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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 267 KB, 474x436, 2rzb420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10838046 No.10838046 [Reply] [Original]

plz take a stand and support the /neet/ board.


>> No.10838054

noty :)

>> No.10838060

That would be attract a bunch of 19 year old college kids with angst complaining about how they have to girlfriend or they don't have a job.

>> No.10838062

but we're not allowed here anymoar. where do we go?

>> No.10838065


>> No.10838068
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>> No.10838069

kill yourself
>/q/ thread OP
do it twice, if you're the same guy

post pics

>> No.10838080

plz guise, neet threads are the only place i can go to feel talk about my problems and feel better about myself. Help us make a new board and we wont bother you anymore. plz plz

>> No.10838085

I only feel at peace when I talk about neet lifestyle with /jp/

Otherwise I'd go to /r9k/ and sift through normals

>> No.10838090

Go to ota or Tohno?

>> No.10838092

Being a NEET is the norm in this economy.

>> No.10838095

No. That's being underemployed (includes freeters and temp contracts who can't get stable FT). True unemployment isn't as bad anymore unless you're a yuropor stuck in Spain or Greece.

>> No.10838104

The US at least has a 65% labor participation rate. That means 35% of the population aren't even trying to get a job. Add that to the 8% unemployment rate and 43% of the population are NEETs. It's not a majority, but it's certainly normal.

>> No.10838112

You can only blame the economy on behalf of discouraged workers and there aren't many hard stats on them. There's also students in that 35% who can't be branded as NEETs. You can't blame the economy for people choosing to be stay at home parents or being truly disabled and unable to work either.

>> No.10838115

Oh and don't forget some people are retired before 65 too.

>> No.10838118

>That means 35%[citation needed] of the population aren't even trying to get a job
...because they're little kids, old people, or house-spouses? Think, McFly, think.

Now take your stale horse manure and clear on outta here.

>> No.10838122
File: 29 KB, 200x200, Still+counts+_5a79c4803611d4ddda9aeff80b9531b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Think, McFly, think.

woah are you a real time traveler bro

>> No.10838124

Right. It depends on how you define the eligible population. I'm pretty sure for my country it's people aged 18-65 for the labour participation calculation. They might have to revise the upper age cap at this rate with poor non-McJob growth though haha.

>> No.10838131

There's always a natural unemployment rate. One of the things that hasn't been mentioned is how generous the social safety nets are - a driver of NARU. If they are too damn generous, many people who would otherwise work shitty jobs won't have any incentive to and will try to milk the system. Why flip burgers if you can somehow get the state to give you about the same sitting on your ass? That kind of thing you blame true socialist hippies for.

>> No.10838133

>because they're little kids, old people,

What he said: >>10838124

Young people (<16) and people above the retirement age (>65) aren't calculated into that number

>or house-spouses
>woah are you a real time traveler bro

Clearly he's from the 1950's, when people quit their jobs to raise children.

>> No.10838139

There may be noteably fewer, but you still can't blame the economy for people who choose to be stay at home moms and dads. Have a drive around the better parts of suburbia. Entire streets of housewives.

>> No.10838143

Well you can't really blame the economy for any NEET by CHOICE.

>> No.10838144
File: 152 KB, 629x860, 76e2c6feb09c47edac1ce90a8713ed0d59d35ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any NEET's wanna chat?

Email inc

>> No.10838146
File: 45 KB, 273x264, 1326993265647icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat if im not a neet. will you still chat with me?

>> No.10838145

flippem nburgur

Used to be you could support a wife and family working at a shoe shop in a department store, doesn't work that way anymore. Maybe it should.

Anyway, we don't need a neet imageboard, we probably already have a text board that nobody visits, just for this shit of yours that you're so used to having in here that you can't STAND it not being here. mootles shoulda left r9k down, just left it down, criticism be damned, and you can go fuck yourselves too. Go blog about how you're fishing little squirmy worms and bugs outta your asses on some twitter, yolo tag it all.

>> No.10838155

I dunno, are you grody?

>> No.10838156

That's true, however, I don't see why I should take a 9-5 job when I still have to live in my parent's basement because of low salary when I could just mooch off my parents without the 9-5 job. There needs to be both lower welfare and higher minimum wage to encourage people to get jobs.

