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10889506 No.10889506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I want to start finally playing Fate Stay Night after not doing so for years. I'd like to do so with the supposed Realta Nua patch someone was working on, but I can't figure out if it was actually finished or not. Has anyone played it lately and tried the/a Realta Nua patch?

>> No.10889511

The patch that's out there hasn't progressed in a while. There'd be little point in replacing every single scene with the RN version I guess so it never will be finished, but what has been done is done.

Or you could learn Japanese and play it in all its glory.

>> No.10889519


The reason it hasn't progressed in awhile is because Waku Waku is now more interested in getting the PC version of Realta Nua to work for english players instead of modding the original version for Realta Nua support.

He actually just came forth with this basically yesterday.
(fix the breaks on your own, stupid spam filter..)

>> No.10889528

I hadn't checked his site recently, but, uh, didn't the PC Realta Nua come out like a month ago? Compared to his like 2 years of no progress?

>> No.10889531


Early 2012, actually.
What he was doing before then, I have no idea.

>> No.10889556

Damn, I was hoping to get to play while having the cool voice acting. And I didn't even know there was a Realta Nua PC version in the works, let alone that it was already out.

>> No.10889577


The Voice patch has existed as long as the F/SN English patch, Mirror Moon literally welded it to their installer.

>> No.10889602

Oh. Cool.

>> No.10889603
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1. Generalities: >50 hours of reading
>all just an elaborate setup to fuck few girls
F/SN, the one thing that people do not seem to grasp period, is that its intentionally written as a sort of fantasy for 14 year old boys who want something interesting to happen and become the hero. You remember when you had those fantasies about stopping some school shooter and banging all the hot girls? Thats what this is, its not more than that and its very depressing how often people miss this.

>Why is Type-Moon so popular?

For exactly the same reason K-On is popular, except this is cute girls doing cute girls sprinkled with shonenshit, thereby increasing the target audience to even more autists, so they can discuss how one INFINITY DAMAGE+ attack is stronger than an INFINITY DAMAGE attack, how it makes total sense that an INSTANT KILL ATTACK WHICH ALWAYS HITS either doesn't hit or never kills (not even when the user uses it on himself). And to further increase the fanbase, they have Gilgamesh, to appeal to all the queers out there, who can now lovingly come out of the closet and tell us in every fucking thread how gladly they would offer him their buttholes and suck his tiny (sandnigger) cock.

Authors like Nasu, Nisio and Maeda write primarily for an endemic audience. They couldn't quite cut it as real authors of compelling literature so instead, rely on audiences that are amazed by simple prose, mediocre themes and and unimaginative settings. These authors also pad their stories with useless females and get artists of considerable skill to draw them in the most appealing of ways, otherwise no one would recognize these girls as characters of a story.

>> No.10889605
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I personally just can't take the VN seriously because of the harem and moe parts and too many children who want to be strong. I always considered as shounen/harem mix. I don't like genre mixes in general to be honest. I don't want to see comedy when I watch something serious. It detroys the atmosphere for me. Comedy is for parodies like CP.

Look at this thread. 90% here are defending a moe harem hentai VN with stuffed lions, cute lolis and blushing King Arthurs who suck cocks of school kids after knowing them for a few days.

>It isn't a harem
Which is why it has routes in which you have sex with the chosen girl and which is why Shirou has a bunch of girls around him who even partially live in the same house and which is why they had to genderbend male characters to make them fit the harem
>Who cares?
Too many children already. Lolis make it worse. Sad but I can't insert into kids or atleast not anymore and I don't find them cute.
>People will suck your cock after only knowing them for a few hours and a few minutes.
Many people yes. And this is actually a bad thing and has nothing to do with romance or friendship which the VN pretended to show.

