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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 546 KB, 900x900, sakuya licking glasses2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10867687 No.10867687 [Reply] [Original]

*Pero* *pero*

>> No.10867702

that's not how bad vision works

>> No.10867764

Anyone who has less than 20/20 vision should be euthanized.

>> No.10867769

it kind of is, actually

>> No.10867772

I'll see you soon in hell then!

>> No.10867805

That's not how you clean glasses, Sakuya!

>> No.10867821

Anyone who doesn't get straight As and have a banging hot girlfriend should be euthanized.

>> No.10867831

Browsing /jp/ for days on end fucked with my vision pretty bad.
The fact that there are no lights in my room didn't help, either.

>> No.10867849

Is it ok if I cheated on the vision test by memorizing all the symbols first?

>> No.10867851

welcome back sakuya!

>> No.10867853

Sure. I did such thing once or twice.

>> No.10867919

Thanks Sakuya, but I don't need or wear glasses.

>> No.10867927

Then why is your vision blurry?

>> No.10867934

Can you apply the same cleaning services for my member?

>> No.10868071

any man who doesn't have perfect vision, an ideal body type, at least a 9 inch penis, no bald gene, and a genius level IQ should be euthanized

>> No.10868078

They must also be white as well.

>> No.10868097

Nature is already doing that, stop worrying you businessmen. We NEETs aren't gonna survive. There's nothing to be afraid of, so why not organize a party on your personal yacht and make sure there are lots of ladies and beer, then you will clear all the images of ugly NEETs out of your beautiful minds.

>> No.10868105

Sorry, meant fine wine of course.

>> No.10868115

Why in gods name would you do that to my glasses? That's pretty disguating.

>> No.10868135

I'm glad I fit everything!

>> No.10868136

I genuinely think eugenics is good because then people like me wouldn't exist

>> No.10868170

My days in the chamber have made me think up a rarely written thought: welfare is a gentle way to implement eugenics.

It would be interesting to see how well it compares. Statistics, please!

>> No.10868186

>Welfare is a gentle way to implement eugenics.
shit nigger it's the reverse

>> No.10868198

Indeed. I wouldn't call suffering for decades in agonizing loneliness and despair "gentle".

>> No.10868209

How come? Women want men with jobs. You'd better whip out some numbers if you want to impress me with that gibberish. Unemployed good-for-nothings and country bumpkins are bottom scrapings.

>> No.10868222

You're setting a new world record in whining. Having decades of free time to get fit and learn how to program is not agonizing loneliness, turdlord.

>> No.10868232

Hold your horses, you need to ideologically step out of your room a minute. 99% of welfare recipients are not Hikikomori dying in silence.

Welfare is dysgenic because it can cause the wrong people to birth children and spread their genes further. It should probably be modified so it encourages high-income parents to have many children, presumably they can afford a better upbringing and have better genetic settings.

>> No.10868236

>Welfare is dysgenic because it can cause the wrong people to birth children and spread their genes further.
Does it? Is it? Where are the stats?

>> No.10868272

Well, presumably. Since people don't foot the bill they don't need a stable life before having kids. In theory.

But sometimes I like to think the cross-eyed, 90% unemployed and uneducated African immigrants pushing multiple prams around is evidence enough. But now we're getting /pol/.

>> No.10868281

Can this be a thread about how to get welfare? I really need some I think my parents are going to kick me out soon.

>> No.10868287

Yes it is. Why would I need to get fit if I never do any sports? And I already know how to program, 10 years of experience, and I'm still useless.

>> No.10868290
File: 61 KB, 172x200, sakuya wonder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, please go ahead. I'm curious too.

>> No.10868302

You get it automatically if you don't get money from anywhere else. It's hard to NOT get it. That's how this society works.
I wish I didn't get it so I could at least die of hunger.

>> No.10868297

Have you ever talked to a woman over the age of 16? A depressed bag of piss who can't do anything isn't very excellent commitment material, and not only because of financial reasons.

Stop presuming and whip out the stats, Dr.

>> No.10868307

I live in Canada by the way, do you know if it's easy here?

>> No.10868327

Stop being such a lardsack. I'm in the exact same situation with you, even though only three years in, and this is like heaven. You do sports because sports must be done. It's a matter of upholding civilized dignity. Why are you useless? Stop being useless.

>> No.10868333

If you live in a first world country, I'm pretty sure you can get money simply by going on the streets and shouting "I'M FUCKING DYING OF HUNGER, SOMEONE HELP ME" at the top of your lungs.

>> No.10868352

I have social anxiety though, I cannot leave my house.

>> No.10868362

>licking glasses
Ew, who knows what would be on them.
Then again, I have a foot fetish, so I can't really complain

>> No.10868373

No lights it best.
I have a few windows, and natural light is best.

>> No.10868377

Would you rather her lick your contacs?

>> No.10868387

>You do sports because sports must be done. It's a matter of upholding civilized dignity.
I must do nothing and I have no dignity.

>Why are you useless? Stop being useless.
Because I will inevitably return to uselessness even if I become useful for a while. Better just cut out the middleman and be useless all the time.

>> No.10868388

I cover my windows so it's always pitch black except for the summer in which I need to put a fan in.

>> No.10868390

>Have you ever talked to a woman over the age of 16? A depressed bag of piss who can't do anything isn't very excellent commitment material, and not only because of financial reasons.
Whoa there, rereading the thread I'm pretty sure you've confused me with someone else ITT

>> No.10868392
File: 824 KB, 900x900, sakuya licking glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I have spare glasses.

>> No.10868405

>I must do nothing and I have no dignity.
Yes you must. Get laid, read books and listen to Mozart. You'll grow a dignity and start feeling the burning around the clock.

>> No.10868415

I have no dignity and I must do nothing.
That actually puzzled me. Was it intentional?

>> No.10868421

>I'm pretty sure you've confused me with someone else
You're wrong. Living, breathing women grow tired of limp meatbags in the blink of an eye.

>> No.10868431

God, why are tongues so erotic?

>> No.10868445

Well, yes, Of course they do, did I ever say anything else? I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10868461

Why would they make babies with a welfare bum? They won't!

>> No.10868477

They do and then they raise them by themselves with child support.

>> No.10868511

Now I see what you meant.

Well, I have no statistics but I see that happen quite often. The relationship might not last, but the children have still been born and will have trouble in the future with poor, separated parents.

As I've heard, if you look at France they have a system of tax breaks for their child support. Instead of a lump sum for your kids they do it by percent, so it's in the interest of rich families to have many children. Apart from immigrants, high and middle class Frenchmen have among the highest fertility in the country with 3-4 children each. I think this kind of passive eugenics would be in the interest of every AAA country.

>> No.10868520


>> No.10868534
File: 165 KB, 600x599, sakuya yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will cut you.

>> No.10869076

who PAD here?!

>> No.10870911 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 641x473, pero pero pero pero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pero pero pero pero

>> No.10871259

I remember this shit

>> No.10871806

Stop bullying me, Sakuya! You're already coming back as a playable character!
