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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10866848 No.10866848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here is a novel thought experiment which I came across while reading a shitpost. It is intended to serve as an argument against utilitarian, hedonist, social contract, and egoist ethical schools.

Suppose you have a 2d waifu. She a cartoon; that is, she is imaginary and doesn't actually have feelings. She is a completely neutral concept who would care no matter what you did to her.

Now, four men /jp/sies have their meatup one night when they come across your waifu. These four men happen to be a little sick in the head in that they enjoy having impure thoughts about your waifu. They go to sadpanda and find some lewd doujins back in their apartment and slurp eachothers cocks fantasizing about your waifu being lewd which then gives these four strange men a great high which lifts up their moods, exciting them for weeks. They do not feel one speck of guilt for fapping to your waifu, and they only fapped to her because they feel good when they fap.

Was it ethical for the four men to fap to your waifu? Was it immoral? Four people found pleasure and no one was harmed in this act, so the Utilitarianists and Randians alike should, in theory, defend the fapping. I would appreciate your angles on this. Don't argue based on your feelings alone, but think rationally about why the four men's deed was justified or unjust.

p.s. pls dont ban

picture related
it is your waifu being lewd

>> No.10866871

If you think that you can start a good thread posting on /jp/ you need to lurk more.

>> No.10866876

Falling in love with cartoon characters is not natural. All five of these men should find psychiatric treatment.

>> No.10866891


>> No.10866893

How sad.

>> No.10866900

Tokike got TOLD