>> No.10889606
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Type-Moon is the Squaresoft of VNs, they noticed cool characters sells more than actual story and decided to appeal for every kind of fan out there not just the ronery hipster that cries with dead lolis. In counterpart, the quality material decreased and everything turned out to be the coolest character propaganda, nobody gives a shit if the character sound realistic or he has a real motive, make it evil give him a katana and long hair and girls will buy it out of spite. But if you say that to FFVII fangirls they'll you're stupid and can't understand the story, FSN fanboys will pretty much do the same. Why not? It's got vampires, murder and cool shit. Oh and teens love porn. Let's not forget Nasu got the idea of Tsukihime when he was still a highschooler.

When people said japanese are no good at innovation, but rather at specialization I was skeptic. I mean, a whole race with the exact same way of thinking? But the more I get into VN, anime and other media I'm convinced it is true. They can't think outside of sexual slavery, highschool, pagan rituals, anachrony, lonelyness and visual horror. It was fun 20 years ago, but it got old now and it's hurting.

Terrible writing, fanfictionesque sex scenes.
Fate route=wanting to punch shiro in the face till he dies when he is killed.
UBW= dieing of liver failure from the tsundere drinking game (Drink every time Rin stutters).

>> No.10889608
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2. Theme: The thematic is far too clumsily handled. Shirou's choice in UBW for example is not argumented beside a NO U to Archer during their fight and in HF Nasu tries really really hard to tell you that his choice in this route is the only right one.

People keep telling Shirou that he is a moron for trying to save everyone, but he does it anyway. Then comes the battle with the final boss who is a thousand times faster and stronger than him, but he still wins through plot hax. The plot hax in this case is just the ability to reproduce virtually any sword he wants near instantly which is supposed to counter Gil's ability to essentially do the same. Now remember the situation I described in Fate? How does being able to reproduce any sword you want make up for the fact that your opponent is a thousand times faster than you. He should be able to snap his fingers and have another sword go straight through his heart before he can react. The whole fucking thing is ridiculous. Even after Shirou wins the battle, he ends up not killing the guy. Why? Because this is just a generic battle shounen and the MC isn't allowed to kill anyone. So Archer swoops in out of fucking nowhere and delivers the killing blow.

God forbid the plot lets him face any sort of moral dilemma. Why do that when we can just throw some gimmick or have someone else shoulder the responsibility. So long as our little angel gets to drag his ass into another battle and do absolutely nothing to stop the violence besides sitting there like a tard.

>> No.10889610
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3. Characters: Saber is female Shirou personality wise, to top it off she sucks more at fighting than Shirou does later on so has to rely on broken items. Hell, it even protects against other items that it shouldn't. Shit protagonist (standard moralfag annoying faggot) + Shit heroines (everyone's a slut and extremely generic)
Gilgamesh - faggot with silly hair.
Kotomine - I'm still in this game + OMG I'm evil plot twist (14th day!)
Shinji - lololol rape + inferiority complex
Zouken - Lolz I wanna be immortal. Letz put more worms in Sacla-chan.

Oh no my ideals are retarded but I have to stand by them and be a hero no matter what.


>Rin fucks him after a week
>Saber fucks him after a week
>Rin is into orgies
>Saber "knows how to please a man"
>Thinks they're not sluts
If you enjoy boring series in which you can guess the dialog line for line since the characters are COMPLETELY one dimensional by all means pick up this series.

>> No.10889609
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I think the moral dilemma's presented in the Fate franchise are rather poorly written. Kiritsugu showed an almost completely inability to use critical thinking. His thinking basically came down to kill one spare the other. Of course, given time limitations and dire circumstances, people don't always get to think things as through, and there are situations in which hard choices have to be made, even if they'd seem unfair and even evil to some. However, from what we saw, Kiritsugu was rarely shown in those type of situations and yet he always showed an extremely narrow-outlook of things.

Shirou is the same. In Fate and UBW he barely had to go through situations in which his resolve was actually tested through actions. At worse he had to let those nearly-dead-kids at the Chapel's basement, but other than that you don't see much real development on the path of justice. Even in HF Shirou was still far too bland, as there weren't many real dilemmas here, since Sakura was a victim.

I think the ideal of justice is something great and worth commending, but the way it is presented in the Fate franchise seems very half-assed.

