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File: 47 KB, 240x640, chara_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10904725 No.10904725 [Reply] [Original]

My body is ready.

>> No.10904736

Dem legs.

I wanna FUG her

>> No.10904738
File: 84 KB, 960x720, Untitled-1 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the new "touhou" they've been talking about?

>> No.10904747

le condense your shit pls

>> No.10904758

Old thread's still alive OP.


>> No.10904751 [DELETED] 

Don't roleplay, please.

>> No.10904788

Futo confirmed. Will the remaining daoist be Seiga or Tojiko?

>> No.10904805

and that's all

>> No.10904821

>not Seiga
what a shitty game

>> No.10904832

whys her hair brown?

>> No.10904840

Godlike alphes drawing skills, don't you dare question them

>> No.10904880

Jesus fuck, the amount of autism in the previous thread is killing me. This shit is worse than complaining about fairies on touhouwiki's front page. I don't understand it at all.
Brown hair colour? Seriously? Do you really think alphes deliberately changed her hair colour THAT much? Do you really think ZUN didn't see those designs or didn't approve them? Don't you see that in-game sprite has GRAY colour? Do you really believe that if you post your complains on his twitter he will say "oh shit, those stupid alphes! Thank you primaries of glorious 4chan for pointing that out, I will fire them immediately! (Also I'll include your fav 2hu in the next game)"? And the last question: why do you care so much?
Please check the alternative_hairstyle tag on danbooru, I hope it will give you a heart attack and you will never post in /jp/ anymore.

>> No.10904887

If Byakuren is in, there's a high change that Miko also is.
If Miko and Futo are in, we will need Tojiko to complete that bullshit wall of arrows spell card.
So it'll be Tojiko and Miko.

whys tenko's dress pink?

>> No.10904893
File: 500 KB, 266x640, fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what would ZUN's reaction be.

>> No.10904900

/jp/ whined about the brown area NOT being the shadow for a while, then somebody hit Desaturate on the hair and suddenly the picture became more correct than fine art and they're all over his cock.
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.10904927


"Thanks for desaturating the color in the pic that one guy overly-saturated somehow."

>> No.10904941

sounds like you're vexed that it's not your cock everyone's worshipping.

>> No.10904950

That's some nice reading comprehension you've got there.

>> No.10904959

MotK pls go

>> No.10904965

According to some people you are not a true Touhou fan unless you hate the fighting games in general and think that they are done deliberately against ZUN's wishes, so you really should not be surprised about all the bitching.

>> No.10904973
File: 22 KB, 279x390, 2fe0357ba792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like the Brown Hair better.

>> No.10905005


Please don't abuse the thread-creation function.

>> No.10905067
File: 170 KB, 266x640, fixedthecolorsonfuto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its alright guise I re-saturated it

>> No.10905153

Louie as Rinnosuke. Discuss.

>> No.10905166

I want to IMPREGNATE her

Step up you're game, son

>> No.10905177

We have nothing better to do

>> No.10905402

can't wait to see the same whole color discussion again tomorrow

>> No.10906781

>Do you really think alphes deliberately changed her hair colour THAT much? Do you really think ZUN didn't see those designs or didn't approve them? Don't you see that in-game sprite has GRAY colour?
Even though, it's jarring to see the portrai and sprites have different hair colors.
>Do you really believe that if you post your complains on his twitter he will say "oh shit, those stupid alphes! Thank you primaries of glorious 4chan for pointing that out, I will fire them immediately! (Also I'll include your fav 2hu in the next game)"?
lol that will be hilarious if really happen, they just expecting if Alphes may try to fix the portrait himself
>And the last question: why do you care so much?
maybe they're part of "TRUE★TOUHOUBRO"
>Please check the alternative_hairstyle tag on danbooru, I hope it will give you a heart attack and you will never post in /jp/ anymore.
But, that are fanworks, this is official.

>> No.10906803

People's eye color has changed, too. I don't think anybody held a riot over it.

Just chalk it up to mysterious Taoist power and move on.

>> No.10906853
File: 74 KB, 240x640, chara_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Mima is back!

