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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10901149 No.10901149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pt. 3


. 3




>> No.10901152

you sound retarded OP

>> No.10901153

To be released in the first 10 days of June

Can't wait

>> No.10901154

my mind is not functioning properly due to the overload of horas it will receiver when part 3 come out

>> No.10901164
File: 11 KB, 231x252, 1315278876908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice, right in time for my birthday too.

>> No.10901172

too bad some of us have to wait for rouge and dargoth to get it translated

>> No.10901184


Oh I do too, just mentioning the coincidence. Will probably be 3 weeks after it comes out to get translated, which hopefully goes by fast.

>> No.10901186

I still haven't beat part1 , how was part 2?

>> No.10901195

part 2 was glorious

I never came so much in my life

>> No.10901201

how long did part 2 take? I remember waiting forever for it to get translated but I can't remember how long that was

>> No.10901204

Linked to the wrong post, question was for >>10901184

>> No.10901225

Was it worth for the hora snake romance and plot? thats all i care about.

>> No.10901239

lol ya

I was joking about the cuming part

It really developed the relationships and plot in a good direction, I think i cried 2 or 3 times playing the game.

Very well done I have to say

>> No.10901242

When Playing this game should I purposefully lose for all the ero scenes or win righteously?

>> No.10901259



I lost to almost everything JUST to see what the CG was like

but trust me when i say most of them are not even close to fappable, and just gross

really a eroge that's only worth for the snake CG and plot

>> No.10901267

I'm tired of all the monsters becoming grotesque piles of flesh with vore scenes, and part 3 looks like it's going to be 100% about that (they already used up all the simple monster ideas,) so I might pass on this one.

>> No.10901270

I mean, I purposefully lost to the slime girls, as that's one of my many fetishes, but some of the other ones don't seem worth losing to. I'll just die to ones I think are cute.

>> No.10901282

How long will a translation take?

>> No.10901277


About 3 months or so, but Rouge had to go on like 3 "business" Read: Spy missions to China, and couldn't work on it. I imagine him devoting almost all his time on this.

>> No.10901292

>playing MGQ for the H-scenes

>> No.10901303


This kind of comment is why nobody likes people from other boards.

>> No.10901316


three months is what rogue did on MGQ 2

if the rumors are true, and Dargoth is working with him, i can expect it to be less, plus Rogue isn't going on any 'trips' this time

>> No.10901317


>> No.10901321

I guess we should send all the touhou threads that way too huh?

>> No.10901644

when does the kickstarter project come out

>> No.10901649

Hopefully never.It is an abomination.

>> No.10901682

I fapped to a handful of the scenes but Alice really does steal the show.

Besides Alice, I fapped to loli kitsune, the eight-tailed kitsune, Tamamo, one or two of the succubi and Granberia. There were some others too but I can't recall them.

The sameface monsters are just there to take up space. I refuse to believe anyone faps to those.

>> No.10901690 [DELETED] 
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>stay pleb

>> No.10901700 [SPOILER] 
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So underrated. Was glad to see her in pt. 2, and hopefully in pt. 3 as well.

>> No.10901711


If staying pleb means jacking off to loli foxgirls that have perfect control over the tightness of their pussies to the point that you can't even release your seed unless they allow you to, then yes, I will. Thank you.

>> No.10901721

alicia thread ?

>> No.10901751


I fapped to most of them, and the alice sex scenes

and pretty much anything with really good, human/cute looking charachters

>> No.10901767

Take your greentexting and pleb posting to some other board.

>> No.10901791

I hope part 3 has more lenccubus style level draining, and life draining. For some reason getting pinned and having levels drained was the most erotic part of part 2. I messed with the game script to add the ability to other monsters for encyclopedia fun.

>> No.10901804

I hope their's more scenes like the succubus witch with having CG for just about every attack. I wish all the monsters were like that.

>> No.10901816


>> No.10901822 [DELETED] 

>says the tripfag

>> No.10901884 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves back to /a/.

>> No.10901898 [DELETED] 

>implying mgq is /a/

>> No.10902739

Can't wait to fuck all the delicious cute lolis this game has to offer.

I hope there's a lot more of the four bandits and Jingai Modoki in general.

>> No.10902779

I liked that lass what had the sock.

>> No.10902796

My body isn't ready

>> No.10902802

Now post the 3D version.

>> No.10902812 [DELETED] 


>> No.10903690

don't be that guy, nobody likes that guy

>> No.10903697

Kill yourselves out of /jp/.