>> No.10889612
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The characters have no depth to them, no complexity, and the story line itself is mediocre, at best. The "Servants", which are supposed to be amazing representations of ancient heroes' fame and legend are nothing more than normal human beings with super strength and the ability to use magic, but seem to have no 'wisdom' and lack any indication that they actually did live a full life before that earned their hero status.

Sabre is such a fucking bitch. Rin is baby's second tsundere, the first being Asuka. Sakura is baby's first sub/yandere. It was entertaining whenever anyone shat on Saber's wish idea, because it really is retarded.

Shirou isn't anything like a real human being, he doesn't contain multitudes, he's just one (silly) idea some Japanese nerd had. It's bad writing, it doesn't become less bad just because the author meant it to be like that.
And the characters are bad because they have no Concrete form, but rather they morphed and changed to fit the mood and situation of the plot.

They behaved as the story needed them to. So there was never a concrete Saber and a concrete Rin and a concrete Illya etc... The only character who really stayed the same all the way through was Lancer.

Everyone else though is just an amorphous blob of personality.

In fact, looking at the F/SN cast, it's actually quite difficult for the reader to try and extrapolate the character to see how they would behave in certain scenarios, because most of their behavior was low level, generic shounen behavior.

>> No.10889615
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4. Setting: I don't know why people continued reading after they found out they would be YELLING OUT THE NAME OF THEIR ATTACKS. The fucking sheath, I'm pretty sure in the legends that it's based on never considered the wielder going up against anything that could nuke a city, much less the world. Making it able to defend against that crap is pure bullshit.
>final confrontation
"Lol, I got sheath so I CAN'T be hurt."

We never see Magical Association doing shit or some sort of investigators from catholic church that want to prevent whole thing. Moreover scale could be larger - I also missed paranoia and sniping other Masters.

Another perk is that you get to enjoy watching the stories of legends like King Arthur and Gilgamesh get completely raped. The writers spit on these time honored tales without any respect at all.

>Implying FSN is not Bleach with Pokemons
>Implying Tsukihime is not Twilight with magical Naruto eyes

People are attracted to the premise of summoning famous heroes and villains and walking around with them like they are fucking pokemon.

It's not very original. They just took a mish-mash of famous historical figures and smushed them all together towards a common goal, that of which was borrowed from a totally different work of fiction. It's just using ideas from other people, none of which it came up with on it's own, except for very few bits and pieces. That's lazy.

>> No.10889613
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The main problem with Saber isn't her character but the message the VN gives that a girl has to be moe, wear nice dresses even if she is a warrior and like cute stuff also suck dicks. It reminds me of some of those horrible shoujo/josei manga or anime in which interesting or "nerdy" girls have to be turned into elegant ladies. I fucking hate those things.

Her motives are generic and uninteresting. She spends the entire series as a stoic, emotionless wallflower, and she only ever wears her ultra-conservative business suit or her ultra-conservative battle dress. Her dialogue makes her come off as a pragmatic, chivalrous prat and she has no interesting or original qualities to her character whatsoever.

She's hypocritical, un-intelligent, and her character is that of a static brick.

>incredibly competent
>taking her advice, on multiple occasion, gives you a dead end
>going into an obvious trap because of "honor"
>she's a total hypocrite
>stupid wish

Fate route is pretty much telling her wish is stupid and wrong. She also comes to this conclusion in UBW. She realized herself that she was wrong all along and that's why she destroyed the grail in Fate route, she never needed the grail nor the wish.

