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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 82 KB, 480x474, mimas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10809111 No.10809111 [Reply] [Original]

i can already feel it...

>> No.10809125

Better get a new picture of the cover, OP. Someone seems to have spilled purple paint on it.

>> No.10809122

never coming

>> No.10809133
File: 228 KB, 600x600, 0c8f14632b0cf6eaf7155f27f346c883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give her a break

>> No.10809140


>> No.10809149
File: 108 KB, 480x474, 42166d224f4a20a48992639291529822730ed0d3_zps87070aea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you take a close look you will see two sprits
the hakurei shrine god and mima

>> No.10809156

can you see when the game comes out

>> No.10809164

26 may

>> No.10809186
File: 208 KB, 612x771, 5e0ce791adf34ee710e45f81ef1a6e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time

>> No.10809199

Mima was foreverial sealed away after the events of MS. She will never return

>> No.10809206

[citation needed]

>> No.10809214

I called ZUN and he confirmed it

>> No.10809240

I traced the wrong thing too the first time, OP.

>> No.10809282

The game is coming out pretty quickly considering that they have to do everything from scratch and can't re-use a single thing form SWR. I thought it wouldn't be out before October.

>> No.10809317

Foreverial sealed away, never to return, she's ghostly ghost foreverial tied up, human souls prisons, and she doesn't like it, foreverial never returning, tied up.

>> No.10809323

Thats why this game is going to have a very small character rooster.

>> No.10809345

12 at best i'm guessing. 3 Tao, 3 Buddhist, 3 Moriya, Reimu, Marisa and the new character on the cover. If they rushed the game, they'll cut every 3 down to a 2.

>> No.10810494
File: 207 KB, 457x258, village_dudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gut feeling there won't be any Moriyas in this game. They have every single reason to get involved with the plot, but they're no where to be seen in the intro and Sanae wasn't in the demo with Marisa and Reimu.

My guess is that there'll be 3 Buddhists, 3 Taoists, Marisa, Reimu and a new girl. So 9 playables total.

Other than that, I've been thinking that Kasen might be in it, because WaHH climaxing just as this game getting released could or could not be a coincidence. Plus the four figures seen terrorizing humans in the intro could be a reference to the four Devas, even if it might just as well be reference to the history of youkai and human relations in general.

Anyway, I think it could be funny if the new character is one of those horrors that the Enma send after those that cheat death.

>> No.10810550


I'll be upset if there aren't any Moriyas. I'll have absolutely no one to play as. Well, exaggeration aside, I liked playing as Sakuya and Sanae. Sanae gone means I'll be stuck choosing between Reimu and Marisa. Well, the other playables might be interesting but I'd end up going into it somewhat halfheartedly.

>> No.10810553

The game is coming out in may?! That's faster than I thought! I thought it'd come out on summer comiket.

>> No.10810561

I agree that it would be saddening if they weren't represented, I'm just saying what I think, not what I want. But who knows, maybe Sanae will be in it, she just wasn't in the demo because of time restraints.

Anyway, I really think you should give the other characters a chance! I personally really love the TD and UFO casts, so I think you should be able to find someone you'd like to play as.

>> No.10810570


Well, it's not that I won't give the others a chance. I used a decent chunk of the cast in Soku, but there's gotta be a character that makes me go woah, I really wanna play as her. And then I stick with them because they're great. No Sanae or Kanako would make me lose that since they're the only ones I see getting in out of who I really want. Otherwise I might just see what Futo is up to.

>> No.10810583

>I have a gut feeling there won't be any Moriyas in this game.
Bullshit. They are the main trigger of the events from the last games, there's no way there will be nobody from Moriya, the minimum that they'll dispatch is Sanae.

>> No.10810596 [DELETED] 



>> No.10810611

I believe Sanae wasn't in the demo because they used Ichirin to get attention. After all, Sanae being in a fighting game again won't surprise anyone as much as Ichirin making her fighting debut. Not including anyone from Moriya shrine would be pretty weird after stuff like SOPM already showed all 3 religious leaders together. It would be a total waste.

Though knowing how lazy devs like to get and the whole "we must rush the game because of deadlines", i wouldn't be surprised if they did something like adding only Sanae for Moriya, with Kanako and Suwako as assist only.

>> No.10810637

>I believe Sanae wasn't in the demo because they used Ichirin to get attention.
Yeah, basically what I meant when I said they cut her because of time restraints. They could only finish 3 characters, focusing on a third main character instead of a 3rd new character would be stupid. But of course that is assuming they see Sanae as a 3rd main character, maybe they don't.

>Though knowing how lazy devs like to get and the whole "we must rush the game because of deadlines", i wouldn't be surprised if they did something like adding only Sanae for Moriya, with Kanako and Suwako as assist only.
I wouldn't be surprised at all. They might basically try to focus on getting as many new characters as possible into the game. Which I think is a good thing, even if time-constraints in itself really isn't. Personally I'd be more than a little bugged if we end up with a small rooster and a few too many old characters taking up slots.

>> No.10810717

You are stupid for thinking that Sanae won't be playable.

>> No.10810753

You have a point. I just don't feel like the Moriya Shrine will be that important to the story with the little information we have. Everyone still seems to assume they'll be in it though, but with the game being released so soon I wouldn't expect a big rooster = I wouldn't expect anyone but the characters already confirmed in the intro.

But I agree that Sanae still has good chances of making it into the game. We'll know in a month.

>> No.10810787
File: 115 KB, 480x474, mima is back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mima is back
Thank you ZUN.

>> No.10810816

With those 5 spirit/ball-things hovering around her like that, should someone be able to deduce something about the new character's origin/basis?

>> No.10810835

What if it's just patchouli and the 5 spirit/ball things are representations of the 5 elements?

>> No.10810911
File: 48 KB, 600x600, newtouhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a cleaned one on /40/

>> No.10810936
File: 52 KB, 288x454, NPM ri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that actually happens to be Mima with fucking legs I'll shoot ZUN myself.

>> No.10810947

It does actually kinda look like her.

>> No.10811233

I suppose then at least the gameplay and character moves will be quite polished.
