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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10830824 No.10830824 [Reply] [Original]

So now I've planned to build up a touhou themed cafe/restaurant. Will Zun sue me for using his work without permission? I only intend to do this as a hobby.

>> No.10830830

I need to sleep now. Will check this later.

>> No.10830833

Why not go for a whole Touhou themed theme park?

>> No.10830837

Whats the purpose of a touhou themed café when all the NEETs who play touhou stay at home ?

Try it with a delivery service.

>> No.10830839

I wonder what kind of filth would gather in a place like this

>> No.10830844

Current /a/ userbase.

>> No.10830847

So 75% of /jp/'s userbase ?

>> No.10830856

I will say 85% and I'm really optimistic.

>> No.10830864

I find it interesting that "loli" is written on Keine's hat

>> No.10830865

We should do a survey. But since no one would answer from themselve honestly. we need to think of something else.

A hidden "survey"; a virus spreading through /jp/ and collecting data which imageboard the usual /jp/sie browses.

>> No.10830868

>as a hobby

>> No.10830869

>NEET delivery service

We won't even ring the bell so you don't have to face the delivery man! Pay by credit card and we'll leave your package at your door.

>> No.10830870

>>as a hobby
Exactly what I thought.

>> No.10830871 [DELETED] 

What if I live in a commie block?

>> No.10830872

I'd pay money for this!

>> No.10830873

But if you don't ring, how do we know when you're leaving stuff at our door?

>> No.10830875

You get an e-mail, 5 minutes after the deliveryman left the scene.

>> No.10830876

When we hear stray cats spreading the rotten food all over the sidewalk we'll know it's there.

>> No.10830877

That's a pretty good service but you should make it a minute later, because 5 minutes is enough time for stuff to get cold or for your begrudged neighbour to spit on the delivery or steal it.

>> No.10830879
File: 84 KB, 500x667, 1365608128544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN would give approval if it was a pub/brewery

And in Europe

speaking of which, any ZUN otaku on just now?

>> No.10830880

Houses should have a delivery room where people could deliver stuff for me to pick up. You would have a lock specifically for the delivery people so they could just stock you up whenever.

>> No.10830882

But you could see the deliveryman, leaving or driving away.

You might even get eye-contact with him.

Make it 3 minutes. Thats enough time to leave your place.

>> No.10830889
File: 86 KB, 480x735, zun beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to taste ZUN's beer.

>> No.10830891

I'm European and I love beer.
What's the best way to contact ZUN about this?

>> No.10830893
File: 163 KB, 530x380, chickadee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the little birds are chirping "ecksa-dee-dee-dee-dee..."

>> No.10830895

Make it customizable to adjust everyone's needs.

>> No.10830920

I intend to open a german restaurant in Japan somewhen in the next 5 years.

Makes it easier for ZUN to become a regular.

Come with me, I could use somebody who can speak english with me, since my moonrune is wacky. I would get lonley too.

>> No.10830934
File: 1.65 MB, 1464x1380, onitachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can I come? I don't know German but I know beer

>> No.10830937

sounds legit

>> No.10830939

I'm german and I don't know beer. But cooking and restaurant managing.

Thats beyond ridicilous, I know. But all these mix-beers making their rounds ruined beer for me entirely.

>> No.10830949
File: 449 KB, 569x928, hakurei reimu drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to have a Bar Eastern of my own someday.

>> No.10831009

I like roleplaying on /jp/ too, OP.

One time I said I was going to build them a manor. The fools believed me!

>> No.10831463

It's always best to cover your ass (which somehow seems like an odd statement to make on /jp, but whatever).
I'm not saying you shouldn't open it if you want to, but you should at least tell ZUN about it and what your intentions are.

>> No.10831487

Don't identify it as a touhou cafe, they cant stop you from displaying touhou art and such, but they can say whether you are damaging the 2hu name by calling your business that

>> No.10831494

Oh god, can't unhear now.

>> No.10832473

Im srs man, I have already 200k buck initial capital in my pocket.

Yes, much similar to this

alright then, ill try to contact him for this. But well have anyone of you guys even tried to contack him btw even giving a greeting letter on his birthday.

actually, i don't expect to make it a profitable venture. Also i intend to make the theme feel classy or retroish.

>> No.10832478

Is Sune an alcoholic?

>> No.10832537

2 out of every 3 restaurants fail in it's first year, remember that.

People will blow so much shit into this, most have no idea how to run a business or cook.
In the end you'll probably have to disguise the place as a whorehouse and have some cheap sluts dress up as 2hus to keep the place running.

>> No.10832588
File: 160 KB, 437x597, 1357717327307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets roleplay for a moment then

where would you locate it (big city like NYC, strip mall in suburban alabama, etc)
how much are you willing to spend for the actual start-up (material acquisition)
how much are you willing to bleed for the first few months (you'll lose money the first few months)
what exactly will it make it a 2hu cafe/restaurant
will there be cute waitresses wearing 2hu cosplay? (which equals financial suicide)
what will you do once it fails

>> No.10832597 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 223x289, 1364949232130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, will you hire milk as your hear chef?

>> No.10832949

>>where would you locate it (big city like NYC, strip mall in suburban alabama, etc)
not in murrica sir

>>how much are you willing to spend for the actual start-up (material acquisition)
i already said this, 200k converted to u.s dollars

>>how much are you willing to bleed for the first few months (you'll lose money the first few months)
i actually make passive income on investments so money isn't a big issue to me.

>>what exactly will it make it a 2hu cafe/restaurant
on entrance a lifesize reimu figure holding a (functional)donation box. Inside plenty of toho merchs (mostly from my collection) but I don't want it to look like some sort of generic "otaku" room full of posters or stuff. I want things to stay classy and elegant. May occasionally hold events such as game tournaments or other gathering or meetups.

>>will there be cute waitresses wearing 2hu cosplay? (which equals financial suicide)
what will you do once it fails
well yes, Actually somebody already build up an "animu" themed resto/bar here but it's kinda look like some cheapo but it still really sells well. I just want to build up a place where i can hang out with my fellow tohofags or a place where i can stay aside from the house.

>> No.10832965

>not in murrica sir
you already lost. Muslims are well known for hating weeaboo shit, and if you're not in murrika, you either live in a third world shithole or europe

>> No.10833055

yes there are some muslims here and i saw plenty of them liked weaboo shit. And well i just do this for fun not for profit and i think its much better than buying a custom gold Reimu statue.

>> No.10833067

where does all the touhou doujin come from?
I see random stuff being posted here and there, but is there a blog or a site where it all comes from?

>> No.10833066

That's either
1. plain wrong, or
2. just because of the stupid street vendor shits selling new copies of old obviously pornographic manga that's been translated into whichever yurropeen language

>> No.10833108
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, here in Korea there are tons of themed cafes. Lots of them have anime figures all over. there's even a women's jewelry store here who displays all of its merchandise on DBZ busts. I think the key is to theme it, but not name it after or directly reference the source to avoid copyright infringement.

Here's a picture of our local Miyazaki restaurant.

>> No.10833160

Qoreans stealing things from Japan? I'll be damned.

>> No.10833400


Everything Korean has been stolen from Japan. Go to a Korean restaurant here and their korean dishes are typically omurice, tonkatsu, or kimbap (korean sushi)