>> No.10889617
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5. Plot: Fate is boring info dumps because Nasu can't build a world for shit, UBW is your average shounen where the MC wants to save everyone irrationally and kills the last boss with plot hacks (even though he's a million times stronger) but isn't allowed to kill him so someone else comes in for the kill. What made Fate route suck was the immense focus on Saber. All of Sabers battles were won purely via plot armor, seeing a bunch of fights with "OMG, I suck at fighting and I'm gona lose. *GOD MODE* That was close." At least with the others it built up, but with Saber it was really quite insipid. All the other servants got their roles cut. Saber got killed off early, Lancer got killed off early and effortlessly, Gilgamesh got killed off early and effortlessly, Berserker got killed off effortlessly, Caster got killed off early and effortlessly, and Archer just did what he always does: dies like a dog to pave the way for Shirou's crowning moment of awesome. Rin's involvement with Shirou massively hollowed out, especially after UBW where she had a goddamned route. Just like with Saber, it was all business with Rin now. Yeah, it was Sakura's route, but come on. All these characters got pushed out of the way so that Zouken, Assassin (not Kojiro, who also died early and like a bitch), and Kotomine could get more development. And Ilya did a total heel face turn to the good guys' side for the route. You, too, can kill Servants if you hit them really, really hard. The Caliburn scene in Fate was pretty much a shonen power-up if I know one. Especially how it managed to kill Berserker 7 times, it was such bullshit

>> No.10889618
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HF in a nutshell

>Kotomine: "Rejoice Emiya Shirou, you have the chance to choose between the world or a wormslut. If you choose the wormslut, you will suffer and that makes my dick harder".
>Emiya: "WORMSLUT!!!"
>K: "Excellent"
>K: Don´t use it or you will d-
>"use it anyway"
>Use this like 3 times more
>K: "I told you Emiya, I told you about the suffering"
>K: "I told you bro. Anyway I masturbated to your suffering all this time and my heart is destroyed so let´s dance, bitch".
>E: I still like you though
>K (after attacking): "What the fuck is this shit?"
>E: Is...like...my special ability after using the hand like 4 times already
>K: "4 TIMES?! Emiya, this is not a Reality Marble, this is jus- "
>E: "Kotomine....?"
>K: "It seems like my time as run out because i´m not the main character like in Zero, so you win. Get out of my way so i don´t fuck you in the ass"
>E: "OK"
>K: "Almost forgot...that power of yours... is called...PLOT ARMOR"
>In front of the Grail
>Illya: "Don´t worry little boy, new body"
>Sakura: "Shirou, I love you. I´m so glad you killed Saber-chan for me and enjoy yourself with me and that prostitute with purple hair over there"
>Emiya: "Who the fuck is Saber?"


>> No.10889620
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After cutting his contract with Caster and therefore losing his master Archer:
-Traced dozens swords to trap Rin
-Had a short fight with Saber
-Summoned UBW
One day later, with him claiming he only has 1/10 of his power remaining
-He fought against Shirou and was stabbed in the chest
-Ended up being stabbed everywhere by Gil GoB

And one day later he is well and kicking, end up tracing dozens swords to help Rin and kill Gil

Sorry but it doesn't add up, and even if it did it needed more explanation since the way it was done in the game was really crappy

The subpar and utterly predictable action really disappointed as well since the pitiful romance subplots felt like a wet blanket over the whole series. At times there would be two fights simultaneously following the exact same path so that you got to be right about guessing what happens twice in a row.

How come Shirou was able to break Gil's treasures in UBW?

Even if Gil underestimated Shirou's potential his weapons are still of highest ranks.

Aside "hurr plot armor" there is no way an imitation with lower rank would be able to break through the real deal.

Shirou was using copied Excalibur, and to trace that weapon perfectly one would have to use mana beyond grasp of Shirou.

So the whole fight was basically "underdog wins because I said so", right?

>Gil is also a very bad swordsman

This is yet again one of Nasu's retarded asspulls.

Gil was master of every weapon and was unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat.

>> No.10889621 [DELETED] 

What are you doing?

>> No.10889622
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Invisible air is cool, too bad it's basically useless.
F/SN: Lancer Vs Saber? Gay bulges. Berserker vs. Saber? Just gets overpowered by raw strength. Fake Assassin? Measures sword length with minimal effort. Vs Rider? No effect. Vs. Gil? Fuck it, excaliblast.
F/0: Vs Lancer? Red spear counters it. Vs. Berserker? Haha I know that sword, it doesn't matter lol.
It's a cool ability, but it never really gets used for its full potential.