>> No.10906847

Maybe eye color changing is not too bothering rather than hair color changing.
>Just chalk it up to mysterious Taoist power and move on.
An ability to change hair color? LAME lol

>> No.10906865


>> No.10906883

1. That's not on the official site.
2. It's too young to be Mima.
3. Mima has LONG HAIR not in a ponytail
4. Mima's clothes are more like those of a traditional sorceress, not ASIAN FUCKING ROBES.
5. That looks a LOT LIKE Futo's image just flipped and edited.
6. THE GHOST PART IS DONE BADLY so it can't be by tasofro artist.


>> No.10906896

Thank you, captain

>> No.10906897
File: 246 KB, 424x598, itsstillshitpostingevenifyourelegallyretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10906900

np just so you know I figured out it was fake before I made the list because its facing the wrong way

>> No.10906901

Am I being trolled

>> No.10906907

Looks legit to me

>> No.10907253

it's mamizou

>> No.10907598

looks like fushion of Futo and Tojiko

>> No.10907670

ah finally the racial diversity we needed
don't let this reach the tumblrs

>> No.10907688

thanks I really needed a good laugh

>> No.10907736


Oh man, please do. Remember to tag the triggers!
#2hu niggers

>> No.10907841

Anybody here has the translation for the profiles? I already have Futo's profile.

>> No.10908330

When's the next character reveal?

>> No.10908334

I think it's either in 20ish minutes or in an hour and 20 minutes.

That is, if they are following a set time pattern for revealing characters.

>> No.10908340

Today will be Miko's day. I can feel it.

>> No.10908344
File: 48 KB, 240x640, chara_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10908348


>> No.10908358

Her stick got longer.

>> No.10908365

And was turned into wood

>> No.10908363

Translate it, weebs.

>> No.10908366

It's to compensate for her short arms

>> No.10908371
File: 1.59 MB, 2112x1980, 134867589044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to some bad translations, it seems she's affected more harshly and more positively by the popularity meter. That and I guess her last word is a sword attack.

Regardless, I love her splash. That cloak is so regal, it's extremely fitting. 10/10 would serve.

>> No.10908377

Miko's new cloak looks cool, but they couldn't have picked a worse screenshot. You can barely see her,

>> No.10908386
File: 67 KB, 240x177, cool_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphes did it again, some regions of her hair have pink colour. We should immediately fix it and send the correct version to ZUN's twitter, post on futaba and add to favourites on on pixiv.

>> No.10908395

It's the light reflecting off the cape she has going on.

>> No.10908396


>> No.10908397

light doesn't work like that but meh, Futo was a different case, this is acceptable.

>> No.10908398

b-but it's his style!!!

>> No.10908399
File: 54 KB, 640x360, 71-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking mantle

>> No.10908405

Why red? Why not purple like the rest of her color scheme?

>> No.10908406

Seiga conformed for not playable

>> No.10908411

leave this shit thread


>> No.10908421

She's obviously a villain now.

>> No.10908427

Shikieiki confirmed for not loli. If Komachi would be standing they would be about same height or Eiki would be even taller because Komachi wears high shoes.

>> No.10911997

If the translation somewhere in >>10908373 is to be believed then its color is dynamic and becomes a more vivid red when her fan meter is higher.

>> No.10912002

whoops meant to quote >>10908405

>> No.10912010

Hey guys:

3rd Buddhist: Mamizou
3rd Taoist: Kasen

Don't have a crap attack we're gonna get the best options

>> No.10912108


>> No.10912119

That pose is definitely from Gekka no Kenshi/Last Blade

>> No.10912121


Miko confirmed for Invoker

>> No.10912134

My stick got longer, too.

>> No.10912151
File: 133 KB, 640x640, pKMQWE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready.

>> No.10912217

Short Skirts, Long Legs : The Game

>> No.10914801

what the fuck is with their arms? How can they be cute with satoriarms not by Zun? It ain't no style niggus.

>> No.10914868

What's with the fuzzy eyelashes? Looks like they all have a big bush on the eyes. Eww....

