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10834482 No.10834482 [Reply] [Original]

You can go back to October 4, 1986 to save the Ushiromiyas. You only have one chance. What do you do?

I'd kidnap Maria somehow and spend the whole day with her. They can't have a family conference while one of their kids is missing... right?

Well, that's the plan. I probably wouldn't have a chance to kidnap her.

>> No.10834495
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"Hello Yasu. Your plan is shitty and will get everyone killed. Why don't you prepare tea as I take Battler, George and Marisa? We will all discuss it together around a game of dungeon and dragon."

>> No.10834511

>Well guys the autistic kid is missing, the sane thing to do would be to postpone the conference
>What am I talking about, we're CRAZY! We have more important matters at hand. The police will take care of that, we cannot delay the family conference
And then everyone died

>> No.10834514

Please don't misuse the blacktexting feature.

>> No.10834518

Please don't misuse your right to speak.

>> No.10834522

Please don't misuse your right to breath.

>> No.10834527
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"Who are you quoting, anon?"

>> No.10834530
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>> No.10834531

It's nice to see some pretty faces around /jp/, please do continue posting that pic.

>> No.10834535

if you find her attractive you do not belong in /jp/

>> No.10834543

Maybe he wasn't being serious, because, you, know, /jp/ has a thing for irony, or something, dunno.

>> No.10834553

i was actually being ironic when i posted

she is really attractive

>> No.10834558

Not enough layers of irony, you do not belong in /jp/.

>> No.10834566
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What if I kill Eva at the airport? I'm pretty sure they would postpone the conference.

I mean, she doesn't deserve to live. She accidentally killed Rosa in EP3 and THEN killed Maria because she had seen everything.

Who the fuck cares about Rosa's death? Just tell everyone what happened. Don't kill the loli, you monster!

>> No.10834572

Why are you doing this?

>> No.10834574

How did you reach the island?

>> No.10834603

I reach Rokkenjima in the present, then go back in time. Pouf instant teleport. Then I bullshit something like Erika.

>> No.10834604

Why save those bastards? I'd rather save the gold.

>> No.10834605
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>> No.10834611

Wouldn't the autistic brat scream or something?

>> No.10834616

But Hideyoshi oji-san is a fun uncle!

>> No.10834621

I like how that crazy fucker doesn't care about anything at all. She is the opposite of Takano.

>> No.10834651
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>a game of dungeon and dragon

>> No.10834652

what video game is this nerd

>> No.10834658

Everything about this was so damn perfect. Everything. I never so openly laughed since forever.

>> No.10834665

I'd fuq Maria. Not sure if that will help though...

>> No.10834677

I would be the culprit, I'd love to see their reactions when one of them dies according to the epitaph. OH DESIRE

>> No.10834685

So YOU were the 19th person!

>> No.10834690

I liked how the stakes were relevant again.

>> No.10834710
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This was the best part.

>> No.10834737
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Erika is bullying Maria.

>> No.10834746
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Are you a bad enough lolicon to stop her?

>> No.10834753
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Even her cousins talk behind her back and laugh at her.

>> No.10834760
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And this turns me on.

>> No.10834779

Is it awkward to fug an autistic kid? I bet her moans sound weird as fuck.

>> No.10834790

Because we are the elite.

>> No.10834806
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I want Kinzo to be the culprit. Just think about it.

>> No.10834816

what episode is this from

>> No.10834823
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>> No.10834825

Read One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e to learn how to fuck an autistic child.

>> No.10834834

fan-made game

>> No.10834853

I didn't know this level of humiliation was possible for Furudo Erika.

What a bully.

>> No.10834868

It was great, but what the hell was wrong with Jessica's eyes?

>> No.10834884

>Greater Furry

>> No.10834891

Maria is obscene to the eye and everyone else is an asshole.

Only Jennifer deserves to live.

>> No.10834901

>doing any of this shit
>not giving baby-you the winning lottery numbers

>> No.10834918

Would Rika and Satoko bully Maria if they met her?

>> No.10834929

>implying your breath won't eventually alter the results of the lottery
>implying your mere existence in the past won't change a lot of things even if you are extremely careful

>> No.10834964

Rika and Satoko are good girls.

>> No.10834960

>some dude sees you
>that dude thinks about you for 5 seconds afterwards instead of thinking about something else
>that something else could have been something important
>his actions change slightly because he didn't think about that important thing
>this makes everyone else's actions change slightly
>a car accident happens that could have been avoided if the victim's actions hadn't been altered
>one of the lottery guys is watching the news
>they talk about that accident
>that information in his brain changes his actions slightly
>he fills the lottery machine with balls
>he throws the balls inside the machine in a slightly different way at a slightly different time
>the results change

>> No.10835014

>spend decades in intense occult research just to get the slightest chance at resurrecting your waifu
>grandson NTR's you
I'd kill someone too.

>> No.10835033

I'm gonna talk to everyone like Kazuma from Yakuza.

>> No.10835044

It would be impossible for me. I can't even into moonspeak.

>> No.10835056


Some of them can speak english.

