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10840850 No.10840850 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Touhou games you want to see

>> No.10840852

Touhou 14

>> No.10840855

Multiplayer arena danmaku.

>> No.10840856
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>> No.10840860

This. Also a stealth game set in the SDM.

>> No.10840867

Did anyone ever make a Touhou-Zelda game?

>> No.10840882

That's a really broad category. I think there was a game like that with the three faeries.

>> No.10840885
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Honorary Touhou:

>> No.10840887


Touhou dota outside of wc3.

>> No.10840891

wud fuq

>> No.10840897

League of Lunarians

>> No.10840899

A game like that, but with Quakeworld style movement with flight.

I'd play it.

>> No.10840904


>> No.10840917

A ninja-esque RPG where you can play as your favourite Touhou. Also maybe with map creation, outfit/weapon customization, special abilities, and visiting the outside world. Maybe it's more of an action game?

It'd be lots of fun. Maybe co-op as well!

>> No.10840932
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>> No.10840938
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World of the 2huCraft

>> No.10840947
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>> No.10840957

the daijabin except with touhous

>> No.10840963


>> No.10840970

Touhou Keeper
Touhou Tycoon
Cirno Racing ;_;

>> No.10840994

2hu keeper would be hellacool

>> No.10840999


I wanna rdf with a jay pee

>> No.10841004

Like Dungeon Keeper?

You could get 2hu's but each 2hu's need certain accomodations, like maybe Reisen needs a shooting range or Kaguya needs an Internet centre or something silly like that.

And then when you attract major characters, their 'underlings' come in. Like having Eientei would attract rabbits, and attracting Alice would bring in dolls. Or attracting the SDM cast would bring in fairy maids.

I think that sounds like a lot of fun!

>> No.10841010

Sounds cool but how would you explain having so many 2hus in the same "dungeon" (or whatever you want it to be)

>> No.10841015

Also who's gonna be the enemy? Humans trying to sneak in like in the real DK?

>> No.10841017

Youkai hunters; with Reimu leading them.

>> No.10841038

Hmm. Maybe instead you choose a 'Dungeon Master', say like, picking the Eientei faction, or the Tengu faction, or the SDM Faction. It'll grant you access to a group of Touhous, their buildings (Like SDM will have libraries, fine dining halls, whilst Eientei may have laboratories, bamboo forests, and what-not.).

The enemies could be anyone! I'm not sure. Maybe what other anons suggested?

>> No.10841044

What about the economic part of the game?

>> No.10841049

Each faction could have certain economic things. Maybe Eientei gathers bamboo to use for building, whilst they use 'research' for more advanced buildings? Like minerals and vespine gas.

>> No.10841053

A better Legend of Zelda fangame without an autistic control base, polished zelda-esque graphical design, and a way better dungeon/map layout. Legend of Rumia was awful and Rumia doesn't even make sense as the main character.

>> No.10841071
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>> No.10841085

Alright. Maybe we could add trading between the different youkai factions and the human village too.

>> No.10841092

Touhou's Souls

>> No.10841101

I wish

>> No.10841104

Might be cool.

>> No.10841110


>> No.10841122
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Paper Cirno

>> No.10841123

A Touhou game that plays like any SNES/N64 era Goemon game. There are enough thematic similarities between the two series that I think it'd work out really well, and Goemon games are fun as hell.

>> No.10841126

A million times yes

>> No.10841128

My god that looks adorable! Paper Tenko was pretty fun and put some concepts out there, but I think the potential is still massively untouched.

>> No.10841139

Well, you could make that into more of an RTS. Maybe something like EU3, or Shogun 2.

>> No.10841146
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Well there's this.

>> No.10841156

I think that would be too complex for a small world like Gensokyo. Something on the scale of DK, Evil Genius or a city building game would be enough.

>> No.10841171 [DELETED] 

I don't care if it's Touhou or not but I want a magical girl third person shooter.

>> No.10841186

I don't care if it's Touhou or not I want a magical girl third person shooter. The only ones I know of are Dynamarisa which was pretty good and Homura Combat which was shit.

>> No.10841242
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A Final Fight/Streets of rage starring these three in an epic beat-em-up quest against god tier cho-hous.

>> No.10841244
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Touhou Wars

>> No.10841252

Windows vs PC-98: New Age of Heroines

>> No.10841279

An actual good fighting game with non-retarded/annoying mechanics.