>> No.10914864
File: 18 KB, 249x202, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you guys should not take things so seriously.

>> No.10914877

what is wrong with Byakuren face

>> No.10914995

can't see a problem here. Is it somehow related to fractionfags bickering?

>> No.10915010

He's just hunting youkaim what's the problem?

>> No.10915065

So who has been confirmed

>> No.10915073

Youkai scum

>> No.10915134

don't bully the youkai :(

>> No.10915144
File: 30 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mn3ywvOfxB1qfrsy4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10916021


>> No.10916193

Where is nitori legs?

>> No.10916198

she's too pure for that shit obviously

>> No.10916212

Good bye Sanae and Suwako.
The cape is still sexy.

>> No.10916246

So fucking angry.
How the fuck do you not put the god faction in a game centered around religion and gathering faith?

>> No.10916330

what 2hu is that?

>> No.10916341

The game is obviously about saying "Fuck gods"

Buddhists: Fuck gods, they suffer too, I want out of this existence
Taoists: Fuck gods and their "natural orders" I want to live forever
Reimu: Fuck gods, they have to play by MY (spellcard)rules
Nitori: Fuck gods, love science

>> No.10916347

Lol Wriggle is bug sized

>> No.10916348

Marisa: Fuck gods, fuck gods.

>> No.10916354

Suwako: Fuck god, if you know what I mean

>> No.10916359

So lewd

>> No.10916362

>Suwako and Sanae
>No Kanako

There's still hope.

>> No.10916372

Sanae: Man I wish somebody would fuck me...

>> No.10916365

lol great one dude

>> No.10916370

take a deeper look at >>10915144

>> No.10916381

LMAO shut the fuck up

>> No.10916379

so Okuu confirmed then? Fuck gods, more like breakfast? Perfect.

>> No.10916384

That... huh. That thing in the bottom-left looks more like a yukkuri than anything. If it is Kanako, though, ZUN confirmed for drunk for the entire development process; Kanako's always been incredibly businesslike about her faith, so there's no way she'd let an opportunity like this pass her up.

>> No.10916392

It's official, look at Tasofro's website.

>> No.10916388
File: 1.06 MB, 960x1260, Touhou 516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA: Parsee and Satori/Orin
Just you wait.

>> No.10916390

wait is nitori really confirmed or is this another shoop like mima?

>> No.10916395

ok wait I just realized the picture with nitori also has the reaction guys as miko's meter icon. this has to be fake right?

>> No.10916399

>somehow resized
Oh wow.
Speaking of oh wow, FUCK MORIYA

>> No.10916405


>> No.10916421

>Glorious return of Yumemi
>as penultimate/final boss

Fuck you anon, don't get my hopes up

>> No.10916432

Nope! In fact, it's really need. The reaction guys have superpowers and they actually change Miko's cape's color based on how they are reacting!

In this 2nd panel stage, Miko's cape is purple, but when they enter the 4th panel excited pointing stage, Miko's power burns red!

>> No.10916465

Ok, so obviously we don't need any gods in the game about fucking gods.
Still bullshit, anon.

>> No.10916481

I wonder if Makita will come back ;_;

>> No.10916494


>> No.10916501

Release when?
Reitaisai was today right?

>> No.10916507

They are in the game. You just can't play them.

>> No.10916504

You're a week early.

>> No.10916510
File: 12 KB, 168x168, 1359504560674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck me...

>> No.10916516

I would fuck marisa

>> No.10916531
File: 337 KB, 348x372, mahreessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10916552
File: 6 KB, 125x125, 1359506606028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you have a choice in that matter.

>> No.10916554

What are Marisa's double dealings?

>> No.10916573

Those legs by the timer, do they look like Hatate's for anyone else? Because if they are, then the final non-boss character will most likely be Aya.
Science/journalism team.

>> No.10916677


Yeah that shirt looks a little pink-ish.

>> No.10916732
File: 516 KB, 1024x768, 35836493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10916756

danbooru nitori

>> No.10917264

Tomorrow's forecast:
60% chance of Okuu
30% chance of Kasen
9% chance of someone else
1% chance of Kanako

>> No.10917366

who the fuck is yumemi? Some originalcontent don'tsteal?