Oh remember that villain from the last two routes? The one in the final battles, the king of all heroes, the one built up endlessly? He dies in two minutes to a school girl in the beginning of the route. Bravo Nasu, you couldn't somehow incorporate him into the themes you wanted to write in this route? The whole point of this route was to show Shirou's struggle in accepting that he can't save everyone, but who does he sit by and let die? Saber? But she was going to die regardless.

The HF route is full of pandering in the form of unnecessary fights that are of course accompanied by more plot hacks. "Here Shirou, you can have my arm, it makes you powerful enough to kill servants." But wait, was that bit ever explained in any one of the other explanation sessions by Nasu? NOPE. Oh and I almost forget the abortion of an ending. Out of nowhere Illya can sacrifice herself to close the game and save Shirou. Oh but she couldn't stop Sakura being a slut, that would be too ridiculous. So the solution is to sex her up multiple times per day.

>> No.10889623

I am amazed with the lengths people go to troll, even if this is all copypasta, someone had to sit and type all this out one day.

>> No.10889624
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There are so many things wrong with the plot, mostly because of the complete differences in the story if you simply keep Saber from slashing Archer. It is fucking bullshit. It is like the game goes from one universe to an EXTREMELY different universe.

I mean, I have heard of the butterfly effect, but this is just over doing it.

Archer is now somebody completely different because I decided not to slash him in the beginning. Gilgamesh now gives half of a fuck about Saber, who he previously was extremely obsessed with, so much he did not care in the slightest for the Holy Grail. Gilgamesh completely trades his stalkerish obsession with Saber and is completely enthralled by the Holy Grail.

I could go on with the differences that all happened, JUST BECAUSE I chose not to let Saber slash Archer in the very beginning. Is there a reason all of this is changed, or is it just that the story changes, but keeps most of the same characters(appearance-wise), because the authors just couldn't give a fuck enough?

>Sakura eating Gilgamesh
>Not absolute horseshit

>saber route
>she doesn't live.

>> No.10889627
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Plothax is winning with abilities that are not supposed to win a certain fight (Caliburn killing Berserker 7 times). Basically, Shirou doing something he shouldn't be able to do originally or some deus ex machina appearing to help him. NLBW isn't the most fitting example, but the whole Archer arm thing is very convenient. Surely you would say that Archer surviving for 4 days without a master, wasting all his mana fighting Shirou/Caster/Saber, taking 2 volleys of GoB, and then saving Rin at the end with a full powered Sword Spam is more hax than him fighting Shirou with just K&B no? Kiritsugu's "lol u crush my heart but I don't have one"

>Implying shiki doesn't have plot armor

Every fucking time..

They're beaten up? Sure shirou is a lot but of course he doesn't die because he has a magical regenerating power! Oh and Shiki is killed but of course he's brought back by his sister!

And then whenever they get into a particularly dangerous fight, they pull out some trump card (LOL I CAN PROJECT CALIBURN!) and turn their 1% chance into a 100% chance of success.

>> No.10889625
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FSN is full of asspulls. An example of one that works in his favor is when he encounters Rider for the first time and survives by jumping out of a third story window. For every one of those ends, there's one where Shirou does the smart thing and dies anyway. Like running away from Berserker instead of jumping on his sword, or being butchered by Caster's spell that you have no way of knowing about for simply asking Issei about that lady staying at his house. I can't forgive Caster trusting Archer. It made no sense. I'd like some kind of explanation as to why he can shit out a reality marble for no apparent reason.

Shirou says he's going back to school tomorrow like it's just a normal thing to do and everybody is shocked and looks at him like he's a complete idiot (because it is idiotic). Afterward the ensuing argument Rin finally goes through some mental gymnastics to justify it to herself since they can't dissuade shirou.

In other words they abuse the blatantly intentional (and inconsistant) stubborn stupidity of shirou to excuse maintaining the highschool setting despite the magical survival game, and then feed the reader some paper thin rationale as for why the other characters can go along with it. A lot of Rins lines throughout the VN as a whole feel like she's trying to convince the reader as much as she's trying to convince herself or her conversation partner.

