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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, japanese flanders bringing something to your attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10906667 No.10906667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

jaypee, have you ever thought about joining the military to escape your life of perpetual solitude and NEETdom? Does the FFL take little girls?

>> No.10906669

Yes but not for that reason

>> No.10906671

Abandoning comfort for discomfort?

>> No.10906674

I can do up to 8.

>> No.10906672

I can't do a single pushup

Not obese btw.

>> No.10906677

DO NOT try to get my friends to enlist.

>> No.10906682

I've got this romantic image of the FFL in my mind of camaraderie and éspirit de corps in the deserts of Algeria but all of it kind of being like that movie where Bill Murray invades Czechoslovakia. And then when your tour is over, you get citizenship in the most generous welfare state in the world.

>> No.10906680

For someone who can't walk through walmart at 3am without getting the sweats I think exposing myself to normalfags for 24 hours a day is a bad idea.

>> No.10906691

Why even bother? They only take one out of 8 candidates

>> No.10906696

cute pic dude

>> No.10906711

It's a pipe dream that I dredge up sometimes when I'm feeling drunk and sentimental, that's all.

you're cute, anon!

>> No.10906726

Military wouldn't want me anyways.

>> No.10906737

Which branch of the military has the most cock sucking?

>> No.10906738
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Did a mandatory year and it was enough.

>> No.10906748

No, the thought of joining the military has never once crossed my mind.

>> No.10906755


Finland? What was it like?

>> No.10906776
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Not NEET, but certainly a military hikki here. I can answer questions you have about military life that you won't get from a recruiter and I have a tiny bit of insight into the FFL from browsing /k/.

There are quite a bit of people in service who are into otaku things, I overhear a few talking about normalfag shows like DBZ and Bleach but I recall hearing an E4 discussing some visual novel with a friend at a tech school dfac.

>> No.10906783
File: 597 KB, 1200x862, cabe025fdcea0dc7881053706dc22b95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Finland. Communications sub-officer in the artillery. Everything about it was total shit. We used gear ranging from late 50s to 90s, fighting the invisible enemy in the forests and pretending to be in a hurry just to wait around all the time. The communications car I was in had a computer that could barely run Wolfenstein 3D, which someone had installed. Some computers were even worse than that.

The only fun times when they let us communications guys use some other weapons than our trusty RK 62 once in a blue moon. And when the artillery sang, that was decent. Sometimes they would shoot over your campsite too with those 155mm beasts.

I guess it's also a nice thing that it's one thing that unifies you with other males. You can always talk about military if there's nothing else to talk about because everyone has funny stories.

>> No.10906793
File: 447 KB, 2400x1280, 1360110225154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the same gun from Upotte!! right?

>> No.10906792

Yes, but I'm afraid I'll fail the test to get a cushy job and I don't want to live in a hole in the desert.

>> No.10906811

I've always been interested in the service but part of the reason I never joined was because of a pre-existing psychological condition. Could I still get a desk job or something?

If you have a highschool education and can spell your own name you could probably pass it.

>> No.10906808
File: 141 KB, 1600x539, RK_62_76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, that's RK95.

This is an RK62

>> No.10906818

But I'm about to EAS in a little more then a month, why would I join back up?

>> No.10906813
File: 70 KB, 667x889, rk95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is an RK95

>> No.10906816

Upotte has RK 95 Tp, which is just a slight upgrade from the 62, with a folding stock and some other stuff.

>> No.10906821

Well, here if you make a career out of it you can retire at like 40 with a pension.

>> No.10906839


Thats fine, I'd rather just get a bit each month from the VA and work and/or go to college while easily making over twice as much as I am now. Plus on top of all that I'm sure they wouldn't even let me reenlist due to downsizing.

>> No.10906836

I've been held back 3 years in my highschool years, after i finish HS like the 'tard, the military is my only option if i don't want to leech off my parents forever
Who knows, maybe it will help with my laziness and fear of interacting with people.

>> No.10906854

>like the 'tard,
like the 'tard i am.

Also, it's the kike army that i'll be joining, not even jewish, just born there.

>> No.10906855
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The US is out of Iraq and drawing down in A-stan. There are no 'cushy' jobs in the service but some are certainly better than others. I don't know that much about other branches but working in finance/personnel or handing out towels at the gym in services is far better than being in Security Forces and working 14 hours a day or being a maintainer and turning a wrench in horrible conditions outside.

It is possible to get a reserved job but you must meet the ASVAB requirements and the wait to get in can be a year or more longer before the slot for that job opens up.

Just curious what is your MOS and how did you like your stint?

Also please don't prune this thread, military commitment is life changing and I wouldn't want a /jp/er to make the same mistakes I did in regard to enlisting.

