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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10929111 No.10929111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10929125


He was arrested like 2 years ago I think so how was he posting all 2012 long?

>> No.10929126



>> No.10929136

Oh pygma. There you go again. I'll never ever forget you, you know. I love you too much.

>> No.10929134

Nope, it was last year.

>how was he posting all 2012 long?
His last 2012 post was from February.

>> No.10929138

A here to us all

>> No.10929145
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, 1323933703272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long are you going to keep this up?

>> No.10929153


whatever...time to block /jp/ again. not sending up my pressure over you.

>> No.10929170

holy FUCK this subhuman got fucking assfucked

>> No.10929175


>> No.10929173


>> No.10929188

I hope he's been well.

>> No.10929216

nice trips

>> No.10929238

Mad thad is a fucking failure and a disgrace. He is just a big attention whore and if the things he said on facebook are true he is also a sick pedophile. Don't give this faggot attention.

>> No.10929243

>he is also a sick pedophile
DO YOu know _where_ you are??

>> No.10929244

Have the raped kids been well?

>> No.10929251

/jp/ may be into drawn children but they have no interest in real children as these are 3DPD. So you are fine with me as you don't hurt anybody.

>> No.10929258


Speak for yourself, kiddo.

>> No.10929264

As far as I can tell, Mad Thad hasn't actually hurt anybody.

>> No.10929266


>> No.10929268



>> No.10929270

I've never been there.

>> No.10929282

Pedos are not welcome here. Please pay visit to a psychiatrist before you hurt any children.

>> No.10929287

Back to >>>/jail/, Thad.

>> No.10929288

Shut the fuck up before I get mad, boy.

>> No.10929304

Do you think I am afraid of a pussy who is too weak to handle a real grown up woman?

>> No.10929311

>cannot check for samefag
top lel

>> No.10929309


same nerd

>> No.10929317

only mods can check for samefag. nice try

>> No.10929325

holy shit what a newfag....

>> No.10929377

I will never get that archive of pygma videos and photos ;_;

>> No.10929388

Fake, he's not allowed to use a computer or the Internet.
Also he lives with his dad.

>> No.10929398

there are no videos

>> No.10929400

It's his twitter. It says so in his youtube page.

>> No.10929403

I hope his dad beat the shit out of him.

>> No.10929414
File: 109 KB, 641x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First report: http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
FBI's request for arrest/search warrant: http://www.mediafire.com/?5b3cnad1ibrvcy2
Thad pays bond: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012120301054
Various court docs: http://ia700806.us.archive.org/4/items/gov.uscourts.mied.267304/gov.uscourts.mied.267304.docket.html

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

>> No.10929424


niggers are disgusting

honestly can't imagine this retard sitting there setting the flash and timer settings so he can pose for this image and show it to all his nigger friends

>> No.10929425

Not on /tv/, that's for sure. Go back to your board, now.

>> No.10929427

Well, his order to not use computers hasn't been cancelled yet.
Debatable whether Twitter would count as he could have used text messaging.
More likely was hacked.

>> No.10929435


I'd kill myself if I wasn't allowed to use computers.

>> No.10929440

> Pedos are not welcome here.
No, my friend, it is you who is unwelcome here. Now you get out or I'll throw you out.

>> No.10929447


You are a sick man, I suggest you see a doctor.

>> No.10929445

I've been seeing this Yolo shit for a while. I don't know what it is. Someone tell me.

>> No.10929450

Like the other Anonymous mentioned, please go back to /tv/ you pedoscum. We don't like you here.

>> No.10929452

It's not like he had anything to do with them being raped, so I don't see the problem. Go get more innocent and stupid people arrested, mister crusader of justice.

>> No.10929458
File: 863 KB, 1022x576, GaoGao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know I'm a paediatric gynaecologist and have been here since this board was made.

>> No.10929459

He tried to with sleeping pills and alcohol. Didn't work obviously. Then he told them to send a swat team to shoot him.

>> No.10929466

Who is this "we" you're referring to? It's obviously not /jp/, as we have nothing against pedophiles. I suggest you leave immediately before I unleash my full power upon you.

