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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10912176 No.10912176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you really call yourself an otaku if you haven't learned Japanese?

An otaku is someone with a fanatical devotion and obsession to a particular interest, so how can you call yourself an otaku if you haven't learned the language that would allow you to experience the full extent of what you love? It's like being a car otaku who only owns a car with no wheels.

>> No.10912184
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>> No.10912183

>caring about the story in toho

>> No.10912202

wish moot would implement hiragana captures, just to get all the plebs to leave.

kanji captures even but they'd have to be common ones otherwise you'd polish the board down to people who are autistic and think anki will make them fluent if they learn enough obscure kanji

>> No.10912216

The funny part is if he was to do that I'd probably dig up the motivation to finally learn some of the weeb lingo

>> No.10912223

I'm a train otaku motherfucker. Why the HELL would I need to learn japanese? To be fair, there are trains built in Japan, and information about them is in Japanese. But there are also trains built in all sorts of countries all around to world. Would you expect me to learn every obscure fucking foreign language in the world just because there might be a train manual written in that language? Sure, I have a fanatical devotion to the study of trains, but the point is, there are much better ways for me to learn about trains in a more time-efficient manner. Finding the most efficient way to learn about trains is part of being a train otaku.

>> No.10912229

No time to dedicate time to it.
Would love to thouh

>> No.10912237

/o/ and /jp/ car otaku here, its more like claiming to be a car otaku and riding the bus

>> No.10912245

That's not a good analogy.
It's like being a car otaku who doesn't know how to drift.

Also just because the board is otaku culture doesn't mean we are all otaku.

>> No.10912249

>people who are autistic and think anki will make them fluent if they learn enough obscure kanji
can you really blame them when we have dedicated anki threads?

>> No.10912256

/o/ is full of normals fuck off

>> No.10912261

tough shit nerd, i'm here to stay

>> No.10912266

I planned on reading Genki and then once I learned some basic things I would read some japanese and maybe find a japanese friend online to help me become fluent. But I'm far too lazy.

>> No.10912268

But I'm learning it.
In the end it's not worth the trouble. You'll end up only encouraging them to learn the basic syllables.

>> No.10912270
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My first class is tomorrow actually
Only class on my first day of uni
I'm expecting rabid land-whale attacks

>> No.10912275

Is that a random bit of bread?
Clean your shit up man.

>> No.10912276

Talking about your normalfag day at "uni" and taking pictures of your textbooks to upload to facebook

You're so fucking lame

>> No.10912280


Why in Gods name would you torture yourself going to a university Japanese language class? The slow pace. The sight and smell of tendered blubber. The power level leaking done on purpose.

>> No.10912281

Wrap from a roach and a tiny piece of bud

>> No.10912287

hahaha, dude I bet your bro was all up in that dank shit

yo so did you ask ashley out yet? you haven't had a gf in like 6 weeks bro I worry about u

>> No.10912290

/jp/ can be so self-loathing and negative

good luck on your japanese class!

>> No.10912288

only 11 people in it, and I know one of them
suck a dick and learn to look up EXIF data
the picture is about 5 minutes old taken from an inactive windows phone that I use for music in my car

>> No.10912292

Where do you go?
One of the professors of the university that I am going to says that they use those books in their beginners classes.
They don't have hiragana learned until 1002. (katakana in 1001, hiragana in 1002)

I am going to be taking a placement test so that I can skip past all of that nonsense.

>> No.10912294

You left it there purposely you faglord
So what social networking site did you upload the picture to? (besides /jp/)

>> No.10912299

.....Local City community collage
I could take a picture of any surface in my room and there would be pot on it

>> No.10912300

take english instead

>> No.10912303

I think not. The language difference presents a significant cultural gap that an outsider would have to overcome in order to be an otaku. In fact, I don't think a person can be an otaku without at least some immersion in a culture where the label and concept holds significance. This is why I don't think many westerners can be otaku; they haven't experienced the connotations that such a label carries.

crossboarder pls

>> No.10912305

don't worry, I am.
and just got off closing fast food, not the time
(major, Network Administration)
From /a/ only lurk most times
not me

>> No.10912304

sorry I'm a little blazed lol

>> No.10912311

Anyone who calls himself an otaku should fuck right off.

>> No.10912317


>> No.10912335
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Sweet jesus, don't do that.

Japanese classes are the biggest scam in the whole world. Some of them go so slowly that it takes an entire year to learn the kana. You should have that down within a week. I've seen children with down syndrome learn things at a faster pace than college Japanese courses.

>> No.10912337

This class teaches the spoken portion before even touching the written portion, as to not need to use the written system as a crutch for communication, how we learn to talk before we learn to read in write for the first time

>> No.10912336

>Some of them go so slowly that it takes an entire year to learn the kana.
that sounds too absurd to be real.

>> No.10912340

you should add me on facebook maybe we can study together sometime

>> No.10912344

How many different Japanese classes have you taken, that you can make such wide-sweeping judgments?

My class covered kana in the first week and was overall a very good experience. Not many weeaboos either, mostly Chinese students.

>> No.10912348
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oh how that would be nice
but facebook doesn't really fit into this browser history

>> No.10912355

>reporting threads on 4chan
