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File: 92 KB, 836x616, venus-clone-masturbator-04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10845937 No.10845937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered a Venus Clone. Never used an onahole before.

What onaholes does /jp/ use? Any lube recommendations? Is the Meiki ZXY really the best?

>> No.10845958
File: 79 KB, 1202x922, 1307418401400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing looks terrifying.

>> No.10845957

Never used one because they don't sell them where I live and International shipping is out of question.

>> No.10845983
File: 182 KB, 1673x1000, venus-clone-masturbator-03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too bad

>> No.10848994

>Is the Meiki ZXY really the best?
It's amongst the top ones but not really THE best.
I prefer the venus clone soft over meiki ZXY for example.
Also ZXY is more fragile and a bit short.
Well ZXY and clone are different in nature anyway; the type of stimulation is entirely different. I guess I could elaborate on that if you want to.

If I had to name THE best however, it'd be the Aliceだよっ.

>Any lube recommendations?
Silky lube; ubujiru; EVOLOTION Light (m's original).
Maybe the toy's heart おなつゆ as well.

Aim for a thin yet sticky lotion. Personally I think the ubujiru(うぶじる) by magic eyes is the best in that category. Pepe and astroglide will fill the bill but aren't as appropriate.
If you ordered it in normal texture then pepe would be appropriate I guess.

To be honest, I can use the venus clone soft even without lube, the precum is enough (it requires like 3 minutes before there's enough precum and I can actually move inside.)

>What onaholes does /jp/ use?
Almost exclusively soft ones here. Link in the email field if you want to get a better idea.

>> No.10849052

After seeing the last Onahole thread I ordered the following, Only ever used a cheap tube mastabator before so will give my impressions.


Ok this was amazing best thing I ever stuck my dick into.Great stimulation but is not super tight and you can easily edge yourself while watching porn. The safe skin material is nice and soft and warms up quickly. I am about 16cm and can fully insert with plenty of space still left. Feels well built and like it would last a long time. Also possible to get a nice vacuum seal. The only negative is it is somewhat difficult to clean since it holds lube so well getting it out of the very bottom is difficult.


Ok this sucked seems to be made of some cheap rubber material I found it too hard and it didn't see to hold the lubricant very well. Much tighter than R20 but no good stimulation since the inside is smooth. Actually ended up hurting my penis using this was really uncomfortable would not recommend at all.

>> No.10849500

>Ok this sucked seems to be made of some cheap rubber material I found it too hard and it didn't see to hold the lubricant very well. Much tighter than R20 but no good stimulation since the inside is smooth. Actually ended up hurting my penis using this was really uncomfortable would not recommend at all.
It's more or less the same I felt about seventeen. I wonder why it's so popular.

From the same maker you might also want to check:
乙女の如く - http://en-nls.com/pict1-17790
オナホ妖精 http://en-nls.com/pict1-30070 (there's a new version of it)
うぶ ばーじん http://en-nls.com/pict1-27556 (there's a new version, colaboration of gpro and TH)

>> No.10849755

I have the オナホ妖精 and it has an amazing amount of stimulation. I've fallen in love with it.

>> No.10849899


Do you mean new version that is coming soon and not available yet or just not available on that website?

>> No.10849906

Don't import lube, just buy the cheapest water based lube you can get. Buy online.

>> No.10849932

One of my onaholes is about to break. The lining is getting paper-thin on one side, and I'm almost completely certain that my dick will pierce straight through it on its next usage.

Any tips on discrete disposal?

Also, that オナホ妖精 looks fantastic. Do you have any experience with it, or were you just giving more onaholes made by the same maker as the Seventeen?

>> No.10850372

Been out for months. NLS is about the slowest jap webshop when it comes to new items.

