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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10841225 No.10841225 [Reply] [Original]

Guys my dick doesn't work anymore. Is this what happens when you masturbate for years, is this what happens to me for being a neet?

>> No.10841228

Yes, take a break for a while and it'll go back to normal.

>> No.10841229

Sexy image dude.

>> No.10841235

Instant boner, going to fap.

>> No.10841241
File: 164 KB, 850x531, fml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not jerking off causes me anxiety. Shit....

>> No.10841247

The same thing is happening to me. And it also takes AGES for me to start peeing, like something is backing it up. Wikipedia suggests an enlarged prostate. Fugg.

>> No.10841256


does having an enlarged prostate make anal play better?

You should test it out, for science.

>> No.10841257

You read wrong, fapping actually helps reduce prostate problems for males.

>> No.10841259

This is an old myth that was proven wrong. Please google and stop spreading it.

>> No.10841263

Frequent masturbation is a sign of higher prostate cancer risk in younger men, but a sign of lower risk in older men, a U.K. study shows.

>> No.10841267

It sucks because when I jerk it, I'm only ever half stiff. I haven't been diamonds in a long ass time. Maybe I'm bored?

>> No.10841268


The act of anal intercourse can cause some minor trauma to the prostate that could result in hematospermia (blood in the semen). However this is usually self limited and should be of no concern.

>should be of no concern

I should stop using Yahoo Awnsers for my medical inquiries.

>> No.10841277

Are you that guy that keeps citing single unscientific studies?

>> No.10841280

I've never had bloody cum or pain.

Looking it up, it seems like an enlarged prostate is common. And I've had the "takes a while to pee" thing for AGES, and it hasn't been bad yet.

>> No.10841284

It's from sitting on your ass all day long

>> No.10841286


Are you confessing to having anal intercourse?

>> No.10841287

I wish this happened to me, fapping is really time consuming.

>> No.10841291

Fuck it, I'm going to start lifting again, maybe I can score some pussy at the gym I go to. I can't take this shit anymore.

>> No.10841295


Fucking prostates.

>> No.10841298

I only fap every other day or so. I never have any problems.

>> No.10841304

I lift and am lean and muscular.

I still have never had a girl even remotely interested in me. I don't have the face or personality for it.

>> No.10841313
File: 303 KB, 714x1000, 1322167919661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problems getting an erection, but lately fapping has been so boring that I just jerk off for an hour or so and quit without ejaculating.

>> No.10841318

>quit without ejaculating.

so much built up semen and frustrations.

>> No.10841321

- stop fapping
- start working out >>/fit/
- take zinc supplements

>> No.10841322


I always cum within 10 minutes and it's never one of those big, mind-shattering orgasms that everyone describes them as.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong

>> No.10841324

You need new forms of pornography.

>> No.10841326

stop fapping for a few days

>> No.10841328

I thought it was impossible for it to get that bad unless you took anti depressants.

>> No.10841329

The thing is I've had girls approach me in the gym, I just wasn't in the mood at the time. It's not that hard, just pretend you don't give a fuck and always look mad. Make sure to join a girly gym like planet fitness or la fitness. You'll make it anon. I even see fat shits with 7/10 qts.

>> No.10841338

Funny thing, someone said the opposite a couple of weeks ago here, something like frequent masturbation lowers the chance to get prostate cancer. Well I'm not a medfag so who knows.

>> No.10841339

Ha, this is /jp/ what is there to jerk off too? Traps worked for a bit, but not anymore.

>> No.10841340


Have you tried those erotic hypnosis vids yet?

>> No.10841345

Please to not encourage the cycle of hedonism.

Just stop fapping when you don't feel like it. Do not seek materials to make you aroused when you aren't already aroused.

>> No.10841349

You need to use your mouth on other dicks now.

>> No.10841350

Shit I sit on my ass all day and I fap several times a day, for 6 years I have been like this.

I can't get a proper erection anymore, partially soft.
I don't even get hard at 3DPD but 2D I can get a little erect its mostly soft,

>> No.10841351

Those suck ass.

Only you may know, what haven't you tried yet?
CBT, girls puking, cuckolding, cum baths?

>> No.10841352

Yes, does nothing for me.

>> No.10841356

You are right.

>> No.10841361
File: 107 KB, 850x743, 1344909472091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get cute guys to notice me at the gym? I get slutty looking women to approach me all the time, but I have zero interest in females.

>> No.10841363

Sure I would if it's a femboy or trap, might be ok.

>> No.10841376



FBI time

>> No.10841367

I don't get why you guys have such a fixation on fapping. Seems like a waste of time.

To be honest, after two years, I feel like everything is a waste of time. The first year was great, I caught up on everything, but now I feel like I'm here just out of habit. Posting in /jp/ threads is the highlight of my existence, but the board is too damn slow.

I figure I will conjure up a plan to do something really crazy soon.

>> No.10841368

I'm the opposite, I just fap for the sake of fapping. I'll just be like, oh it's 2am guess i'll have a quickie before bed. Chuck on some random hentai, beat off and go to sleep by 2.10am

It's so meaningless, there's no pleasure or anything. It's become just another one of those daily tasks like brushing my teeth

>> No.10841370

>U.K. study
Yeah, because what applies to a bunch of inbred mutants applies to all humans.

>> No.10841371

turn off your computer and go outside


>> No.10841372

How could you even do that. My fap drive slowed down as I got older and finished puberty. If I fap more than twice a day it feels like beating a dead horse.

