> No.10930697

I miss school.

Yes, you had less freedom but it was so much easier and less serious. When the school day ended I could just go home and enjoy the rest of the day. During holiday I could relax. Now in university you have to study each day. Lectures are so difficult to understand. And if I have holidays I have to prepare for the exams. The best thing about university is the canteen and sleeping at the library. Maybe it would be easier if I had friends. Everybody says that one is done for if one doesn't have friends to study with. Maybe they are right. I have no motivation at all and will drop out this semester. If it wasn't for my parents I wouldnt even have studied at all. I am interested in nothing and just want to be a NEET. I even live in a country with welfare so I could live on my own and wouldnt have to leech of my parents. But I just don't have the spine to dissapoint my parents.

Sorry for the off-topic blogpost.

>> No.10930717
File: 35 KB, 1068x394, 1365372945459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because /q/ is the worst board

>> No.10930729

Are you interested in having a friend? I really want to live with another /jp/sie and it would be easier if we combined our welfare.

>> No.10930735


University sucks. I've dropped out several times. They manage to make even the most interesting subjects a fucking chore.

>> No.10930754

I spent 7 years in the university because I was pretty stupid. It took me that long to get my degree and now I'm a neet leeching of my parents. No one hires me because I'm a talentess hack.

>> No.10930759

Hello /jp/ french NEET hikki here.
I have basically done nothing the past 3 or 4 years since I dropped out of highschool, i have heavy social anxiety and psychotic disorder, so any kind of interaction is pretty hard not only because I'm afraid of people, but because my priorities are all fucked compared to normals.
I applied for autism bucks not long ago and will start receiving it in a couple months, I'll also be forced to go back to studies eventually but I'm not looking forward to that.

Hope I used the blog function correctly!

>> No.10930760

I don't know. I have one friend but I rarely talk to him. I think it's because I have nothing to talk about. Where are you from anyways?

It's because there is so little time so the professors just try to present their script as fast as possible. Math is just writing definitions and proofs without explaining why you need that stuff. I think everything gets boring if you get into depth. I guess I just read too much pub science that only tell you the interesting parts and not the boring research and work behind it.

>> No.10930769

Sadly I rely on goverment funding so I can't take a year longer. My parents are too poor to pay for my education and I am too lazy to work/to work while studying. So I am forced to switch to another subject because I already fucked up this one. If I fuck the next one up as well I have a last try. I then have wasted two years and if I fuck up a third time I can commit harajuku.

>> No.10930766

Thank you for sharing.

>> No.10930767

Former third world NEET here. I miss my old life style and I know I'll never go back to being a NEET.

I want to cry.

I've been through that too. I had to take the trains for over 90 minutes to go, and again 6 hours later to go back home. Lived like that for almost 8 months working.

It was pretty bad but, as the previous anon pointed out, gives you enough time to tackle your backlog. I watched the entirety of LoGH in only a couple of weeks just on my way to and back from work.

>> No.10930778

I took a 2 hour commute twice a day for 4 years and it never bothered me. It always surprised me when people made a big deal about it after asking me.

>> No.10930785

I should have mentioned it was by bus and usually 3 hours home on a friday because of traffic.

>> No.10930786

>graduated HS almost a year ago
>autism bux
>"anon maybe you should get an internship somewhere"
>want to learn something
>end up sitting behind a computer screen all day

>> No.10930786,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is neet.to dead?

>> No.10930786,2 [INTERNAL] 

Probably just down again.

>> No.10930786,3 [INTERNAL] 

I hope retards aren't DDoSing again

>> No.10930786,4 [INTERNAL] 

People DDoSd neet? Why?

>> No.10930786,5 [INTERNAL] 

Jobcentre devs.

>> No.10930786,6 [INTERNAL] 