>> No.10903811
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butthurt everywhere

on another note, i'm pretty excited for this release, I've been waiting so long

I just hope it'll be translated fast enough! Rogue got the demo up pretty damn fast after it came out. haven't played it because i want to avoid spoilers

>> No.10906825

Right? It's going to be awesome

>> No.10906874

Hell yes, I've been waiting for this for a long while now.

>> No.10906876

on jup
not knowing japanese

>> No.10908812

For Justice!

>> No.10912416


i need to find a larger image of this

>> No.10912458
File: 246 KB, 1049x921, 1368883364410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10912465

I thought it was announced a long time ago.

>> No.10912482

I can't believe this thing is going to meet the goal even if that guy who donated 5,000 is a troll

>> No.10912494

oh god this is going to be terrible

>> No.10912497

yeah but it's general release date has been anouced

>> No.10916622

donating $5000 for a porn game

can you troll donate? not sure how kickstarter works

>> No.10916643


stupid shit, I bet they're spamming /a/ about it now too (even though it's not an anime and doesn't have a manga as such)

try posting about Ranma 1/2 or mushishi or kino's or whatever really, get ignored or banned, post about Generic Snake Chick Game part 3, most "hype" thread on 4chan, blah

>> No.10916675
File: 46 KB, 370x238, rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MGQ is an eroge Visual Novel,

The ONLY appropriate place for threads relating to it is /jp/

maybe you should read the rules

>> No.10916700

sorry, I meant on /a/, and I did just look over there and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be over there, so I think I'll shut my piehole now

please pardon my derp

>> No.10916937

ha it's cool

>> No.10916985

Actually it's /vg/ material. Rules you see.

>> No.10917023

Wait, I thought this thing was getting published in Japanese first, and what's all this about "kickstarter" >>10916622

>> No.10917057
File: 224 KB, 795x593, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it brings more zombie girls unlike part 2.

If you like the CG of the monster you're battling against. Yes.

If not, refrain. And be warned that losing to monsters without human legs may possibly end in vore.

>> No.10917065
File: 31 KB, 367x161, rules2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, actually you are wrong. MGQ 3 isn't translated, and because of that, according to the rules, it belongs on ONLY /jp/

Even if it was translated, rules state that translated Japanese VNs are allowed on both /vg/ and /jp/


I will admit, i actually liked the zombie monster CGs

>> No.10917072

Cool. They should make more conclusions like that.

>> No.10917073

it is only getting published in japan

he didn't read the rules and obviously doesn't know what MGQ is

and as for the kickstarter.. see post >>10912458

>> No.10917078


>> No.10917074

>MGQ 3 isn't translated
It's not even out yet, but when it does it'll be translated very quickly. Don't be silly.

>> No.10917082

and if it was translated, it's still /jp/ related. it took a good three months last time for a translation to come out
I know, i wouldn't even think to play that

>> No.10917126

Hey! Don't you talk shit about me behind my back!

Of course I know what MGQ is. Are you stupid. No, don't answer me. I know you are.

And for the last remark you made about me. That is true, because I make rules for myself Besides that I'm just repeating what others say. It's fun to watch how you are so lost.

>> No.10917143

well, if you were trolling, then well done. but wait... isn't trolling banned in /jp/ ?

>> No.10917149

Please redirect yourself back to that spoilered area, shit for brains.

I'm not actually trolling. I'm just posting.

>> No.10917154
File: 152 KB, 800x530, what has moot done_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nonsense. There is nothing on /jp/ that can be considered a shitpost

>> No.10917159
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Best girl

and you know it

>> No.10917166
File: 526 KB, 600x600, Tamamo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some amerifat even wrote a song about her.

>> No.10917184

The world has changed. I feel like killing myself now.

>> No.10917208
File: 86 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mj8kvmTnqh1s2rtt7o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, we all died to Tamamo

>> No.10917219
File: 292 KB, 900x720, d63d632c35e4cce6a5d0f30e0799dfad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is the same, porn fanboys, and people who take rewrites seriously, etc., are embarrassing the world over

but yeah, do consider offing yourself. Everybody hates you and you have no future.

>> No.10917223

So this cunt is like Ran Yakumo's idiot cousin?

>> No.10917230

MGQ has quite an obvious Touhou influence. Some of the soundtrack consists of Touhou remix music.

>> No.10917237

Only fapped to Tamano, the sucubi the demon and the witch. 70-80% of the monsters are boner killers.