>> No.10929475

Wow. I hope you are joking. If not thats p sad. Get help dude.

>> No.10929481

Sorry, /jp/ isn't /a/ with its "I'm sexually attracted to [2D] children, but I'm not a pedophile!" and "I'm sexually attracted to [2D] boys, but I'm not gay!". If you can't accept the truth about yourself, maybe you should go back to your denial-filled safety bubble.

>> No.10929486


no one cares

>> No.10929488

I want pedophiles to leave.

>> No.10929491

Please don't project your pedophilia onto us you scum.

>> No.10929492

That's right, back down, boy. You're not ready to face off against one such as I, and you never will be.

>> No.10929493

Sorry, /jp/ isn't /tv/ with its "I'm sexually attracted to 3D children because I'm a pedo". If you can't accept the truth about this board, maybe you should go back to your pedophile hugbox.

>> No.10929497
File: 31 KB, 150x220, 13875162851726126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of trolls.

>> No.10929500

Typical response of an insecure crossboarder who doesn't know how to respond.

If you are attracted to 2D children, you are a pedophile. Your feelings for real children don't even matter.

I'm not even sexually attracted to real children, I'm just not a delusional idiot who comes from another board and tries to force things to become how he wants.

There is no such thing as trolling on /jp/. Go away.

>> No.10929505
File: 128 KB, 947x768, 12582175812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this much of a shitty troll


>> No.10929508


>> No.10929514
File: 59 KB, 251x249, 13781257128612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10929512

who the FUCK are you quoting?

>> No.10929521

Get fucked /v/ermin

>> No.10929519
File: 446 KB, 738x1037, 3312a93be4201b2c9295b299492922943461405b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicons aren't pedophiles any more?

Lolicon here, can someone explain this? Is this what they call "doublethink"?

>> No.10929523

So, if I only masturbate to yaoi and not 3D gay porn, I'm not gay?

>> No.10929526

Reddit isn't filtered anymore.

>> No.10929530

We are asked to believe that the distribution of child pornography — and I mean real child pornography — leads people to commit sexual abuse of children. But evidence suggests it's not so.

There are two arguments for prohibition of "child pornography". One is that "it was made in a real act of sexual abuse". In some cases, that is true. However, in many countries, the "child" may be an adult, or even nonexistent, since the censorship extends even to drawings. Meanwhile, in the US, the "child" may be 17 years old and taking the photos. This argument does not apply to those cases.

The other argument is based on the supposition that looking at these images leads people to commit sexual abuse. The article casts doubt on that supposition.

Making child pornography through real sexual abuse of real children can be prosecuted without censorship. Likewise selling it in a commercial arrangement with those who made it. There is no reason for the censorship which has generated a witch hunt that has ruined the lives of people not even alleged to have harmed anyone.

>> No.10929544

I like loli. /jp/ is my home board, and I am no outsider here. I am one with /jp/. To remove me from /jp/ is to remove the very essence of /jp/ from itself. If you remove lolicons and pedophiles from /jp/, you are removing one of the most important qualities this board has to offer. And then this board is nothing.

>> No.10929545

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.10929549

I love you, Stallman.

>> No.10929567

>Is this what they call "doublethink"?

>> No.10929572

Crazy Stallman jumping to conclusions again.

He gets undergrad students to research stuff for him (he's afraid of the WWW). Maybe he should have asked them to look up the hundreds of studies on the harmful effects of adult-child sex before he published this to his website. And in a very distasteful context, at that.

>> No.10929574

Lolicons are pedophiles. But pedophiles aren't bad until they act out of their urges. Lolicon, drawn children are not real. They are drawings so no one is hurt.

>> No.10929595
File: 153 KB, 959x721, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still posting in this troll thread

>> No.10929601

I don't get it dude why do you keep quoting posts that are nowhere in this thread

>> No.10929613

There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children .

Granted, children may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue.

>> No.10929609

Does it make you feel better to pass everyone who has different views from you off as trolls?

>> No.10929610

Don't you have a sony vs microsoft thread to post in?

>> No.10929691

Nah, it's pretty unanimous that nobody wants to buy an xbox one.