>> No.10917378

She's in the lower left of Nitori's screenshot. Unless there's another purple haired 2hu or Akyuu has taken up residence on the mountain.

>> No.10917382

Meant for >>10917264
You >>10917378 are a cunt.

>> No.10917436

I'm aware that she's in the stage background. But has Tasofro said background characters can't appear as characters yet? As far as I know it's all speculation. I'm still holding on to that small strand of faith.

>> No.10917446

you sound like a promotional booklet.

>> No.10917491


>> No.10917507

no that Sanae is out I can sleep peacefully

>> No.10917576


No Sanae or Kanako makes me upset. Now I'm gonna play Miko and become god emperor of the universe and force Tasofro to add one of them. Or at least add someone I really wanna play as that would be relevant. I'm not much for ranged combat though, I don't wanna play as Byakuren or Ichirin for my melee fix.

>> No.10917776

Delicious Moriya fans tears.

>> No.10917786

Sanae's time has ended ;_;

>> No.10917813

no one will call her slut again

>> No.10917827

More like
75% chance of Mamizou
24% chance of Alice
1% chance of someone else

>> No.10917985
File: 459 KB, 768x1124, 35837074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say
50% chance of Koishi
30% chance of Kasen
20% chance of more Tasofro trolling

4 hours left

>> No.10918021

It'll just be another MoF slut

>> No.10918050

4-8 hours left
They can be late again

>> No.10918053

Rin Satsuki, final boss

>> No.10918058
File: 351 KB, 600x424, 30863762_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it in my dick.

>> No.10918165

arms are too long.

>> No.10918182

0.00000001% Momiji
I will put my hope there

>> No.10918217

who needs that dog? You don't count.

>> No.10918243

I do. She's fun.

>> No.10918316
File: 436 KB, 650x652, 35844121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it!

>> No.10918319

I hope Wriggle is playable, she's my favorite. She was pictured in the background though, so that kind of makes me sad...

>> No.10918325 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 1280x1264, 2cb0c8fa33eb3608f5d1086ccc9aa6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can already feel it

>> No.10918330

Stop fucking arguing, it's Aya today, we kno' it.

>> No.10918394
File: 47 KB, 240x640, chara_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10918409

I'm ok with this. Better to give the rest of the SA cast some love rather than putting okuu in everything.

>> No.10918414

I actually wasn't expecting this at all.

>> No.10918422

Fucking god.

Time for overpowered.

>> No.10918426

I... what.
Okay, I give up on trying to make sense about the last characters.

That said, oh god! OH GOD!
also please stop crashing tasofro site I want to see screenshots

>> No.10918440

This character lineup is just getting weirder. Will be anyone else?

>> No.10918758

sheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit niggas is this Koishi deformed. Did alphes' primary arm break or something?

>> No.10919007

Generic loli 0/10
I'm so mad

Futo what did they do to you?

>> No.10919042
File: 9 KB, 205x251, 1310443852846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stuck to canon

>> No.10919062

Futo was foreverial alphesized, turned into a loli with satori arms and fuzzy eyelashes for ever.

>> No.10919072

I fear I will never feel happiness ever again

If they had stuck to canon, Futo would at least have made a funny pose and a silly face, yet I see none of that.

>> No.10919282

my fucking bones!!!!!
this game is now 20% less shitty

>> No.10919313
File: 39 KB, 201x277, ... huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If this keeps up the next one will be fucking Mima

>> No.10919321

I may have lost the battle with Kogasa but I have won the war with my 2nd favorite touhou. I may actually play this fighting game more than a few times.

>> No.10919331

So that's it? Or are there secret characters to unlock or something?

>> No.10919334


Ultimate disappointment. I don't dislike Koishi, but she isn't a favorite. I don't think I'll like her playstyle and worse of all is that I hate her theme music. I'm gonna end up performing 22% worse if anyone picks it.

>> No.10919341

We can only hope.

>> No.10919345

That sucks.