>> No.10917247
File: 66 KB, 440x635, tumblr_mjksdqzdMq1s0an9uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feild 2 if you need to be exact http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPsMLfes0GY

Tamano is sexiest of all, but holy shit some of the Alice scenes were sexy enough to pre-maturely ejaculate

>> No.10917255

I mean. It's not that. Back then nobody would make songs about this. Even now I thought I was with the deepest, most profound guys Touhou fandom had to offer. That I was among something special. -sigh-
Is this the point in man's life when new generations begin to seem almost insane to him?
I'm just among normalfags. Being normalfag myself. Now I can't even be superspecial. What the fuck I live for now... I think I'll have to look forward for teenage asian hookers dressed as lamias with my half hispanic grandson. fuck

>> No.10917290
File: 360 KB, 439x591, lu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacles for arms. She can never hug anybody.

>> No.10917320

I cri evrytim

>> No.10917317

so, your complaint is touhou is now a normalfag thing? Or the high production of fan music, art, or whatever for Japanese video games in america has pushed it to normalfag status?

I mean, Odyssey been making VERY popular touhou eurobeat music for years now, well, now he's a ponyfag making some damn good pony remix music


>> No.10917331

Are you just trying to make me feel even worse?

>> No.10917341

What he's doing is dumping a big cold bucket of reality on your head.

If that makes you feel like shit, sucks to be you, I guess.

>> No.10917355

I was just trying to see where you were coming from.

I actually blame the homestucks and furries, and you know why? The homestuckers found MGQ and then Touhou and their cancerous virus spread it around each other till it surfaced into the mainstream, where the furies embraced MGQ and even started making furry art with touhou. MANY touhou and MGQ blogs i see are also Homestuck blogs, or furry blogs, or all four.

They think they are so underground, and think that this media is so underground, and that they are so different that they can't even see their own samefaggotry. As a result, they bring it up a level in the normalfaggotry category.

>> No.10917372

Of what reality? I've never escaped reality. I'm not an idiot. I know that reality always comes to you. I'm just a rock standing in current of time, a watcher. Like atlas that holds the world on his shoulders and has his liver being pecked by a fucking bird.

>> No.10917388 [DELETED] 

ponyfags are fags, but apparently there are some undeniably talented artists in the scene.
They are probably just using it as a vehicle to get their work out. Though I don't see why Odyssey stooped down to the ponyfags' level. I guess it's mainly because:
1) Western TH music scene it stagnant and dead, and pretty much the entire Western TH community is thanks to piracy, so there's no room for income.
2) Odyssey was also just using TH as a vehicle to get his work out, and wasn't really committed to TH. Then the more popular and lucrative brony 'fandom' came along and he emigrated to that.

>> No.10917393 [DELETED] 

>has his liver being pecked by a fucking bird.
pretty sure that's Prometheus

>> No.10917421

I actually met him at Anime Weekend Atlanta at the Touhou panel and we got to talk about a few things briefly. Apparently he honestly loves the MLP fandom, and just enjoys making pony music for the sake of making pony music. Not sure why but whatever floats your boat I guess. He said he's not quitting from the touhou fandom though and had plans to work on more music, but that his current interest was in My Little Pony, and he wanted to gear his work to that fandom for now.

But get this. At the Touhou Panel he presented himself and told us that he was Odyssey. Not many people seemed to recognize that name, but then when he said "some of you may know me as euro-beat brony" the audience burst in a fury of chatter.

I mean, how low can it get? You are at a fucking Touhou panel, half of the crowd cosplaying as different Touhou characters and yet you don't know who Odyssey is BUT YOU KNOW WHO EUROBEAT BRONY IS??!

It really shows you how much of the fandom consists of a bunch of normalfags who are in the fandom for the characters and really nothing more

>> No.10917424

>But get this. At the Touhou Panel he presented himself and told us that he was Odyssey. Not many people seemed to recognize that name
Honestly I'd never heard him referred to as Odyssey before. But if he said he was T. Stebbins, I'd cream m'self.

>> No.10917429

Why would your average Western Touhou Project even be expected to know Odyssey? Doesn't he have a total of, like, ten tracks arranged? I wouldn't have heard of him at all if somebody hadn't happened to install Undefined Fantastic Simfiles on a local hacked ITG machine.

>> No.10917433

No. Prometheus was the one who gave fire to humanity. I'm from Asia and even I know this.