A Touhou Warriors game with Sengoku Basara 3 style mechanics with everybody in it. Fairies as generics, with bigger fairies as the special unit generics.

>> No.10841303
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Disgaea-styled endless grinding with touhous.

>> No.10841418


This with Touhou

>> No.10841422

>Disgaea-styled endless grinding
Labyrinth of Touhou is right up your alley if you want endless grinding.

>> No.10841433

Devil May Cry with touhous.
Mysterious Villain-ess Eviletta von Evilstein erects a giant evil tower in the middle of Gensokyo, kidnaps and brainwashes Gensokyo's greatest warriors and plots evil world domination, and it's up to Reimu to save everybody.
Instead of getting new weapons, you'd save touhous and you can tag them in and play as them. Playable cast includes Mokou, Komachi, Youmu, Sakuya, Tewi, Aya, and Utsuho.
Mokou kicks shit with fire. Komachi is kinda slow and has a scythe and has lots of teleports and has setup projectile souls that explode like she does in absolutely everything. Youmu's hella fast and chops things. Sakuya has lots of knife projectiles and activate counters that cause her to stop time before the incoming attack connects and step out of the way and slice shit or whatever, represented by teleporting, and the mandatory stop-time-and-whack-things-for-a-while shit. Tewi is basically just Gunslinger Dante and hammerspaces a million different firearms out of nowhere and moves fast and can set up pitfall traps and is awesome. Aya is in the game because she's Aya and is fast as hell and knocks people around a lot with tornados and shit and has a mandatory camera flash that stuns everything in the area. Utsuho is pretty slow, but has gigantic attacks that do a billion damage and has super armor.
Standard enemies are zombies and like, tengu as they commonly appear in traditional folklore, and other shit. Bosses are the aforementioned girls, beating them unlocks them. When you reach the top it turns out it was just Yukari doing silly stuff again, Reimu and her buddies kick her ass, and then everyone chills.

>> No.10841461 [DELETED] 

>Paper Tenko
Gensou Shoujo Taisen as a spoof of SRW covers Advance Wars as well.

>> No.10841473

Gensou Shoujo Taisen as a spoof of SRW kinda covers Advance Wars.
Goddamit yes.
ehhh, Disgaea is about grinding, LoT is more about learning to use your skills.

... my real problem here is that I got both games I wished originally, Gensou Shoujo Taisen and Koumajou Densentsu.

Tho I'd like a Koumajou Densetsu in a metroidvania way rather than a classicvania.

>> No.10841506
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Persona but with Touhous

>> No.10841519

plz no

>> No.10841577

One of those sidescrolling erogames where you get fucked by monsters/monstergirls except this time you're getting fucked by fairies and youkai.

>> No.10841656

A Touhou Animal Crossing-esque game would be very cute! Cirno Racing would be wonderful too.

>> No.10841809

>game x with touhous

>> No.10841817
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>> No.10841825

Homeworld with Touhous. Space is the only arena that could truly do justice to danmaku.

>> No.10841867
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I love this artist so much.

>> No.10841877

2008 /b/ called. They want their meme back.

>> No.10842086

Deus Ex: Touhou Revolution

>> No.10842090


>> No.10842109



>> No.10842123

Why are there Negative Nancies and Debbie Downers in every /jp/ thread?

>> No.10842149
File: 554 KB, 800x450, Great War of Gensokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Command and Conquer: Touhou Wars

The Great Hakurei Barrier finally collapses under it's own pressure, and the small speck of land that is Gensokyo is forced back into the world stage. The various world governments find out about them and plan to use their magical abilities for their own advancement. In order to defend themselves, an army made of humans and youkai is formed, with the commandos and high-ranking officers making up our favorite bosses. Thus begins the Great War of Gensokyo.

On one side is the Allied Powers, which is basically NATO and Russia. They seek to contain and experiment on Gensokyo and it's people to better understand how their magic works.
On the other is the Eastern Powers, which is mostly the Far and Middle East. They seek to destroy Gensokyo and remove it's magic from the face of the Earth.
And caught in the middle is the Kingdom of Gensokyo, a small but fierce power trying to defend it's right to exist free of interference from outside forces.

You know you want it, /jp/.

>> No.10842161

You only notice them because you're a Confirmation Bias Chris.

>> No.10842167

Fuck no. Keep that shit out of Gensokyo.