>> No.10919356

How do we know for sure there will or will not be anymore announcements? Other than the character on the cover.

>> No.10919378

We can feel it in our bones.

>> No.10919383


The blog said that is all they're updating on the site.
Who the heck knows what that means.

>> No.10919413
File: 376 KB, 720x720, kanako tasofro_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanako is yet to be confirmed

Why do you do these things to me, tasofro

>> No.10919428


I have bad news for you. Background character related news. You can cry with me in the don't have a main section.

>> No.10919433
File: 103 KB, 850x637, kanako cry&headshake_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Background character related news.



>> No.10919438


Hopefully we'll get a few surprise characters along with the new featured boss.

Personally, along with the boss, I'd like to see about two more characters to put the roster at around 10ish playables.

>> No.10919450

Then how come that every playeable character is NOT in the background? Checkmate Moriyas.

>> No.10919454

I have the feel that they won't reveal the cover character and we'll have to wait until the Reitaisai.

>> No.10919482
File: 70 KB, 640x360, 74-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utsuho, Satori and Orin in the background.

>> No.10919494


I didn't want to believe it either but it's true. She would have been an A+ addition, but no go. We need a new plan now.

>> No.10919496

Parsee and Yuugi confirmed for still having a chance.

>> No.10919497 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 1000x997, guess what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your Mima. If only you knew how tirred everyone are from your constant nagging.

>> No.10919503


i want to suck it!

>> No.10919505

Jokes on you, I have reveal spoilers turned on.

>> No.10919514


Yuugi is on the human's village background dude

>> No.10919511

Yuugi is in the human village background.

>> No.10919518

Why are oni allowed in the village anyway? Seems very unsafe.

>> No.10919517

Oh right I forgot, complete with her nasty tasofro bullshit, Parsee confirmed for still having a chance.

>> No.10919527

It's more unsafe to try to take her out.

>> No.10919532

I want Parsee so much. ;_;
Maybe Hina too? Or Mamizou?

>> No.10919541

Secondary taste.

>> No.10919545

One would guess NOT letting them in and giving them beer would be even more dangerous.

Mamizou has a good chance, not Hina. But you never know after these last two reveals. See>>10919313

>> No.10919559

Hi! I couldn't help notice that you are new so welcome to /jp/!

Before starting out you might want to check the official guidelines so you don't get into any trouble, okay? You can find them here: >>10919456

Enjoy your stay!

>> No.10919575

link's dead oldfag

>> No.10919650

>Koishi instead of Satori
these wounds will not heal

>> No.10919675

So wait is she Shinto or buddhist or what? I'm pretty sure Byakuren invited her to be a priest at the temple right? But they definitely need more Shinto folks

>> No.10919700

Pretty sure she's neither. She just does her own thing, wandering through life unconsciously as her whims take her, thinking nothing; that is, unless this game changes matters. Just as good a chance as any that she saw something fun and wanted to get in on it.

>> No.10919740

That makes a lot of sense, but they're predicating the whole game on this faction thing.

Come to think of it though, I guess Marisa is factionless too.

>> No.10919782
File: 75 KB, 287x212, Warring_Triad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't magic come from somewhere? Gods and whatnot?

>> No.10919784

How is Parsee secondary taste?

>> No.10919790

Do you think that Koishi could be the "youkai shrine maiden" that Kanako was talking about earlier in the previous games? (Hisoutensoku or Ten Desires, I forgot)

>> No.10919794


>> No.10919807

That would be one of the worst possible choices for that job and is highly unlikely since her profile for this game mentions nothing of that sort.

>> No.10919810


Why would you link such a lewd thing?

>> No.10919822

What the fuck am I watching.

>> No.10919867

Ok, sure, whatever. I don't care anymore. If tasofro/ZUN is going to go full retarded and pull shit out their ass, fine, I'm not playing anymore.

>> No.10919905


>> No.10919909

>Mugen Rape

Silly internet.

>> No.10919910

How is adding a popular Extra stage character full retard?

>> No.10919927


Would love that with tome of the fanatail girls.