>> No.10841377

Locker room, make eye contact on a person you think might be checking you out, let them initiate first, because if you're wrong you can get your ass beat.

>> No.10841380


Please don't hurt anyone

>> No.10841389

>let them initiate first, because if you're wrong you can get your ass beat.

Good point. I think the gym is relatively popular with gays, but I still wouldn't want to come onto a straight guy and have this happen.

>> No.10841391

This whole thread reminds me of that fucking episode of Louie


>> No.10841393

I'm a pacifist. The challenge is to come up with something that will make me feel alive again without resorting to something that will get me in trouble...

>> No.10841400

Not worth it bro, just get smashed, maybe fuck an ugly girl, call it a night.

>> No.10841412

If I saw a straight guy hitting a gay dude just because of that I'd help the gay dude to beat the fuck out of that mothefucker.

>> No.10841413

Fuck without a condom. That's like playing Russian roulette every time.

>> No.10841430

For what, a drawing? Get real

>> No.10841440

What's with the ``brotaku'' aura around this thread?

>> No.10841454

Try anal.

>> No.10841456


>> No.10841463

Please go back to your boards normals.

>> No.10841477

I've been a neet for ten years, just because I lift doesn't mean shit.

>> No.10841480

naw mane we diskussing how 2 get teh puss, fug off misoggynest

>> No.10841485

I want to suck off a jaypee

>> No.10841489


Kill yourself.

>> No.10841494
File: 410 KB, 403x403, fergwetgwgwetgwetghwergewfewgw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

>> No.10841508

Shave your legs and you're set

>> No.10841515

How is this otaku culture related

>> No.10841520

Board police, get the fuck out. This thread is borderline /r9k/, sure, but it's a hell of a lot better than your endless whining.

I also fap before going to sleep since I usually have trouble getting to sleep and fapping helps against that. Still, I find some pleasure in it. A steady stream of new porn helps with that, I guess.

Traps are low tier. I've been getting into new fetishes just for the sake of getting into new fetishes, and it works surprisingly well. From what I've noticed you can simply learn to fap to anything. There's gotta be things out there you haven't fapped to yet.

>> No.10841522

Forgot the rainbow socks.

>> No.10841530

Yeah, but that's how paraphilia starts.

>> No.10841532

Those are awful.

>> No.10841535

Closed minded bigot detected

>> No.10841540

Pantyhose are better.

>> No.10841547

You have to be more gentle, like a real vagina. Learn how to stimulate the entire penis. You can cum two or three times in a row and each one will feel just as powerful as the first, just like in the manga.

>> No.10841544


>> No.10841553

From my experience, the second fap has a very distinct feel. I don't know if I would say it's more or less powerful though.

>> No.10841554

I sometimes wonder if /jp/ is really gay, or just gay out of loneliness.

>> No.10841557

im really gay dress up and suck each others d**k

>> No.10841560

I can confirm that its just out of loneliness.

>> No.10841561

I'm probably the gayest person on /jp/.

>> No.10841562

Is there anything wrong with that?

>> No.10841564

But real vaginas really don't feel that great to people that have perfected their fapping techniques.

>> No.10841569

Wow, get a load of this virgin.

>> No.10841570

They're warm and wet though

>> No.10841571

it's not gay if he's cute

>> No.10841579
File: 22 KB, 559x398, Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujoshit detected.

>> No.10841582

What about gay out of degeneracy? Fapping to increasingly worse things will usually lead down that path.

>> No.10841592

That's about all they are. Their lack of internal texture makes them pretty unappealing compared to even a tenga, as does the fact that they're attached to females.

>> No.10841602

Very possible. I also started masturbating anally despite not being gay, just to try new things. I also started fapping to traps and pegging, then to futa...

>> No.10841609

Mine are always the worst after a couple days. Though, if I do it again after about 2 hours that 2nd one is the best.

>> No.10841608

>masturbating anally despite not being gay
That's what they all say.

>> No.10841616

That was my point. What if this degeneracy is slowly turning me gay?

>> No.10841622

./**YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE MASTER TROLE** POST THIS IS 2 threads or face trolling

░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░Top Cunt░░▒▒▒░░█

>> No.10841621

Girls can be nice though. There are a lot of shitty ones, but there also a lot of shitty guys. If I had the chance, I wouldn't mind having sex with a girl just to see what it's like.

>> No.10841624

Is that part of a set?

>> No.10841630

If you put something in your butt for sexual pleasure, you're gay even if it's only subconsciously.

>> No.10841631

I bet I could get your dick to work OP.

>> No.10841632

I'm 25 and I could easily hit 4-5 times a day if I have nothing else to do

>> No.10841636


I thought gay meant lusting after men.

What if he just likes things in his bum?

>> No.10841637


I don't make the rules

yeah you will go to jail for a drawing got a problem with it? too bad the senate doesn't give a shit pedophile scum

>> No.10841640

>Girls can be nice though.
Really depends on your definition of "nice".

>but there also a lot of shitty guys
No arguments there, but I still don't think it's worth dealing with women just to get laid. But if you can actually tolerate female bullshit, more power to you.

>> No.10841642

took some lessons with your mom, eh?

>> No.10841643

It's a desire for a penis to be put into your butt, and only men have penises, therefore homosexuality.

>> No.10841647

Yᵒᵘ Oᶰˡʸ Lᶤᵛᵉ Oᶰᶜᵉ

>> No.10841647,1 [INTERNAL] 

neet j/o