>> No.10889629
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>Gil stats are close to Saber and he can fight evenly with her during Fate
>Saber moves at mach speed and is strong like a truck
>Shirou push back and even defeat Gil despite being a human.

I'm not talking about the speed they pull of their swords, I'm talking about their inherent speed and strength.
Gil has the same agility stat than Saber and a B in strength, do you understand how much stronger and faster that make him compared to Shirou?

Shirou pushing him back was just really inconsistent with the whole thing. Remember children, there is no stronger power than bullshit plot armor and shit writing in this world.

The F/SN universe has these incredibly fleshed out and complex rules even for just servants fighting like a D&D rulebook but then characters win and lose solely on how armored their plot is.

Berserker is a JOKE, he wasnt nearly a threat in any of the rutes.
Fate: A single shot finished 7 of his lives.
HF: A human beat him
Berserker is a paper tiger in all of the routes, he's just that that one guy that's set up to be "unbeatable", so that whoever does will seem even more intimidating.

>Implying GAY BULGE actually hit anything ever

>> No.10889630
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6. Writing: Writing is dull, it's overtly narrated and Nasu has a tendency to go "If such thing is... then this is ..." every minutes or even better contradicting himself the line after for some goddam reason. "This was.... No actually it was". The pacing is terrible, mostly due to the overtly narrated text but also because the text can't really catch the tension all the time. And for the action part, it's pretty mediocre as well. There isn't enough match-ups, the fights themselves are short and full of shonen style shortcuts. Every other sentence in every fight is something along the lines of "If my penis is the size of a hot dog, then Berserker's penis is the size of a Redwood tree that is bending a various places in the middle. If the bending on my penis is like a puddle, then Berserker's is like the Pacific Ocean. I move back. (Berserker roars, blood splatter)." The problem with FSN is that the writing is needlessly long. I don't know whether it's a translation issue but the entire text could easily be cut down by two thirds and still be complete. Vast swathes of text in the game serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever and can either be edited or cut entirely. It's like the author didnt even bother editing it and trimming all the fat
Reading F/SN:

Time for breakfast
Time for lunch
Time for dinner

>> No.10889631

Did someone really write all of this?

>> No.10889633
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Plot hacks + repetitive as fuck + Nasu doesn't know how to explain the mechanics of the world + Cooking + shit tier sex.
Want to explain that you can't heal the wound? You can do it in one line
>My healing failed, his spear must be cursed.
And that's it.
They took forever to go over it. It's just fuckign awful writing. I can't believe they're getting away with this.
In both Turkeyhandle and Fall/Semester Mike I would trudge through the bad internal monologue with some difficulty, then lose myself for tens of minutes in picturing how I would myself act in the same situation... And finally snap back to reality when I was forced to do something illogical instead.
FSN definitely has a lot of flaws in its narrative, anyone who disagree is a blind fanboy. There were a lot of moments when it felt like Nasu thought he had a fucking great idea and masturbated about it for pages and pages, often repeating the same thing again and again every 2 lines.

It easily could have been 20 hours whole, not 20+ hours on one route. FSN shouldn't be 820 000 words long, you could cut it down to maybe 400 000 without missing out on anything interesting.

>> No.10889636
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Three lines repeated for 40 hours.

"To be a super hero..."

"The seasoning on this japanese style teriyaki chicken is..."

"I can't breath, I'm going to die"
Fate/Stay in the Kitchen:
>Oh shit, they aren't cooking for once! Is this a battle?
>oh now they're cooking again
The only reason why the battles are so exciting is because everything else is shit in comparison.

At least Bleach doesn't try so goddamn hard to shove it's ideals down your throat. To me, it was akin to having to read a book for a school report to analyze its themes and get what the author was trying to get across. It was a chore. It wasn't fun. It never feels like a naturally evolving course of events, it's like the Psych 101 introspective scenes in Eva or the crying-while-stating-the-obvious scenes in Madoka.