>> No.10919937

Because his favourite character isn't playable instead. True fan right there.

>> No.10919945

Popularity means jack shit. Or at least it should mean jackshit.
Oh, adding characters is fine. It's not including the faith-based faction in a faith-based game that's a triumph of stupidity.
This game is a followup to SoPM for fucks sake. It's like if Fairy Wars only had two of the light fairies.

>> No.10919954

Nitori barely fits.
Koishi is just full nonsense, at least if anybody actually gives a shit about the story.

Story aside, fuck yeah more weird characters! Throw in a Letty, Wriggle, and Koakuma and we're all set.

>> No.10919968

Magic comes from Makai. Makai has already a goddess, and even though I would cut my arm to have Shinki as a boss playable character, it won't happen.

>> No.10919978

Buttmad Satori fans.

>> No.10919982
File: 913 KB, 680x680, sf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I can feel it already.

>> No.10919992

I can't help but think they scrapped Seiga and Yoshika combo because they were too complicated to put in or something.

It's also a little funny, because I was the anon who said I had a gut feeling no Moriyas would be playable. I was right, even if I don't really like it. It might have been easier to deal with if there was at least one more UFO or TD character in the game I guess.

But at the same time; is it so bad that they're trying to have characters from every game represented? Sure beats having 5 characters from EoSD, but only Reisen/Okuu from IN/SA in 'soku.

>> No.10919995
File: 174 KB, 495x387, butmade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you two might need this.

>> No.10920010
File: 290 KB, 650x487, ec8c6ff48db79dbca360f0112aa2f206[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt there are Satori fans who hate Koishi.

>> No.10920013

It was a joke, I love Satori too, not as much as Koishi granted but she's still top 10.

>> No.10920047

Eat shit faggot you have awful taste. HM confirmed for best Touhou game.

>> No.10920053
File: 210 KB, 504x700, 2fb2116aafc0406463661502010768ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really a fan of either of them, sorry.

I was just expecting they'd add more story relevant characters like Kanako or something.

>> No.10920071

Who plays the fighting games for story?

>> No.10920082

A good point, but this one seemed to actually care about some sort of plot more than hisouten/iamp.

But hey, if the plot is just filler then i'm okay with adding random characters.

>> No.10920087

People who care about characters who normally aren't playable.

>> No.10920101


I don't mind if it's Last Remote, that's a pretty nice theme and I can see it fitting in a fighting game. I hate Hartmann's Youkai Girl though, I hope they don't use that. I'm just gonna play as Overlord Miko since she's the only character that really interests me.

>> No.10920106
File: 447 KB, 1000x1000, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Moriya Shrine hope to win more faith if all they do is stand at the sidelines? Default loser of the game: Kanako. Every ending will show your character standing among a crowd of new followers and fans while Kanako walks away alone and gloomy in the background.

>> No.10920107

Non-aspies that know how to properly play and appreciate video games.

>> No.10920124

Most of the Touhou fandom.

>> No.10920153

Miko is cool and all, but Koishi is better. And yeah, Last Remote is the best extra stage theme, tied with Centenial or UFO Romance, but Hartmann's Youkai Girl > Most other extra boss themes.

>> No.10920160

You don't even know what the story is yet. Seriously.

Hardly anyone bothered to read even the short intro we've already gotten. I see people repeating bullshit about "religious wars" and similar. It's silly.

>> No.10920170

Seemingly random characters are hardly anything new for Touhou. Many characters in POFV are just there for no real reason other than adding more shot types.

>> No.10920222

Imagine what would happen if the ZUN revealed the PoFV cast that way to the modern fandom.

>> No.10920239


I don't mind Koishi so much, I might have played as her if she seemed more punchy melee. I actually like Futo the most of the cast but I don't think I'll like her playstyle. Byakuren's the opposite, her style seems kinda Meiling, but I'm not that big on Byakuren. Miko is a bit if a balance, I kinda like her and she looks like she'll have decent melee, even if she seems somewhat more ranged. Looking like the emperor of the universe doesn't hurt either. I just hate Hartmann's Youkai Girl though. It sounds so weird and off, I don't get it. I'm most excited for Emotional Skyscraper.