I will post gun/mil fumos from my folder to keep it Otaku Culture

>> No.10906867

this is a military otaku thread, if janitor deletes it he is homosex

>> No.10906892

>have you ever thought about joining the military to escape your life of perpetual solitude and NEETdom?
I'm too autistic for them to accept me.

>> No.10906893

Is there a branch where I get to sit in a chair and push buttons to fire missiles at people? Otherwise, it's too much work.

>> No.10906906
File: 244 KB, 1377x1033, Phrog and Fuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spent the last 5 (technically 4, since schooling was a whole year) as a 6152, CH-46E airframe mechanic. Plenty of bullshit to go around, but do have fond memories. Got to spend two years stationed in Okinawa, and had the chance to visit Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and other countries in the Western Pacific, as well as visit Nagasaki, Sasebo, Tokyo, and Iwo Jima. (pic related, took this during Operation Tomadachi. You can faintly see Fuji underneath the rotor blades in the distance. This was taken a NAF Astugi.)

I keep telling everyone, despite how much I tend to bitch over stuff we have to do, I am going to miss this somewhat when I get out.

>> No.10906908
File: 892 KB, 1536x2048, 237880 - fumo touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read a few threads with IDF guys on /k/ and OPchan, one was in the Golani brigade and another was sent to jail for refusing to evict Palestinians and was excommunicated to South Africa I believe. I would be very interested in hearing your situation.

Are you going to get disability pay? Thats my plan to be NEET after I get out. I recall hearing an Airman on /jp/ who used to be a U2 Avionics troop and is doing that now. I hear you have to be diagnosed while in service for it to work the best and they have a percentage rating system that pays based on how severe your condition is and how many dependents you have. I have legit hearing loss from my job but am scared that if I exaggerate it to get enough % to live on I won't get anything.

>> No.10906912

airforce nigga

>> No.10906934


Hell, I'm claiming hearing loss. Claim everything, ever. Make sure you have it documented, too. And yes, the VA does go off a percentile system. After they have their own doctors look at you, they give you a number (which is always a -0 number, like 10 or 20). Then, based on how many dependents, and I think rank you are, you get a certain amount each month. Be sure to start this whole process before you get out. If not, it can be years before you start getting the au-disability bucks. They will go more in depth with all this when you do pre-seperation classes.

>> No.10906937

you will be conscripted, given minimal training, crappy equipment, and sent on suicidal missions to iran in ww3. what a horrible time to be american.

>> No.10906949
File: 169 KB, 1140x278, Screen Shot 2013-05-13 at 2.09.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very jealous of the places you've been. I'm Aircraft Ground Equipment maintenance and have been skipped over for deployment everytime my AEF band rotated.

Not exactly that easy. There is drone pilot and Missaleer for AF but you need to be an Officer and that requires a 4 year college degree. Army has enlisted Drone pilots I believe and there is also enlisted Sensor Operator for AF. /k/ has one as a resident tripfag and he did an AMA anything thread on opchan.
Missaleer is a shitty job if you are to see pic related.

>> No.10906953

I wonder how many people join the military with the thought in mind just to get the chance to rape and kill some civilians.

>> No.10906964


Yeah thats one thing I'm disappointed in. I never got to go Aghan or Iraq, while my older bro has gone to the latter twice and about to go to the former for the first time (army).

>> No.10906963

But imagine all the cute brown lolis I'll run into once I'm there

>> No.10906973
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>> No.10906975
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>> No.10906980
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>> No.10906981

I'm too overweight to join the military.

Which seems stupid, frankly. You think they could just give you training, but I guess it's the army and not club med.

>> No.10906985

The person who drew this is a person with a very small penis who seems to need a lot of attention. If you are not a shut-in, you don't belong on this board.

>> No.10906989
File: 95 KB, 800x478, 239836 - fumo touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much for the info. I am still doing my research into this and want to make sure I get it right.

I know it can sound very strange to want to actually see combat or go into a warzone, but it is literally a once in a lifetime thing.

I believe it was !bar who took the neat madoka pics in his Afghanistan deployment with armored cav.

>> No.10906997

Well I have a BS in CS and that picture sounds like my everyday in my room. Spending like 14 hours a day alert at a desk included, except replace that missile shit with 4chan.

The biggest problem sounds like not being able to fap with someone that close all the time.

>> No.10906994
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>> No.10907001
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>> No.10907005
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>> No.10907006

Funny thing is that even though I'm a shut-in I could probably beat the shit out of these Americans if they don't have their guns with them to defend themselves.

>> No.10907011


>> No.10907009


Nope, all those pics with Madoka characters were from training exercise. That 240 belt in >>10906975 are all blanks, and other pics show the sides of a Stryker and Abrams covered with sim round impacts.