More from the same makers, but they shouldn't be shit like seventeen.
Though, toysheart is definitely not into high quality goods.
Well their cost/performance is decent, and they're one of the rare maker who make onahole of appropriate lenghs and I can't say I'm not interested in their recent releases (eroman, lolikubaa & 17soft ver.) but they're not top quality stuff.
It sucks a bit that the 17evo soft is a limited eddition, but that's also one of the reason I won't buy it. Fuck the marketing whores and their ``otaku'' marketing.

Depends wether you want quality or not.
Some people don't, I do.
I'm sure that the people who don't care could figure that on their own; I'd be glad if you lurked before posting as well.

>> No.10850411

>Any tips on discrete disposal?
Just throw it in the trash? That shouldn't be a hard one to do.
Asuming still living with your parents is the reason you ask, wrap it in black plastic or put it in some container and then into the trash? It'll stink a bit (even if you wash it, after 2 days it'll stink of that rotting semen smell if it's hot)so better to throw away the day they take the trash out.

You can cut it open and take pictures of the internal structure for future reference, or just open it up if you're curious; if not then just put it in the trash.

>> No.10850517

It was the stink I was concerned about, mostly.

I'll just do as you said, and throw it away in the dark of night, one day.

>> No.10851083


Why is Alice Stage still not on NLS?

It's out for months isn't it?

>> No.10851104

how bad does your cum stink if it overpowers the smell of rotting garbage

>> No.10851162

I live with a billion people. I can't always sneak it around to clean it.

It shames me, but sometimes I have to let it sit for a while. As you can understand, it starts to smell rancid after some time.

>> No.10851236

I have a R20, seventeen bordeaux, seven, and roa sujiman. Yet I still end up reaching for a fleshlight most of the time, particularly the primal texture. Would the high end meiki holes feel similar to that?

>> No.10851512

does it exist an onahole where u can kiss the cervix with ur tip? and fill the womb up

>> No.10851532

I'm pretty new to Onahole, but I'm pretty sure there are none with cervixes and wombs, yet.

I'm sure someone more experienced will be along shortly to prove me wrong, though.

>> No.10852017


The Japanese lube seems completely different to the western stuff I have used before. Much higher viscosity.

>> No.10852022


There are tons like this. Sujiman Kupa Roa and the Seventeen series come to mind right away as good quality ones. I personally own the Roa and love it, though my favorite has to be my Monster Kakusei

>> No.10852799

>It's out for months isn't it?
A little over two months
>Why is Alice Stage still not on NLS?
Because it's only available on their own webshop. It seems that they'll keep it that way.

There are lots of them, they represent roughly 5~10% of the onaholes. I'm not a big fan so I don't have much info on them.

What do you even mean by "primal texture"? Because I don't know wether the meiki are very neanderthal or not; I might be able to help you if you can give some details.

>> No.10853557

Puni Hole DX.

>> No.10856128

What happens if I spit on my dick and use an onahole instead of using lube?

>> No.10856553

Where;d you get your clone OP? Everywhere is sold out it seems. Any place that ships to the US?

>> No.10856618

you're gonna have to spit a lot

>> No.10857317

Depends on how sticky your spit is.
What will hapen: your spit enzime will be bad for your dick skin, it will dry quickly, it will have bacterias and not smell good, it will be bad as a lubricant and uncomfortable.
Though it works on some onaholes. If you don't want to use lube use precum, not spit; precum is like, meant to be used that way.

>> No.10857883

Speaking of sticky, i have a tsurupeta soft that is as sticky as hell just after 1 month of usage. Even washing with soap and powdering did not help. Shall I throw it away>

>> No.10857939

What's a decent price for the clone soft? Without shipping and taxes.

>> No.10857971


Shame you need to pay double because it weighs 2.5 kg.

I'll probably never get it because of that.

>> No.10857974


>> No.10857980

Suddenly omochadreams doesn't seem that expensive anymore. Thanks.

>> No.10858002

The bumps look like theyd feel too weird on my dong.

Isnt there an onahole that has an inside that resembles a real human vagina?

>> No.10858031

They are too small and shallow to even feel.

>> No.10858068

Good onaholes are better than real human vaginas because they're engineered to feel good.

