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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10856131 No.10856131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Loli cuteness is one of the great miracles of the universe.

>> No.10856138



>> No.10856142 [DELETED] 

Circumcision ("torture mutilation") is designed to destroy the bond between mother and son, and "freeze the mother's heart."

"The idea that a parallel intention of child mutilation is to freeze up the emotional powers of the mother with feelings of failure and guilt, came to me from my mother, sadly, after she had passed. This theory has been affirmed by every mother with whom I've discussed the technology. It's not accidental that the Illuminati use lies, violence and trauma to freeze up the feminine heart, and stifle its powers with feelings of rejection, failure and guilt."

Circumcision is caused by feminists. The peak of circ in the US was also the peak of feminist sentiment. All circumcisions must be approved by the mother – the father has no authority in the hospital. In a study, in 84% of couples surveyed, it was the mother who decided in favor of mutilating their boy.

How can you women live with yourselves? You are so evil, that you happily approve genital mutilation on your male children. How can you women look at yourselves in the mirror everyday?

>> No.10856148
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>> No.10856827

Are you still here? What would you like to know?

>> No.10857077

Lolis are like small, warm bundles of cuteness that smell good.

>> No.10857101

I heard lolis don't smell that good because they don't wash.

>> No.10857196

That's not true at all.

>> No.10857200

You guys want to fuck children?

>> No.10857201

/jp/, I might have a chance to make friends with a loli.

What should I do? I was going to take her to the arcade. It's a nice arcade.

>> No.10857203

smell is subjective, because a sweat can both turn off and turn on different people

play a racing game with her in your lap!

>> No.10857238

Take her for ice cream or one of those cupcake places!

>> No.10857245

Wait, you can't just tell us this and expect us to not want details. How are you given the chance to become friends with a loli? Where did you meet her? What does she look like?

>> No.10857259

Please answer this question.

>> No.10857266

Only if I have the child's consent

>> No.10857274

Children can't legally give consent, so I guess you wouldn't.

>> No.10857279

legality has no place in my world

>> No.10857300

Please respond.

>> No.10858509

Repondez s'il vous plait.

>> No.10858520

Fuck I hate stereotypically loud, energetic, dumb as rocks lolis. The only ones I liked were Mare from Hoshimemo and Ilya

>> No.10858536

I like Last Order from Index. She makes my boyclit so damn hard.

>> No.10858556
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I noticed that those threads get deleted very fast on /jp/ nowadays. I wonder why that is.

>> No.10858585

Amazingly cute. I like how loli are cute and soft.

>> No.10858622

Petting a loli's head.

>> No.10858638

Watching her close her eyes and smile, and clasp her hands behind her back.

>> No.10858653

Sorry, I went to bed after posting.
She's essentially a family friend - My mother knew her mother when she was young. Sorry if I explained poorly.

She's short for her age and has red-brown hair. I'm bad at estimating lengths but I would say it's 11 inches long. Her skin is quite pale.

>> No.10858664

is she American
are you American

What accent do you have?

How old is she?

>> No.10858675

Enjoying a movie with a loli while eating.

>> No.10858706

Cleaning her mouth off when she's done and enjoying her sitting close by.

>> No.10858710

She has a very punchable face.

It looks like the kind of face I could hit for hours without hurting my knuckles.

>> No.10858726

It most definitely is, and I am by no means suggesting that in a sexual way.
I just want to have a loli to protect from fat perverted losers.

>> No.10858739

You can't do that without the existence of fat perverted losers.

>> No.10858754


>> No.10858884

No and no, I have lived in America before though. My accent is quite mixed and hard to place. I've been told I sound Mexican, British and Australian before.

She is of loli-age, I don't want to go into specifics.

>> No.10858927
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What's the perfect age?

>> No.10858937

10 or 11 but I'm the kind who gets hot and bothered from them, not the kind who wants to "pat them on the head".

>> No.10858948

I really like 6-8.

>> No.10858953

jeez why are you so secretive
You better not be planning anything bad..