Like... Promethium... u know

>> No.10917435

Oh, so Odyssey is the name of Stebbins' group?

WELP, color me retard, disregard what I said, I suck cocks etc.

>> No.10917450

Are bronies now normal, son? Oh my fucking GOD !

I should have constructed shelter long ago

>> No.10917460

Most bronies are more or less ordinary people. The ones that people complain about because they are loudly shouting about it are the socially maladjusted autistic wing of the party.

>> No.10917469

he might have said either, i was pretty much paraphrasing and do not remember his exact words

he first identified himself, they played a clip of one of his re-mixes, and then he said "you might know me as Eurobeat Brony"

I just remember being shocked that, even after playing his music, till he said said he was Eurobeat Brony, there wasn't a reaction from the audience.

bronies are pretty fucking normal, holy shit dude. Just google "pony cosplay" in google images and gaze upon the normalfaggotry.

you should see my college. All the 'cool' kids there now watch ponies. They'll have College parties, these kids will get drunk, and then start arguing who is best pony, sing pony songs, blast pony music while people are smoking out back with pony themed pipes

>> No.10917485

Isn't the Touhou panel mostly geared at people who are just at AWA for the anime and not people who are actually big fans of Touhou Project? If so it wouldn't be much of a surprise.

>> No.10917488

Prometheus gave fire to humanity by stealing it from the gods, as punishment they left him hanging from some shit where a bird would eat his liver every day and it would grow back every night.

>> No.10917499

Kinda, but at the same time not really. Last year the panel was directed at Touhou fans directly. They had a room and a wait list for people to get in, so only people who seemed to know what it was were allowed in as they had limited space. The panel was very technical and mostly revolved around the mythological origins of the characters and the different influences ZUN had.

In previous years they have been geared more towards the public in a large conference rooms but not that last one.
Now THIS year is going to be insane ZUN himself is making an appearance at the pannel, so this is going to be quite the adventure

>> No.10917512

watch half the audience not know who ZUN is

>> No.10917514

I wonder if our representatives there will shame the entire Western fandom.

Although they barely count as "our" representatives anyway, seeing as how many people desperately to disassociate themselves from the Western fandom as much as possible.

>> No.10917518



>> No.10917519

Take your analpain back to your terrible /vg/ MGQ threads.

>> No.10917548

there are some very knowledgeable touhou fans that come, just, as with every fandom, there are many who haven't scraped the surface of the fandom.

However, every time i go there are people who come down from Tennessee, to Virginia, and even people who have flown out from Californian and one of my good friends I've made was from Washington state.

This being ZUNs first appearance in the U.S. i can imaging many more real touhou fans coming from all over the US to see him. I'm glad he's coming to my city, as i sure don't have the money to fly across country to see him

>> No.10917683

What do you mean by "our" representatives? Of the entire fandom? Certainly, though there'll be nothing ZUN haven't already seen in Japan, maybe except the particularly crappy "art" from tumblr "artists". Of /jp/? No, not really, we'll have other people doing the job for us.

>> No.10917696

I may regret doing this...

I still make Touhou music (I have two entries on the TEB Revival Mix both predictably shit, and I've been reached about the next album as well). However, the demand for pony-related stuff really shot up, and with it a few opportunities which Touhou stuff hadn't quite yet done (i.e, live performances, mentions in Rolling Stone). That said, I'm fairly close to being done with pony-related music and going back to Touhou/originals.

It's not so much that I "stooped" (though perhaps for bothering to stay with it I might very well have), so much as I was literally the first musician to make a remix of the show. I kind of accidentally gave birth to that whole scene. I genuinely did enjoy Touhou, though as time went on I confessedly did spend less time with it. I do want to take some time to catch up with it soon.

In my defense, Touhou wasn't "just a vehicle", I make remixes of things I like. It just so happened that one of them kind of exploded. I can understand the frustration though.

Odyssey is my "main" artist name, of which I have a few. It's a Eurobeat thing (such as Ennio Zannini is Fastway/Dusty/part of Go2, Maurizio DeJorio is Niko/Dejo/D. Essex/etc). Sorry for any inconvenience or mixup the names might've caused!

Any group of people will have normal members and batshit insane ones.

As embarassing as it is to say, I actually still think fondly of you guys and hope you enjoy my work. I can totally understand if the pony shit pisses you off, you don't have to like that, but I always work on Touhou-related works with you in mind.