>> No.10920246

I wonder if the Sakuyafags would still call everyone else sluts?

>> No.10920255

What short intro?

>> No.10920261

The final roster is basically already confirmed. Mamizou is (unfortunately) guaranteed, Alice is extremely likely, and the other two will probably be newcomers.

>> No.10920269
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 126991907495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, religion plays no part whatsoever in HM's plot.

>> No.10920293

>What short intro?



>> No.10920315

If you're not going to do something to fix a problem, then don't complain about it.

>> No.10920308

More praise and gratitude because ZUN and not Tasofro reveals them. "Look at how much ZUN even cares about minor characters!" "Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream was always my favourite Touhou game!" Praise because character art done by ZUN and at the same time hate, because Alphes also helped. Also people saying ZUN sold out because Cirno is in the game. Hate because Mystia, but no Kyouko. SDM fags mad because Sakuya only. No Mamizou takes people by surprise. "[Name] is the best Prismriver, why isn't she in the story instead!?" Still no Mima leads to the usual jokes.

Something like this

>> No.10920377
File: 1.58 MB, 1251x1116, forgotten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to those who keep forgetting who was demoted to background character.

>> No.10920386

>tfw tewi will never be playable with a giant mallet

>> No.10920410

>tfw 13.5 will be full of shitty playable characters

I cant deal with this, ZUN..

>> No.10920411

Where are the tengu?

>> No.10920413

It's a shame, Murasa would have been a lot of fun.

>> No.10920419
File: 229 KB, 750x750, IFLH0223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's looking like they plan to include every single windows character in some way. anyone who gets left out at this point must be hated by ZUN.

>> No.10920428

>tfw it will be Yuka

>> No.10920435
File: 330 KB, 1119x1600, 61da4808f1b4ab363d6f9ebe68dc4ea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor smash!

>> No.10920447

So why is Mamizou pretty much confirmed?

>> No.10920530 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 800x473, 1337996309768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a game
>Even as a background character

>> No.10920544

Someone looked into the code/memory of the demo a little deeper and apparently managed to find all the characters that are confirmed right now in there and posted his results on Facebook. Apparently this was made in January already. He also lists the exact order of them as well but also has Mamizou as last after Koishi so people believe he might be right there as well. It's in the other thread.

>> No.10920535

Who is the one at bottom?

>> No.10920547

She wasn't in the background of the Myouren Temple stage. ZUN also has a thing for extra bosses, particularly newer ones.

>> No.10920590

no Mima in background
yuno what it is

>> No.10920594
File: 343 KB, 1119x1600, d51d7389d9c6487ff7eaaf330054f00e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920607
File: 184 KB, 646x505, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing something?

>> No.10920612

>No Yumemi at the background

Yumemi playable character !!!

>> No.10920621

Wait... so if the playable character list was leaked, does that mean the coding had the names of the new characters as well?

Goddamn it I am so hyped for the weekend.

>> No.10920625



>> No.10920628

Have you ever heard of "it's a Moriya shrine conspiracy"? Yeah.

>> No.10920629

Don't be like that, it's spine-chillingly good. Give it a chance.

>> No.10920632

I already have. Edgy and deeeeeep.

>> No.10920635

I hate Mamizou so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.10920637

In cooperation with Nitori.
That would be awesome.

>> No.10920638

We havent seen the entire stage

This >>10920544
on the other hand seems like a good reason for her to be in this game

I dont know what to think, its a character i like but a new character in her place would be better. Nevertheless she is not going to be the final boss, acting like Yukari in IaMP is the more reasonable thing

>> No.10920643


More like the opposite. Then again no one cares about him.

>> No.10920653

I do.

>> No.10920670

Yeah man blood and guts are cool, fuck the pussies that want kids stuff.

>> No.10920695

I thought it was a novel and artistic take on the hardships of a playable character.

>> No.10920742 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 238x635, futofix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go

>> No.10920761
File: 190 KB, 373x327, 1341085429768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920845


Why did Zun change the roster so much? Most of the characters are gone now.