>> No.10842178

Don't worry, it wouldn't actually be made by EA. I just said "Command and Conquer" because that's basically what people think of when you say "Real-Time Strategy".

>> No.10842194

I mean the barrier breaking and the outside world trying to exploit Gensokyo and war, war, war.
No, no, no. Get the bullshit out of here.

>> No.10842216

>outside world trying to exploit Gensokyo and war, war, war.
But anon, that's the whole point of RTS games.

>> No.10842219

You mean StarCraft or, god forbid, a moba.

>> No.10842225

How narrow-minded of you.
If that's the case, then no Touhou RTS.

>> No.10842232

Not that guy, but MOBAs are overdone, especially with League of Losers being so mainstream. This guy's on the right track, but we need to iron out the flaws in his idea (For one, why would the Hakurei Barrier collapse) and maybe we could throw in a bit of turn-based Risk-style gameplay too.

>> No.10842237

What about Touhou Annihilation?

>> No.10842257

Guys, if you want a Touhou RTS, just use Gensokyo and the Lunarians. It's the classic tale of Magic vs Technology.

>> No.10842269

HoMM3 with touhous.

>> No.10842277

Heroines of Musk and Menses?

>> No.10842350


>> No.10842351

Nobody has made a danmaku moba, though.

I mean mechanically it would be a lot less exciting, because every hero would have 1 HP and all their abilities would be bullet streams. And graphically less exciting, since everybody would be a tiny 2D sprite and there would be no animations.

But it would still be pretty cool.

>> No.10842369
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Touhou made by Platinum Games
Or this. Either one.

>> No.10842392

>mechanically a lot less exciting
>graphically a lot less exciting
>still be pretty cool

But MOBAs already are boring. You want to make one even MORE boring?

>> No.10842429

General Remilia.
Sakuya as Allen O'Neil.
Lunarians as Mars People.
Kappa Heavy Industries makes the giant machines.

>> No.10842465

Survival horror

>> No.10842466


I wouldn't mind a Resident Touhou game, complete with awkward controls and static camera angles.

>> No.10842476

A Touhou Warriors game, with your favourite Touhous beating up thousands of fairies and other mooks. Could even be themed around that religious conflict with Shinto, Tao and Buddhism acting as the equivalent of the 3 Kingdoms.

>> No.10842479

Only in the sense that STGs are "more boring" than RTSes.

>> No.10842480

Bite shit. SH is much better

>> No.10842481

Can't it be like RE4 instead?

>> No.10842487
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>> No.10842530
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Cave story but with the touhous

>> No.10842565

I want a survival horror game featuring Kogasa where she is actually scary and puts you into surreal situations to succesfully scare you

>> No.10842575

MegaMari 2.

>> No.10842597

A fire emblem clone would be fun

>> No.10842604
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>> No.10842664

you're dumb

>> No.10842673


I really like that whole "Is this bitch serious" look King Dedede has going on there

>> No.10842737


Fucking this. Or MegaMari X, but preferably MegaMari 2.

>> No.10842741

>MegaMari X
Also exists. http://takkoman.illucalab.com

>> No.10842816

I'd give my left nut for an MMO set in Gensokyo

>> No.10842841

I'd take your left nut for even suggesting that.

>> No.10842882

There was a Link to the past style game starring rumia

>> No.10842896

This would be pretty doable as a Advance Wars DS/any of the advance wars GBA games romhack

... although I could have SWORN I saw an Advance Wars style War game in the last comiket game trailers video

>> No.10842963

This. Hate to say it, but a Touhou MMO would just attract the very worst kind of secondary scum. I'd imagine that it'd be filled with fujoshis roleplaying and using ^.^/T.T/XD in every sentence within days.

>> No.10843035

you're not

>> No.10843060

The mental image is horrifying.

>> No.10844589

Again. Gensou Shoujo Taisen as a Strategy RPG, covers that (although being a SRW parody)

>> No.10844708

>Turns out it was just Yukari doing silly stuff again
Sounds gay, yo.
But other than that I think it's a great concept.

>> No.10845266

Advance Wars isn't a strategy RPG, though.

>> No.10845290

It's a shame that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.10845313

Flandre.Scarlet696: LFG Healer ^.^ PST

>> No.10848307

I agree with Legend of Rumia being bad. I finished it in one sitting