>> No.10917733

As a means of verification, I do hope a WAV of the instrumental of my Everyday, Everynight remix will suffice. If you'd prefer mp3 or another form of lossless let me know.

(It IS Dropbox so it may take a moment for it to fully upload.)

>> No.10917754


>>10917424 here. Just creamed m'self.

Hey, are you going to be at this year's AWA? I'm going to try to drive down to see ZUN, it'd be awesome to get to meet you as well.

And for what it's worth, I don't really care one way or the other about the pony stuff. It's not my thing, but I don't begrudge it.

>> No.10917772

>I was literally the first musician to make a remix of the show

That's a hilarious piece of trivia if true.

Bronies are truly otaku fandom transplanted to the west. It would never happen without weeaboos applying Japanese concepts to a western cartoon. This is but another proof.

And don't get too defensive about things. You owe us nothing. But do keep making Touhou stuff.

>> No.10917785

Did the Brony pandering for money? Understandable. Just finish the ponyshit so you can get back to good 2hu tracks. I honestly enjoyed Rain Dance, it was a nice break from your usual style, I think you should branch more.

>> No.10917793

I'd like to for sure, but I don't think I can afford to go and I can totally understand if the group who flew me out last year cannot afford it this year or chose to fly someone new out.

I'm grateful for your attitude. Honestly I can totally respect people not liking a franchise or set of remixes I've done, that's the cool thing about music in the first place— like what you want.

It actually is— the next musicians after myself were Chained Algorithm and Renard Queenston. Honestly I thought my remix was just going to fall by the wayside, but then people started buzzing about if I would do another one, then another... two full albums of it (and one original album) later, here I am.

Ah, hopefully I didn't come across as defensive! I just kind of resonate with the frustration people have towards... that kind of material, and hope we're still on good terms despite the fact that I make it and... frankly accidentally started the remix scene for it in the first place.

>> No.10917814

I'm not mixed up in con/con drama/fanbase drama but I just want to say that I really enjoy your Touhou arranges, especially while driving or riding my motorcycle.

Thanks you for all the hard work!

>> No.10917835

It wasn't so much for the money (though, God help me, it certainly doesn't hurt), frankly it was a combination of the fact that I enjoyed the show and I remix what I enjoy, "fanbase" not necessarily withstanding. Opportunities to perform are ALWAYS nice, and the people I've met both within and outside of the fanbase have been lovely, but my intention was never to "milk" the fanbase or pander exclusively to it, and I recognize that those opportunities will fade as either the fandom dies down in general or people get pissed at me for not arbitrarily slapping a horse sample in the song or a pony picture in the album art.

I'd be more than happy to perform for a Touhou event if given the opportunity and if I wasn't a shit performer/controllerist.

Much appreciated! I hope you can continue to enjoy my work well into the future.

>> No.10917842

Also, Rain Dance was a lot of fun to make. I need to do more Italo-flavored tunes for sure!

>> No.10917876

>Isn't the Touhou panel mostly geared at people who are just at AWA for the anime and not people who are actually big fans of Touhou Project?

>In previous years they have been geared more towards the public in a large conference rooms but not that last one.

Southeaster Touhou Panelist here.

Honestly what it comes down to is we try a multitude of things. There is really just a fine line we have to ride to make a panel seem successful. For instance if we make it to educational for the new folk who show up, it becomes incredibly too dry and lecture oriented, but if we appeal to only the pre-existing fans in the room it comes off as injoking and circlejerking. We have tried a lot of things, many successful, many not.

>The panel was very technical and mostly revolved around the mythological origins of the characters and the different influences ZUN had.
In the end this ended up taking much more time than intended which we can only really blame on our lack of planning. It ended up being a bit too technical for most of the people, even if they were fans.

>Kinda, but at the same time not really. Last year the panel was directed at Touhou fans directly. They had a room and a wait list for people to get in, so only people who seemed to know what it was were allowed in as they had limited space.
This was not intended at all. many of my good friends were stuck outside. AWA gave us a small panel room despite knowing how much we fill up because someone else applied for a touhou trivia panel so they cut our time and room in half. It's very unfortunate because that was the year we paid to bring Stebbins for everyone to enjoy.

What it comes down to is the more feedback we get the better we can make our panels for everyone. I also have some neat plans in store for this years AWA. I would also like to get in touch with ZUN, however I lack appropriate Japanese skills. If anyone wants to help with that, or add suggestions Please email me. Sorry for the hijack

>> No.10917902

While I have you here, I'm not sure if I ever adequately thanked you for flying me out or adequately apologized for bitching about US Airways like I did, that really still bugs me that I did that. I really enjoyed myself and I hope I was able to make the expense worth it somehow or another.

