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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 300x300, cocksucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
108302 No.108302 [Reply] [Original]

So as I was boasting about a place I found to download anime in Arabic my father started yelling at me for nothing:

"Why don't you get any friends!?! You have no friends,all you do is watch cartoon and sleep."

I feel so fucken' mad at that cocksucker for believing I actually chose this lifestyle. Right now I feel like getting a knife and stab him in the throat,and watch him die slow and painfully.

>> No.108307

You are a loser.

>> No.108314

Everything you are and ever will be, is the result of the choices you make in life.

>> No.108317

P.S. do it faggot

>> No.108323

Allah, please ban this fucking sand nigger.

>> No.108324

Always hide your powerlevel.

>> No.108343

Kill your dad, make new friends in prison.

>> No.108357

Link please.

>> No.108366

underage b&

>> No.108373

I don't get it, rooster sucker?

>> No.108376

It costs 15 CAD to download pr. month. But there's always a free show to download each month. This month it's El Namer El Moqanna


>> No.108383

Kill your dad and join a terrorist organization, then deny god and go to China. You're guaranteed to get a giant robot.

>> No.108384


>> No.108496

It's cock sucker. Inacse you didn't know cock is another work for rooster.

>> No.108493

Poultry sucker, I think.

You ARE a loser, get out and make some friends, or at least start doing something that will lead to having friends.

>> No.108503

grow up

>> No.108508

I can't decide if you're being meta or just stupid.

>> No.108518

Is 4chan a good start?

>> No.108526

Good job at falling for a known troll tripfag's trollbait.

>> No.108593

But nobody wants to be my friend :(

>> No.108778


It's because you're arabic.

>> No.108800
File: 16 KB, 300x350, 1204319632925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends are overrated, but at least try and get lots of acquaintances so you can use them for references in work.

Also, watching videos is cool, but do try and devote some of your time to other interests to give your life a more well-rounded edge.

Lastly, move the hell out of your house, because it sure sounds like you still live at home. Get a shitty cheap place and be the king of your own home.

>> No.108804
File: 36 KB, 389x423, 1204319710844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, there I go assuming you're living in civilized country. If you're in the Arab world, go grab a suicide vest and get them virgins!

>> No.108846

Sucker Rooster?
It this a Japanese brand of Corn Flakes?

>> No.108858
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 1204320407584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.108864

This is so totally racist. Not all arabs are terrorists who wear suicide vests, you know.

Some of them carry their bombs in their backpacks.

>> No.108867

Yes,I live with my parents,which is not in an Arabic country for your information.

>> No.109848