>> No.10889638
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FSN routes are the most bloated shit ever. I don't like Type Moon, but they're a business. Pointing out that all they've ever made are garbage VNs with no plot except powerlevels/shonenshit fighting, seafood sex scenes, and horrible characters with autistic infodump dialogue is a legitimate criticism.

F/SN and anything written by Nasu are generally terrible and written like that, filled to the brim with unnecessary exposition and verbose, pointless bullshit used simply to pad out and artificially increase the length of the story. There's also a whole lot of pretentious pseudo-poetic stuff found occasionally, especially in KnK, and it's pretty painful to read.

Right off the bat we get colossal walls of text that describe the world they live in. Even in the joke of the medium that F/SN is in this is unacceptable. Does Nasu have such little talent for writing he can't more subtly throw in the mechanics of their world? You can't just take a break from the story to say, "hey now we're going to explain parts of the world for an hour or two".

>> No.10889639
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Am I the only who slammed my head every time Nasu threw in his crappy similes and metaphors?

"If Excal is a whirlwind, Ea is a raging storm"
"Rider is a shooting star, but Saber is an unmovable planet"
"Tohsaka is like the devil"

You could make a fucking drinking game with this shit.

"You and I are the same!" has been yelled by villains at protagonists for fucking ever

It's extremely cynical because a very basic rule of writing is not to waste your audience's time. When you borrow a stranger's time for the sake of your story, you had better make it worthwhile. When a vast number of readers are mentioning that they felt a work wasted their time but had some good moments, something there is wrong. I'm not saying the work overall is shit, but the fact that a lot of people came out of F/SN largely unsatisfied and bored by the majority of the story isn't something that should be ignored. Reception should not be written off just because "lol opinions". Immersion stops being meaningful when excessiveness begins. F/SN is excessive in its attempts at immersion. The SOL elements are often awkward, pointless, repetitive, nonsensical, and badly placed. I'd like to go on but the field's too long and I'm not even sure that you'll look at this objectively.

>> No.10889640
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>> No.10889641


Did you write all that yourself?

>> No.10889650
File: 8 KB, 105x98, Idoun67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNs aren't philosophy dumbasses.

F/SN is good enough to be popular, and its up to the reader to ascertain whether it fits their tastes or not.


>> No.10889651


I didn't really enjoy this. Could you post some troll copypaste for something else instead?

>> No.10889657


I loved F/SN overall but I fucking hated reading it a lot of the time. You could cut the wordcount in half and all you'd miss out on is 3000 descriptions of Shirou's breakfast. Seriously tedious writing.

At the time I gave it the benefit of the doubt like maybe it's not so bad in Japanese but...

>> No.10889658

Is this in response to something someone said at some point..?

>> No.10889660


>troll copypaste

/jp/ should really be above automatically ignoring legitimate criticism of anything as 'le trolling'

>> No.10889666

>legitimate criticism

The way it's it written is far too aggressive and uncompromising to be anything but a troll. Besides which, while there are legitimate arguments within it, there are also factual inaccuracies and judgements on matters that purely matters of opinion.

So yes, it a troll copypasta.

>> No.10889669

Well, a tiny thread about how to install an old VN is an odd place to suddenly spring twenty pages of a copy-pasted company-critical thesis out of nowhere.

>> No.10889674

I figured the "calling Fate Stay a bunch of autistic infodumps" and then taking fifty paragraphs to tell us why was intentional irony.

>> No.10889677

I actually kind of think it might be. I heard Shirou actually sounds smarter in Japanese overall, since the head translator didn't like him for some reason.

>> No.10889678


So it contains a few overly subjective claims and the mean man writes it in a way that hurts your little feelings? Still doesn't make it 'trolling'.

>> No.10889686

Why don't you guys learn japanese already and see for yourself?
Otherwise you have no business talking about this

>> No.10889687

I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.10889690

>In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

Please, tell me how this isn't inflammatory material designed to evoke an emotional response.