>> No.10835057

Just punch George-aniki in the face and steal his ring.

>> No.10835062

Being a westaboo =/= being able to speak English

Kinzo is dead, he doesn't count.

>> No.10835068

Am I the only one that genuinely likes George?

Battler may be a good character, but I'd hate him in real life. That neurotypical goof doesn't deserve the girl.

>> No.10835087
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Speak english, not some slang.

And I think that Joji knows english.

>> No.10835101

But Japanese people can't learn English.

>> No.10835107
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Of course they can.

>> No.10835113
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>Kinzo is dead
Prove it IRL.

By the way, this is the best part of Umineko. Even Joji is a badass here.

>> No.10835116

Ange was stripped naked by goats in EP8. How does that make you feel?

>> No.10835146


>How does that make you feel?

I'm looking forward to read that part again in the EP8 manga

>> No.10835178

I doubt they will draw Ange naked, being licked by a goat.

>> No.10835181 [SPOILER] 
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Maria's butt is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.10835199 [DELETED] 
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Of course, read the manga, everything's here.

>> No.10835203

George was so jealous and spiteful that he hid Battler's letter from Shannon. Do you really think such behavior is likeable?

>> No.10835208


You shouldn't doubt.

>> No.10835213

But R07 doesn't want porn in his manga.

>> No.10835216

It's not porn if it's art.

>> No.10835225

Sexual humiliation doesn't work as art. It's always porn.

>> No.10835220

That scene ruined the drama for me. It was supposed to be sad, but I just stopped reading and masturbated to it.

>> No.10835233

I'd do the same if I had a stupid extroverted cousin that gets laid easily.

George is a thoughtful scholar, it's not his fault that all girls have shit taste in men.

>> No.10835239
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What are you even talking about?

That's not H.

>> No.10835251

What the fuck is that? Is that from the official manga?

I guess we are gonna see Ange naked after all. I'll be mad if she is bald down there, though.

>> No.10835268
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>Is that from the official manga?


>> No.10835287

That guy is really cute and reminds me of Roxas. I'm turning gay or something.

>> No.10835581
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So this Japanese kid wants to become an actress?

I don't get it. Japanese people are terrible at it.

>> No.10835617


>So this Japanese kid wants to become an actress?


>> No.10835667

What's wrong?

>> No.10835680
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Where do you get that from?

I don't remember anything like that.

>> No.10835699

The entire chapter was about that.

Maybe you are confusing her with someone else. She is Midori from Higanbana. With Erika's dress. That was actually Jessica's old dress.

>> No.10835704


>> No.10835709


>Maybe you are confusing her with someone else

Yes, I'm an idiot.

>> No.10835714

Who did you think she was?

>> No.10835725
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I thought she was Maria, I'm an idiot, seriously.

>> No.10835731

Don't worry, I thought the same

>> No.10835743

Who do you like better?

I love Maria, but Midori is just adorable.

>> No.10835784
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Holy fuck, I just realized Nozomi is cuter than Midori. I didn't realize it before because she didn't have a sprite.

>> No.10835795



>> No.10835803

Why Maria?

>> No.10835815

Midori > Maria > Satoko >>>>> Rika > Loli Ange

Man, I hate loli versions of old characters. I don't know why.

>> No.10835843

Rich fuck.
Autistic fuck.
Sick fuck.
Cute nonexistent character.
>Loli Ange
Hate the little bitch.

Dlanor is clearly the best because she is a KID.

>> No.10835841

I like it how my list would pretty much be the same except the other way around

>> No.10835856


I just like her more, maybe because she's also MARIA, I don't really know.

>> No.10835924
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1812387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midori is better because she doesn't have developmental problems. Also, she is pretty and her dress is beautiful.

>> No.10835928

Speaking of MARIA, what happened to her at the end? Is she real in the metaworld, or just part of the fantasy in the gameboards?

>> No.10836029

I hate Higanbana fanart with a passion.

They just keep drawing the girls with breasts. HUGE ones. They are elementary schoolers, for fuck's sake. Stop it.

>> No.10836197

>Midori is better because she doesn't have developmental problems.

Sometimes, you don't need to answer to a post. You just need to quote this post, to fully demonstrate it's full stupidity.

>> No.10836202

>Is she real in the metaworld, or just part of the fantasy in the gameboards?


>> No.10836254

Sorry, I don't like autistic girls. That doesn't make me stupid.

Enjoy your defective lolis.

>> No.10836297

Midori is delusional you piece of fuck.

>> No.10836489

Flurry, reread it nerd.

>> No.10840302

Midori is beyond autistic, way into 'what the fuck is wrong with her' territory. Did you even read Higanbana? (Someone post Midori_ahegao.png, I don't have it saved.)

Wow, that's really out of character.

>> No.10840487

Magic exists in Higanbana. She is not autistic.

>> No.10840504
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>> No.10841059

Nozomi a shit.

>> No.10841611

What a fat loser.

>> No.10847539

Satoko bullies everyone, so maybe.

>> No.10847573

George is /r9k/'s peice.
