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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10877052 No.10877052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10877060

So I have to choose which gets hit by the tram?

I choose my waifu because I don't have one, as I am not a roleplaying faggot.

>> No.10877065


>> No.10877070

I don't have favourite video game developers

>> No.10877068

The train is probably carrying people so I'm going to have go with the top track, wouldn't want it to derail and injure even more people.

>> No.10877074


>> No.10877076


>> No.10877082

My waifu: a Touhou.
My favorite game dev: ZUN.

The conversation would go like this:
Me: I'm only switching the track if you promise she'll be alive and a playable character in the next game.
ZUN: Sure, whatever!

>> No.10877083
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But what if your waifu is Yukari or Yuyuko and you just have her resurrect the devs afterwards?

Checkmate, bro.

>> No.10877089

Why would he be your favourite?

Stop being a baka gaijin. Japanese are smart and place a focus on the art, not the artist, and you should too. ZUN could be a robot for all we care.

>> No.10877095

I think he's a good developer, but I don't idolize him and neither should you

>> No.10877099

I don't idolize him, it's just my favourite dev.

>> No.10877113
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>> No.10877127

my waifu because I can print her out again

>> No.10877124

For anybody with a 2D waifu, the choice should be obvious. It's not like the trolley can make her any flatter. And she's not a real person anyway.

>> No.10877133

This thread is awful and you should feel bad for bumping it.

>> No.10877135


bump to piss you off

>> No.10877136


>> No.10877180
File: 69 KB, 499x304, important choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10877195

No, you're pulling the lever.

>> No.10877192

Would killing /jp/ include me?

>> No.10877202


Would it include you?

>> No.10877206


>> No.10877205

/jp/ because it's an awful board

>> No.10877208

I hope you guys realize that letting your waifu live is basically the same as saving Sakura instead of becoming a superhero in Heaven's Feel.

>> No.10877217

Nice knowing you /jp/

>> No.10877326

am I allowed to use a jaypee before killing one

>> No.10877355

choose /jp/

and I hope that the train derail with the first or second body

>> No.10877374

You can do with the bodies whatever you want after killing them.

>> No.10877396

Post the janny vs. milk one.

>> No.10877447
File: 112 KB, 516x1664, 1364262800267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a way to save everyone!

-First, set the switch so the train goes toward your waifu.
-As the train is turning you must immediately, with all your strength, pull it in the other direction.
-If everything goes as planned, the front wheels of the train will be on one track and the back wheels on the other track or stuck in the switch. The resulting force causes the train to either stop or derail, and nobody has to die!

>> No.10877476


Or you can have all the fat people on the train move to one side to make it tip over.

>> No.10877478

It's like the perfect crossboarder image. You have /a/ culture as well as /v/ culture in an image that generates /b/-level discussion.

>> No.10877480


/b/ isn't as bad as /v/

>> No.10877479

I looked at that thread for a second. I can't tell the two boards apart now.

>> No.10877486

Or multitrack drift and kill everyone.

>> No.10877490
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physics major here.
I'd just like to interject to say that you are quite wrong.What you posted is a way for the train to tip over and kill the denizens on both tracks.

>> No.10877494

>implying /jp/ misuses quoting function as much as /v/

>> No.10877495

70% of the posts made in this thread are made by the same person. Either that or we are in presence of a crossboarder infestation, as the sage to noko ratio is below 5 to 1.

>> No.10877509

>Either that or we are in presence of a crossboarder infestation.
We've been in the presence of a "crossboarder infestation" for at least three years now.

>> No.10877514 [DELETED] 


bump ;)

>> No.10877526


bump ;)

>> No.10877526,1 [INTERNAL] 

bump ;)

>> No.10877526,2 [INTERNAL] 

Last time I checked, japanese games and 2D are otaku culture.

>> No.10877526,3 [INTERNAL] 

No fun allowed on /jp/.

>> No.10877526,4 [INTERNAL] 

bump for ops epicness