>> No.10889695

Oh my god, everything I've said up until now has been a troll post...

I'm sorry...

I'll just go...

>> No.10889700
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>the head translator didn't like him for some reason.
Yeah, I wonder what is the reason it can be. Maybe because Shirou is a fucking generic schoolboy MC and on top of that he's unbearable retard and moralfaggot.

>> No.10889702

FSN is 10 years old and Tsukihime 14.
You guys need to learn to let go

>> No.10889712


>inflammatory material designed to evoke an emotional response

But he was also making legitimate points. It would be trolling if the posts contained ONLY 'inflammatory material' with no substance. So basically you're a little bit upset that there's some swear words and he insulted Type-Moon...or something...? If that's your attitude how do you even read 4chan without dismissing every opinion as trolling?

>> No.10889715

Don't swear pls
My mom monitors everything I do on this computer

>> No.10889718

>It would be trolling if the posts contained ONLY 'inflammatory material' with no substance.

Incorrect. As best kind of lie has elements of truth to it, so the best kind of troll has enough legitimacy to seem genuine at a first glance.

>> No.10889734
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so.. you watched the anime?
/jp/ is for visual novels, not anime.

>> No.10889744

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It doesn't mean it's not still broken and should probably be fixed or something.

>> No.10889776

Swearing is not beautiful.

>> No.10889784
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>B-But he's different in VN
Yeah, he's even more retarded.

>> No.10889849
File: 48 KB, 500x446, 1274875310163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But he's not a "moralfaggot". Half the bloody novel is detailing how Kiritsugu's adopted ideal is idiotic and he should live by his real ideal (to make the people around him happy) without it.

But the anime never covered that half, so clearly you only watched the anime.

>> No.10889864

The VN is too long and I hate it.

>> No.10889866
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 37afd9bf5c683b588e31229b6fec6fc11237518321_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps you should refrain from commenting on things you have only a diminished experience on.

>> No.10889875

Yeahhh, tell me that again after finishing UBW and Heaven's Feel, shithead.

>> No.10889924

He's an idiot, lets leave it at that.

>> No.10889945 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 650x288, Mystic goggles of Shiki perception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirou is just too light and aimed at teenagers. That's why the dark, mature and cold as ice Shiki is superior.

>> No.10889947

Shiki is cool and collected too though, if it wasn't for the events of Tsukihime and he could live an average life, his character would be too bland to make an anime character.
Imagine a more composed Kyon.

>> No.10889954

I loved Kyon though. Especially in the light novels. His narrative voice is what made it for me.

>> No.10889962

Yeah, I'm just saying that Shiki isn't a dopey kid like that image was trying to make him seem.

>> No.10889966

Shiki doesn't have the sarcasm and wit of Kyon.

>> No.10889970

He has his moments no need to be sarcastic. Akiha route.

Kyon is a fucking idiot.

>> No.10889973
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>> No.10889987
File: 192 KB, 646x488, shiki swagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is cool and composed.

>> No.10889992

Kyon is great.

>> No.10889993

He didn't want to fuck an uggo so he veered the conversation, that was 2smooth.

She had an accent

>> No.10890012


>> No.10890075


Gilgamesh being eaten isn't horseshit, people are just butthurt over it.

He was melted into nothingness in Zero by mud being dropped on him, and he essentially talked AM into giving him a new body.

Sakura was a lesser grail made to go out of control hooked into an entity that corrupted the main system, AM's curse is used through the Grail, it doesn't get more self explanatory than that if you payed attention. The Grail system has absolute authority, and he ended up absorbed this time instead being spat out due to the conduit's unconscious thaumaturgical trait. Similiar thing happened in UBW.

>> No.10890141

Wasn't this translated like seven years ago?

What's it doing on /jp/?

>> No.10890223

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.10890235

>So I want to start finally playing Fate Stay Night after not doing so for years.
Too late. Just pretend you have read it too.

>> No.10890274 [DELETED] 

>le trolling

>> No.10895918

Fate ripped off Ryuki before Madoka made it cool.