>> No.10838163


>> No.10838164

n-no...i dont think so

>> No.10838166
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I don't mind, as long as you're nice /jp/er and not a bully cross boarder

>> No.10838181

would you add me on skype? my username is thesecretsoda

dont worry i wont try to make any calls, n-not unless you want to. but im no good at talking. i just use skype cuz thats where the other /jp/ers and /a/nons i've met go. plz add me plz

>> No.10838191

hold on, >>10838145 here, just checked r9k out for suitability... but there actually is content in there right now, it's not all whiny green text and ads for porn stars

color me surprised, but I guess it's good he left it up after all

>> No.10838193

Anyone else? quick before Janny comes!

>> No.10838194

If you just can't get a job - any job - no matter how hard you try, then by all means blame the economy. If you're a NEET by choice, you can't justify using it as a scapegoat for not working. Like I said at the beginning - underemployment is the real problem. Armies of college grads working McJobs, people who can't get FT and temps with no benefits or stability. Definitely agree though lots of shitty jobs (usually defined as barely or non-liveable wage, no real advancement prospects, no/poor benefits) out there and alot of the recovery has been fueled by shitty job gains.

>> No.10838205

maybe we could all start a group chat so we could talk without having to worry about the mean jannie. who knows make ill even make some friends

>> No.10838214

Damn, it's really bad, but there are 2 or 3 decent threads.

>> No.10838217

We could try if there's enough people

>> No.10838220

Here in Europe, we get politicians advocating emulating the new German models to kill unemployment, but they conveniently forget to mention the current German economy has a growing underclass of millions of people working hard labour jobs at a rate that barely feeds.

>> No.10838240

really? if you guise want to start that you could just all add me then. I have a sign holding job now.. so i guess im not a neet anymore.. b-but i want to hang out and make friends too. this sounds fun. lets do it.

again, my skype is: thesecretsoda

anyone who wants to join just add me

>> No.10838248

That does sound kinda of fun. Added.

I'm shy though, so I dont think I'll have much to add to the conversation.

>> No.10838261

Trying to add you but no respond

>> No.10838280

look at all the normalfag fucking shits in this thread their like ants

>> No.10838281

b-but i dont see anything? you sure you added thesecretsoda?

>> No.10838290
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she had a penis

>> No.10838299

just post ur skype faget

>> No.10838301
File: 65 KB, 379x299, 1338327597146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally going to sage again because im getting stressed out knowing all these normals are on MY board

>> No.10838306

you aren't a touhou, so pls go

>> No.10838316
File: 769 KB, 806x1600, Momiji_Inubashiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more sign ups for the underground Janny resistance movement?

Add me or the thesecretsoda

>> No.10838352

>If you just can't get a job - any job - no matter how hard you try, then by all means blame the economy. If you're a NEET by choice, you can't justify using it as a scapegoat for not working.
Why do people keep repeating this bull? You could just start studying by yourself. A person who can read, use the internet and has access to first world libraries already has more _professionally useful_ information on his hands than a relatively terrible college degree could teach. If there's a little bit of money available, you can actually buy the paperback versions of the books they use in the top universities. Practice materials are equally imporant, as is actually doing them. Stealing is illegal.

Some "any jobs" are objectively complete waste of time and they exist to act as indicators of loyalty. If you don't need a steady cashflow to feed your kids with, why would you waste your time flipping burgers? Strike when you're ready, not when you're tired, desperate and pressured.

Studying has multiple positive effects:
- it gives you actual fact knowledge about the world as long as you aren't reading political or commercial nonsense
- it teaches you that it's actually pretty ok if you just stick to it long enough
- it distances you from the histrionic retards that are very common among relatively poor people (these people are poisonous - they actively use and degrade nice boys and girls of all ages to make themselves look like bosses)

Imitate the good ones until you know better. Studying is sensitive business and sensitive people get confused, sometimes for days, if they're confronted with sufficiently insane things. It's not coincidence that successful students usually have stable and supportive families. As an adult, you don't really need one. You've already seen it all - there's no point in sheltering you. You just have to stop wallowing in your learned inferiority and greed. How many years do you have? 40 or 50?

>> No.10838355

>There's always a natural unemployment rate.
There's nothing natural about it.