>> No.10917904

>that was the year we paid to bring Stebbins for everyone to enjoy.

>> No.10917917
File: 40 KB, 371x211, 2XbtW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the lewdest panels feat. T. Stebbins for you my friend.

Hell I even have a "questionable" photo of him that i'm not sure if I'm even allowed to post.

>bitching about US Airways like I did, that really still bugs me that I did that

not even a big deal, let's just call it even since I made you miss your first flight.

Also back on topicish, how long does it generally take for the MGQ's to get translated.

>> No.10917937

You didn't make me miss my flight, I'm the one who got up too late and frankly I'm just grateful you transported me to and from the event in the first place. Also please don't.

What happens in Georgia stays in Georgia~!

>> No.10918833

>What happens in Georgia stays in Georgia~!

Damn good thing, too.

I wonder how many original /jp/sies will actually be at AWA this year.

>> No.10918970

Who are all these people crawling out of the woodwork and how did a thread as shitty as this get past 30 replies?

>> No.10919468

Holy shit, I go to bed for the night and Odyssey/Eurobeat/Stebbins shows up. Damn i missed it. Oh well, but dude, it was great having you there last year, I enjoyed your appeaence and there's nothing wrong with being a ponyfag
I may not be part of the fandom, but I have watched the show with my girlfriend and it's decent. I can see why people enjoy it so much.

Ha, didn't expect this either. But yeah, i would have to say most people were not thrilled the way the panel was organized last year, but I don't blame you. I mean, you guys weren't able to get a room big enough for the mass of people wanting to attend the convention, and the Touhou Trivia panel was fun as hell. Thoroughly enjoyed it
I'm stuck in Georgia.. does that mean whatever i do doesn't count?
MGQ 2 took three months to get translated, but rogue took some trips during that time. Rogue and Dargoth are rumored to be working together on this project and rogue isn't going anywhere, so we should have something done much quicker
It became a touhou thread, then we had odyssey show up and throw the thread even more off track

>> No.10919479

It got raided by some attention whore and his circle jerkers.

>> No.10919502


>> No.10919542

>watched the show
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10919548

He suffers from "I don't give a shit what /jp/ thinks about me" syndrome. It's a real problem. An insidious disease eating away at the heart of the board.

>> No.10921067

oops, I forgot we are only allowed to have waifus here... pardon my normalfaggotry

>> No.10921604
File: 182 KB, 1271x717, 1369030643220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom lel

>> No.10921628

My samefag thread just exploded.

>> No.10922062

ummm, so these are both me, so what? I made it clear i was the same person. that's not a samefag

a samefag is someone who posts pretending to be different people, but in reality are the same person.

it's just so wrong in every way

>> No.10922064


>> No.10922495

is funny cuz hora means time in spanish trollel

>> No.10922594
File: 136 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mmdzd0RXvS1sq7aa2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10922619 [DELETED] 

top lel
bottom lel

>> No.10922652

>bottom lel

My sides.

>> No.10922879

it was just some image i found browsing the googles, just so happened to be from a tumble fag

I'm lazy and don't change filenames

>> No.10923120

For someone who doesn't want to be mistaken for a dedicated shitposter you sure do a lot of shitposting.

>> No.10925390

filenames are irrelevant

>> No.10926910
File: 164 KB, 900x729, Monster_girl_quest_alice_by_killer_64-d5fv09a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ending made me cry like a little bitch

>> No.10928633

Then choose the manly man's ending and FUCK DIVINE MANDATE

>> No.10928653

Please leave.

>> No.10928821

I would never, ever choose that ending. I would rather get caught in a time loop where being raped forever by Alice is my only choice.

>> No.10928951

I know, it's just too sad

>> No.10928951,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10928951,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this shit so popular?

I played the first one and the art was pretty shit for at least 75% of the scenes. Unless you're a diehard shota and/or monster girl fetishist this game is incredibly mediocre.

I'm guessing kids from /v/ just wanna like this crap to be edgy and cool.

>lel im such a hentai otaku
>TOP lel

>> No.10928951,3 [INTERNAL] 

>monster girl fetishist
you just answered your own question, kid.

>> No.10928951,4 [INTERNAL] 

It has enjoyable comedy on top of the huge amount of fetishes.