>> No.10907016

You could beat the shit out of them even if they had their guns.

>> No.10907018


>> No.10907020
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>> No.10907026

It's like I'm really on /k/

>> No.10907041
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>> No.10907047
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>> No.10907050
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>> No.10907059
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>> No.10907055

My country dropped the mandatory like one year before I got my graduation, i sometimes thought of enlisting myself to get my shit together but I can't even run for 300m without grasping for air so its pretty futile to do so. So I decided to take it easy.

>> No.10907053
File: 2.63 MB, 2448x3264, m14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10907068

Why am I getting deja vu from some of the posts in this thread?

>> No.10907073


You know why.

>> No.10907081

Your daki, or just a picture you found on the internet?

>> No.10907090


I've considered joining for the discipline, and because I had no idea what to do after High School.

Was fairly fit, scored 99 on AVASB, got pressured by recruiters since I was a Senior in HS, then did the entire process rather quickly. I got rejected due to Blepharospasm in my right eye, though. They sent me to MEPs like 5 times, which was pretty crappy.

This was a couple years ago.

>> No.10907089

I've seen that pic around a lot, I doubt it's his.

>> No.10907097
File: 1.95 MB, 2560x1522, 1365845906636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is getting awesome.
I have seen a few who I am positive have Aspergers. Not saying its a bad thing because attention to detail is very important.

>> No.10907116

>I have seen a few who I am positive have Aspergers. Not saying its a bad thing because attention to detail is very important
Even if I were to consider such a thing as joining the military. I have some pretty shit feet, they hurt after an hour of walking, it's the primary reason I've never considered a military career, am good with targets though.

>> No.10907124
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, 9pmmmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on the filename its a repost. I have seen that cirnobro post very cute pics of his daki here and on /k/.
That sucks big time, you could try getting a waiver, but that might be very difficult with the force reduction going on.
Its sounds terrible not having any electronics though, I assume you could always smuggle in Light Novels(ones without an anime adaption of course)

>> No.10907148

From that room layout......Hello, fellow Singaporean

>> No.10907155
File: 270 KB, 850x1617, HNNNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I've heard from my friends in the Army.

It was a PDQ, and I think my recruiters applied for a waiver back then and it was rejected.

I could try another branch, but I think only the Navy has more lenient medical standards than the Army. But then once again, my Blepharospasm isn't really noticeable anymore since I've started using eyedrops.

On the down side, it's been two years and I haven't worked out since then. Not to mention, it's rather embarrassing to join as a E1 when you're 20 years old, when some HS graduates are joining as E3s due to JROTC and junk.

Anyway, I moved on already so that's that.

>> No.10907159

I can't take it easy when I have to kill people.

>> No.10907178

Are you allowed to have paper and pencil? I spend my non-4chan time just drawing and writing shit.

>> No.10907178,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wow what a cocksucker janny

Yes your feet can literally make the difference. I had flat feet when I joined up and had never seriously exercised or jogged. Boot camp involved running 3 times a week for 1 hour and marching about a mile everyday, sometimes with a heavy ruck on your back. It was no doubt the hardest time of my life, after a few weeks my legs were in frequent pain and it even got so bad I couldn't sleep. I had trouble keeping in step with my flight and I felt like I was letting them down.
I eventually saw a doctor and got a waiver for running about 2 weeks before graduating so I didn't get recycled and held back. I felt like a shitbag cause I didn't get to run with my wingmen during the Airman's run on the last day, but at least I barely made it through. There were other like me who didn't though, they got stress fractures and were either kicked out or had to spend months recovering in the 319th medical squad.

Sorry for the blog post but it is important to know whats involved if you ever consider joining. I would recommend running and working out for at least 3-4 months before you ship out.
I've seen baby Sergeants in their very early 20's but also E3s who are 28 years old so I wouldn't worry too much about age disparity. I knew an Egyptian guy in basic who had a freaking Masters degree. Dumb farm kids would call him haji and what not at first but at the end we all got along like bros

>> No.10907178,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yes you can have paper and pencils. At the end each day in basic there was letter reading and writing time. It is a good idea to have postcards/envelopes with stamps and addresses already on them because your first couple of weeks you literally get only a few minutes of free time before lights out.
Don't try to do stupid shit after lights out with your flashlight, the drill sergeants sneak around and try to catch people after dark sometimes. Also you get about 5-10 minutes of extra free time as the weeks go by to write letters.

Its a shame the thread got axed but I'm always on the archive and can answers questions if asked, it just might take a while.

>> No.10907178,3 [INTERNAL] 

I've been playing with the idea of joining one of the branches for the longest time. Not really sure if it's worth the time...
