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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10887422 No.10887422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /jp/ so shitty? It's nothing but idol circlejerking and tohou imagedumps.

>> No.10887426

It's called a moat. Daily reminder that the VN General thread is the only good thread on /jp/.

>> No.10887427

The Touhou/STG threads, denpa threads, and occasionally doujinsoft threads are fine too.

>> No.10887431

As it should be. /jp/ was never intended for "quality", it was intended for all the stuff that /a/-tards want to post but can't.

>> No.10887430

STG/Doujinsoft are nice. Denpa a shit because your music taste is shit.

>> No.10887445
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>> No.10887446

le feel when no one is enthusiastic about their hobbies and post 2hu shit instead all day

>> No.10887441
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This guy gets it.

>> No.10887442
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>implying Touhou and VNs don't get posted on /a/ daily

>> No.10887443

>Denpa a shit because your music taste is shit.

I can't even disagree but the threads are civil enough.

The kig and doll threads seem to be fine too, but they're creepy as all heck so I just scroll past them.

>> No.10887450

I want to talk more about doujinsoft but I really really suck at making threads.

>> No.10887452
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The rules are exceedingly narrow as to what is allowed which was an extremely stupid move on the staff's part in my opinion.

>> No.10887455

Subhuman /a/ fags had better not be posting on /jp/ in this day and age.

>> No.10887459
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board name change drove all the content contributors away

>> No.10887460

What's with the sudden influx of crossboarders? Is it summer already?

>> No.10887461

You forget shitty metathreads. Never forget the metathreads.

>> No.10887464

"Subhuman /a/ fags" will still be more of an otaku than you mouthbreathing 2hu autists.

>> No.10887466

I agree with Trevor !4Pq7ZkSFpA.
I want to be allowed to post everything otaku

>> No.10887467


Who are you shrek-texting?


Eh, I am enthusiastic about Touhou, I have many good conversations here. Usually, its the threads that start as intended shitposts that develop into conversation. I don't really know how can people on /jp/ aren't enthusiastic, if you post one incorrect fact, people shove their cock down your throat for it.

>> No.10887470

blame the /q/ueers

>> No.10887473


/a/ plebs now pretend to like Touhou because it picked up a lot more mainstream popularity the past couple of years. Typical spoonfed anitards.

>> No.10887474

Everyone in this thread is a fucking subhuman other than me.

>> No.10887475

That's what I have been saying all week but everyone has brushed it off.

I wonder if I should take this summer off from /jp/

>> No.10887477


>> No.10887484

Otaku isn't good tardo

>> No.10887483

The rules should say what /jp/ is NOT for, not what /jp/ is for.

Having inclusive rules like this lets the janitor do whatever the HELL he wants.

>> No.10887487
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I'm here for idols and funposting, feels good not being a bitter nerdlord

>> No.10887489

Touhou is for secondaries.

Go play eroge or something instead of posting inane shit.(STG discussion is fine though)

>> No.10887497

I love /jp/ in-fighting threads. They're so visceral.

>> No.10887508


Touhou is what this board is for, mainly. Touhou takes skill and dedication to master. Without Touhou spamming, you wouldn't even have this board. Not that I care about your opinion anyway.

>> No.10887503

You guys and the STG people that don't partice with the rest of /jp/ need to get the fuck out.

It's like having a monster in your house that won't go away.

>> No.10887504
File: 46 KB, 334x360, 1368413088989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what jan-jan wants in his playground and it's the only stuff that will be allowed

>> No.10887506

Don't do that, it might look much worse when you come back

>> No.10887513
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To me it's like having a monster in your house that you would be perfectly okay with having, but the monster won't stop bitching at you and complaining and telling you to leave or kill yourself.

>> No.10887514
File: 80 KB, 600x732, dakko_meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't blame our maid.

The staff have a leaderboard for who has deleted/reported the most posts, i.e. who has done the most work. If meido didn't delete on-topic posts sometimes, she would lose her job! It doesn't mean she actually enjoys doing it!

>> No.10887519

>Touhou takes skill and dedication to master.

Come on. Most STG pros look down on Touhou because it's fairly easy.

>> No.10887523

The games have quality in them. It's only when you make threads centered around certain characters it gets out of hand and shitty.

The ideal board would be truOTAKU that know their shit and are enthusiastic in their hobbies. No EOPs or third-raters.

>> No.10887523,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are there so many people from /a/ on /jp/ all of the sudden? I can tell when I'm surrounded by different posters than usual, and I'm sure you can too. It hasn't been right these past few days, the actual /jp/sies are more outnumbered than usual. I hate it when this happens.

>> No.10887523,2 [INTERNAL] 

New Touhou announcement.

You'd know this by now if you weren't a f/a/ggot yourself.

>> No.10887523,3 [INTERNAL] 

I started browsing /a/ again a few weeks ago. I had forgotten how good it was compared to /jp/.

>> No.10887523,4 [INTERNAL] 

>still caring about the toho
>pretending your not an interboarding newnig

>> No.10887523,5 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you carroting?

>> No.10887523,6 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think that's it, though. The announcement of Hopeless Masquerade didn't cause anything like this.

Then stay there. Personally I think the kind of people who post on /a/ are unbearably annoying. They spend their time on things aimed at otaku and then complain about otaku and otaku pandering. Why don't they just spend their time on something else instead of bitching all of the time?

>> No.10887523,7 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck still says lol instead of lel

>> No.10887523,8 [INTERNAL] 

your mom last time i fucked her and we talked about you lol

>> No.10887523,9 [INTERNAL] 

He must be a crossboarder.

>> No.10887523,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10887523,11 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is toxic, I can literally feel myself becoming more stupid with every second I spend on this board.

>> No.10887523,12 [INTERNAL] 

no real talk who the fuck still says lel

the same people that still say nerd thats who

and that shit is almost as sad as your chances of procreating

>> No.10887523,13 [INTERNAL] 

You were probably fucking retarded to begin with.