At least Hong is safe for now.

>> No.10920861


They are not "gone". Out God Emperor is simple using new characters for fresher content.

>> No.10920899

They took a look at the character roster and walk away laughing.

>> No.10921230

if these sunovabitches leave Okuu out man am I going to cry

>> No.10921260

Yeah that its actually what I'm into. Could you give me the title of this so I could pick it up? I don't recognize the source from the images

>> No.10921340
File: 715 KB, 656x518, qrz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a background character doesn't mean anything. The same thing happened when Suwako was revealed as an assist and ended up playable anyway.

>> No.10921360

Except Unabara confirmed that background char = non-playable http://blog.livedoor.jp/coleblog/archives/51845551.html

>> No.10921374
File: 90 KB, 800x809, 1349301033076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should just confirm Hong Meiling into the roaster already, unless they're saving best girl for last.

>> No.10921399
File: 919 KB, 170x196, suicide3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921454

nice mojibake

>> No.10921465

So which 2hu has still a chance to appear
Do you think Alice will get in
Or will she appear as background character in Marisa's house

>> No.10921491
File: 103 KB, 300x360, 35595492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10921502

You wish.

>> No.10921507

I hope she's not in it. I don't have anything against Alice, but I'd rather see someone who hasn't been in the fighting games make it in.

>> No.10921524
File: 238 KB, 520x450, 35419498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921532

You can tell its fake because the background characters actually look good.

>> No.10921528

She will be a bystander at Marisas, preferably standing close to Medicine and Hina.

Use iqdb or saucenao.

>> No.10921530

aww shit

>> No.10921549

S-S-Shorthaired Mima!!!

>> No.10921579

Wrong shoes. Seemingly influenced by femdom pictures.

>> No.10921587

it's over ZUN is finished

>> No.10921601

There is too much motion in Aya's skirt. Even if she was like that in the background, they wouldn't draw many sprites just too animate that skirt. Most characters in the background have something like 3 sprites only. That's not enough for that animation. Not a good fake for background characters.

>> No.10921602
File: 62 KB, 250x272, just wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow guys

>> No.10921633

if this doesn't happen
I am gonna be mad as hell

>> No.10921654

you are gonna be mad as hell

>> No.10921667

Oh, she'll be present, watching the fights from her post at the SDM gates. Then again, maybe we'll get an expansion with a bigger roster.
Religious Wars, now with more people who were feeling sad and left out~

Enjoy your Mamizou + a boss or two.

>> No.10921695

if Mamizou is in game will fucking die

>> No.10921805
File: 342 KB, 670x714, 45e1b1d7f291d77b043a76e98f8922c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko a seat.

>> No.10921810

Why do you guys think there will be a new character? 12.3 didn't have a new character.

>> No.10921826

12.3 was just an expansion, sort of like a bigger china patch for swr.

>> No.10921839
File: 139 KB, 800x650, 1362245347987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Shizuha riding a dinosaur was a playable character.

>> No.10921942

Why would she be riding a dinosaur? But YES.

>> No.10921948

Holy fuck, i love this pic

Is there a colored version?

>> No.10921952

how can yukari be background?

>> No.10921988

no mystia in the bg

>> No.10922009

Ask in the OC thread, maybe it could be a fun little project for the drawfags.

>> No.10922086

>I dont like it so I'll make fun of people that do

You guys are the worst.

>> No.10922113

>I dont like it so I'll make fun of people that do
I thought Wild and Horned Hermit was pretty good.

>> No.10922123

muh nigga

>> No.10922271
File: 15 KB, 340x320, さつき27279236 20120531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eye am excite!

>> No.10922361

So what time has the website updated the last couple days?

>> No.10923235

Your corpse is a punching bag.

>> No.10923264
File: 324 KB, 700x779, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu, Utsuho, Suika, and Komachi are all in the background.

>> No.10923768
File: 94 KB, 393x464, Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were any characters I really wanted, it was Kyouko and Yuugi.

>> No.10924159

at least we're likely to get satori as a koishi costume