>> No.10858069

Either your penis is dumb or you're using a wrong as hell lubricant; but the soft version is pretty damn stimulating.

Don't ask on /jp/, nobody would know about that.
Why would you need, or even want something close to a real vagina that badly? Are you a faggot?

>omochadreams doesn't seem that expensive anymore
You know you have to divide the price in yen by 125to have it in euro, right?

>> No.10858080

>You know you have to divide the price in yen by 125to have it in euro, right?
Sure but shipping and taxes will drive the price up to just about as much as I would have to pay for it on omochadreams.
And the weak Yen is only a recent development.

>> No.10858084

>Don't ask on /jp/, nobody would know about that.
There are actually a fair number of onaholes that are explicitly advertised as being modeled after an actual vagina.

>> No.10858154
File: 32 KB, 499x281, 2434031_1329137630893.35res_500_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Puni DX thanks to /jp/'s recommendations as well as onahodouga, despite having a horrible time with a Tenga flip in the past.

Thank you guys so much, I can't begin to express how amazing it was.

>> No.10858158

>despite having a horrible time with a Tenga flip in the past.
How come?

>> No.10858172

The noise was off-putting, the suction thing was horrible as I had a hard time getting it in without breaking my thumb and finger on the push buttons, and I couldn't really feel much, which I attribute to the flip design only allowing the material to cover 2 sides as opposed to the whole way around.

I pretty much gave up on onaholes until someone on /v/ told me the flip was just shitty and very few people like it.

I also couldn't lay it on my bed and screw it senseless, which is certainly a plus with the Puni

>> No.10858271

Please describe the use of Puni Hole DX to us.

>> No.10858276

Please don't misuse spoilers, otherwise

>> No.10858324

I rubbed my dick with it.

>> No.10858346

i have a foreskin so i dont need japan to make me masturbation aid


>> No.10858349

retard post award, congrats

>> No.10858359

>i have a foreskin
this isnt a jew board, everyone here has a foreskin

>> No.10858360

/jp/ pls
Could you not use a giant pussy as the opener picture? It looks kind of uncouth.

>> No.10858370

No I don't.

Also, foreskins look gross.

>> No.10858378
File: 59 KB, 400x624, The_Fox_and_the_Grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10858374
File: 90 KB, 480x341, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10858375
File: 116 KB, 633x758, 1362467463330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brain feels


>> No.10858392

I'm not jewish.
I don't get it.

>> No.10858397


not the guy who posted it but a quick google search found the answer.


>> No.10858401

I know what it means but what does it have to do with what I posted?

>> No.10858404

It means you're jealous of people who still have a feel in their dicks as opposed to people who got cut because their parents are drooling retards or religious nutjobs.

>> No.10858410


>> No.10858411

>Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.

Foreskins are awesome, only people that were mutilated as children would think otherwise

>> No.10858426

"b-b-but foreskins are ugly and i heard they spread diseases and all the girls hate them, i'm glad my parents got me mutilated when i was a baby"
-jewish media brainwash victim

>> No.10858427

It's not because I don't have foreskin I think foreskins are ugly.
If I had an ugly face I would think it was ugly.

Your logic is shit.

>> No.10858441

The modern form of male mutilation is, in historic fact, a British puritan method of remove sexual gratification and keeping young boys from masturbating.

Even further back in history, in ancient times, it was a way to mark slaves.


>> No.10858448
File: 433 KB, 1158x708, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think foreskins are ugly because you and everyone around you has been subjected to the lies in jewish media

>> No.10858460

Am I supposed to think that niggers are beautiful now?

>> No.10859001
File: 771 KB, 1843x1384, tbcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found an amazing use for these things. Felt good but I was unable to cum from anal alone and could only get a sliding action from one position. Maybe my ass is too tight. How long did it take you to stretch yourself? What are some good positions for deep entry?

>> No.10859004

The point of anal masturbation is not getting it in deep, it's stimulating the prostate.
