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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 690x518, 3d waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10838610 No.10838610 [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not 3d printed out your waifu yet?

is this the future?

>> No.10838621

Looks like shit.

>> No.10838653


right now yes..

but the first cars was shit too, imagine in a few years

>> No.10838700

So where is this from? Link?

>> No.10838702
File: 1.28 MB, 400x240, wink31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10838726

Didn't The Pirate Bay add a section for pirating 3D printables?

Time to build myself a RepRap.

>> No.10838744

They had thing on the news the other day about how they're using this technology to 'print' organs. Only animals at the moment but still pretty amazing stuff.

>> No.10838810

soon, until I get my 3D printer for a cheap price

>> No.10838818
File: 23 KB, 507x388, best_captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replicators when?

>> No.10838820

Can I print them to be posable, nerdwagon? Didn't think so

>> No.10838822

Yes? You could print ball joints, for example.

>> No.10838832
File: 15 KB, 172x227, 1338773439210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838895

You have no idea.

>> No.10838914


>> No.10838923

Wait, does this mean I can finally download a car?

>> No.10838924


>> No.10838925

How much fidelity do these things have?

Can I print circuit boards and stuff yet?

Also if I have a perfect 3D scan of something, how much like the original would the printed copy be?

>> No.10838927

Check this

>> No.10838930

Figures you have one.

>> No.10838934
File: 182 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838935

Wouldn't this fuck over pretty much every store ever? Hell, wouldn't it even fuck over the people making these printers? I mean, you can just print out another printer can't you?

>> No.10838938

Looks like a sex toy.

>> No.10838943

> I mean, you can just print out another printer can't you?

Yep, that's the point of RepRap. It's supposed to be self-replicating.

Also something you need to keep in mind is that new technology has put a lot of people out of jobs.


>> No.10838945

It could literally fuck them over if you take dildos into account.

>> No.10838947

Yeah, that's just fucking great.
"Oh, new technology? How can we use it to kill people?"

>> No.10838950

Well it's just plastic, you can't print out circuitry and such, I don't think.

>> No.10838957

You don't need a 3d printer for circuts.

>> No.10838960

Because plastic dildos are good?
Silicone is too liquid to build using a gradual process, it has to be injection molded. You might be able to 3d print the mold, but I don't know it hot silicone will melt the mold at that point.

>> No.10838962

Ano, sumimasen anon-kun of breakingo your illusions, demo it's not really something new you know desu.

>> No.10838963

Shit, I'm an idiot

>> No.10838966
File: 42 KB, 631x347, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedom is almost here

>> No.10838968

Just lube it up. You're a pussy if you need elasticity in your sex toys.

>> No.10838969

I didn't say anything about it being a good experience.

>> No.10838970

shimatta, very gomenasai... watashi a baka, but wakarimasu what I mean? soko technology isn't hontouni out mada?

>> No.10838983
File: 554 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0122[1_display_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that cat.

>> No.10838987

Everything is daijobu anon-kun, watashi understand otaku mean.

>> No.10838986
File: 131 KB, 800x600, 5f728db1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10838997
File: 270 KB, 1396x913, ona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10839004

Christ, that hand is frightening.

>> No.10839017

The hand of a hard worker. No surprise it scares you.

>> No.10839029


Silicone isn't hot when it's cast. It's room temperature. It cures via reaction with tin or platinum that produces no heat.

>> No.10839031

Yeah, you can just tell how many handjobs he'd given.

>> No.10839038

Don't bully people's hands!

>> No.10839042

They're cute where can I get one?

>> No.10839046

Give many handjobs.

>> No.10839053


are you le serious anonymous? our tyrannical government is doing everything it can to strip us of our rights. this man is using technology to fight for our freedom.

>> No.10839084

Because nothing says freedom like a gun right?

>> No.10839091


>> No.10839092


considering our freedom was earned by men using guns, yes it does.

>> No.10839101

Thank you very much for the link kind sir!

>> No.10839111

Are you an indian?

>> No.10839245


of course not. I'm an American.

>> No.10839539
File: 32 KB, 1023x575, 1354492117943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d printing will throw the world into chaos because it couldn't be heavily regulated enough.

>> No.10839553
File: 89 KB, 576x627, 1357884391482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, yes.

>> No.10839567

When it becomes advanced enough to print out people, I bet someone's going to print out a bomb to match and start committing terrorist attacks.

>> No.10839583

In a way, that's actually correct.
Force is the most fundamental unit of political power.

>> No.10839602

are they going to stop making figures now cause i really dont wantt that to happen and i cant afford a 3d printing please no that would be really not happy and not nice to me

>> No.10839608

I've read that modern 3D printers can already print crappy, but fully functional guns. You can't print powder, but I don't think it shouldn't be very hard to make it from legal components.

>> No.10839644

I liked 3D printing before it became popular. I used to know a guy a long time ago that built his own. It took him a year and a half of work on his free time.

>> No.10840253

why are you quoting the link fucking retard

>> No.10843345

I use glass, personally.

>> No.10845429

how much does this cost to make?

>> No.10845450

>gun powder

>> No.10845469

I'm going to be receiving a 3d printer soonish, but it's only a mono-color printer.

Would anyone like waifus printed.

>> No.10845490

Soon people won't have to work anymore. When we figure out how to zap food into existance along side this, nobody on earth will be poor and humanity can further itself by focusing on space exploration and arts. Guns may be printed, but nobody will have reason to use them.

A new golden age is upon us.

>> No.10845507
File: 73 KB, 620x650, deldar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or plunge into hedonism.

>> No.10845895

The chinks are too busy grinding faetuses into dust for their penis potions to care about world domination.

>> No.10846045

Can't wait to print my 2hus with huge dicks!

>> No.10849557


>> No.10849771

You listed carbon twice.
Protip: nobody uses that in ammo anymore nowadays.
The cartridge's detonation charge is mercury fulminate and the main charge is closer to nitrocellulose than black powder.
Wouldn't surprise me if it were PETN or even HMTD.

>> No.10849989

