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File: 523 KB, 1154x2362, persona_3_elizabeth_by_izanagi_0xxi-d5an513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10831797 No.10831797 [Reply] [Original]

Today I felt lonely that I cried into my Elizabeth Dakimakura

>> No.10831804


>> No.10831810
File: 135 KB, 728x1096, elizabeth_by_martinwongarts-d4w5zhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live by myself. All I have is Elizabeth.

>> No.10831822

that's what you get for worshipping 2D

>> No.10831830


>> No.10831882
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Elizabeth is perfect. She will always be my angel.

>> No.10831904
File: 460 KB, 1066x2000, Elizabeth.(PERSONA.3).full.507209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I actually see her and can talk to her. Her touches feel so real. When I'm out with her I sometimes forget she isn't real and people give me strange looks for talking to someone who isn't there.

>> No.10831911

You need to go to a hospital.

>> No.10832078

Where did you get it? I kinda want one.

>> No.10832092

Elizabeth is one of my favorites

I like Yukari more than her though

>> No.10832111
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Good luck with that.

>> No.10832120

Chihiro & Ayane > Other Persona whores.

>> No.10832154


One of those sites where you upload an image and a company will send you a dakimakura based on your image. You may have to commission some artist if you want the character in a specific pose

>> No.10832161
File: 108 KB, 667x1000, 1366777803017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I've been in isolation for years. The only time I talk to someone is at work or someone that works at a register. I haven't seen my friends in month.

>> No.10832169

Bullshit, humans can't really go more than a week or two without talking to people who are close to them like friends or family. I refuse to believe you've done it for a month and aren't hospitalized.

>> No.10832196
File: 659 KB, 1600x1283, 1367043500151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't seen my friends as in never seen them or person. I only have about 1 or 2 friends I keep in contact with. When I do talk to them, it's just short conversations over text or IM.

I live by myself. My family lives in a different state.

>> No.10832205


*them in person

>> No.10832207


sooooooo edgy

>> No.10832220


Yukari is the purest.

>> No.10832222
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How is that edgy?

>> No.10832223
File: 99 KB, 640x448, fullslutmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihiro was a complete slut once you got her to warm up to you (and batshit crazy before that).

Yuko was the best persona.

>> No.10832229


She seems like the type that calls you 'daddy' in bed.

>> No.10832235


She figuratively begged for his D that moment.

>> No.10832237
File: 335 KB, 640x1790, takecareofken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Akihiko

>> No.10832240


Epic post /v/ro.

>> No.10832242


He was pretty cool. You'd think he would be swimming in pussy but I liked how timid he was.

>> No.10832244


Ken should have been a teen too.

>> No.10832250

>You'd think he would be swimming in pussy
He could be. He literally had a fan club at school. He'd just rather practice his boxing and fight shadows.

>> No.10832253


Can't you make Ken your shota bf in the psp version with the female MC? I haven't played that but it's what I read.

>> No.10832254


that fan club that only showed up once in the game.

>> No.10832263

The club gets super jealous of you if you play as FeMC in P3P.

>> No.10832265
File: 41 KB, 640x448, 37-Persona3-12-132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If male protag can marry Maiko, then female protag can /ss/ with ken

>> No.10832273


>> No.10832282


I kind of regret not playing the PSP version. I was stuck with FES.

>> No.10832291

Best girl is that girl outside the laboratory.

>> No.10832303


the best girl is always the one you can't romance

>> No.10832308
File: 180 KB, 1024x768, 1363413871457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10832321

I am at 12/25. how long until the ending? I am bored as fuck.
I have around 60 hours on it already.

Level 71, with my Dominion level 69 with all stats to 99 excluding endurance, which is around 76 I believe..

>> No.10832329


You're at the end. January is the last month. During the last month, all you do is prepare for the final battle. Rank up whatever social links you can.

Null charm.

A good level to face the final boss is in the early to mid 70's. Any higher and the final fight is easy.

>> No.10832330

>I am bored as fuck.
I'll never understand why people continue to play games that bore them.

>> No.10832334


because so many people say the game is good and people keep playing to find out what the good part is and when it's too late, they might as well finish up the game to see how the story unfolds.

>> No.10832336

What skills should I have, I only have Mazionga and Agi, cuz getting skill cards is boring as fuck.

I do have that thunder call item and I tried to fight The Death when I was around level 69 and got killed. Is this one of those where it can only be killed after something story driver happens?

>> No.10832368


The final boss cycles through every arcana, remember which arcana is strong and weak against each arcana.

>> No.10832388

I just know electricity is weak against ice.

Can I win?

>> No.10832918

Fuuka is my favorite and that means she's the best

>> No.10832962

I played this game when I had really bad depression and it made me feel like I had real friends

I can't really enjoy playing it anymore because I played for more than 400+ hours but I enjoy watching the story segments again on youtube

>> No.10833345

Persona is one of the games I enjoy, but would never play again.

Story really drags and nothing really happens. It really did feel like I spent a school year.

>> No.10833735

Magic boost spam morning star if you're lazy.

Fuuka really should shut the fuuk up. God I hated that bitch. Never got a good oracle either

>> No.10834025

I wish I had a tulpa waifu so badly. You're lucky in that regard.
